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Chapter 445 Is the popularity too high?

Chapter 445 Is the popularity too high?
"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao came so early today."

"I haven't seen Brother Xiao Xiao for several days, I miss you so much!"

"Fart upstairs, Brother Xiao Xiao played with Laolong for a while the night before yesterday, and you can tell that he is not a die-hard fan of Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"By the way, brother Xiao Xiao, Xiaojuzi is going to Douyin tonight, brother Xiao Xiao, will you go there?"

When the tourists saw Liu Xiao's account login, they asked excitedly one by one.

If Brother Xiao Xiao can go to Douyin to do a wave today, it will definitely be a good show on the earthquake level.

They also all have the Douyin software, and occasionally watch the live broadcast in it. For now, Douyin’s income is mainly in the aspects of bringing goods and Doujia, while Xingxiu is still a little mediocre. of.

Many Douyin singers with tens of millions of dollars actually have relatively limited income. Many big brothers give small rewards in the tens of thousands and tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands or even millions are rare. There are a few They are also exclusive fans of major anchors on several platforms.

In terms of gift income, the current Douyin mix is ​​still relatively miserable, and even Douyu can beat this [-] million-popular super platform to death in this regard.

This is also the reason why many major music anchors in Douyin are working hard to jump out. Douyin is not a platform for live broadcasting of talents, and its profit model is still mainly based on short videos.

Various star map missions, combined with short videos, the ability to generate revenue can basically be described as terrifying.

Of course, the focus of Douyin is not here, and unilateral overtaking is not considered powerful.

While Huya and Douyu were still working hard for their annual income goal of [-] billion, Douyin had already reached the [-] billion level.

But for the tourists, it doesn't matter whether it's funny or not, as long as it's fun?
"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314*2!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out the magic book *1314*!"

Without further ado, Liu Xiao used another round of magic books to clear the way.

After a full hundred sets of gifts passed, Liu Xiao slowly stopped.

"Tonight, Xiaojuzi went to Douyin to broadcast live. Of course I have to join in, but we are on Huya's side after all. Tonight, as much as I swipe on Douyin, I will simulcast as much on Huya's side. !"

One hundred sets of magic books, a total of more than 140 million gifts were sent out as rewards, and the special effects of the gifts have been frantically popping up on the public screen. Coupled with Liu Xiao's words that were placed at the top of the live broadcast room, they were incomparably domineering for a while.

Early in the morning, the tourists screamed in excitement.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, with your words, even if I was beaten to death by my mother tonight, I will take out my phone to watch the live broadcast!"

"Is it so miserable upstairs? Look at someone like me who has a girlfriend. You can take your girlfriend's phone and watch it on two platforms at the same time!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to be hammered to death upstairs!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is domineering, I won't be able to go to the self-study tonight, I must be in place!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists continued to barrage.

When Lanlan saw the news from brother Xiao Xiao, she was also happy for a while.

As much as you swipe on Douyin, you can swipe on Huya.

This is completely an advertisement for their Huya!
At that time, as long as there is a live broadcast, Douyin will definitely have a huge number of fans.

"It seems that we must be prepared to convert fans."

Lan Lan murmured.

During this period of time, she also learned a lot from Vice President Du. When Brother Li and Miss came over, Vice President Du took advantage of the short four or five days to transform the fans they brought. Huya's DAU skyrocketed by more than 100 million to nearly 200 million!

You should know that for a live broadcast of Douyin, the number of views and real-time online volume are related.

For example, if the real-time online volume is 50+, then the pageview volume may be about [-], which is basically ten times the relationship.

If you vote for Doujia or something, this number will expand further.

At present, Douyin’s live broadcast is still a little average. The average number of online users of big anchors is about 30 to [-], and there are only [-] or [-] small anchors. The development of live broadcasts is still relatively slow.

In this case, Doujia is a must.

While calculating the time in her heart, Lan Lan thought about what to do on her side.

In any case, this time is an opportunity for the Huya platform, and she must make a move.

"Mobilize a 500 million fund first, and give Xiaojuzi Quanjiu a try at night, and then transfer 500 million to reward it?"

