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Chapter 448 It's not that I don't want to be a big brother, but that conditions don't

Chapter 448 It's not that I don't want to be a big brother, but that conditions don't allow it!

Under Douyin's strong recommendation, countless people signed up to Zhao Ning's live broadcast room at the same time.

There are people of all ages who play Douyin. Zhao Ning's fans are mainly young people under 30 years old, and this age group is also the main force of Douyin.

In particular, Zhao Ning's superb looks and super musical talent have already attracted many fans.

Under the recommendation of Douyin, many people always want to click in and watch Zhao Ning's live broadcast room as long as they have swiped to it.

Of course, there are quite a lot of people who click in to have a look and then leave, but in the huge amount of data, after all, the number of people who stay is constantly increasing.

Most of Douyin's live broadcasts are watched on mobile phones. As soon as many people came in, they saw almost continuous carnival gifts on the screen.

There are also castles, helicopters and so on, and they are jumping up one after another.

And Zhao Ning's Yinlang income in the upper right corner jumped to more than 5000 million in just ten minutes!

"My God, 15 minutes into the broadcast, 5000 million sound waves?"

Many people in the live broadcast room were frightened.

The current Douyin, the anchor's popularity and Yinlang are all public. Just click on the avatar in the upper left corner of the anchor to see the total gift income in Douyin.

On the one hand, Douyin is to increase the exposure of the anchor, and on the other hand, it is also to let everyone see the income of the anchor, so as to attract more people to settle in Douyin.

In the final analysis, Douyin is a traffic platform, and people are indispensable to create traffic.

And in the upper right corner, in addition to displaying the gift list of the top three, it will also display the total sound wave of the live broadcast of the anchor.

Zhao Ning currently has a total account number of 5000 million, and the total number of live broadcasts is also 5000 million!
"Good guy, I just found out that Xiaojuzi's real name is Zhao Ning today!"

"As expected of my little tangerine, the first broadcast has a million popularity, 5000 million sound waves, who else!"

In the live broadcast room, a group of fans from Huya were extremely proud.

They are all diehard fans of Lehua. As soon as Zhao Ning started broadcasting, most of them started to buy gifts.

Although the gifts on Douyin's side have different names from those on Huya's side, there is no difference in essence. Although many people can't afford thousands of dollars, one or two hundred is not a problem.

On Huya's side, every time they play an event, this is considered a daily operation.

The take-off of the gift list, coupled with the high popularity, directly pushed Zhao Ning's live broadcast room to the top of Douyin's popularity.

The exposure increased again, and the popularity of the live broadcast room soared again, and the attention of Zhao Ning's account increased rapidly, reaching 1 in a few seconds.

In less than half an hour, the attention of Zhao Ning's account has completely surpassed that of Zhao Keke, officially entering the ranks of 300 million bloggers!

You know, Zhao Ning started the live broadcast at eight o'clock, and he still sings a song every time. Most of these tourists who clicked on the follower know Zhao Ning from the whole network, or have heard Zhao Ning's song, and they are very familiar with the name Xiaojuzi. familiar tourists.

There is a high probability that these people will not lose their fans.

Lan Lan stared at the phone screen in front of her in the office, feeling helpless.

She knew that her investment of 500 million yuan would not trigger such a terrifying traffic, and it was probably because Brother Xiao Xiao also voted and added it.

She, a person who doesn't play Douyin often, can get Zhao Ning's live broadcast by swiping four or five videos on the Douyin page, not to mention those tourists who often follow music anchors.

The probability of getting Zhao Ning's live broadcast is basically 100%!

For a while, Lan Lan was also thinking about whether he could learn from Douyin's Doujia mode and short video mode. After all, the current short video is indeed a huge outlet, but anyone with a little strength can go in and eat something. And Huya, as one of the largest live broadcast platforms, is fully capable of participating.

Thinking of this, Lanlan shook her head again.

Huya is preparing to go public recently, and financial reports are very important. You must not invest money randomly in such a place. At present, the most important thing is to stabilize Huya's popularity.

As long as the transition is stable until the beginning of next year, it can be officially listed.

But even if you don't participate in the operation of short videos, today's 500 million advertising investment is absolutely stable.

In the current live broadcast industry, the cost of an exposed advertisement is about one yuan. She paid 500 million. Although it is a hidden advertisement, based on Zhao Ning’s current live broadcast traffic, the number of live broadcast viewers is stable at more than 100 million or even 200 million. Coupled with a large number of page views, at least 5000 million or more exposures.

