Chapter 439 Production begins!
"Don't worry, sister, I'll just go there by car. I'm not driving anyway, so it won't be too hard."

Zhao Keke was very moved when she saw her brother-in-law think so much about herself.

Although it was tiring to travel back and forth by car, who told her brother-in-law to be Liu Xiao?

After sending Zhao Keke away early in the morning, Liu Xiao didn't feel sleepy anymore. He simply went to the kitchen to find some breakfast. Liu Xiao also drove to the factory assembly line with Zheng Xiaoxiao.

The industrial park is still quite far away, and it took more than an hour to drive across two major areas, and it was only at 09:30 in the morning that I arrived at the park.

At a glance, dozens of large trucks are parked side by side on the main road of the park, with all kinds of equipment on them, and the license plates are all unique signs, representing the identity of the scientific research institute.

At the front, more than a dozen forklifts unloaded the goods under the command of the workers, transporting one container after another into it, and several forklifts hanging at a height of more than ten meters were unloading in full swing.

Seeing Liu Xiao's convoy passing by, the forklift quickly stopped what it was doing and let Liu Xiao's convoy pass by first.

"The industrial park in Shanghai is actually quite big, but compared with this place, there is still a gap."

Liu Xiao sighed.

The main road in this industrial park is two-way and eight-lane, and one side is enough to park four rows of large cars side by side.

And the supporting cranes and forklifts inside are also very complete. At a glance, there are basically four or five forklifts working in a warehouse, and dozens of people are busy coming and going.

Even Ali Jingdong's large-scale centralized procurement and packaging platform resides here, including the warehousing turnover and production of some large enterprises, basically all of them are here.

The No. [-] production line of Qianlong Company is in the middle, and a large area three or four kilometers away from here has been completely sealed off, and outsiders are currently not allowed to enter.

And a group of technicians under Liu Ning Group, after identity verification and the signing of a confidentiality agreement, most of them have also transferred here, and are currently responsible for the construction of the new assembly line.

Everyone knew that Liu Xiao was going to arrive today, and when they saw the black convoy approaching in the distance, they couldn't wait to greet him at the door.

"Mr. Liu!"

Everyone was very excited when they saw Liu Xiao get off the car.

After multiple audits and the signing of a confidentiality agreement, they naturally know what to do after coming to the capital this time. This is not the previous virtual disk server, but a real quantum computer!

They are all witnesses to history!
"Lao Luo, have the production lines here been completed according to my requirements?"

Seeing the person in charge here, Liu Xiao asked.

"It was done overnight last night, and it is currently being debugged. It is estimated that the debugging will be completed at ten o'clock. If there is no problem, it can run smoothly today."

"Okay, don't stay at the door, let's go in together."

Liu Xiao smiled and waved his hands, and walked inside first.

The data to be input to the CNC center this time was almost finished last night. The main purpose of coming here today is to arrange the production of various programs, and then the core algorithm data and hardware production. This needs to be done by Liu Xiao himself.

However, with the production prerequisites in Shanghai, the production this time is not difficult, it just needs some supplements.

After all, this thing is mainly about data. It is necessary to set up a quantum state entanglement algorithm in it, followed by hardware and production.

After today, Liu Xiao will also preserve this set of core technology, and then Elder Du will use the highest security level to protect it.

I didn’t ask how to protect Liu Xiao specifically, but it’s definitely not a registered patent or something. According to Liu Xiao’s estimation, it should be just putting the USB flash drive storing this operation method into the highest-level official warehouse. These have little to do with Liu Xiao .

If the government can't keep this technology, then Liu Xiao doesn't have to think about it with his own strength. As for the bank safe, the deepest part of the vault, Liu Xiao can only say that he thinks too much.

In China, it is impossible to hand over very important things to the banking system for safekeeping. If something goes wrong in the banking system, no one can take responsibility for such an important thing.

The entire production workshop is very large.

