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Chapter 444 Lanlan's new idea, rising again? !

Chapter 444 Lanlan's new idea, rising again? !

"According to Sister Feifei, tomorrow is the weekend, when the popularity is high, and the current fishing boat is good, I can take this opportunity to join in."

Zhao Ning nodded with a smile.

Zhao Ning has her own "Commuyin" account, but she didn't seek official certification and post videos. Currently, she still sets up a private account, and only Liu Xiao and a few friends around her follow her.

If you want to open an official account, you must create a new account. At that time, the Douyin official will also mark the account as an official certification mark, and will also give a part of the traffic at the same time.

However, Liu Xiao has never been in contact with Douyin officials, so I don't know what Douyin officials' attitude is towards this matter.

The contract between Zhao Keke and Douyin was signed by the company. Under Feifei's vigorous negotiation, Douyin did not get any benefits.

As for Zhao Ning's contract, Liu Xiao didn't plan to sign it with Douyin, just like Zhao Ning didn't sign a big contract with Huya after the fire.

It wasn't that Liu Xiao couldn't bear Zhao Ning's hard work after signing the contract, but that it wasn't necessary.

To put it bluntly, although the current Douyin is a pillar in the Internet entertainment industry, and its market value once approached the trillion mark, Liu Xiao actually doesn't pay much attention to it.

Although Douyin’s competitor, Kuaishou, is inconspicuous, its strength is relatively strong. If Douyin does not give resources, Zhao Ning has no problem going to Kuaishou for live broadcasting.

Some people say that Kuaishou is vulgar, and Douyin should be more elegant, but Liu Xiao doesn't think so.

In fact, the live broadcast mode on Kuaishou is to tell tourists that I live broadcast to make money, and the big brothers come to give me gifts, and the ones who bring the goods just tell everyone that I want to sell things to make money. Except.

But on Douyin’s side, one of the things that people who bring goods often say is that I’m here to give my family a gift. Today, thousands of mobile phones and hundreds of laptops are given away for free.

There are also those Kangkai brothers and sisters who are generous and generous. They buy a winery with hundreds of millions, and buy a store with tens of millions. The things sold directly for hundreds of dollars, and some brain-dead fans were moved to tears.

Of course, the current general environment is still relatively good. As far as the current Douyin is concerned, music creation and other videos account for the vast majority of the popularity, such as Brother N who has become popular recently, and Brother Li who has been cool, including Xiao Ma, Qixi Festival, etc., are all songs that Douyin can call the name of the Internet celebrities.

And Zhao Ning must be the biggest one among them.

Taking a step back, even if Douyin has a brain hole and doesn't give Zhao Ning any resources, Liu Xiao will start a new company directly at worst.

In the future, full-screen mobile phones without memory and chips will be launched. This patent will be in the hands of Qianlong Group. In order to cooperate with the quantum computer, the program of the new mobile phone will definitely use the quantum computer to develop a new set of operations. system.

The big deal is that it will be one size fits all at that time, and your Douyin platform will be refused to enter the mobile phone store.

If you monopolize traffic, then I will directly monopolize your customers. Who is afraid of whom? As for fishing boats, Liu Xiao has never been in a foreign country. After all, the other party is not authentic.

Then Liu Xiao will create a short video platform by himself, and it won't take long. In a year, these popular short video platforms will be killed, and at that time, he will definitely send the company over willingly for himself to acquire.

Of course, these are worst-case scenarios.

In fact, Zhao Ning's entry into Douyin, even if she doesn't sign a contract, will definitely bring huge traffic to the Douyin platform. After all, there are tens of millions of fans on the Huya platform there, and there are countless free fans on the entire network. In China, Douyin is definitely making a lot of money in terms of traffic.

If such a good thing is not accepted, then there is something wrong with the brain.

What Douyin has been fighting for is actually this contract with Zhao Ning. They hope that Zhao Ning can sign a contract with Douyin, and then live broadcast at a fixed time in Douyin, or even synchronize Huya's live broadcast.

But on this condition, Sister Feifei refused to agree with her life and death, and she insisted on letting Zhao Ning go free. The two sides quarreled for several days without reaching an agreement.

In the end, the boss of Douyin's operation department was helpless. He could never send such an internet star with great potential to a competitor for such a contract. However, he still asked Sister Feifei why, and it turned out that Sister Feifei Just a word, it is Brother Xiao Xiao who refuses to let it go.

