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Chapter 437 Zhao Keke's [-] fans, Niu Dafa

Chapter 437 Zhao Keke's Million Fans, Niu Dafa

After playing in the live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I'm already at the house."

Vice President Du's tone was very excited.

The brand-new villa is more than 500 square meters, and it is still located near the third ring road and the second ring road. To put it simply, the starting price of such a house is 8000 million!
I'm calling here now, and I also want to see what arrangements Brother Xiao Xiao has for me, so I can't just be idle after coming here, right?
No matter how you put it, you have to be worthy of Brother Xiao Xiao's cultivation.

Vice President Du did not expect to arrive at Liu Xiao so early. Liu Xiao originally thought that the earliest would be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

However, it's a good thing that Vice President Du is here now. The past two days happen to be relatively busy, so Vice President Du can take over part of the work.

"Are you satisfied with the house?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you can arrange for me what's going on these two days. With such a high annual salary, I'm too embarrassed to spend my time at home."

Vice President Du scratched his hair in embarrassment.

Liu Xiao thought about it.

"Old Du, you should have Brother Hua's phone number, right?"

"Yes, I used to keep in touch with Huya when I was in Huya, but the relationship was not very good."

Daheng's previous business model did not match his development philosophy. When he was in Huya, he often targeted Daheng, and the two sides did not deal with it very much.

However, Brother Hua is a local snake in the capital. Vice President Du still knows this, but he doesn't know what Brother Xiao Xiao's intention is at this time.

"Well, you can contact Laohua later. Tomorrow, he and Xiaohuya are going to inspect the new office for me. You can go with them. By the way, there is another person on my side who is going to go there. In the next two days, you will Slowly hand over the work from her."

Liu Xiao has 100% confidence in Vice President Du's ability, otherwise he would not have paid such a high price to bring Vice President Du over. Liu Ning Group was handed over to Vice President Du, Liu Xiao was quite at ease.

"Brother Hua is going to inspect the office tomorrow?"

Vice President Du opened his mouth in disbelief.

He was really a little confused by this situation.

Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao have never dealt with each other very much, including on the Huya platform, both are in a competitive mode, wishing to kill each other at once, but according to what Brother Xiao Xiao just said, Brother Hua is now Working under Brother Xiao Xiao?

Even if brother Xiao Xiao created a giant like Liu Ning Group, it's a bit too exaggerated, right?
"You will understand when you get in touch tomorrow."

Liu Xiao laughed.

"Okay, I'll contact Brother Hua later."

Vice President Du nodded fiercely.

In any case, he and Brother Hua were conflicts in terms of business management. Now that Brother Hua was also in Brother Xiao Xiao's camp, there was no need for any conflict between the two of them.

Vice President Du is ready to be made things difficult by Brother Hua.

But who cares, as long as the Liu Ning Group can be handed over to him, it doesn't matter if Brother Hua or not.

"I've been quite busy these two days. After I've been busy for a while, I'll be the host. Please sit down with me."

After a few polite words, Liu Xiao hung up the phone.

At present, Liu Xiao's team is quite comprehensive.

On the side of Liu Ning Group, Qu Yue is still in charge at the moment, but it will only take a few days to hand it over to Vice President Du, and the middle-level management and grass-roots personnel there are almost in place. The researchers who were recruited before and so on , and all of them have been merged into the new company Qianlong.

As for the new company, Qianlong, the main person in charge, Qu Yue, two deputies, brother Hua and Xiao Huya, plus Mr. Ren and Mr. Du are behind the scenes to help, and there are more than 500 researchers in the research institute, plus thousands of special talents from Huawei.

As for the middle-level management, Mr. Du and Mr. Ren also dispatched people from both sides, not to mention the factory side. Mr. Du is watching over there. It is definitely a green card all the way. It is expected that the first production line will be assembled tomorrow. When the time comes, go directly there.

Liu Xiao thought about it, and now he is the backbone who is the most free. Although he still has to run around for a few days, after things get on the right track, he, the chairman, will have nothing to do. At most, he often goes to the research institute to guide and guide the work What.

"Hi brother-in-law!"

Liu Xiao was contemplating when he was suddenly awakened by a soft shout from behind.

"Brother-in-law, what are you thinking?"

Zhao Keke grinned, and sat down beside Liu Xiao with a big grin.