The metallurgical production workshop is outside and exists as an auxiliary workshop.

Inside, there are mainly finishing and CNC machine tools, and five or six virtual disk servers are acting as the data center of the entire assembly line.

Liu Xiao advanced into the CNC center, inserted the USB flash drive he brought with him into the computer, and then connected it to the virtual disk server.

"The data here needs to be kept confidential."

Liu Xiao looked around.

Only then did everyone react, and quickly exited the CNC center.

They just came here to cooperate with the production. Given their level, this most important thing must not be shown to them.

Seeing everyone retreating, Liu Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, and then opened a running program that he made last night.

This program is similar to the firewall program that Huawei made last night. It can basically block [-]% of hacker attacks at the current stage, and it can also use server performance to counterattack the Internet. It is a relatively strong defense capability.

Seeing that the program runs successfully, which means that the data of the entire workshop production line is in an absolutely safe state, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Anyway, this is the technology of a first-level civilization. If it can be cracked by the current level of technology, then the technology content is too low.

The shape parameters of the quantum computer are first adjusted and sent to the outside shaping workshop, and then the parts are processed and refined, and then sent to more than a dozen separate parts production lines around them.

Then it gets to the most important place.

To realize a quantum computer, we need a physical system that can represent qubits and be scalable. There is no problem with Liu Xiao’s data that has been written.

The second point is to construct a series of universal quantum gates to complete quantum computing. This is achieved through new programming, and Liu Xiao’s quantum programming has also been completed long ago.

As for the third, it is necessary to use suitable materials or systems to carry qubits.

Traditional silicon materials can also be used, but the running speed will be affected. According to Liu Xiao's understanding, it is best to use superconducting circuits to carry the load.

Liu Xiao still remembers the ultra-high temperature laboratory back then. In order to reach tens of millions of temperatures, the whole world was frantically looking for heat-resistant materials, but after decades of searching, the best materials obtained could withstand temperatures of hundreds of millions. [-] degrees, simply can't reach the threshold of [-] degrees.

Eventually, the scientists had an idea.

Since there is no material that can withstand it, they simply did not choose a material, and they directly turned their attention to the physical world, thinking of the Lorentz force, which is the operation of the magnetic field.

The Lorent magnetic field is built through a large coil, and then the magnetic field is sealed as an ultra-high temperature heating tube, so as to achieve the purpose of ultra-high temperature heating.

In fact, this direction is correct. The current magnetic field heating has exceeded the ultra-high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees. This temperature is no different from the temperature of stars.

In the real world, if you want to withstand such a temperature, there is no material that can do it.

However, the physical magnetic field can be successful, allowing the air in the magnetic field to withstand the temperature, achieving the purpose of the scientific experiment.

Liu Xiao also has the same idea now. If he wants to support the ultra-high-speed computing performance of a quantum computer, there is an upper limit for any transmission material, and this limitation is quite large for the operating speed of the quantum computer.

Since we can’t find a particularly suitable material, it’s better to use a superconducting circuit instead. The resistance inside the superconducting circuit is infinitely close to 0. Coupled with the vacuum environment, it is almost impossible to find a more suitable data transmission center than this.

Of course, production must be difficult, but Liu Xiao already has a full set of technology here, although it is a bit troublesome, the problem is not big.

Finally, there are fidelity tests of quantum logic gates and quantum measurement devices.

The calculation of the quantum state is fundamentally different from the calculation of the circuit. At the same time, correct and wrong results will appear inside the quantum computer. A quantum logic gate program is needed to judge it and filter out the wrong results. Leave the rest of the correct data.

And this point is even easier for Liu Xiao. The data given by the system contains such a piece of program code, as long as it is written out and transferred in.

"When this is produced, shouldn't pen bitcoins be gone?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao laughed for a while.

To put it bluntly, Bitcoin is a mining property, which uses the remaining rich resources of the Internet to perform certain calculations to generate value.

