Chapter 447 Debut, 100 views online!

"It's simple, you just set it to play one special effect and then play the next one, and it's over."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

Repeatedly swiping multiple gifts, the special effect of the second gift will appear after 15 seconds of the special effect of the first gift. If the consumer changes the gift, just set a termination command.

These are all very simple operations in the program, and for a master like Liu Xiao, it is even child's play.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Vice President Wang gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

If it were the other big brothers Shenhao, Vice President Wang would probably be too lazy to do it. Even if these big brothers Shenhao could get more money, it would be tens of millions at most, and no matter how great it was, it would be one or two million. For a behemoth, such a small amount of revenue is really nothing. Some big anchors have four or five live broadcasts with goods, and Douyin’s commission is 1000 million.

But this person is Brother Xiao Xiao, so it's different.

As the hottest boss in China and China's science and technology circles, Brother Xiao Xiao's influence has already spread invisibly. They also ordered two virtual disk servers for Douyin, but the order line is a bit long, and it may take three or four Shipped after a month.

But now, as long as we can establish a good relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, it would be easy to arrange a virtual disk server or something in advance?

As the vice president of the operation department, Vice President Wang doesn't have as much power as Vice President Du in Huya, but he still has such ability.

The program is not difficult to adjust. After Vice President Wang told the technical department about his requirements, they quickly made a small program for connecting the dots as required.

Then, Vice President Wang personally followed Liu Xiao's Douyin account, and sent this small program in a compressed package.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the program settings in this small program can send up to [-] consecutive gifts per second. The live broadcast screen will only show the special effect of one gift, but there will be a gift combo number in the upper right corner."

In this regard, Vice President Wang also borrowed from the operation mode of Huya and Douyu, and increased the number of pop-up windows for large gifts like small gifts.

"Okay, trouble."

Liu Xiao clicked on the compressed package, and in less than a second, a combo applet appeared on the Douyin interface. The operation mode is basically the same as that of Huya, that is, the combo count is twice a second from that of Huya. , became the current fifty times per second.

"Mr. Wang, I remember that you Douyin ordered our company's products, right?"

"Yes, but our reservation time is a bit late, and the queue has been up for three months."

Vice President Wang didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be so blatant. Although he had this thought in his heart, Brother Xiao Xiao's sudden remark made him a little nervous.

But at the same time, more is to look forward to.

Although the current short video data of Douyin is still within the carrying capacity of the server, it is only during this period of time that it is overloaded. Therefore, Douyin's current short video shooting has an audit mechanism.

Unless you are a film and television account or a gourmet account, the longest time to upload a video is 1 minute, and this limit exists before [-] followers.

The advantage of doing this is obvious, it can eliminate most of the junk video files created by ordinary users who use Douyin to record their lives, and reduce the storage pressure on the server, but the disadvantages also exist.

For many video bloggers who want to start in Douyin, it is unrealistic to upload an entire song. They can only upload a part of the song, including some dance anchors, who are limited to a maximum of 15 seconds of video files.

Even some game anchors can't even post video commentary on Douyin, which greatly affects the creative enthusiasm of Douyin bloggers.

But if there are two virtual disk servers, these problems will not exist, and the recording can be fully opened to all users, even all ordinary users, and the original 1 minute length can be adjusted to 6 minutes, or even 9 minutes. question.

Therefore, Douyin has been greedy for this thing recently.

But their boss doesn't know Brother Xiao Xiao, so they can only wait in line for production like most people, but now at this opportunity, Brother Xiao Xiao has already spoken directly!
"Well, I have arranged for you these two days. Two virtual disk servers will be shipped to your company within three days. You have to prepare the final payment."

Liu Xiao took advantage of the opportunity to make a joke.

The deposit is 5000 million for one unit, and the final payment of 5000 million must be made up before receiving the goods.

A cost of about 500 million, this thing is still very violent.

Of course, Liu Xiao is not saying that other customer orders should be postponed, but that after the quantum computer is developed, productivity will inevitably be greatly improved.

If it was said that one and a half units could be produced in one day in the past, there is no problem in doubling it now.