More importantly, he has established a good relationship with both Zhao Ning and Brother Xiao Xiao, so that he can talk about anything in the future, which cannot be bought with any amount of money.

For example, Vice President Du and Brother Xiao Xiao have a good relationship, so they directly bought a virtual disk server for Huya, and then went to Brother Xiao Xiao's Liu Ning Group as the president. Lan Lan just contacted once in the past two days. Mr. Zong can be said to be proud of the spring breeze now. In the past, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Han of Huya were all peers in front of Vice President Du.

In Lanlan's view, the money was well spent.

Lanlan also applied for 1000 million yuan of funds separately, and planned to give it to Zhao Ning after Brother Xiaoxiao made a move.

Anyway, Zhao Ning came from Huya this time, and now that Zhao Ning has achieved such an achievement, Huya naturally followed suit.

Huya's 500 million, Douyin's 500 million, a total of 1000 million gifts, is enough for Huya to steal the limelight in this live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, our live broadcast today mainly focuses on music live broadcast."

Zhao Ning appeared in the live broadcast in a white dress.

Gently plucking the guitar, a simple minor tune popped out, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was immediately suppressed.

"For the first song, everyone still votes on the barrage, and the one with the most votes will sing first."

"Fenghe, I want to listen to Fenghe!"

"Feng He is tired of listening to it, but Liu Piao is the best!"

"I still want to listen to Xiaojuzi's Bubble. Although Xiaojuzi is not the original song, it is Xiaojuzi's famous song."

"Foam bubble!"

"Yes, yes, listen to the bubble!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room all spoke in unison, and the word "bubble" was constantly swiping on the public screen. As long as they didn't look at it for a second, the screen would inevitably be a message prompt of 99+.

Although there are fewer live broadcast visitors on Douyin than on Zhengerbajing's live broadcast platform, Douyin's current live broadcast has not developed very well, which has led to few resource diversions.

Under Liu Xiao's free promotion and promotion, the popularity of the live broadcast room can almost be described as an explosion.

And the most important thing is that Douyin tourists also find this kind of live broadcast fresh, and most of them will stay to take a look, and there are definitely not a few who have seen Zhao Ning's foam singing video on Douyin.

That song was not inferior to the singing skills of the original singer Deng Ziqi, and almost completely conquered them.


Zhao Ning was a little dumbfounded.

It's been a long time since she sang the song Bubble, and on Huya's side, almost no elder brother would order this song.

Because in Huya, everyone knows that Xiaojuzi's [foam] is exclusive to Brother Xiaoxiao!

Back then, the first time Xiao Xiao got a gift in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi was when Xiaojuzi sang bubbles.

And in the back, after Xiaojuzi had his own [-] original songs, he hardly sang this song, and Brother Xiao Xiao rarely sang it.

Seeing the barrage of frenzied screen swiping, the tourists on Huya's side suddenly looked forward to it.

The song "Bubble" is so classic, especially when Little Orange sings this song, it is even more amazing.

And with the fame of this song, it is also able to stabilize the two songs "Feng He" and "Ri Li" originally sung by Little Orange.

Zhao Ning also doesn't think her two original songs are the strongest in the world. Many classic songs are meant to surpass her two songs.

A true classic takes time to settle.

Liu Xiao was also watching the live broadcast, and it was true that he hadn't heard Zhao Ning sing bubbles for a long time.

As for saying that this song is his exclusive song, Liu Xiao is not so boring to do this kind of thing, it's just that those big brothers on Huya's side are taboo.

Liu Xiao's only taboo on Hu Ya's side is the gift of the magic book.

In Huya, only he can brush Zhao Ning's 1314 magic book, and no one else can!

"I didn't expect that the first song that came to Douyin didn't ask me to sing the original song."

Zhao Ning smiled, opened the music software and found the accompaniment of Bubble.

Of course she doesn't feel lost, on the contrary, these bullet screens from tourists are the greatest recognition for her.

She embarked on a star journey, in fact, because she simply liked this atmosphere.

"What time does Little Orange broadcast until today?"

"I hope to hold a concert in Douyin!"

"I hope to come to an offline concert!"

"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a while."

With the start of the [Bubble] accompaniment, the tourists in the live broadcast room gradually quieted down, even the tourists on the side with Huya quieted down.

Zhao Ning lowered her voice slightly.

