Chapter 449 Ten Million Fans!

Seeing Xiao Huya's complaints on the public screen, for a while, all the big brothers who hadn't made a move in the live broadcast room were stunned.

The most expensive gift here at Douyin is this carnival, which costs 3000 yuan each.

That's a lot to say, but for those of them who want to make hundreds of thousands or millions, it seems a bit too little.

However, for a gift of 3000 yuan, hundreds of thousands of dollars should take a little time to complete, but the problem is that the special effects of this gift last for 15 seconds!

You can brush up to four in one minute, which is twelve thousand.

It takes 10 minutes to make more than 100, and it takes more than an hour to make a million.

And when others swipe the gift, the gift effect also exists at the same time, and it will also cover the gift sending interface
Lanlan was planning to give away 50 million with Xiaohuya, but suddenly saw the discussion among the big brothers in the live broadcast room, and the hand that swiped the gift froze immediately, and didn't even notice that Xiaojuzi's singing was over.

That's the reason. If you keep doing it like this, everyone probably won't be able to get much done tonight, right?

Sitting in the living room, Liu Xiao rubbed his nose in embarrassment when he saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

He just took care of himself when it came to getting the dot connector, and forgot about his backup army.

If there is a linker, as long as it is set properly, even if the special effect of the gift is blocked, you can still swipe the gift all the time, but the special effect of the gift is not displayed. The gift sending message in the comments and the gift sending combo in the middle are all there. The feeling is also very strong.

After paying attention to Xiaohuya, Liu Xiao took advantage of the opportunity and shared his link device with Xiaohuya.

In the absence of cross-relationship, as long as the other party does not set full privacy settings, it is possible to send three messages.

As for the connector set by Douyin, although Douyin does not have the function of sharing files, for Liu Xiao, a technical expert, it is not too easy to transfer a file in the past by means.

Afterwards, Liu Xiao shared the linker to the WeChat group and asked them to go to the mobile phone to install it themselves.

"666, up to [-] consecutive hits, brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Haha, Brother Xiao Xiao still knows how to play, but if you do this fifty times a second, you won't be banned by Douyin, right?"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid you're not kidding me, who dares to call brother Xiao Xiao?"


"You don't have to worry about it, I got it from Douyin's official side."

Liu Xiao touched his nose again, feeling a little embarrassed.

What does it mean who dares to block his account? Why should he be blocked as a legal citizen?

There is no live broadcast to engage in color or anything, right?

On Douyin's side, Vice President Wang is also trying his best to optimize the live broadcast at this time.

In terms of gifts, he can't do it for the time being, but it is still very easy to prevent the special effects of gifts from covering the gift column, a simple top setting is enough.

He was a little excited in his heart. The big brothers who came up tonight are more than one-third, or even two-thirds of Huya. If these big brothers can come to Douyin often in the future, it will undoubtedly be a good achievement for him. In time, Douyin's live broadcast development will be a little better, and it will not be as deformed as it is now.

In today's Douyin, there are many big brothers over 50, but most of them didn't come up through normal methods.

But Brother Xiao Xiao and these people are different, these are real consumers!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't we play first?"

In the WeChat group, Xiao Huya spoke cheerfully.

In the past few days to form a new company, he and Brother Hua were so tired that he and Brother Jiu and Yishui Misty Rain hadn’t gone to find a girl for several days. Brother Hua and Brother Jiu were still busy today, so he took advantage of This opportunity sneaked out in a hurry.

If you don't brush more points, it will be hard to explain when you go back.After all, what he and Brother Hua said was to support Xiaojuzi in Douyin's first live broadcast today, so that he could rest for half a day.

"You are free."

Liu Xiao didn't care too much about it.

Tonight, he had plans for Douyin and Huya, no matter what he said, he would break the one billion spending limit that had been suppressed for more than a week.

In China and China, one billion yuan is really not that easy to spend, especially if you give Zhao Ning a gift, it is equal to half of the money back.

At present, Liu Xiao is still 4.5 million short of reaching the one billion consumption quota, which means that Liu Xiao has to spend more than [-] million on the two platforms to fill in this figure.

There are currently about [-] billion in the bank card, which is still enough.

Liu Xiao touched his head, feeling a little headache.

One billion is easy to solve, but what about ten billion?