But once the quantum computer is produced, the computing resources will be superfluous to an extremely large level, and there is no need to collect and integrate the excess capacity of the Internet to do computing.

Therefore, the end of this thing is a 100% thing, which is also the necessity of the progress of the times.

Without hesitation, Liu Xiao started a series of code transmissions.

After ten o'clock, the assembly line was completely overhauled, and production began according to the data transmitted by Liu Xiao just now.

Different from the virtual disk server made before, the real virtual disk server and quantum computer are extremely sophisticated, and any small part is necessary.

Under Liu Xiao's repeated emphasis, everyone put up [-]% of their energy and focused on the matter in their hands.

In this regard, Liu Xiao is quite at ease.

His rigorous scientific research and production are well-known in the world as Niubi, and he is still watching here today. No matter which data has a problem, he can correct it immediately, and the big The probability of problems is almost negligible.

As for Liu Xiao, his subordinates quickly wrote the new data program.

This set of programs can be compatible with the current computer system templates, and can also be compatible with developer programs such as java, but later, these must be slowly converted into new system data operations.

And this will also subvert the traditional binary method of 01, 10 calculation, and it will inevitably promise to subvert the entire programmer industry.

The glass of the CNC center is extremely soundproof, and Liu Xiao couldn't hear the rumbling sound of the machine running outside, but he could vaguely see it.

A professional cutting blade is hung in front of the four- to five-meter-long robotic arm, which can be used to carve back and forth on parts of a few centimeters. On the other side, a piece of silicon material is stuck on the high-precision machine tool, and the electronic pathways so small that they are almost invisible are frantically moving. Rotate back and forth, and describe the next electronic pathway on the top.

This is one of the components of superconducting circuits, which is very difficult to produce.

However, although the current domestic machine tool processing is a bit poor, it is still sufficient in general. Although it is backward in this area, the crazy investment of the government over the years has played a role.

"When the first quantum computer is produced, the computer can calculate the production data of the machine tool independently, and it will definitely not be a problem to increase the accuracy by ten times."

It's a virtuous cycle.

In the case of no shortage of computing power, many research projects that require manpower for decades or decades, and even metallurgical materials that require constant luck, can calculate the best method through data simulation in an extreme time.

What people have to do is to use the calculated data directly.

You know, the computing speed of a real quantum computer is hundreds of millions of times that of a supercomputer!
This is something that can truly change the times.

Liu Xiao felt helpless for a while.

After today, after the first quantum computer comes out, I'm afraid he will really be targeted by all parties.

"However, I can use a quantum computer to connect to the Internet, write a program, and use big data and cameras that are almost everywhere in China to create a unique security system."

Liu Xiao suddenly had an inspiration.

At present, there are cameras on almost the main traffic roads and even secondary arterial roads in China, especially in the capital city, where there are traffic cameras almost everywhere.

If quantum computers can be used to combine the data taken by these probes, and then carry out big data analysis, coupled with face recognition, and take out those who cannot recognize the faces and dig deeper, it is easy to find those who are lurking. People who are identified by the Hua and Guo identity systems.

And even if there are, it doesn't matter, there is still a big gap between the faces of Chinese people and foreigners. As long as there are specific items to be vigilant, it will definitely be fine.

This is equivalent to setting up a sky eye on your body when you are traveling. As long as there is a dangerous person identified by the data system nearby, it will actively call the police. After handing over the alarm receiver to Zheng Xiaoxiao, most of the troubles can be solved. before bothering yourself.


"And by doing this, you can completely protect your parents and relatives and friends around you!"

For example, if an alarm person arrives at Liu Xiao's hometown, the system will automatically pop up an alarm.

The current main modes of transportation are planes, trains and cars, all of which have cameras.

To be able to give an early warning, the relevant parties have prepared themselves, unless the little boy is thrown directly, or [-]% to [-]% can be avoided in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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