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Chapter 442 Mr. Liu, Please Don't Insult Our IQ

Chapter 442 Mr. Liu, Please Don't Insult Our IQ
Naturally, it is impossible to test the quantum computer at the preliminary system operation speed, and the accuracy of its operation still needs to be tested.

Elder Du took out a large number table that he carried with him.

Ordinary people's cognition of numbers mostly exists in the unit of billions, and to be more realistic, it reaches the unit of trillions. In some special levels, trillions may be used.

But in fact, the technological units currently developed are much larger than trillions, but people usually don't use these titles.

As far as the current scientific community is concerned, the current carry unit has been divided into many.

From small to large, they are one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, billion, trillion, Jing, Gai, Zi, Rang, ditch, gully, Zheng, Zai, Ji, Ganges sand, Asankhya, Nayuta, Unbelievable, immeasurable numbers.

Below ten thousand is the decimal system, and after ten thousand is the ten thousand system, that is, ten million is one hundred million, one trillion is ten thousand, and ten thousand is Gai.

Mega is one trillion, and Beijing is one billion.

Each of the calculation units in the back is tens of thousands of times that of the previous one. That is to say, if the calculation efficiency of the current quantum computer is described in terms of units, it is 1845 times per second.

In the same way, the calculation speed of the current supercomputer is 33.86 trillion times, which is 33.86 trillion times per second.

And according to this unit of calculation, the operating speed of the supercomputer can be obtained very well.

Billion is nine digits, trillion is thirteen digits, and shock is seventeen digits.

It takes about 1 seconds for the supercomputer to run once, and it takes about 295 seconds if the error is counted, which is 300 minutes.

And Mr. Du's thick atlas is the large number calculation performed by the supercomputer.

And the craziest thing is that when calculating some of the upgraded data of the little boy, he used a supercomputer to multiply numbers at the 20-digit level!

At the beginning, the entire supercomputer ran for 5 minutes, which is a full 34 days of calculations!

Today, Old Man Du intends to use this number to test the accuracy of this quantum computer.

As long as it can be checked and calculated correctly, then the birth of this quantum computer is absolutely successful, and tonight, Liu Xiao will also write a strong stroke in the history of mankind!
Seeing Mr. Du inputting twenty-digit multiplication data, Liu Xiao felt a little amused.

You know, the running speed of a quantum computer is 1845 times. With such a small amount of calculation, it is estimated that even half a second is enough.

But there is no way, the current operating level of the supercomputer is here, if you want more data, the quantum computer can naturally do it, but Du Lao can't verify it here, you can't let Du Lao use his brain to do it Multiply it.

With such a large number, even the brains of those child prodigies who are best at abacus and mental arithmetic will crash.

You know, this is one twenty-digit number multiplied by another twenty-digit number!
At this moment, Old Man Du's breathing was so heavy that Liu Xiao could fully hear it.

You know, there is still some noise in this workshop, which can make Liu Xiao hear the sound, which shows how nervous Du Lao has become.

"Old Du, enter the data, trust me."

Liu Xiao stepped forward and put his hand on Old Man Du's shoulder.

Elder Du glanced back, seeing the confident expression of the young man behind him, he felt a little relieved.

The hands that could not be lifted just now slowly lifted up, and according to the numbers in the book, slowly pressed the multiplication operation of the forty numbers.

"Xiaolong, start calculating."

"The calculation is over!"

Before Liu Xiao finished speaking, the answer calculated by Xiaolong was already displayed on the screen.

Elder Du's hand that hadn't been raised suddenly froze in place, his eyes filled with astonishment.

It took a long time before Elder Du remembered to check the answers.

"The first number is 3, yes, the second is 5, yes, the third is No.20 and the second is 1, yes!"

The more Mr. Du checked, the louder the voice behind him was, and the trembling of his whole body became more and more intense.

"Yes, all right, all right!"

"My God, the supercomputer consumes countless amounts of energy and calculates data for 34 days without sleep. This quantum computer actually completes the calculation in less than a second!"

"Accurately speaking, it is microseconds. After upgrading the machine tool for a while, this speed can be increased by tens of millions of times."

Liu Xiao was not very satisfied with Mr. Du's evaluation of the computing speed of the quantum computer.

