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Chapter 438 The conditions are open at will, brother-in-law I am very good!

Chapter 438 The conditions are open at will, brother-in-law I am very good!
Liu Xiao was angry and funny. Since he got the system, this was the first time he was disbelieved.

Without hesitation, Liu Xiao released his trump card directly.

"My Liu Ning Media currently has a total investment of 3000 billion, which will increase to [-] billion within a year. It mainly focuses on the development of music and film and television, and the most important thing is that it is a subsidiary of Liu Ning Group. , the current valuation of the whole group is around [-] billion.”

"How about it, do you want to come?"

"Liu Ning Group?!"

"That's right, Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning, Liu Ning and Liu Ning, why didn't I think of that!"

Zhao Keke screamed, and looked at Liu Xiao in disbelief.

The news of Liu Ning Group has spread from the technology circle in the past two days, and the virtual disk server project is even more popular on the Internet, almost everyone knows about it.

She had never thought about it in this direction, but when Liu Xiao mentioned it now, she immediately thought of it.

Thinking that such a huge group company is actually owned by her brother-in-law, Zhao Keke suddenly felt that the world was crazy.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, brother-in-law Xiao Xiao, is Brother Xiao Xiao also you?"

Zhao Keke felt dizzy for a while.

Liu Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao.

Although Liu Xiao smiled and didn't say anything, Zhao Keke knew that the matter had been confirmed.

She worked as a field controller in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room during the summer vacation, so she naturally knows about Huya's affairs very well. This brother Xiao Xiao, who is incomparably awesome, can earn a billion dollars in a single month.

Unexpectedly, these people turned out to be one person, and this person was his brother-in-law!

"Come, come, I will definitely come, brother-in-law, you must sign me, my future stardom depends on you!"

Zhao Keke hugged Liu Xiao's arm like a sloth.

Zhao Keke couldn't help but pull Zhao Keke off Liu Xiao.

"Okay, okay, your brother-in-law is here, can you run away?"

"I don't, what if my brother-in-law really runs away." Zhao Keke shook his head again and again, looking at Liu Xiao, his eyes were already full of little stars.

Zhao Ning felt helpless for a while.

With a quiet nature, she somehow has such an escaped younger sister.

Now Zhao Keke knows why Liu Xiao can let the school teacher open the door for him with a phone call. As the founder of Liu Ning Group, this will not scare a lot of people to death?
"As long as you know my identity, don't talk about it outside, and when you go out in the future, try to bring security with you."

The people around Liu Xiao were originally equipped with security equipment, but Zhao Keke didn't know about it before, so the people around Zhao Keke were secretly protecting them.

Now that I know it, let the security follow me in the future.

"Xiao Ning, from the current point of view, with your online appeal, if you open a Douyin account, the number of fans will increase dramatically. I will contact Feifei later, and let them come up with a plan for specific operations. "

"I can do anything, as long as I can create songs quietly, and then do live broadcasts."

Zhao Ning nodded.

Her dream is to hold a concert before the age of 30.

Liu Xiao is also aware of this, so he has been praising Zhao Ning in this direction, and it seems to be very successful so far.

Maybe it won't take so long, maybe it will be successful by Zhao Ning's 22nd birthday.

"Hey, hey, brother-in-law, you haven't solved my problem yet. If you are in love with a concubine, can you talk about it at night?"

Seeing that the two were about to kiss each other, Zhao Keke quickly stopped them.

Spreading dog food in public, even my own sister, seemed a bit unbearable.

Liu Xiao glared at Zhao Keke in dissatisfaction, meaning that you are pestering your sister to sleep at night, what can I do as a brother-in-law, so I can't develop a relationship while it's still dark?

Zhao Ning blushed slightly.

"I went to the live broadcast first."

Zhao Ning's live broadcast will take a while, and it's not appropriate to run out for too long.

"Coco, let's discuss something."

Liu Xiao coughed lightly.

Zhao Keke moved her head curiously.

"Then what, can you stay in the guest room in the future?"

"Wow brother-in-law, I regard you as an idol, yet you want to sleep."

Zhao Keke stood up exaggeratedly, before he finished shouting, Liu Xiao gagged him.

"Keep your voice down, if you have any requirements, I will try my best to meet them."

Liu Xiao covered Zhao Keke's mouth with one hand and pressed Zhao Keke's shoulder with the other, almost gritting his teeth.

