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Chapter 440 New artificial intelligence, unique identification ability

Chapter 440 New artificial intelligence, unique identification ability
Of course, this is not the time to build the Sky Eye system. The main focus is still on the quantum computer. This thing is not too difficult, and it will be done in a while.

The production of the outer parts has already started, and these parts are produced at the speed of the entire assembly line. If nothing else, it will be no problem to make a set in a whole day.

Countless data entered the numerical control center along Liu Xiao's fingers, and the things produced on the assembly line became more and more sophisticated. At around twelve o'clock in the evening, after the production of the last module that constituted the quantum channel was completed, the new data entered by Liu Xiao Data systems have also taken shape.

"Please send all parts to the assembly workshop according to the queue data."

Liu Xiao gave an order into the microphone of the CNC center, stood up and stretched heavily.

"Xiaolong, turn on the alarm mode of the CNC center and temporarily set it to not allow anyone to enter except me."

"Okay, the camera sensor is turned on."

Liu Xiao saw that the big screen instantly turned into a monitoring screen, and the monitoring screen was cut into hundreds of horizontal slices, including all the monitoring of the entire workshop into the monitoring category.

Although the current CNC center has not yet used a quantum computer, the virtual disk server is still sufficient for such a small amount of calculation. After all, this virtual disk server can be regarded as one of the most basic quantum computers.

Seeing the instant change of the screen, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

I just made the most basic artificial intelligence through the newly established system. Although the current level of intelligence is not high, it can barely compare with siri. The operating data of the company's intelligent system will be merged into Tesla's intelligent library that has collected user data for decades. Xiaolong's intelligence can go further.

Don't ask why Liu Xiao was able to get these things, it's just technical means.

After a brief rest, a prompt came from the service desk, saying that all the parts produced today had been dispatched in order.

"Xiaolong, pass the installation program to the assembly workshop."


The screen flickered, and a file was transmitted instantly.

Liu Xiao also stood up and walked towards the installation workshop in the distance.

Although you don't need to do it yourself, you can still witness this historic moment.

"Old Du, do you have time to come over to test the performance tonight?"

"Quantum computer."


"Alright, I'll wait for you here."

"Mr. Ren, oh you know, okay, I'll wait for you here."

Liu Xiao made two phone calls one after another, while Mr. Ren and Mr. Du were astonished, they dressed and got up as quickly as possible.

Elder Du even felt that the security forces previously arranged in the production workshop were not enough, so he temporarily mobilized thousands of people here.

Along the way, the two of them were almost immersed in excitement.

They originally thought that it would take at least four or five days for Liu Xiao to work on the production of quantum computers today. After all, a quantum computer is so complicated that it needs tens of thousands of parts. How can it be done in one day? Can it be produced?
But now, with the facts in front of them, the two of them were really going crazy with excitement.

They knew in their hearts that Liu Xiao was a very humble young man. Now that they said that, it was 100% sure that the production was successful!
The two wanted to put on their wings and fly directly from home to the workshop.

On the other side, although the officials who received the notice from Mr. Du were a little bit speechless about what Mr. Du had done, they immediately arranged for people to come to the workshop.

"There is no one to protect it until it is produced. This kind of heavyweight production has to be stationed from the first second!"

The officials also knew in their hearts that this kind of super technology that can be said to be epoch-making, if it was not in Kyoto, even 2 people would have to be sent out.

There must be nothing sloppy about this thing.

Especially for this young man who can make a quantum computer, he must pay more attention to safety protection, otherwise if there is any accident, he will really be put on the pillar of shame.

In the assembly workshop, Liu Xiao entered the finalized program, and the four huge mechanical arms were constantly tumbling in the air, picking up parts from the side, and then continuously completing the assembly on the operating table.

This robotic arm has the highest precision currently available, and can achieve an installation error of about 20nm.

Although it cannot be said that all the performance of quantum computers cannot be exerted, it is enough to ensure that the successfully assembled machines are running well.

If the first quantum computer can be produced, Liu Xiao will use its terrifying computing power to greatly upgrade the mechanical equipment of the entire factory. The mechanical arm with a deviation of about 20nm is expected to be improved to within 0.1nm in the first step. .

When the time comes to produce the second quantum computer, it will basically be perfect.

Liu Xiao did the math, and the cost of producing a quantum computer is about 500 million for the materials alone, which is dozens of times higher than the [-] million for the virtual disk server.

But seeing the mountains of parts piled up next to it, it seems normal.

The single production cost of the pile of superconducting parts to ensure the operation of the quantum state is more than one million.

If you add the technology cost on your own side, Liu Xiao doesn't know how much this thing is worth.

It seems that in this era when technology is king, the cost of [-] million seems not to be considered a big deal.

Liu Xiao, who is installing the workshop, still doesn't know what's going on outside. The sound insulation of the workshop is relatively good. In addition to the sound made by the machine when it is running, even if the plane is flying outside, the people inside will not feel much noise. .

When Mr. Du and Mr. Ren rushed to the installation workshop, they saw at a glance that more than two-thirds of the huge monster had been formed on the operating table.

Seeing that Liu Xiao was frowning and staring closely at the installation platform, the two of them didn't dare to speak for a while, walked to Liu Xiao's side lightly, and looked up at the operation platform silently.

