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Chapter 443 Zhao Ning wants to join Douyin?

Chapter 443 Zhao Ning wants to join Douyin?

Although what Liu Xiao said was a bit nonsense, Mr. Du and Mr. Ren still quite recognized the price.

After all, Qianlong Group is a company. Even if the client is an official, it cannot set the price arbitrarily. Everything must be in line with the company's interests.

The official price of 40.00 billion yuan, after the Qianlong Group gets it, it has to pay 110% of the commercial tax first-hand, which leaves only [-] billion yuan.

If the official dividend of 40.00% is removed, the revenue will hover around [-] billion.

Moreover, if Liu Xiao wants to spend the money for himself, he still needs to pay a personal income tax of 40.00%. Taxes have to be paid, and after all the calculations, there are five billion yuan left.

Therefore, the price of [-] billion yuan is actually calculated based on production costs and technical costs. Qianlong Company does not make money here, and it is basically equal to free support.

In terms of making money, Liu Xiao earned [-] million with his own ability. This is what he deserves, and no one can say no to it.

If you don't like it, you can stand up. If you have the ability, you can try to produce this thing?

As long as you can produce it, the official will give you five billion in technical profits?

As for the offer of 2000 billion yuan to the private sector
The two also thought it was reasonable.

The performance of a quantum computer cannot be digested by a company at all. Even if it is a scientific research project of Huawei, it can consume one-tenth of the computing power of a quantum computer.

As for ordinary companies, ten companies can buy one at the same time.

A company's total cost of 200 billion is actually within an acceptable range.

As for whether there will be problems due to the spread of this thing to the people, the official is not a vegetarian, and with the various anti-theft levels added by Liu Xiao, who can study each thousand and 800 years?
"What about abroad?"

Elder Du asked curiously.

"Overseas, if there is a foreign company that wants to buy it, it will be two trillion yuan."

Liu Xiao grinned.


Elder Du couldn't help taking a breath.

This guy Liu Xiao is worthy of being a businessman, and he is really ruthless when he slaughters people!

Two trillion yuan, which is equivalent to the total market value of a listed company like Pingguo.

The total market value can only represent an expectation and cannot be regarded as cash.

In other words, if Pretty Country wants to exchange Pingguo Company for a quantum computer, it depends on whether Liu Xiao is willing to have it!
But Mr. Du is sure that, not to mention other small countries, the other four of Wuchang will definitely want it.

This thing is impossible for anyone to refuse!
Two trillion units, now it's eight trillion!

"Hey, actually, I don't want the price to be so high. The key is to export it abroad, and the money earned is all foreign exchange. The money spent in China still has to go through various procedures, which is very troublesome."

Liu Xiao spread his hands.

"By the way, it seems that the beautiful country still owes us several trillions of foreign exchange. Although he is afraid that their currency will depreciate and we will lose money, this time is an opportunity. They will not give them anything until they pay off the foreign exchange. .”

Liu Xiao chuckled.

In foreign countries, if you can get as much money as you want, you can make more money. Although those foreign currencies are not easy to spend in China, because they affect the RMB exchange rate and cause inflation, they are still easy to spend in the world.

What about Coal Mountain Mine and Diamond Mountain Oilfield? Let’s talk about ten first!
As for restricting the export of quantum computers, Liu Xiao has also thought about it, and even the officials have thought about it, but the final conclusion is that it cannot be done.

This thing is a symbol of the third industrial revolution. If it is only for one’s own family, it will easily cause panic around the world. After all, only one’s own technology has improved, and other technologies are still standing still. No one else can wait for your technology to explode Decades later and then destroy them, right?

Therefore, if you don't give others any hope, it is likely to trigger a worldwide fishing boat in a short period of time, and it will be miserable at that time.

Not to mention that the little boy will be uncomfortable, the worldwide blockade alone can make himself very uncomfortable.

Closed-door policy has never been the attitude that a nation should have, and more needs self-confidence.

