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Chapter 446 The popularity of the big brother group!

Chapter 446 The popularity of the big brother group!

It was night soon, but the development of the matter made Liu Xiao a little unhappy.

It's not about the live broadcast, but Zhao Keke, it's hard for Sister Feifei to drag Zhao Keke for more than a day, but last night Sister Feifei accidentally slipped her mouth, and this guy just sneaked all the way and rushed back .

He said he was going to do field control for Zhao Ning, but Liu Xiao couldn't see through Zhao Keke's intentions, it was obvious that he came by himself.

Gritting his teeth, Liu Xiao dragged Zhao Keke to the living room, and paid another 5 yuan, which made Zhao Keke agree to go back to the dormitory to sleep tonight, but the premise was that the field control work had to be done.

For this request, Liu Xiao naturally readily agreed. Anyway, it is impossible for Zhao Ning to go in during the live broadcast, so he simply asked Zhao Keke to go in and help out. Sister Feifei is in Guangzhou after all, and there are some people who live nearby. It is also good to do it personally.

Besides, this is my sister-in-law, so being able to show her face in the live broadcast will definitely be helpful to her future development.

At 07:30 in the evening, the auntie simply cooked some dishes. All three of them had good appetites and enjoyed eating.

After all, Zhao Ning is an old anchor who has been broadcasting live for more than four months. Although the dual-platform live broadcast is coming soon, she doesn't seem nervous at all.

"Sister, the hair I combed for you looks good."

Zhao Keke chuckled, and winked at Liu Xiao triumphantly.

Liu Xiao looked back at Zhao Keke angrily, and wondered if he should talk to the security guards at the door some other day and drag Zhao Keke away as a terrorist.

But thinking about it, I might have to go to work after a while, so I just let Zhao Keke do whatever he wants.

Anyway, I have already slept with Zhao Ning now, even if Zhao Keke insists on not leaving, I can't wait to get into my bed when I go to bed at night, can I?
Even if Zhao Keke really dared to do this, it would be a big deal for Zheng Xiaoxiao to sneak Zhao Keke out to see if this little girl would dare to ruin her life.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao suddenly felt happy.

Walk to the living room, turn on the TV, and select the screen mirroring function.

The software on the TV side of Huya Cloud Audio-Visual E-sports is almost meaningless. If you watch it on TV, you can’t see the barrage on it, and you can’t reply to it on TV.

And if you choose the projection mode, you can also project the barrage on the screen at the same time, which is more convenient.

As for Douyin, TV software has not yet been developed, so it can only be watched with mobile phones.

But for people like Liu Xiao who have two mobile phones, there is no problem, one mobile phone for Douyin and one for Huya, the best of both worlds.

And in the group created by Xiao Huya, this meeting is already about to explode with excitement.

Naturally, the interests and hobbies of these people cannot be exactly the same.

Just like Xiao Huang was playing on the two platforms of Huya Douyu back then, there are so many big brothers Shenhao, there are also many people playing on Douyin.

"Everyone don't compete with me this time. I am a 49-level big brother in Douyin. There are basically few anchors who go to Douyin platform who don't know me."

Xingjue proudly posted a screenshot of his level in the group.

His strength is not inferior to that of Xiaohuya, but Xiaohuya has always been the master on Huya's side.

Throughout the past few months of Huya’s live broadcast, except for the few times when Xiao Huya swiped the tens of millions list alone, the other many times of swiping gifts were all about how much Xiaohuya swiped and how much Xingjue swiped.

At most, it is a little worse than Xiaohuya. For example, Xiaohuya spends 500 million, and he spends [-] million for fun.

Even in the later period when Xiao Huya invested in the relationship line of Brother Xiao Xiao, he paid more than 2000 million yuan, and he followed 1000 million yuan.

Xingjue is on Huya's side. Everyone knows that he is fierce, but they also know that he is low-key.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Xingjue's level in Douyin was so high!
"By the way, how many levels does Douyin have?"

"It seems to be level [-], but the difficulty of level [-] improvement seems to be a little more difficult than Huya Super God Emperor."

In the group, a few big brothers who occasionally play teasers replied.

There is no aristocratic system in the rules of Douyin, but a class defined by total consumption.

One dollar is equal to ten coins. If you consume the most basic coin, which is a dime, you will get a first-class brand.

