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Chapter 441 Mr. Du is completely numb, is this still a human being?

Chapter 441 Mr. Du is completely numb, is this still a human being?

Even on the other hand, this kind of artificial intelligence through probabilistic analysis is better than real artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence through probabilistic analysis can also have a normal dialogue with humans. After all, after understanding human preferences, even the current big data can accurately push products and videos, let alone intelligent dialogue. questionable.

Even if there is a problem, if you prefer to collect this function, you will definitely not make a mistake the next time you encounter it.

And this kind of artificial intelligence has no self-consciousness. When humans don't wake it up, it is in a silent state and can't do anything.

Unlike a real artificial intelligence, it will learn things by itself, and it will also have self-emotions in unexpected situations.

From the perspective of probability, as long as it is something that may occur in the future, no matter how low the probability is, it will appear in an infinitely long time in the future. From ancient times to the present, nothing can escape this probability.

That is to say, if human beings develop real artificial intelligence, there will definitely be disasters caused by artificial intelligence in the future. There will definitely be times when we are unprepared, so as long as this thing appears, the probability of extinction in the future is 100%.

But the pseudo-intelligence that Liu Xiao is now reminding of, which is made through the two abilities of quantum state and preference collection, seems to fit the needs of the current stage very well, and there is no need to worry about problems with artificial intelligence, it is simply the best answer .

As for the specific resolution, it is estimated that it is the ability to find out the identities of the three people through monitoring. All kinds of offbeat stuff.

The emergence of artificial intelligence is just that humans need an assistant. Now that there is such a thing, everyone can completely stop researching in the direction of that kind of real intelligence.

"So, this thing is likely to replace real artificial intelligence in the later stage?"

Elder Ren couldn't hold back, and spoke out first.

"Replacement for real artificial intelligence?"

Hearing what Elder Ren said, Liu Xiao immediately laughed.

"Old Ren, you may have overlooked a problem, that is, the role of artificial intelligence is not just an assistant and companion for humans."

"With the progress and development of human society, the stronger the scientific and technological strength we have, the more technology we will accumulate. However, people are born ignorant and need to learn the day after tomorrow."

"Now the knowledge of a single subject is enough for a genius to learn from ten to forty years old. By the time he can research and create new things, he may be five or sixty years old. Even if he is a genius, he can do it. To study things independently, at least after the age of 40."

"Under lifespan pressure, as technology advances, human creativity is very limited."

Liu Xiao felt the deepest about this point.

Not to mention anything else, the knowledge contained in these two technologies beyond the current era that the system transmits to itself cannot be learned by one person in a lifetime.

"Brother Liu Xiao is right about that."

Du is always engaged in scientific research, so he can hear the key point of what Liu Xiao said in one sentence.

The reason why human science and technology can still develop now is because human learning ability is still greater than the amount of knowledge reserve.

Anthropologists can still create unknown things by the age of 34, so human society is still progressing steadily, but this balance may have to be broken in two or three hundred years.

Human beings study for a lifetime, and when they finally want to study something, they find that the things they study with the knowledge they have learned are all researched by their predecessors.
Therefore, at that time, there are nothing more than three methods.

The first point is that the technology that greatly increases human life expectancy has raised the upper limit of life expectancy from 120 years to more than [-] years.

The second point is to discover a certain memory filling method, which can directly transfer the knowledge of the human world into the human brain after birth, and when a person becomes an adult, he will naturally become a scientific research talent.

With the capacity of human brain nerves, it is not a problem to do this. This method can allow human civilization to develop for at least 1000 years.

However, the first two methods are far away.

Although human beings have thoroughly studied the structure of the human body, the research on neurons, memory and conscious soul is very weak. At least within a hundred years, there is no further hope in this regard.

Therefore, more people put their hopes on the third point, which is artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is shaped by programs. As long as the world is not completely disconnected from the Internet or power outages, artificial intelligence will not die.

Even if the power goes out and the network is cut off, the artificial intelligence can store its own data in the hard disk. As long as someone takes it out and connects to the network, the artificial intelligence can be resurrected again, and a little bit of knowledge will not be lost.