"Why are you so happy today? Let me guess. Could it be the video your sister made with you that made you more popular?"

Liu Xiao turned his head and joked.

"That's for sure. How could it be ineffective if my sister stepped in?"

Zhao Keke stuck out her little tongue.

"Brother-in-law, guess how many fans I have gained since last night?"

"I can't guess that, just tell me."

"Guess, guess!"

Zhao Keke pulled Liu Xiao's arm and shook it, pouted in anticipation.

"I really can't help you."

Liu Xiao was shaken helplessly, so he could only guess at will.

Zhao Ning's current Huya live broadcast account, Xiaojuzi, currently has tens of millions of fans, and her influence is definitely not small.

Coupled with some song fans and so on, there should be quite a lot of fans on the whole network.

But as far as the Douyin platform is concerned, it is estimated that Zhao Ning’s fans are still slightly small. After all, there is no Douyin account, and Zhao Keke only posted the video for a whole day, and the video was not recorded at a professional level like a recording studio. If it is done in the laboratory, the effect will be worse.

Liu Xiao originally estimated that Zhao Keke should be able to gain tens of thousands of fans in three or four days, but in one day, it is estimated that it will be around [-] to [-].

"Do you have ten thousand?"

"Less, keep guessing."

"Twenty thousand?"

"It's still less, hee hee!"

"Thirty thousand?"

"Less less less!"

Seeing that Zhao Keke still said it was less than [-], Liu Xiao was indeed a little surprised.

A random short video that gained more than [-] followers in a day?

This is a bit too exaggerated.

"Okay, I won't test you. I can tell at a glance that you haven't watched Douyin today. This video of mine has jumped to the top of the current hot list."

Zhao Keke triumphantly took out his phone and turned it on.

The video is the chorus part of a song "Fenghe" sung by Zhao Keke and Zhao Ning, and Zhao Keke's soundtrack was added later.

Although the sound recorded outdoors is a bit noisy, but after adding the soundtrack, there is a kind of outdoor beauty.

The voices of both of them are very good, Liu Xiao found it really nice after listening to it at first.

But these are not the most important, Liu Xiao looked at the number of likes in the red heart in the lower right corner.


"12 comments, 20 forwards?"


Even Liu Xiao couldn't hold back and said shit.

Although Liu Xiao doesn't brush Douyin much, he also knows how popular a video must be to reach this number of likes.

And you know, it's only been a day since the video was posted!
The likes of short videos increase the prime time, but three days to one week!
Even if the number of likes is a little less in the next few days, it will definitely be no problem to reach 600 million.

On the Douyin platform, except for superstars like Andy Lau who have settled in, or super fan accounts like Renmin Ribao who can easily reach this number of likes, currently, those who can achieve this data are all top-tier big streamers. Anchor!

Another possibility is that the Sichuan government may observe this account.

Liu Xiao frowned, and clicked on the background of Zhao Keke's account.

The background playback volume is 2600 million+, and the current total number of fans is 134 million+.


"This is a bit too perverted."

Liu Xiao clicked his tongue.

"Hahaha, brother-in-law, you didn't expect that, I'm already a millionaire, if I hadn't turned off the private message function in time, my phone would have exploded."

Seeing Liu Xiao's expression, Zhao Keke laughed happily.

She didn't expect that her video would have such a big influence. She woke up and went to school last night. She didn't actually watch the backstage of Douyin. During the military training break at school, she saw many people running towards her to ask for help. Signed, and asked her if she could get her sister's autographed photo, she faintly felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, after returning to the dormitory during the lunch break and opening the backstage of Douyin, I saw the data that almost exploded.

If he hadn't turned off the private message function decisively, the phone probably wouldn't be able to resist coming back to the small courtyard in Kyoto.

And what she didn't expect was that there were only more than 100 million likes at noon, but by the evening, the number of likes had reached more than 300 million, and the number of fans directly exceeded one million!
For a small blogger like her, it was a huge surprise to suddenly achieve this.

At the same time, Douyin's star function and the official private message contract were all smashed.

She didn't know how to make a choice, so she ran back immediately after the military training, and was going to ask her elder sister and brother-in-law for their opinions.

Liu Xiao has registered with Liu Ning Media since accepting Lehua, and knows a little about these things in the industry.

It goes without saying what it means to have an account that soars 100 million followers a day.