Consumption of 7 coins is a level 2 brand.

To get to level ten, you need to spend about 243 coins, which is 23 yuan.

But if you want to brush to level 3800, this number will be huge, about [-] coins, which is fifteen or six times that of level ten.

The 6th level is 6000 coins, which is more than ten times that of the [-]th level, which translates to [-] yuan.

"What, only 6000 yuan at level [-]?"

Seeing Xingjue in the group explaining Douyin's hierarchy, everyone was speechless for a while.

If you upgrade ten levels, your consumption will probably increase by about fifteen times.

The 90th level is about 9 coins, which is 1300 yuan, and the 130th level is [-] million coins, which is about [-] million.

As for Star Lord's level 49.
The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, it was probably 100 million, right?
This kind of spending power seems to be nothing in Huya. There are currently four to five hundred people in their group, and there are more than a dozen Chaoshen Emperors alone, and the Supershen Emperors have a different hierarchy from Douyin .

The Super God Emperor needs to spend 150 million yuan in the first month to obtain the activation permission, and then has to renew the fee of 50 yuan every month to maintain his noble status.

But for Douyin, as long as the cumulative consumption reaches 130 million, it will be level [-].

At present, there are six No. 70 emperor brothers in the group, and none of them dare to say that their consumption in Huya has exceeded this amount, and even many kings and brothers spend no less in Huya.

Xingjue smiled mischievously.

He really wanted to come out and pretend to be a beep, but he didn't expect that no one would poke it before he finished.

But this is no wonder to him, Douyin doesn't rely on gifts to start the price. He usually helps the big brother of the anchor to PK or something, and he won it for 1 to [-], which is not enough money.

If you brush too much, it won't be interesting for him to play.

Therefore, after playing Douyin for several months, he managed to spend 100 million yuan and broke through the 49th level.

But for now, this level is still quite high in Douyin.

The ones in front of him are basically the money paid by the bosses who bring the anchors, and they are not the same as the gods like them.

"Level 2000 is about [-] million, right?"

Xiaohuya burst into a bubble, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, currently the highest level of Douyin is 60."

Star Lord nodded.

Douyin's level [-] also has its own considerations, the key is that they don't dare to go any higher.

If you set a level 70, then 2000 times of 15 million is [-] million. If you dare to get to level [-], you have to double it three times and [-] times.

Calculated from this, level [-] is one trillion, or ten trillion coins. If this level is designed, it can't be sprayed to death?

One trillion yuan is enough to buy them Douyin, and what kind of gift is there.

Liu Xiao didn't pay attention to the news in the group. In the morning, they all said they would come to have fun, so Liu Xiao simply let them go. Anyway, there will definitely be a lot of people coming at night, so it doesn't matter if there are more or less.

Liu Xiao is also studying Douyin's hierarchy and gifts.

From level 1 to level 60, there is actually no meaning, and there is no recharge discount or the like, it is purely a status symbol.

The first-level brand is a very light blue color, while the fifty-level brand is currently dark purple, and a small crown icon is added in front of it. Of course, this icon is also purple, just to make the level look more B-like.

As for level [-], no one has reached level [-] yet, but judging from the official news, it should be purple, which symbolizes the most noble.

And Douyin's gifts are even more numerous, let alone Huya's side, even Douyu's gift types are not as many as Douyin's.

Liu Xiao originally thought that the fish balls and shark fins on the teaser side would be messy enough, and there were all kinds of cards and so on, and the super rockets gave away all kinds of consecutive gifts.

But for Douyin, the most expensive gift should be a carnival, which costs 3000 Dou coins, a total of [-] yuan.

Secondly, this is Douyin No. 1000, [-] yuan each, and there are other helicopters, super planes, romantic carriages, unicorns, love light waves and so on.

But it's okay for Liu Xiao, after all, he only recognizes the most expensive one when he buys presents, and it doesn't matter how much the rest are.

But the only thing that makes Liu Xiao a little uncomfortable is that the gifts from Douyin are basically not given in groups.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that all the gifts can’t be given in groups. Those with ten coins and twenty coins can be given, but you can only give one 1314 gifts at a time, which is not as much as the carnival.

As for the high-end gift, a Porsche worth 1200 coins, it is impossible to form a group.