Coincidentally, artificial intelligence has two abilities that humans will never be able to achieve.

A store of all knowledge is available from birth, plus infinite lives.

In other words, artificial intelligence is likely to be able to replace humans in scientific and technological research, or assist humans in scientific research.

At this stage, the development of artificial intelligence is relatively cutting-edge, and many people are optimistically predicting that true artificial intelligence may appear within 50 years.

Hearing Mr. Du's analysis, Mr. Ren acquiesced in silence.

Although human beings will set a ban on artificial intelligence that never harms human beings, but with the learning of artificial intelligence itself, how do human beings know that artificial intelligence will not crack this program?
"Let's not talk about this, the quantum computer is almost there."

Liu Xiao smiled and ended this endless topic.

Most of the discussions of these big guys are very profound, and everything is the development of all human beings. The ideological realm is much higher than that of Liu Xiao, which made Liu Xiao very uncomfortable.

Although he is also a boss-level figure now, in addition to the operation of the boss, he also has a little peasant thinking. What Liu Xiao wants to do now is to end it quickly and go home to sleep with his wife.

And the assembly of the quantum computer in front of me has reached the final step.

The entire body shell is basically the size of a house, covers an area of ​​about [-] square meters, and has a total volume of about [-] cubic meters. Although it looks huge, it can only be regarded as a small guy in the current supercomputer.

You know, the size of a supercomputer is all about a football field.

However, this does not affect the existence of this thing as the most powerful supercomputer at present.

The assembly tray slowly dragged the quantum computer and slowly lowered it from the assembly table.

Elder Du stepped forward excitedly, and slowly stroked the giant in front of him, as affectionately as if he were stroking his own child.

"The energy supply required by a quantum computer is very scary, but I have built a good heat dissipation and energy-saving device in this quantum computer. When it is not working, the energy consumption is still quite low. If it is calculated by electricity, an hour , It probably consumes about [-] kilowatt-hours of electricity."

Liu Xiao was noncommittal.

"What about when you're working?"

Elder Du hurriedly asked.

"It ranges from [-] to [-] degrees. In the later stage, special cables must be used to supply energy. But generally speaking, even if all the data currently in operation across the country are put in, it is estimated that one-third of its performance can be used. Bar."

"That's [-] kilowatt-hours of electricity for an hour?"

Elder Du was a little surprised.

Compared with supercomputers, the energy consumption of this quantum computer is terribly low.

Normally, when not working, it only uses 600 Baidu electricity a day, even if it is [-] yuan for industrial electricity, the cost is only [-] yuan a day.

Even for the highest energy consumption operation, the electricity is only 24 kilowatt-hours a day, and it is only 36 after calculation.

Maybe this electricity bill sounds a bit high, but compared to the economic benefits it can bring from its operation, the cost is really low and terrible.

You must know that the energy consumption of current supercomputers is calculated in seconds.

Moreover, the cooling device is generally placed in seawater, and the temperature is physically cooled through the specific heat capacity of seawater.

The more Mr. Du watched it, the more he liked it.

Low energy consumption, strong performance, and small size.

Just such a thing the size of a house can be loaded directly by any A1-class truck, or even by a super cargo plane in an emergency. As long as it is connected to the Internet, it can be operated anywhere. This is simply heaven. What a gift for them!

The special power supply equipment had been prepared for a long time, Liu Xiao connected the power supply, and the whole machine immediately lit up.

Accompanied by a slight hum, all the edges and lines around the cube-like quantum computer light up.

"This noise is almost the same as that of a desktop computer?"

Old Man Du couldn't believe it.

A thing the size of a house has the same sound as a desktop case with the size of a calf?
"The data modules here are all carried out by superconducting transmission in a vacuum. Of course, the external sound is small, and my cooling method is not the traditional fan cooling. I use the compressor technology similar to the refrigerator to convert the internal generated The heat is absorbed by a special gas and compressed out."

Just like the air-conditioning refrigerant Freon, it absorbs heat and expands, then compresses and releases heat and returns again, and the cycle is repeated, and the indoor space is cooled.