In addition, after the production line was relocated here, the productivity has been further improved. It is still no problem to squeeze out two sets for Douyin in two or three days.

Vice President Wang was overjoyed.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Now he finally understands how those anchors feel when they are rewarded by their elder brother. This feeling of windfall is really comfortable!
Among other things, with these two virtual disk servers, he will definitely be able to sit more securely in the position of executive vice president of Douyin, and it is not a dream to upgrade and raise his salary!
Liu Xiao exchanged some polite words with Vice President Wang, and hung up the phone first.

In the live broadcast room, Zhao Ning and Zhao Keke were busy adjusting the live broadcast equipment.

In this live broadcast, Zhao Ning planned to sing her new album.

Since the release of the new album in the first two months, she hasn't moved much throughout July, mostly doing some charity donations with Huya and donations to disaster areas. She only has free time to work on the new album.

For the ten songs in this album, Zhao Ning only wrote two songs, and found other musicians to compose the remaining eight songs.

Moreover, Zhao Ning also added Fang Wenshan, who specially composed lyrics for Jay Chou, and asked for a lyrics, and then composed and sang it herself.

Get the soundtrack ready, it's just eight o'clock.

On Huya's side, millions of viewers had gathered in the pitch-black live broadcast room, and all kinds of small gifts kept floating on the black screen.

"At eight o'clock, get ready to welcome Little Orange!"

"Little Orange Niubi, I have both mobile phones ready, and I will go to Douyin to witness the battle of becoming a god!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, my heart is as stable as sitting on ten cows, brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

In the live broadcast room, there are different opinions on the barrage, but the core is one sentence, Xiaojuzi's live broadcast tonight is bound to be a success!
Of course, Xiaojuzi's live broadcast tonight is not for pk with anyone. In fact, it's not interesting for Xiaojuzi to play pk with people now, so he can bully people properly.

Even if Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't make a move, a vote of big brothers in the live broadcast room can smash most of the anchors on the entire network, and with Brother Xiao Xiao sitting in charge, apart from Brother Hua and Brother Jiu working together, they really can't think of anyone in the entire network who can be Brother Xiao Xiao A united enemy.

It is even more impossible to have a blank space in the live broadcast of Douyin.

The live broadcast screen flashed, and Zhao Ning was wearing a long white dress, sitting gracefully on a chair, holding a guitar in her hand.

"Welcome everyone to my live broadcast room. Good evening, viewers and friends of Huya, and good evening, new friends of Douyin."

Zhao Ning spoke with a smile, and played a guitar, which immediately caused the screen of the live broadcast room to refresh.

At the same time, Douyin officials are also secretly making efforts.

Douyin's live broadcast industry is in a downturn, and they also want to take this opportunity to shuffle the live broadcast area, and it is best to prop up the live broadcast's name in one go.

As soon as Zhao Ning's live broadcast room opened, Douyin started a large-scale traffic push.

On Huya's side, Lan Lan even voted 500 million Doujia for Zhao Ning's live broadcast room.

Doujia and Douyin’s traffic push are essentially the same thing, but Douplus is operated independently, and can accurately stream users and directly push them to users who are watching videos.

Of course, there must be some overlap in the traffic recommendations of the two, but this does not mean that Lanlantou is not very useful. For the excess traffic, Douyin will automatically convert it into popularity and duration.

For example, the original popularity recommendation only lasted for one hour, but under Doujia's recommendation, it can be adjusted to four hours of continuous recommendation.

In other words, if a user has been using Douyin for four consecutive hours, it is possible that during these four hours, they will be in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room many times.

And Liu Xiao was not polite, and silently opened Douyin's Douyin page. Seeing that 5000 yuan was 1000 traffic per hour, he directly invested [-] million in Douyin.

This means that in the next four hours, more than 3000 million users will watch Zhao Ning's live broadcast.

Adding in the 500 million from Huya, there will be at least 500 million viewers of Zhao Ning's live broadcast.

As for Douyin at this evening peak, its online active users are probably a little more than 1 million. In addition to Douyin’s recommendation, I am afraid that at least half of the people will be able to use this recommendation.