Feeling that there was someone beside him, Liu Xiao turned his head and took a look. Seeing that it was Mr. Du and Mr. Ren, he also laughed and joked.

"Why don't you two say a word, and I don't eat people."

He was just thinking about how slow it was to assemble this thing, it took over an hour to get to this point, and he was still waiting to go back to sleep at night.

After all, Zhao Keke was away for two days, so he wasted most of the night for himself, which was a waste of life.

"Assembly is almost finished?"

Elder Ren and Elder Du asked cautiously.

"It's coming soon, but the mechanical arm in this assembly workshop is almost meaningless. The speed is too slow. Wait for two days to find the engineer of the mechanical arm and ask him to simulate it with a quantum computer and find the best blueprint for modification."

Liu Xiao nodded.

Elder Du was speechless for a moment as he watched the four robotic arms constantly moving and holding various parts.

In his opinion, these four robotic arms are fast enough. Is it not satisfactory to assemble two-thirds of a quantum computer in one and a half hours?

"By the way, Mr. Du, I will find someone to buy some plastic materials tomorrow, and I will use the leftover materials to make some sensors, and then the entire assembly line will be intelligent."

"This is no problem, but what does it mean to be fully intelligent in the assembly line? Is the current autonomous operating system not intelligent enough?"

Elder Du was curious.

"Hey, I just made an intelligent system when I was bored."

Liu Xiao smiled.

It's not easy to explain this thing. It just so happens that there are also microphones for the CNC system and voice reception at the workshop, so Liu Xiao intends to cover it up for the two of them.

"Little dragon."

"I'm here."

The CNC screen flashed, and a lightning-like icon appeared on the screen.

"smart system?"

Elder Ren asked curiously when he saw the sudden business reply.

Huawei also has its own intelligent system, named Xiaoyi, which is also a human-computer interaction system. Mr. Ren is not too unfamiliar with it.

However, Huawei is currently not doing very well in this area. Although Xiaoyi has functions, it is characterized by being too stupid and not flexible at all. This is also one of Huawei's shortcomings.

"Currently, this intelligent system can collect voiceprints through microphones, and now it can only recognize my own voice."

"Xiaolong currently has the ability to search the entire network, intelligent discrimination and specific discrimination."

Liu Xiao introduced.

"Xiaolong, search the map of the beautiful country, and mark the key cities."


The screen flickered slightly, and a huge map appeared on the digital control screen, on which the main cities were marked with red signs.

"Xiaolong, identify the identity of the people in the current assembly workshop."


The screen flickered again, and the information Liu Xiao and the others could find online appeared on the screen immediately.

"So strong?"

Mr. Ren opened his mouth wide.

The so-called intelligent system is not really intelligent.

As far as the current intelligent system is concerned, for example, let it search for sliced ​​noodles, and it can be found through Baidu with its own browser.

But Liu Xiao's intelligence seems to be able to distinguish what people really want to express, and he has achieved true intelligence.

For example, when Liu Xiao said that the important cities in the beautiful country were marked out, the intelligent system made its own understanding and marked them in detail. For example, when Liu Xiao said that he was asked to find the information in the workshop, he directly found the three people network information.

This kind of understanding seems to be no worse than a real person, right?
"This is what you mean by intelligent discrimination and specific discrimination?"

Elder Du also found out that this system is not simple, and asked curiously.

"Yes, I have upgraded the current programming system. The current system is a quantum state programming system. Because my virtual disk server has a part of the quantum state function, this intelligent system can run normally."

Liu Xiao nodded.

"The so-called intelligent discrimination is to conduct quantum analysis by analyzing people's words, and then use the flood of data and probability problems to calculate the meaning that people want to express most in this sentence."

"For example, if I say to him that I am hungry, the intelligent system will analyze this sentence in detail."

"The first possibility is that he asked me to cook. The second possibility is that he will remind me what is in the surrounding restaurants. The third possibility is that he will remind me to eat in the cafeteria. The fourth possibility is that he Will remind me to order takeaway."

"Xiaolong, I'm hungry."

As he spoke, Liu Xiao took the initiative to demonstrate.

"Master, it's 45:[-] in the middle of the night, and there are five restaurants around that are still open."

The screen flashed, and Xiaolong's prompt jumped up.

"I understand, it is to calculate through the data, and then say the possibility with the highest probability?"

Ren Lao had a flash of inspiration and said excitedly.

"That's right, it's late at night, and it's not my home. Naturally, I can't cook. This probability is the lowest. Then there is the cafeteria. The cafeteria must be closed late at night. The probability is even lower. After this calculation, the rest is to order takeout." And going out to eat, after the system calculates the distance of the takeaway and the distance of the restaurant, it will recommend the most time-saving way for me.”

"This is also because the system doesn't understand my living habits. If after a long time he realizes that I am a person who doesn't like to go out, then he will give me a reminder to choose a takeaway option."

"This ability is basically no less than real artificial intelligence."

Elder Ren and Elder Du looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

The so-called artificial intelligence is nothing more than the ability to think according to human thinking.

Of course, the program will never learn to think, but Liu Xiao can use probability to let it talk to humans, and can also capture the user's living habits to make probability preferences, which is basically no different from artificial intelligence.

(End of this chapter)

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