"Of course, all of this has to be discussed with Xiaojuzi in advance, otherwise the problem will be serious."

Lan Lan frowned, thinking about the gains and losses of benefits.

She has matured completely now, and her consideration of various aspects is not as naive as before.

And with Liu Xiao's launch in Huya, all the Xiao family troops, whoever had time, also went online and entered the live broadcast room.

The current Xiao family army, under the deliberate guidance of the Huya platform, has a total number of more than 400. Among them, there are nearly [-] titles such as Emperor and Super God Emperor, and there are countless kings.

Those whose titles are too low can't even reach the threshold of entry.

This early in the morning, the Xiao family army rushed in with hundreds of people.

Junjun was originally hanging out with Xiaohuya, but Xiaohuya has been relatively busy these days, and the corresponding Junjun has been idle. Most of the time these days, Junjun wandered around the platform.

As soon as I went online in the morning, I saw that Xiaojuzi was broadcasting, and the title bar said that Douyin would start broadcasting at [-] o'clock tonight. See you soon.

Looking at this, Junjun knew that something big must happen, and looking at it again, brother Xiao Xiao was actually there.

"Don't say anything else, first support 100 million gifts at night!"

Junjun is very proud.

During this period of time, he made a lot of money following Xiaohuya. Although 100 million is not a lot, it is still acceptable to him.

And the other Shenhao brothers in the live broadcast room also spoke one after another, expressing their support in the evening.

"Thank you for your support."

Zhao Ning thanked.

With a fan base of tens of millions, not only these Xiao Jiajun's big brothers, but also Zhao Ning's own fans.

Liu Xiao took a quick look, and there are probably more than 1000 people with Zhao Ning's [-]th-level brand and above, and these are all powerful consumers.

And there are more than 5000 people with signs above tenth level, accounting for almost half of the VIP seats.

Among other things, these people will definitely go back to support if they have time at night.

That is to say, for Zhao Ning's live broadcast tonight, there will be at least 5000 people coming to collect gifts, and with his own heroism, tonight's cards should be similar.

Zhao Ning is currently making her debut as Little Orange, so naturally she can't be as casual as before. Sister Feifei has specific plans for the evening activities.

Including Douyin, the push of traffic advertisements has also started.

On Zhao Keke's side, taking advantage of the popularity of the video, they released the news that Zhao Ning will be going live on Douyin.

"Big brother is a lot today."

Many tourists sighed in their hearts when they saw the number of VIP seats increasing rapidly.

Baldy's VIP seats are currently maintained at more than 8000, and the average popularity is about 80.

And the VIP seats on Little Orange's side are usually maintained at [-], or around [-] in good times.

But today, just for a while, the number of VIP seats in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room is far greater than this number, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

You know, Zhao Ning's usual live broadcast time is not at this point. In the morning, this is an additional broadcast to announce things, but even so, the VIP seats have already broken through to [-]!

Although Liu Xiao was quite surprised by this point, he didn't take it too seriously.

There are two kinds of VIP seats for Huya.

One is to go to the VIP seat by opening the title, the lowest swordsman, and the highest super god emperor, and the second is to get a small gift of one yuan and get on the VIP seat after getting the anchor's fan brand.

In both ways, there will be a title logo in front of the opening of the title. Some powerful elder brothers even have the card master logo or blue tube of the trade union. The accounts of these users will generally be ranked at the top of the VIP seats. The emperor's and a group of people who have activated the emperor, plus a large circle of nobles who have not activated the emperor, but the anchor brand level is higher, it must be the title of the super god emperor who ranks first.

And after this point, there are those blue horses and red horses. Under the same title, the blue horse must be the No. 1 priority.

As for the tourists who have not opened the title but only have a brand, they only have the fan level of the anchor, and these are the majority.

Little Orange currently has 7000 VIP seats, only about [-] are nobles who have opened through titles, and the rest are basically tourists who give a small gift of one dollar and then pile up the fan brand with tiger food.