We can export it to you, unlike the few chips you pick and search, you have to get stuck, but the problem is that you have to pay more!
One for two trillion, just buy it and see how many you can buy.

You bought back two or three sets, isn't it great?
But at that time, there may be dozens of units in the country, and with the continuation of the time, hundreds or thousands of units will not be a problem, and the speed of the technological explosion will slowly increase.

And if you give the other party hope, the other party won't just jump over the wall in a hurry. Isn't this opportunity coming.

In terms of strategy, if Chinese and Chinese people want to say that they are ancestors, there are really few in the world who dare to deny it.

To put it bluntly, the continuation of Hua and Guo civilization is a set of Sun Tzu's Art of War and a hundred schools of thought.

At least, Liu Xiao is very supportive of this method.

As for the fact that they have also developed a quantum computer, anyway, this quantum computer cannot be disassembled. If you want to develop it yourself, you can develop it. Even with the support of such a strong computing power, there will be no movement within 50 to [-] years.

At that time, the day lily had already been completely cold, so it was their turn.

It took only a few decades from the second industrial revolution to the full-scale explosion of technology.

In a word, earn their money, and then use their money to buy their resources!

On my own side, I just used things that cost [-] million yuan for nothing. If this kind of good deed is not done for nothing, why not do it.

After talking about the details with Du Laoren for a while, Liu Xiao couldn't take it anymore.

The whole day today is in a high-efficiency state, and the consumption of mental energy is too great. The upper and lower eyelids have already started fighting.

Elder Ren and Elder Du had no intention of leaving, so Liu Xiao naturally trusted them both, so he let them play by themselves.

After going out to find Zheng Xiaoxiao, the group drove home directly.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, he"

Zhao Ning has not slept and waited for Liu Xiao. When she saw Liu Xiao being carried out of the car by Zheng Xiaoxiao and the others, her eyes turned red.

"Miss Ning, brother Xiao, he just fell asleep."

Seeing that Zhao Ning was about to cry, Zheng Xiaoxiao quickly explained.

Good guy, so many security personnel didn't even have any wrinkles in their clothes, how could Liu Xiao be injured.


Zhao Ning was stunned for a moment, and trotted all the way over, seeing that Liu Xiao was indeed looking normal and sound asleep, she was relieved.

Liu Xiao was indeed too tired. He thought about having sex with Zhao Ning while Zhao Keke wasn't around and completely forgot about it, and fell asleep straight away until dawn.

However, this does not affect Liu Xiao's original purpose. After all, it will take Zhao Keke two days to come back, and this period of time is his opportunity.

The next morning, Liu Xiao just woke up, and the first thing on his mind was to make up for the unfinished business of last night. It wasn't until the sun was high that Liu Xiao smiled in Zhao Ning's white eyes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Finally no need to wake up early."

Liu Xiao sighed.

For a half-idle person like him, he feels a little sorry for himself if he doesn't sleep until after ten o'clock every day.

Today, I fell asleep until [-] o'clock in the noon, and it was [-] o'clock after playing the game with Zhao Ning. For a while, even the aunt who was cooking was embarrassed outside, wondering if I should wake the two of them up for dinner.

After these few things are done recently, I can relax for a while, and I just need to pick a half-day visit to the scientific research institute every few days.

On the new company side, Xiao Huya and Brother Hua are leading the battle there, and Qu Yue is also helping to watch over there. There must be no trouble. As for the Liu Ning Group, Vice President Du will take over, so he is at ease now. Now there is enough time for leisurely fishing.

"Little Ning, get up and have breakfast."

Liu Xiao picked up Zhao Ning and carefully dressed Zhao Ning.

Zhao Ning blushed.

Liu Xiao didn't think about it, he had been highly concentrated these two days, and now he just wanted to relax.

"Auntie, please help us make some barbecue materials later, get some more beef and mutton and put them on sticks, and use them later in the afternoon."

"By the way, buy some more smokeless charcoal, and get a bigger oven."