Only now did the operations boss completely give up, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Who is Brother Xiao Xiao, he is naturally no stranger now.

Although I don't know the specific identity of Brother Xiao Xiao, the establishment of Liu Ning Group is nothing new in the industry. They also ordered two of the outrageously powerful virtual disk servers.

As for the relationship between Brother Xiao Xiao and Xiao Juzi, although he is not very clear, he also knows that they are relatively close, and they have spent more than a billion yuan on Huya's side.

As for the name of Liu Ning Group, although he thinks that it is more likely to be named after two people, he is not sure after all. The rumors are rumors. Believe it or not is another matter. After all, he has nothing to do with Brother Xiao Xiao. , I haven't even met once, and I know too little.

Even now, he is wondering if Brother Xiao Xiao will follow after Zhao Ning comes to tease the sound.

Although Douyin's business model does not have a great demand for Shenhao, it is definitely a good thing to have such a super Shenhao, at least it can improve the B status of the platform.

Although there are not many activities organized by the Douyin platform, there is still one every quarter. It is mainly aimed at these talent anchors, and there are various Douyin star map prize pools. I believe Brother Xiao Xiao must be interested.

Liu Xiao rested at home for a good day. On the way, Qu Yue and Vice President Du both called to report the current situation. Both sides were basically in a stable transition. Under the special care of the officials, they were basically in a state of green light all the way.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the two companies, Liu Xiao became more relaxed now.

In the afternoon, Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning cooked an open-air barbecue in the yard by himself.

"Siheyuan is the bliss on earth."

Liu Xiao was lying on the recliner next to her, watching Zhao Ning busy spreading salt and seasoning beside her, and took a sip of her drink happily.

Today's high-rise buildings are said to have various advantages, but in fact they are all taken out by developers to deceive people.

One said that the noise from the street could not be heard because of the high living level. In fact, anyone who has lived in a high-rise building knows that even if you live on the [-]th floor, you will not miss a single whistle that should be heard near the street.

Even the houses facing the street dare not open the windows during the day and night, the small cars beep during the day, and the big cars beep beep at night.

The other said that there are no mosquitoes or small flying insects in the high living area, but Liu Xiao can say from the experience of a person who has been there, that there are only a few less, not that there are no.

None of the electric mosquito coils that should be used at night can't escape. Most of them fly up along the corridor or the elevator. They are usually there in the corridor, and they will follow as soon as the door opens.

Some people say that standing tall and seeing far away, the scenery is good, this is nonsense.

There are tall buildings everywhere. Even if you stand on the 33rd floor, you can only see a few hundred meters at most. If you go further, you will be blocked by other tall buildings.

The ones that can really see far are all sea view rooms, the ones near the sea with no shelter.

But there is no shelter, and people can see clearly from their sea view villas.

Of course, Liu Xiao is not saying that the high-rises are not good. In fact, the high-level Tang Chen in Shanghai is indeed not bad. Most of them are duplexes over [-] square meters, and the scenery is not bad.

But the housing price over there is as low as 23 square meters, and more than 7000 square meters, at least [-] million.

In the whole country, there are only a few such communities.

On the other hand, a courtyard house has its own open-air courtyard, its own several courtyards, its own vegetable field, and its own swimming pool.

With modern decoration and transparent glass on all sides, it is more comfortable to live in, and if you want to have a barbecue or something, just set up a stove and you're done.

In Liu Xiao's view, this is life.

In high-rise buildings, you can hear clearly when you stomp your feet upstairs, and if you do something at night, you are afraid that the next door will hear it.
Otherwise, why do people keep shouting that the buildings are good and the buildings are good? The rich people either live in courtyard houses or big villas?
Thinking that Zhao Keke would come back tomorrow and continue to disturb his beautiful life, Liu Xiao casually ate a few mouthfuls, and couldn't help touching the big piece of meat in front of him.

With a smile, under Zhao Ning's exclamation, Liu Xiao hugged Zhao Ning directly, and rushed back to the room with Zhao Ning in his arms
Early the next morning, the title of Zhao Ning Huya's live broadcast was also revised, and Zhao Ning broke free from Liu Xiao's clutches early in the morning and sat in front of the live broadcast equipment.