The effect of the inclination of the flow is indeed very obvious.

Han Xiaojia just got off work at night, and was about to watch music videos on Douyin.

The recent development of Douyin is very good. Many music producers have released their works on Douyin, especially the two songs Fenghe Herili that almost occupied all the charts of Douyin recently.

There is also a new song called Desert Camel, which she thinks is very good.

The only thing that makes her regret is that Douyin is almost all fragments, and there is no dedicated whole song.

As for why you don’t go to Penguin Music and Netease Cloud to listen to songs, it’s because the sound effects on Douyin’s side are indeed different from those on the other side. The sound effect here is good.

And you can watch videos while listening to songs, which is basically equivalent to MV.

And as soon as she opened the Douyin platform, a live recommendation was posted on the first video.

She actually doesn't like Douyin's current situation of live broadcasts with goods flying all over the sky, but now there are very few musicians on Douyin live broadcasts, and most of them are live broadcasts by these anchors with goods.

Therefore, the first time she saw the live broadcast, she clicked the refresh button and asked Douyin to push resources to her again.

"and many more!"

"Damn it, that person just now seems to be Little Tangerine?"

Han Xiaojia was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up immediately, his face full of disbelief.

She knew that Xiaojuzi had been broadcasting live on Huya all the time, why did she suddenly have a live broadcast room on Douyin?
She hurriedly swipe up, wanting to revert to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast, but just now because of her low hand, she clicked refresh, and a batch of videos were reloaded, and she could no longer swipe up.

But just now, his hands were too fast, and he didn't even remember the name of Xiaojuzi's ID in Douyin. He tried to search in the search bar but couldn't find it.

Helpless, with the mentality of giving it a try, she typed the words "little orange" in the search bar.

After a glance, there were hundreds of accounts called Xiaojuzi, and there were no accounts of Xiaojuzi at all.

Han Xiaojia let out a sigh of annoyance, and could only look forward to seeing Xiaojuzi next time, or wait for Xiaojuzi to become a hot topic after it becomes popular, and then watch it again.

Douyin’s search mechanism is like this. If you swipe a video too quickly, the system will assume that you hate or dislike this type of video. When recommending videos in the future, most of them will skip this blogger by default. recommendation.

According to the normal recommendation mechanism, Han Xiaojia might still get Zhao Ning's live broadcast room in the future, but the probability of getting it tonight is already very small.

But to Han Xiaojia's surprise, Zhao Ning's live broadcast room appeared again after viewing two videos just now.

"Zhao Ning? Celebrity certification?"

Han Xiaojia excitedly clicked on Zhao Ning's title bar, intending to click on the follow first, as long as he clicks on the follow, it will be much easier to find in the future.

But just after entering the homepage, she was taken aback again.

Zhao Ning's current account has not posted a single video, but the number of fans in the middle has reached 100 million!

A video has not been posted, so it looks like a new account opened today, but how long has it been, and it has 100 million followers?

Han Xiaojia's eyelids twitched, and couldn't help refreshing it again.

But in the next second, she was so frightened that her mouth opened wide.

In just ten seconds, Zhao Ning's number of fans jumped by more than 3!
What kind of fairy is this?
Douyin's algorithm is still very strict. Although there are operations like brushing fans, it is impossible to be so exaggerated, and it is particularly easy to be detected.

Does a person like Xiaojuzi still need to get fans by himself?
Han Xiaojia ruled out this answer in almost a second.

The only result is that Zhao Ning's fans are really growing rapidly!
Han Xiaojia looked at the avatar in the upper left corner that was already on the air, and clicked in without hesitation.

"Welcome friends to my live broadcast room, please do what you can to give gifts, and do not give gifts to minors."

Zhao Ning didn't expect that Douyin's popularity would be so terrifying today, and she was a little busy for a while.

She originally thought that she would make her debut today, and with Huya's fan factory, she would be satisfied with 50 million online views.

But it's only been ten minutes since the broadcast started, and the popularity of the live broadcast room has directly exceeded one million!
(End of this chapter)

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