Now Liu Xiao is not short of money at all, what he wants to eat, what he wants to use, most of the time he just opens his mouth, and someone below will take care of it for him.

"Alright Mr. Liu."

Auntie nodded repeatedly as she brought out the meal.

It is relatively easy to take care of Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning's daily life. Both of them live a relatively self-disciplined life, and their house is tidy.

Moreover, Cobos recently released a new sweeping and mopping robot, which cleans cleaner than humans. Zhao Ning bought seven or eight of them to clean the room.

Now, these aunts only have to wipe the table and glass.

They always thought that Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning would give them more work, otherwise, they would be in a state of anxiety about the tens of thousands of salary this month.

Liu Xiao made some arrangements for this meeting, and Auntie nodded her head in agreement.

After all, it's hard to find such a good employer now. Although they have to go through various background checks when they come in to work, the salary is indeed high and the work is easy, so she still cherishes it.

Auntie made ordinary stir-fried vegetables and porridge for breakfast, and specially made Liu Xiao's favorite sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Xiao Ning, after a while, I will let you enter the film and television industry, and I will give you a surprise then."

Liu Xiao chuckled.

With the advent of quantum computers, virtual reality technology is almost ready. Liu Xiao reckons that it will be released a month sooner, and two or three months later.

During this time, Liu Xiao also planned to make further plans for Zhao Ning.

For example, Douyin, a platform that currently has [-] million users, would be a pity if it did not enter the platform.


Zhao Ning was curious.

"I said it was a surprise. It will take a while to tell you, but are you planning to enter Douyin's side these two days?"

Regarding Zhao Ning's development, Sister Feifei has always reported to Liu Xiao alone.

In fact, during the recent period, Baldy Yangzi, including Tutu Sanjin, they are basically no longer limited to the small section of live broadcasting. With his Youtube account, with his strong rap, he has attracted many fans on Youtube.

As for some of the second-tier anchors under her banner, in addition to endorsing software and games, Sister Feifei also selected some with a good image and temperament to focus on training, and the local ones can often participate in some commercial performances to increase income.

As for Sister Feifei's plan for Zhao Ning, one aspect is to shorten the time of Huya's live broadcast, from the previous four-hour live broadcast to the current one and a half hours, and then devote more energy to Douyin.

If the development in Douyin is good, maybe the live broadcast will gradually transfer to Douyin.

Today's Huya and Douyu are still very strong in the live broadcasting industry, but Douyin has already demonstrated its terrifying dominance. The two platforms of Huya and Douyu actually have three or four million users, and the number of active users It's around 2000 to [-] million per day.

But Douyin is different. Douyin alone has more than 5000 million registered users. According to the official statistics of Douyin, it is estimated that the number of registered users will reach [-] million by the end of the year.

And this number is bound to Alipay through real-name authentication, that is to say, it is 5000 million real people!
What's more, Douyin has also developed an overseas version of Douyin, and its development even moved closer to YouTube and Facebook. According to Sister Feifei's analysis, it is only a matter of time before it surpasses it.

It just so happened that the turmoil caused by Zhao Keke in Douyin this time was an opportunity for Zhao Ning to enter Douyin.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to open a Douyin account, among other things, it is not a problem to gain millions of followers in a short period of time.

What's more important is Douyin's vibrato plus mechanism. As long as you are willing to spend money, your popularity will definitely increase.

For this point, Liu Xiao also recognized it very much.

To put it bluntly, those talent shows on TV used to be very popular, but today, with the development of the Internet and mobile phones, there are not many people who can concentrate on watching TV.

Especially after the transition to digital TV, with those TV software, you can at least see three or four shopping channels if you change one channel. Watching a whole TV is not disgusting enough.

Therefore, many people now have the habit of watching movies, some variety shows or live broadcasts through TV projection.

Now that Zhao Ning is allowed to participate in those entertainment activities, he has faded out of the audience's sight.

Only by constantly being active on the Internet can we maintain such a high popularity.

This is the choice of the times!

(End of this chapter)

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