This guy Zhao Keke is very detached. When he was tutoring her homework before, he often played tricks. Liu Xiao has always treated Zhao Keke as his own sister, and the relationship between the two has always been relatively close.


Zhao Keke pointed to his mouth, signaling Liu Xiao to let go of his hand.

"Cough cough!"

Zhao Keke sat down on the sofa triumphantly.

"Brother-in-law, can I make a condition?"


Liu Xiao gritted his teeth and hummed softly.

If I had known earlier, I would not have called Brother Hua, and let her live in the campus so comfortable. Now I run there every day, and I have to occupy Zhao Ning at night, so that at night, he has nowhere to vent his energy.

"First of all, give me 2 yuan. I have no money to spend recently."

Zhao Keke pouted and spread his hands.

The corner of Liu Xiao's mouth twitched.

Girl, don't be like this, can you ask for more?

If you want to do this, your sister and I will feel uneasy when we have sex!


Liu Xiao readily agreed, opened WeChat, and transferred 5 yuan to Zhao Keke.

Liu Xiao's WeChat account is not bound to the card that does not limit spending, so he can only transfer a maximum amount of 5 yuan per day.

However, for a student, 5 yuan is indeed quite a lot. Zhao Keke's family conditions are relatively good since he was a child, and Liu Xiao is not afraid that Zhao Keke will mess with something after he has so much money, but it doesn't matter.

"Brother-in-law is generous."

Zhao Keke happily clicked to collect the money.

Although her family conditions are good, Zhao Ning's income is also high now, but her parents are often away, Zhao Ning manages her very strictly, and does not give her a little more than [-] yuan a month for living expenses.

Although it is not too little, but the money is always more.

"This amount of money is nothing to my brother-in-law. If you don't have any money in the future, just tell me. But remember, it's okay to spend money on things, but don't pretend to be rich in front of others, and don't go to those messy places to spend."


Zhao Keke glanced at the WeChat balance again, her eyes almost turned into crescents of laughter, she didn't care what Liu Xiao was talking about at all, and went to count her five-figure WeChat balance.

Liu Xiao suddenly had black lines.

"By the way, the first condition is completed, what about the rest?"

"Ah? What's left, I just have this one condition?"

Zhao Keke looked puzzled.

Liu Xiao took a deep breath.

You only have this one condition, so what did you just start with?
Resisting the urge to beat Zhao Keke to death, Liu Xiao felt good again.

Among other things, I spent 5 yuan to get rid of this sister-in-law, and I can sleep with Zhao Ning again in the future.


"By the way, you can change the ID of your account and add a suffix LN at the end. I will send the contract over there tomorrow."

"If you are a newcomer, let's start as a trainee. All the filming and recording teams will be assigned to you, and then the annual salary will be set at 100 million, which will be cashed out by the end of this year."

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao took advantage of the situation and arranged for Zhao Keke to sign the contract.

Zhao Keke is still in the study period, Liu Xiao doesn't want her to make her debut so early, she should train her for a year or two first, then she will make her debut at that time, maybe she will be another Zhao Ning.

At that time, two superstars in one family will feel exciting just thinking about it.

"Okay, brother-in-law, look at the arrangement, I'm going to shop on Taobao."

Zhao Keke chuckled, waved his hands, and walked bouncingly towards the second bedroom.

There was still some time before eating, and Zhao Keke's shopping desire had already exploded after just taking 5 yuan.

Those good-looking clothes usually have to be bought back!
Liu Xiao collapsed helplessly on the sofa.

What kind of weirdness is my little sister-in-law?

Douyin's millions of fans, the chairman's brother-in-law with a current market value of at least 4000 billion, his sister's net worth of tens of millions or hundreds of millions, and the signing conditions of future giant media companies, are they not as important as the 5 yuan?

To put it bluntly, he casually swiped a set of Huya No. 10 in the live broadcast room, but it cost [-] yuan
Feeling helpless for a while, Liu Xiao no longer wanted to watch the live broadcast.

The past two days have been relatively busy, and there is no activity on Huya, and Douyu is still recovering blood for Brother Shenhao, and Liu Xiao has not been to Douyu for a long time.

"If you have time, you can go to Douyin to play. After all, a new platform can reach [-] million users, which is really amazing."

After turning off the TV, Liu Xiao came to the study again, summarizing the procedures to be done at the factory tomorrow.

When everything was finished, Zhao Ning's live broadcast was almost over.