To put it simply, on the short video platform Douyin, the price of Starway for millions of fans is 5 yuan for one advertising video. Even if you receive two advertisements a month, you can still earn a steady income of 10 yuan.

Moreover, the Xingtu mini program activities, broadcast volume activities, and live broadcast income, during the hot live broadcast period, it is no problem to make 70 million a month. Even if the live broadcast is in the flat period, it will be at least 20 a month.

What's more, it's impossible for Zhao Keke's account to only have 100 million fans, and it's estimated that breaking through 200 million or even 300 million may take only two days.

If you sign an official contract with Douyin and get traffic promotion, it is estimated that reaching 500 million fans is not a big problem.

At that time, the annual income may be much higher than that of Vice President Du, who has worked hard in the workplace for half his life.

As for the content of the live broadcast, that's even more of a problem. Sister Zhao Ning's booing is not a flash in the pan from the perspective of passers-by. Even if Zhao Ning wants to, she can occasionally go out of the country in the live broadcast room or something.

"What contract did Douyin give you?"

"Big God, Doubi is divided into five and five, but the contract period is two years, and the annual contract fee is 200 million, and there are various traffic support plans."

"It seems that the Douyin platform values ​​you quite a lot. They gave you 200 million a year's signing fee just after it became popular."

Liu Xiao laughed.

200 million per year means that if you don’t do anything every month, you will have an income of 400 to [-]. In two years, it will be [-] million. Even if Zhao Keke is free, the income is enough for her to spend half her life comfortably .

But for a first-year student, there seems to be no reason to refuse such a generous offer.

Of course, Liu Xiao certainly didn't think that Douyin was crazy for doing this, and guessed it was because of Zhao Ning's joining.

It is not difficult to see from this video that Zhao Ning's current popularity in the entire network is much higher than expected by all parties. Even he, who often plays in Huya, has wrongly estimated Zhao Ning's current popularity in the entire network.

As for Douyin, it is estimated that Zhao Keke will be used as an introduction to see if Zhao Ning can be signed.

Zhao Ning is not a signed host of Huya platform, as long as Zhao Ning and Lehua agree, they can create a Douyin account while taking care of Huya's live broadcast.

"But that's right, Huya has invested in so many promotions on the whole network and all channels, plus Zhao Ning's so many songs are still on the hot song charts, it is understandable to have this enthusiasm."

Liu Xiao smiled wryly.

Some people are born to be stars, and they can leave their names on the whole network with just a small promoter and no capital operation at all.

Liu Xiao still wanted to use Liu Ning Media to run Zhao Ning's stardom, but this has not yet started, and Zhao Ning herself has become popular all over the Internet.

Invisibly, hundreds of millions of promotion fees have been saved unknowingly, and it can also bring a lot of profits.

"Well, you don't have to think about the conditions of Douyin. I have opened a media company here. If you trust me, I will sign here. As for Douyin, there will naturally be a professional manager to discuss it. I will give it to you in the future." You are equipped with a professional team to cooperate with you in various shootings, and only serve you alone."

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao still planned to personally operate Zhao Keke's stardom.

Zhao Keke has just entered the school, and at present the main thing is to study. Once he signs a contract with Douyin, many things are out of his control.

After all, Zhao Keke's current foundation is still too weak, and he hasn't systematically learned singing skills and various singing methods. It is unrealistic to think about reaching the sky in one step.

"Your media company?"

"Brother-in-law, don't you own a hot pot restaurant? Why do you have a media company?"

Zhao Keke was full of disbelief, thinking that Liu Xiao was joking with her.

"Ke Ke, you should listen to your brother-in-law. Now my Lehua trade union here in Huya belongs to the media company under your brother-in-law."

Zhao Ning came out to pour a glass of water during the live broadcast, and happened to see Liu Xiao and Zhao Keke talking about it.

She was on the comma account today, and many people were posting her sister's barrage in the live broadcast room, so it was hard to know.

The current Liu Ning Group already has the prototype of a behemoth, and the capital support of its subsidiary Liu Ning Media is even more unimaginable.

Furthermore, this company is still Liu Xiao's company, so if my younger sister joins in, she doesn't have to worry about encountering any unspoken rules.

No matter from which direction, it is the best choice for Zhao Keke to join Liu Ning Media.

As for money.
Liu Xiao may be bad at everything, but money should be the worst thing, right?

(End of this chapter)

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