What is less than a second?
For this kind of calculation, it is no exaggeration to say that his quantum computer can do [-] operations in one second!

Mr. Du and Mr. Ren are not stupid, and neither is Liu Xiao.

One of the current difficulties in mathematics is logical proof, and the other is formula verification and reasoning.

These two are the most critical issues that have trapped the development of the mathematics community, including the biggest problem that has trapped the physics community.

Even astronomical issues, cosmic background radiation, etc., are all inseparable from the deduction of big data.

These data require huge computing resources to process.

To put it bluntly, the era of the [-]th century when a great formula could be proved with two boxes of draft paper has long passed.

The current calculation formula starts directly by multiplying more than a dozen unknowns. With this kind of calculation intensity, how can we calculate it with manuscript paper?
Not to mention ordinary computers, the motherboard and CPU are burned directly.

As for the supercomputer, it is a strategic resource. So many math problems and physics problems require certificates. It takes four or five days to calculate one number. Everyone waits in line together, what else can we do.

But even with a dozen supercomputers running non-stop, it is unrealistic to improve the overall scientific research strength in the short term.

Especially the cosmic background radiation. At present, the radius of the observable universe for human beings is 465 billion light-years. How much computing power is needed for such a large area?
In physics, space-time bending and large-mass planetary volume calculations, including photon flight speeds, are easily 3*10 kilometers per hour. These things must be performed with computer computing power.

If this is not resolved, it will be difficult for technology to advance again.

Now, the birth of quantum computers will undoubtedly greatly promote the progress of these aspects.

Those mathematical formulas that seem extremely complicated may be solved by using a quantum computer in three to four seconds. If the words of Liu Xiao are used, after the accuracy of the quantum computer components is improved again, perhaps the current mathematical problems in the world will add up. , and it’s done in just a few seconds.

As for the detailed diagram of the cosmic background radiation, it probably won't take much time, and it can be fully resolved in a day or two at most.

Human beings' current astronomical observations, on the one hand, rely on telescopes to measure visible light, and then measure the time of reflection of this light to calculate the distance; to measure.

But the current astronomers are all measuring approximate numbers.

For example, if there is a number with 3 garbled characters, it will be approximately equal to a number followed by twelve zeros when calculating, and then divided by the approximately equal speed of light, which is 10*8 to the [-]th power.

When zero and zero are subtracted, it actually becomes a tens of thousands digit divided by three, which is easy to calculate.

On the scale of the universe, although such an error is not allowed, there is no way for everyone. It is considered good to be able to calculate the approximate coordinates. Anyway, the expansion of the universe has been accelerating. It is still there today, and it will be there tomorrow. .

But self-comfort belongs to self-comfort, and it is naturally best to be able to measure the specific numbers.

And when it comes to individuals, computing power is indispensable for the operation of various enterprises.

Especially now that we are slowly entering the era of electronic money, WeChat payment and Alipay payment have become the norm. Later, the official will announce consumption methods similar to personal physical signs consumption. This mode of operation naturally has extremely high requirements for data calculation.

For now, as long as there is this thing, all the above-mentioned things will no longer be a problem!
"Xiao Xiao, what is your plan for this quantum computer?"

Elder Du and Elder Ren both asked questions.

Before forming the new company, Liu Xiao only said that he had similar technology, but he didn't say that it could be produced so quickly. Therefore, they never discussed this aspect.

And now, the issue has become urgent.

Liu Xiao yawned helplessly.

It was almost 04:30 in the morning, even if he was full of energy, he would still be sleepy.

He really wanted to go home and sleep with his wife in his arms.

But looking at the fiery eyes of Du Lao and Ren Lao, Liu Xiao knew that if he didn't make this matter clear today, he probably wouldn't be able to leave.

"I only do civil science. As for the official side, I can use all the technology on my side. Mr. Du, you can just take what you need with you on the assembly line. It's time for research. I'm not that stingy."

"The Qianlong company we formed is actually based on what I announced at the research institute and Ren Lao's company two days ago."

"On the one hand, to build a series of new mobile phones, computers, etc., Mr. Ren used to plan to use a virtual disk server to replace it, but now he can directly use a quantum computer. On the other hand, I am going to make a movie, and the rest is up to you. Let's do it."