For the next [-] billion consumption quota, it is definitely unrealistic to rely solely on the live broadcast platform. Perhaps, it is time to order some yacht supercars for appearance, or buy a private jet to come back and refit it.

as for the house
Liu Xiao has always been a pragmatist, you have to use what you buy, otherwise you will always feel that something is missing, if it is not really helpless, Liu Xiao will not stretch out your hand here.

Furthermore, Liu Xiao also hates real estate speculation. With his current status, if he suddenly buys a dozen or even dozens of villas, countless people will come to follow suit.

The current real estate is already full of bubbles, and the regulation can't be controlled. Liu Xiao doesn't want to stimulate and stimulate the bubble even if he does it himself.

In a place where life is good, most people are aware of the consequences of the collapse of housing prices.

Shaking his head and throwing out some of these things, Liu Xiao once again focused on Zhao Ning's live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Huya and his group were having a great time.

Connectors, currently hundreds of people in the group have one.

"Hahaha, this dot connecter is really easy to use, sending out fifty gifts in one second!"

"One carnival is 3000 yuan, and fifty is 15 yuan. In fact, it is about the same as the magic book on Huya's side."

"It's good to give some, but if you really order one by one, don't you get bored to death?"

Douyin's new tourists saw a large group of Versailles Shenhao brothers with [-]-[-]-level signs on the screen, and they were speechless for a while.

A carnival with 15 consecutive hits per second, and a total of [-] gifts, still feel a little slow to these people?

Most of the fans from Huya can understand it. After all, these big brothers often have hundreds of Huya No. [-] floating screens. It’s not worth making a fuss about this situation, but Douyin’s fans are mostly dumbfounded.

Many people know Xiaojuzi as a person, and also know that Xiaojuzi's songs are quite popular, but they never thought that Xiaojuzi's live broadcast would be so exaggerated!
In just such a short while, the sound wave in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi has already reached one billion!

This means that Little Orange has received more than [-] million gifts since its broadcasting!

This kind of gift giving is too exaggerated, isn't it?

At present, there are some anchors with goods on Douyin, who have created an exaggerated data of more than [-] million sales in a single live broadcast, but you must know that it is only sales.

And the 5000 million that Xiaojuzi started broadcasting, of which Xiaojuzi can actually get [-] million!

"My God, my monthly salary is only a few thousand yuan, and the gift that these big brothers swipe for a second is 15 yuan?"

"More than that, Douyin specially developed a dot-connector for these big brothers because they think it's too slow to collect gifts. I guess if Douyin is not afraid of exaggeration, it can make a dot-connector with a hundred clicks in a second. !"

One hundred clicks per second, that is a reward of 30 gifts per second.

If this was put on Douyin before, everyone would just take it as a joke, but now they believe that if Douyin really develops such a connecting device, these big brothers would really dare to use it!
Among them, Xiaohuya and Xingjue were the happiest.

Although the rest of the elder brothers also paid a lot, but at most it was 300 million, and the gifts they bought were helicopters and the like, 120 yuan each, or they bought a Porsche for fun.

But Xiaohuya and Xingjue, from the beginning to the end, are all carnivals!
Seriously 15 a second!

The two of them kept brushing up to more than 800 million consumption, and they finally stopped at level 59.

It's not that they stopped brushing, but that if they brushed a little more, they would directly go to level 60.

You know, Brother Xiao Xiao is still watching in the live broadcast room, and the first capped level of Douyin is 100% given to Brother Xiao Xiao.

But even so, in just a short while, Zhao Ning's live broadcast room has received more than 20 billion voice waves!

Until most of the big brothers stopped, the special effects of gifts in the live broadcast room were still refreshing, and the special effects of carnivals were constantly floating in the live broadcast room.

Many tourists have no choice but to swipe left to block all comments and special effects first.

And on the public screen, the big brother's lavish bullet screens are floating on the screen infinitely.

The tourists on Douyin really feel crazy tonight.

A live broadcast room of an Internet celebrity singer, the number of online people gathered here has exceeded 300 million.

After one and a half hours of broadcasting, Zhao Ning only sang a song at 09:30.

There is no way, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is too hot, Zhao Ning spends most of the time maintaining the live broadcast room and thanking the gifts, and has not started the official live broadcast.