The beginning of this song is actually quite low, and the requirements for the singer's ability to control from low to high to even super high are very strict, which is why few people can sing this song well.

[The bubbles in the sun are colorful]

【It's like being cheated into making me happy】

[The beautiful foam is sparked in a flash]

Accompanied by the leisurely sound of the piano, Zhao Ning's slightly magnetic female voice was instantly revealed, and the bass was even more terrifyingly stable. Almost instantly, all the tourists watching the live broadcast were included in it.

【It's all bubbles, just a flash of fireworks, although all your promises are too fragile】



"Little Tangerine is awesome. It seems that her singing level has improved again. Would you like to kneel directly?"

"The chorus is coming soon. It was just an appetizer. Sit down and watch!"

The Douyin tourists were full of admiration, and various gifts kept floating on the screen in the live broadcast room.

But the tourists who came from Huya and often watched Xiaojuzi's live broadcast were very calm at the moment.

Under Xiao Xiaoge's continuous stimulation, this situation has been called a small scene by them. What's more, although Xiaojuzi sang this song a few times in the live broadcast room, most people They have all heard it once or twice, and they are somewhat used to the live version.

What's more, the relatively high chorus has not yet arrived, and that is the essence of the whole song.

Liu Xiao dotted with his right hand to show his innocence.

For Douyin live broadcast, if you click on the live broadcast interface, you can increase the number of likes for the anchor, which is roughly equivalent to 666 on the live broadcast platform. However, on Douyin’s side, after the number of likes is high, the weight will be increased by the Douyin system Get better recommendations.

Generally speaking, 1000 likes is the initial hurdle. For small anchors, it is considered pretty good if a live broadcast can reach 30 likes. If there are more than [-] people in a live broadcast room, [-] is the hurdle.

As for the live broadcast room with four to five thousand viewers, there are basically millions of likes.

But Zhao Ning started broadcasting in just four and 10 minutes. In addition to Yinlang's income reaching 9000 million, the number of likes has also jumped to more than [-] million!
This is equivalent to most of the tourists in the live broadcast room, each of whom has clicked more than a hundred likes!

Of course, there are those customers who come in and quit, some of the data will be false, but at least it is averaged to everyone at the scene, that is more than [-] likes!

Seeing these data, although Zhao Ning's mood fluctuated a little, her voice was quite steady.

Not to mention 9000 million sound waves, 1000 million likes, even [-] billion golden beans appeared in her live broadcast room, so much, it's just a small scene.

The only thing that made her feel a little excited was the number of subscriptions that was constantly beating in the background.

She hasn't opened Weibo yet. Huya is her first platform account, followed by Douyin.

The number of subscriptions on Huya's side is close to 2000 million, which has basically reached the peak, and it is impossible to increase it significantly.

But Douyin's side is still completely a pure land. Among other things, there are already several bloggers with 6000 to [-] million fans.

Now that she has come to Douyin, Zhao Ning still wants to make some achievements in Douyin.

And within four and 10 minutes of opening the account, there are more than 300 million followers, which is the greatest affirmation for her!

【It's all bubbles, just a flash of firework】

【All your promises are too fragile】

【And it's no wonder that I didn't see through your outline.】

In the live broadcast room, the chorus part sounded, and Zhao Ning's slightly sad voice played, which immediately caused bursts of exclamation in the live broadcast room.

"One little tiger bud gives [Carnival]*1!"

"A small tiger bud gives [Carnival]*2"


Xiao Huya took the lead, and Carnival brushed out one by one.

"Damn it, there's something wrong with this Douyin gift. After one gift is swiped, you have to wait 15 seconds to get the second one!"

Xiao Huya stopped after swiping four or five times, and complained helplessly on the public screen.

The gift effect of the carnival is two-thirds of the screen, and even the lower gift column is completely covered.

And Douyin’s side is different from Huya’s side. Huya’s side has the option to block gift special effects, but Douyin’s side only has the function of swiping left to cancel all bullet screens and gifts.

After Xiaohuya swiped for 1 minute, he only swiped four carnivals, and a total of [-] gifts came out.

For a big brother like Shenhao who started with 50 million yuan, this way of swiping gifts is really uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, just get used to it."

Xingjue touched his hair, a little embarrassed.

Otherwise, I wonder how his level 49 brand came about.

It's not that he doesn't want to brush more, but the conditions don't allow it!

(End of this chapter)

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