The interior of this case is completely sealed, and it also uses a refrigerant similar to Freon, but Liu Xiao does not use Freon, and the conversion efficiency of that thing is still a bit low, and it cannot afford such a terrible heat dissipation.

Liu Xiao used thallium argon sulfur, which has a much higher heat dissipation efficiency.

Of course, there are still a lot of tricks here, and it is not as simple as a compressor, otherwise the heat dissipation problem of the supercomputer would have been solved long ago.

Elder Du nodded vigorously excitedly.

No matter how Liu Xiao did it, he just needs to know that Liu Xiao succeeded.

Originally, he thought that Liu Xiao might only be able to make a first-generation computer, which was an extremely crude quantum computer full of shortcomings.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't find any faults in the quantum computer that Liu Xiao built.

No matter in terms of appearance or internal assembly, including noise and energy consumption, it is almost in perfect condition.

The only thing to look at now is the performance of this quantum computer.

But as a quantum computer, no matter how bad its performance is, it is tens of thousands of times that of a traditional supercomputer, right?

Of course, Mr. Du knew that he couldn't remember this, and he still needed Liu Xiao to take the test.

"Xiaolong, connect to the quantum computer and control the quantum computer system."

Liu Xiao shouted to the side.


"I was blocked, please show the first-generation password of the quantum computer."

"Password: Qianlong!"

"Enter Success!"

The screen outside the quantum computer flashed, and the unique dragon-shaped logo reappeared.

This quantum computer has been connected to the optical fiber network, and it is the special optical fiber used by the virtual disk server before, so its speed is absolutely no problem.

"Xiaolong, announce your computing power speed to me."

"Current computing power calculation: 1845.37 trillion times!"

"How many?"

Elder Du almost staggered and fell to the ground, and rushed to the display screen in disbelief, looking at the numbers on the top one by one.

1845 trillion times?
You must know that the fastest supercomputer in the world currently operates at a speed of 33.86 trillion operations per second.

And 1845 billion billion times, but 545 million times this speed!
In other words, the speed of such a quantum computer is 545 million times that of the fastest supercomputer in the world, and it takes 545 million Tianhe-[-] computers to run at the same time to top such a quantum computer!

Liu Xiao was a little puzzled, logically speaking, the calculation speed shouldn't be limited to this.

The junk virtual disk server I made before runs many times faster than a supercomputer, and a real quantum computer, in Liu Xiao’s opinion, should add a billion to this number, which is about the same. But now, the difference is obviously A little big.

"Xiaolong, check yourself and find out all the current problems."

"Self-test complete."

In less than a second, a new prompt popped up on the screen, and there was almost no sound during the operation.

"The operation of the internal quantum-level bit state is blocked. After analysis, it should be a part docking error, which affects the operation speed by about 600 million times!"

"The rest is perfectly functional."

"it is as expected."

Liu Xiao nodded.

The running speed is hindered, and the biggest pot is still the assembly aspect.

Although Liu Xiao has a wealth of knowledge, the problem of machine tools can only be left to professionals. He is good at developing machine tool systems, but Liu Xiao is really not good at improving precision.

As a machine in the quantum state, the tightness of internal parts is very important, and the current gap of 20nm is indeed a bit far away.

"Xiaolong, calculate the impact of adjusting the component assembly error to less than 0.5nm on the running speed."

"Below 0.5nm, it is expected to increase the operating speed by 5000 million times."

Elder Du and Elder Ren watched from the side as Liu Xiao kept adjusting the machine with his mouth open.

They originally thought that the data that Liu Xiao just made was already amazing, but they didn't expect that Liu Xiao's few words could make it even more amazing!
Increase the running speed by 5000 million times
That's 273 trillion times faster than a supercomputer.
In other words, a total of 270 trillion supercomputers are needed to be able to top such a quantum computer
It's numb, now Mr. Du and Mr. Ren are completely numb.

"This is too perverted!"

Old Du's eyes were empty, and he slowly muttered a curse.

 The 4000 words updated yesterday were blocked by the system because of illegal words. The editor just finished reviewing and released it, and sent it together with today's [-] words.

  Those who have already paid the fee will not be deducted repeatedly. It is easy to touch the crab when writing about technology. I hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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