The aunt’s cooking skills are pretty good. The aunts here in the small courtyard in Kyoto are specially hired. Although their cooking skills are not as good as those of the chefs outside, they have the feeling of home-cooked food, and a meal is very comfortable.

After eating, Zhao Keke blinked at Liu Xiao, and ran to the back yard to record a video by himself.

"This little girl is on the road."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction, then picked up Zhao Ning, and rushed all the way to the master bedroom under Zhao Ning's exclamation.
Early the next morning, Zhao Keke ran over and knocked on the door.

Zhao Ning put on her clothes with a blushing face, and pinched Liu Xiao hard again.

It was so ruthless at night, if it wasn't for the distance between the guest bedroom and the master bedroom, Zhao Keke might have heard everything.

"Ke Ke, it's only past six o'clock, why are you yelling?"

Liu Xiao yawned, put on his clothes, and opened the door sleepily.

She slept too late last night, even with Liu Xiao's energy, she would still be a little dazed.

"Brother-in-law, Douyin sent me a private message just now, saying that the brokerage company has negotiated for me, the god made an appointment, the annual signing fee is 350 million, and the support plan has also been upgraded to a higher level!"

Zhao Keke jumped three feet high, and excitedly pulled Liu Xiao's arm to let Liu Xiao read the chat messages on the phone.

From last night until now, Zhao Keke posted another video. Although Zhao Ning was not present this time, the video was still popular, with more than [-] likes in one night, and the response was very enthusiastic.

Coupled with the popularity of yesterday's video, in just one and a half days, Zhao Keke's fans will soon break through to 200 million.

It is also because of this that Douyin is willing to give Zhao Keke, a fledgling blogger, such a big signing force.

Of course, Sister Feifei's capital operation in the back is also indispensable.

"It's okay, so are you going to sign a contract these two days?"

Zhao Ning also came out.

"Go to Guangzhou to sign with my brother-in-law's company first, and then come back to Byte to sign."

Zhao Keke nodded heavily.

At present, Liu Ning Media is still in Guangzhou and has not moved here. As for Douyin's head office, it is on the capital side, so there is no need to travel too much.

"Fortunately, my brother-in-law greeted the school, otherwise I would have to write an application for leave."

Zhao Keke chuckled, raised his head and laughed.

From yesterday to now, she hasn't stopped laughing, and the sphincter muscles on her face twitched a little.

For her, a little girl who is not yet 20 years old, this kind of opportunity is really rare. Even though her brother-in-law and sister are very good, but she still has a sense of accomplishment in her acting career.

Liu Xiao silently made up his mind.

Even if we set off now, it would take two days to go back and forth to Guangzhou, and a whole day to fly, and a day and a half to go to Douyin, which would be close to two days.

"Brother-in-law supports you, and will send you a car in a moment, let's get on the road now!"

"Don't worry, the capital and Guangzhou are not too far away, only two thousand kilometers, twenty hours is enough."

Liu Xiao patted Zhao Keke's shoulder with a smile.

It takes [-] hours to go one way by car, but it takes [-] hours to go back and forth.

Coupled with the delay in going to Douyin after returning, it took two days.

If you give some strength or something, it is not impossible to get it for three days.

I finished my work today, and I will have nothing to do in the next two days. Now the world of two people finally doesn't need to be disturbed.

"It's so convenient to go by plane. It takes two to three hours to reach [-] kilometers. It's too troublesome to drive."

Zhao Ning didn't know what Liu Xiao was thinking, so she gave Liu Xiao a special look.

Twenty hours in the car, and you can't be exhausted.

"No, my identity is sensitive now, and I can't protect me from any problems on the plane. I can't transfer a special plane to Keke, can I?"

Liu Xiao justly refused.


Zhao Ning hesitated for a while.

To be honest, this is true, Liu Xiao's identity is so sensitive, Zhao Keke got on the plane, and things will be a big deal if something goes wrong.

But Zhao Ning suddenly saw Liu Xiao blinking at her frantically, and pointing to the big bed in the bedroom, her face turned red immediately.

Only now did she know that Liu Xiao was not worried about Zhao Keke's safety, but clearly wanted to take advantage of these few days to do something bad!

On the one hand, he thought he was bored and asked Zhao Keke to come and accompany him to relieve boredom, on the other hand, he wanted to send Zhao Keke away to create opportunities for himself.

Zhao Ning stroked her forehead with one hand, her long hair fluttered, and her heart was full of helplessness.

Why does Liu Xiao have the same temperament as Zhao Keke now?
(End of this chapter)

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