Looking at Liu Xiao's indifferent expression, Elder Du felt that his toothache was very painful.

Such a good thing, use it as a mobile phone to make movies?
If you, a great scientist, don't give pointers to everyone, the official ghost knows how to use this thing!
You know, Liu Xiao has developed a new system for this thing, and even the traditional binary computer algorithm has been innovated. If Liu Xiao doesn't teach it, all the programmers combined may not be able to research it!

"Mr. Du, my ideal is to do business or something. Of course, if there is any need for the official, I will definitely help."

Liu Xiao looked at Mr. Ren who wanted to hammer himself to death, and quickly made a promise.

Liu Xiao really didn't want to get involved in the official side. After all, it was too easy to 404, but the most basic things must be passed on to the past. Liu Xiao didn't want to care about how to develop the rest.

Those who love to study rockets and rockets, and Noah's Ark, have little to do with him anyway.

It can't be that all the resources are given, and those front-line scientists can't research anything, right?
Then it is estimated that these academicians and professors of the scientific research institute can be expelled.

Hearing what Liu Xiao said, Old Man Du felt a little better.

But Liu Xiao was really not joking about these things before.

Liu Xiao has explained the mobile phone and various hardware matters, and he will go there regularly to guide the work.

What Liu Xiao plans to do now is to use the remaining virtual reality technology in his hand.

Thinking about shooting blockbuster action movies in the virtual world, that kind of big scene, wouldn't it be so exciting?
Meteorites crashing over, Godzilla blasting lasers, etc., all made into realistic versions for him, it's exciting to think about it!
And Liu Xiao now has a full set of technology here, the only thing that is lacking is some infrastructure. Liu Xiao has already arranged people to develop these scientific research institutes. It is estimated that there will be news in a few days. At that time, Liu Xiao will go directly to dock. Data will do.

"Then this machine?"

Old Ren glanced at the quantum computer greedily.

Although the function is a bit flawed, Mr. Ren doesn't think this thing is flawed at all.

More than 500 million times the speed of the supercomputer!

As the main center of his Huawei company, this thing is more than enough for the 5G network or the new battery with the chip removed.

Even if 70 billion people around the world use it at the same time, the speed and accuracy of data can be guaranteed.

In the past, everyone considered that the performance of the server was not enough, but now, Mr. Ren began to worry about whether the network speed could catch up with the operation speed of this quantum computer!

"Don't even think about it, I'll ship it back tonight!"

Elder Du laughed and cursed.

As Liu Xiao said before, this first quantum computer has only one task, which is to precisely improve the performance of this assembly lathe.

He shipped all these two machines back tonight, and then found professionals in electrical machinery to process this machine tool to the highest level through big data simulation.

After two days of processing, the quantum computer will be produced. This one with poorer performance can be given to Mr. Ren.

After all, they can also see the speed of Liu Xiao's production of quantum computers. They came here this morning, and the assembly was completed in the early hours of the morning. Basically, one a day is no problem.

This month, there are thirty units!
"By the way Xiao Xiao, how do you plan to price this quantum computer?"

Elder Du asked curiously.

Liu Xiao is the largest shareholder of the company, and basically everything has to be decided by Liu Xiao.

Of course, if something goes too far, he must say a few words on behalf of the official.

"I don't talk nonsense with you either."

Liu Xiao thought about it and became serious.

"The production cost of this machine is probably around 50 million per unit, and the technical cost, if I mention [-] billion, no one will object?"

Liu Xiao was talking nonsense in a serious manner, blowing up the cost of technology to the sky.

However, Mr. Du and Mr. Ren are quite acceptable to this cost.

For things like quantum computers, the cost of a single computing technology is five billion, and they even think it is a bit small, and even ten billion they think there is no problem.

"Okay, then according to this cost, we will set the official price at the cost price, 200 billion per unit, and set the price for ordinary customers at 2000 billion per unit."

Liu Xiao spoke seriously.

Elder Du and Elder Ren couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Does this pricing have anything to do with the cost price?

Do you think I have no brains?

Anyway, the two of them are also the small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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