Liu Xiao was speechless for a while.

I found an anchor at random, clicked in and played a carnival to try it out.

The special effects are really good, covering most of the screen, but the problem is that the special effects of this carnival also cover his gift bar. After pressing one, if you want to press the second one, you have to wait. This 15-second special effect can't be finished.

In the end, Liu Xiao exited the live broadcast room quite speechlessly under the repeated thanks of the lucky anchor.

This method of giving gifts is definitely not acceptable. If you give a carnival in 15 seconds, you can give four in a minute.

A 1, only 60 in one minute, and [-] in an hour, if you want to make [-] million or [-] million, you have to do it until next year?
What's more, with this speed of collecting gifts, let alone 2000 million or [-] million tonight, even the [-]th level of [-] million is difficult!

It just so happened that Sister Feifei was in contact with Douyin for the past two days.

Liu Xiao sent a message and asked for the phone number of Douyin's vice president of operations.

"Liu Xiao Xiao Xiao, are you Brother Xiao Xiao?"

When the vice president of Douyin's operation department received the call, his eyes almost popped out.

He is also in the Internet circle, how can he not know the reputation of Liu Ning Group?
And the news that Liu Xiao is Brother Xiao Xiao, the number one god on the Huya platform, is not a big secret, and the higher-ups basically know it.

I know it's the same thing, but it's Brother Xiao Xiao calling him personally!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you can just call me Xiao Wang."

Xiao Wang almost stood at attention and saluted with a correct attitude, and his tone was almost extremely respectful.

In his opinion, Boss Douyin may have the ability to talk to brother Xiao Xiao on an equal footing, but he is just a small wage earner for the vice president.

What if Brother Xiao Xiao can be served happily, and Brother Xiao Xiao thinks he is a good talent, so how about giving him a chance to rise?
"Mr. Wang, you don't have to be so polite. I didn't call you to find trouble."

Liu Xiao chuckled.

Liu Xiao briefly explained what happened just now.

To be honest, Liu Xiao is a very troublesome person, especially in this situation where 3000 yuan and 3000 yuan keep going up. Therefore, Liu Xiao still prefers the small program that Huya made for himself.

Liu Xiao can also make one, but without Douyin's authorization, this third-party applet is considered a plug-in, and it can be solved with a phone call, so there is no need to create so many things.

"Is it possible to increase the number of combos for swiping gifts?"

Vice President Wang was a little confused.

Although he is in charge of operations, he also knows some technology.

The special effects of gifts on Douyin are all meticulously produced. As far as the details are concerned, they are much better than all the live broadcast platforms on the market. All gifts, including gift combos, have exclusive special effects, which is not so easy Change.

Even if you work overtime, it will take at least five or six hours.

Especially what Brother Xiao Xiao said just now is to make the gift of the carnival into a combo, which takes up more than half of the screen to make a combo of special effects, and it will definitely not be able to be downloaded without half a day or even a day.

Vice President Wang struggled for a long time, and finally decided to tell the truth.

There is no problem with the combo applet. Let alone the technical department, he can easily make something of this level, as long as it is incorporated into the Douyin system.

But on the gift side, he really can't change it, it will take time to do this.

Liu Xiao frowned.

This thing is indeed a problem.

When I first went to Douyin live broadcast, it was because of this problem that Douyu officials directly forcibly stacked gifts.

One plane is one plane special effect, fifty planes, Douyu copied the module fifty times and pasted it directly on the page.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be done in Douyin. After all, the special effects of gifts on Douyin are often half-screen and one-screen special effects. It is really not easy to do this.

Of course, there is another way, which is to use supercomputers such as quantum computers or virtual disk servers to randomly generate some special effects, and then randomly select them.

But this matter is a bit troublesome, Liu Xiao thought about it and let it go.

"Then, can this combo hit fifty times in a second?"

"Fifty times a second?"

When Vice President Wang heard this, he almost vomited blood on the spot.

What the hell is fifty times a second?

However, this does seem to be possible.
Computers execute instructions differently from humans. Executing commands fifty times a second is really childish.

But the problem is, if Brother Xiao Xiao swipes the gift of Carnival fifty times a second, it will cause the live broadcast interface to constantly refresh the first frame module of the gift, which looks like it is stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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