But even so, Zhao Ning's current number of live broadcast subscriptions is also on the rise.

Many people were taken aback when they clicked on Zhao Ning's homepage.

Do pay attention!

From entering Douyin to now, in just one and a half hours, a new account has 1000 million followers!
Quan Douyin, if you want to pick out a data that is better than this, I am afraid it will only be the time when Liu Dehua settled in Douyin.

At present, Liu Dehua has more than 900 million Douyin fans, which is six times more than Zhao Ning's and nearly seven times that of Zhao Ning.

But what you need to know is that Zhao Ning is still broadcasting live tonight, and the live broadcast has just begun!
Backstage at Douyin, the atmosphere was even more enthusiastic.

There are two people who are happiest in this meeting, one is Vice President Wang, and the other is Lanlan.

Vice President Wang noticed for the first time that Douyin's super traffic recommendation could be so strong, and Lanlan was very grateful for today's investment.

You know, Xiaojuzi is a dual-platform live broadcast today, and the logo of Huya Live and the room number of Huya Live are hung below the live broadcast room.

With such an eye-catching position, most people can notice it at the first sight after entering the live broadcast room, especially Xiaojuzi has so many fans at present, most of them pay attention because of Xiaojuzi's talent, which proves that Xiaojuzi Fan stickiness is very high.

As long as Xiaojuzi can continue to broadcast live on Huya in the future, at least one-tenth or even one-fifth of the conversion rate of these popularity will go to Huya.

One-fifth of 1000 million is 200 million!
The most important thing is that this effect is still continuous. As long as Xiaojuzi can continue to live broadcast, Huya's live broadcast will benefit forever.

Last time, Vice President Du invited two super Internet celebrities, Miss and Brother Li, with a total investment of 5000 million, and the popularity they brought was about 500 to [-] million.

But today, with Lanlan's 500 million investment, she won at least 200 million popularity in the first wave!

After this operation, I believe that anyone on Huya's side who thinks that Lanland is unworthy of her will have to shut up, and she will also make a great mark in her career!
As for Lanlan, she already rolled her eyes, thinking about whether to contact the people on Douyin, and took this opportunity to place an advertisement for Huya on Douyin.

As for Vice President Wang, he is constantly typing on the computer, writing down the data of this live broadcast one by one.

"The peak period for Little Orange's attention increase was within 5 minutes after singing "Bubble". In 5 minutes, it gained a full 370 million fans. On average, it exceeded [-] per second."

"Secondly, during the singing period, three and a half minutes of the singing time of the song gained 160 million fans. On average, it is about [-] per second."

Vice President Wang felt that this data was very important.

Xiaojuzi's own popularity is naturally important, as are fans all over the network, and even those big brothers' tips are also important.

But these things are not the key factors that determine the popularity of Xiaotangerine in an hour and a half.

The most important thing is the traffic of their Douyin Fang!

Huya’s 500 million, plus Xiao Xiao’s 1000 million super Doujia purchase, as well as their Douyin’s own algorithm recommendation, during this period, almost all the traffic of Douyin music lovers was bought broken.

Douyin currently has more than 2 million daily active users, and at its peak at night, it will have more than [-] million traffic.

As for the song project, 80.00% of people actually like to listen to it, which means that the audience is very wide.

Reasonable Douyin almost made Douyin divert more than 5000 million users to Xiaojuzi live broadcast room during this period.

5000 million, more than 300 million online viewers, [-] to [-] retention rate, although it seems a bit small, but Vice President Wang knows that this is because Xiaojuzi has not sent short videos.

In the live broadcast room, the effect of the live broadcast was indeed mediocre. Little Orange only sang one song in an hour and a half, mainly because the big brothers were collecting gifts.

The special effect of the gift only covers half of the screen, and I keep swiping non-stop. Most of the people in Little Orange are covered. How can I live broadcast well?

Therefore, many people who are not familiar with Xiaojuzi naturally skip Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

However, many people have heard of Xiaojuzi’s reputation. They are afraid that they won’t be able to swipe Xiaojuzi next time, and they don’t have a video to like and leave a comment, so most people choose to follow it so that they can get it next time.

This is also the biggest reason why Xiaojuzi has broken tens of millions of fans!
(End of this chapter)

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