"Good morning everyone, welcome to my live broadcast room."

Zhao Ning greeted the fans with a smile.

For her, a big anchor with tens of millions of fans, when she starts broadcasting has little impact on her popularity. When she starts broadcasting, it mainly affects the popularity of other anchors.

The live broadcast had just started for 15 minutes, and the popularity of the entire morning star show channel seemed to have been plowed. In many live broadcast rooms, there were not even a third of the usual tourists left.

"The title of Little Orange, are you going to stay in Douyin tonight?"

"Hey, you're late. Xiaojuzi just said that the live broadcast will be launched on Huya and Douyin at the same time tonight. In the morning, I will log in to let everyone know, and it will be down in about two hours!"

"The two platforms will broadcast live together at night?"

Many tourists were dumbfounded.

"Can this work?"

From watching the live broadcast to now, they have never seen a host who can broadcast live on two platforms at the same time.

Especially on Huya's side, most of the agreements signed are unilateral live broadcast agreements. Generally, if this kind of problem occurs, the live broadcast room will be blocked directly.

"Hey, you guys are a bit low-level here. Little Orange signed a contract with Lehua, and Lehua has also separated from Huya. At present, Huya's business is only a part of Lehua, and Xiaojuan Orange has not signed a contract with Huya, so it is not subject to this restriction."

In fact, most of the anchors who broadcast live on the Huya platform will sign the most basic agreement, which basically states that the anchors have to perform some very simple obligations and share gifts.

But Zhao Ning signed a contract with the trade union from the beginning, and did not sign any agreement with Huya, and Zhao Ning's live broadcast revenue was also shared by Huya to Lehua, and then further distributed.

Many anchors operate in this mode. The reason why no one broadcasts live on dual platforms is not that they don't want to, but that doing so will be suppressed by the platforms.

One platform has not yet mixed well, so the two platforms work together, this is not trying to eat farts.

And there are precedents before, but it is the reverse example.

Brother Li transferred to Huya from the Douyin platform, but she is a bit special. She signed an exclusive agreement with Huya and received a signing fee of 5000 million. If she didn’t need this money, she could actually achieve dual-platform live broadcast .

And this, in the eyes of the audience, became very strange.

In the past few days, except for the big brothers Shenhao who are very active, most of the unions are recuperating. After all, the injuries in the past few months have been a bit serious. These two days have finally stopped the rhythm, and everyone hates it. If you receive hundreds of advertisements and earn some money back, the platform will naturally become a little boring.

But today such an incident happened suddenly, and the protagonist is the hottest anchor on the platform, Xiaojuzi, so her popularity immediately exploded.

When Liu Xiao went online, Zhao Ning was chatting in the live broadcast room.

"Tonight at eight o'clock sharp, I will launch a live broadcast on Huya and Douyin at the same time. Everyone can go over and support me, but remember, our homes are all on Huya's side."

Zhao Ning was a little embarrassed.

She came to Huya early in the morning to attract people for herself. In fact, she was a bit of a platform cake. Huya was actually pretty good to her, and it was really not good to do it now, so she said that.

At present, the person in charge of Huya is no longer Vice President Du. Although Vice President Du has retained someone to take charge, Lanlan is still handling the specific matters.

Lanlan saw Xiaojuzi talking about going to Douyin platform in the live broadcast room, first frowned, and then relieved.

Her first thought was the same as that of most people. Although these people are all fans of Zhao Ning, it is understandable for Zhao Ning to say this, but after all, she wants to attract users of her own platform to Douyin.

But Lan Lan thought about it for a second, how popular her own platform is, with less than 2000 million daily active users, and only two to three hundred million total users.

But on Douyin's side, the daily activity is close to [-] million, and the total users are more than [-] million, and the volume of the short video platform is much larger than their Huya.

If Zhao Ning can advertise Huya during the live broadcast, even without advertising, just say that he is the anchor from Huya, how much traffic will it bring to Huya?
Let's hedge [-] million and [-] million, no matter how you look at it, it's all earned by their tiger buds, right?
And with Brother Xiao Xiao's relationship before, the relationship between Lanlan and Xiaojuzi is relatively harmonious, among other things, Xiaojuzi will definitely agree to such a small matter.

Thinking of this, blue eyes lit up instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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