And those people who appeared more than Xiaojuzi's usual live broadcast, looking at the logo, many of the suffixes in front of them are Daheng and Misty Rain, so don't think about it, you can tell at a glance that they are the people from Brother Hua and Yishui Misty Rain.

There are some more, such as the guild numbers of Xiaochun's small guilds, and some anchors' own private accounts.

The broadcast started for such a short time in the morning, and with the addition of a hundred sets of 1314 magic books to clear the way, the popularity of the live broadcast room has broken through to more than 200 million and close to 300 million.

And the barrage on the public screen is so densely packed that you can't even see it clearly.

In Xingxiu District, Zhao Ning is definitely a well-deserved first sister if she can reach this level.

This is still the situation where Liu Xiao didn't take the initiative to make a move. If Liu Xiao yelled something in the game area, his popularity would break through 500 million in a minute. Even exaggerating, it could directly pull Huya's popularity in the morning session by one-third two!

You know, the current stable daily activity of Huya is only about 700 million. In fact, more than half of the people in the morning show, the activity rate is about [-] million, and it is a bit unrealistic to have more.

Therefore, the value of Zhao Ning's popularity in the live broadcast room is still very obvious.

Sister Feifei has been monitoring the data here from the union. After seeing the popularity of the live broadcast room rising steadily, she hastily ordered several field controllers of the union to start operations.

It's not too difficult for Huya. Zhao Ning is Huya's first sister, so many people will be willing to listen to her.

But the hardest part is Douyin.

Although Zhao Ning is now well-known online, she has no idea how far Huya's omni-channel recommendation and those two albums have pushed her.

According to her expectation, Zhao Ning's first Douyin live broadcast will have at least 20 popularity, or even 30. Fear of what might go wrong.

Zhao Ning is Lehua's leader. If Zhao Ning has any problems or has any opinions, she can directly complain to her boss. When the time comes, give her a black complaint on her forehead. What else can she do besides admitting it? Method?
Of course, Sister Feifei is still a very cautious person. Before the matter was confirmed, she did not post a single official Weibo account. If the effect of the advertisement on Douyin is not good today, she is even thinking about whether to change it. Short video platform.

"Sister Feifei, the data here has already been passed on. The videos we prepared yesterday will be released at the same time. Some of them are soft articles written by bloggers, and some are straightforward advertisements."

Several field controllers announced their work.

Douyin voted for these things for free in this cooperation. The first time is free, and if you want to get it again in the future, you will be charged.

According to the quotation that Sister Feifei knew, there is no specific price for the advertisement, and they are all based on a similar market price, and then negotiated with self-media people.Under normal circumstances, the quotation for an advertising video is about 2000 yuan. According to the data above the quotation of the star map, this video will probably have about 15 views, but I don’t know how much the conversion volume will be.

Sister Feifei nodded secretly. Although the data from Douyin has not come out, the general development direction is still under her control. At present, it can basically be done like a finger, and it is not in vain.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the popularity of Zhao Ning's live broadcast completely exceeded 300 million, and the number of VIP seats in the live broadcast reached an astonishing more than 7000.You know, Huya's live broadcast room with the most VIPs is probably Huhe's side, with about 1.

But Zhao Ning's VIP seat today is almost twice that of the game anchor Hue He!

When the popularity of a star show anchor is much higher than that of a game anchor, there are only two situations. One is that the star show anchor is too good, and the second is that the game anchor is too lucrative.

The strength of Hoe Wo is obvious to all, and it is definitely impossible to say that he is fishing.

Therefore, it can only be considered from this aspect, the current live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi is really fierce!

The real big brothers all stated that they would start to scan at [-] o'clock in the evening, but many people have already started to scan in the live broadcast room.

Dozens to hundreds of thousands of gifts are almost never broken on the public screen.

One barrage of gifts followed another, so many that people couldn't even see the barrage messages clearly.

Zhao Ning felt helpless as she watched the online presence of more than 300 million people in front of the computer.

The reason why I chose to announce in the morning is because there are few people in the morning, otherwise I chose to broadcast the announcement last night.

But judging from the current situation, the popularity in the morning seems to be quite a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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