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Chapter 450 Little Orange's New Song

Chapter 450 Little Orange's New Song
But what Vice President Wang is thinking now is that the success of Xiaojuzi cannot be replicated.

If this model can be replicated, Douyin has undoubtedly mastered another wealth code. A blogger with tens of millions of fans can have a terrifying influence.

"First of all, before the live broadcast, the popularity of the whole network must be high."

Vice President Wang thought about it, but shook his head helplessly.

The reason why Xiaojuzi garnered tens of millions of fans in an hour and a half is because of its own popularity in the whole network. Douyin’s recommendation is just to help gather these popularity. Without Xiaojuzi’s own foundation, in this hour and a half, It's amazing to have millions of followers.

Besides, the hundreds of Shenhao brothers and the thousands of tourists who keep swiping gifts, they can't copy them here.

You know, in the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room, the current income of Yinlang has exceeded one billion yuan, which is [-] million yuan in cash!
And this is just a warm-up activity for so many big brothers in the live broadcast room. As far as he knows, the spending power of Xiaohuya and Xingjue is far more than that, and Brother Xiaoxiao has not made any moves yet.

The effect of the live broadcast is actually a very important part. With these big brothers Shenhao, I believe that the popularity of the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi will usher in a new round of skyrocketing again.

After a new round of crazy swiping, the barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room has gradually decreased.

Big brothers don't make a move, and there are only a few who can afford a carnival. Although these 3000 yuan gifts are not too expensive, they are still a little bit far from ordinary people.

And for gifts that are slightly cheaper, the special effects are not enough to cover the full screen, so the current live broadcast effect is slowly revealed.

"Everyone knows my original songs [Feng He] and [Ri Li], let's sing these two songs today."

Zhao Ning turned on Feng He's accompaniment.

The popularity of this purely ancient song has not subsided until now. There are more than 300 million people in the live broadcast room, and at least one third of them listen to it every day.

Therefore, as soon as Xiaojuzi opened her mouth, the live broadcast room erupted again.

They have already seen Xiaojuzi's singing level. Just now, the song "Frothy" is not inferior to the original singer's singing skills, which is enough to prove Xiaojuzi's live performance ability.


"Wuxie sent [Porsche]*1!"

"Nodule sends [Hot Air Balloon]*1!"


In the live broadcast room, a group of teasing tourists also slowly picked up gifts.

"This old-fashioned drama is absolutely perfect, this is it for the national team!"

"Many people in Douyin have been covering this song recently, but Xiaojuzi is singing it live now, it's like a world apart!"

"It's really like this. At present, there is no better song on the Internet than Xiaojuzi singing this song."

Just like the big fish and begonia sung by Zhou Shen and Guo Qin, the two ancient songs of Fenghe Herili are also types that are difficult to cover, mainly because of the adjustment of the voice line and the difficulty of singing.

To put it bluntly, the difficulty of singing these two songs, coupled with the point of drama, is already a very high level in song singing. It is not easy for some anchors of Douyin to cover it. If you want to sing well , it is even more difficult.

But it is very difficult to surpass Xiaojuzi!

Just like Deng Ziqi's bubble, when Xiaojuzi sang the cover, everyone only said that it was not inferior, not surpassed.

This is classic!
"On Douyin, you can join the fan club with just one coin. If you have trouble with gifts, you can swipe it to increase the number of fan clubs for the anchor."

Xingjue spoke in the live broadcast room at the right time.

He has an account close to level [-], and the special effects of speaking in the live broadcast room are quite good, although not as good as Huya's special effects, but it is still enough for everyone to see.

The tourists on Douyin's side instantly came to their senses. Anyone who had Doucoin in their bags would almost immediately get a Bixin, and if there were more, they would use lollipops and hot air balloons.

The VIP seats on Douyin's side are much better than Huya's.

Huya wants to go to the VIP seat, the first one is a gift of one dollar, and you can get ten light sticks or a big sword at a time.

But for Douyin, there is only a threshold of one dime. As long as you spend enough ten cents, you can get into the VIP seat of the anchor.

But the problem is that after becoming a VIP of the anchor, Huya can spend free tiger food every day to maintain and increase the activity level, but on the Douyin side, if they want to increase the activity level, they can only continue to use cash.

VIP seats are raised quickly, but they are also dropped quickly.

But on the whole, there are still more VIPs on Douyin's side. After all, the threshold is low, and most people can enter.

And Little Orange's VIP seats, which already exceeded 2 people, have once again increased crazily.

After singing the song "Feng He", the guardian camp in the upper left corner is already full of more than [-] VIPs!

"Thank you for your support. It's the first time I've seen so many distinguished guests seated. Next, let's sing [Ri Li] again."

Zhao Ning smiled.

She doesn't care too much about these gifts. To be honest, Zhao Ning is not short of money at all now. The gift income from Huya has long been enough for her to spend, not to mention Liu Xiao, a big boss with a net worth of hundreds of billions. exist.

Whether she is live broadcasting on Huya or on Douyin, it is all for further self-improvement.

Her goal is to become a world-class singer. When it comes to participating in movies, she also watches them with the mentality that if she can make it, it doesn't matter if she can't. After all, she is not a professional student of acting, and she is not good at movies. A little doorway.

But tonight, her time is still relatively tight.

The first live broadcast was four hours, and now almost half of it has passed, and the new album prepared today, ten new songs have not been sung yet.

Liu Xiao also knew this, so he was not in a hurry, and waited for Zhao Ning to finish today's live broadcast before making a move.

After all, it was the first time I came to Douyin, and Douyin still contacted some big anchors for Zhao Ning to connect, which was also to increase her popularity on Douyin's side.

The reservation time is 10:30, now it is more than 40:10, there are about [-] minutes left.

The Shenhao group also fell silent, except for some small gifts and occasional big carnival gifts, only the quiet singing of Little Orange was left in the live broadcast room.

And this kind of music atmosphere is also a form of live broadcast that most people like.

They don't hate the anchor playing games with mic, but what they hate is the unlimited mic play of the anchor.

Obviously the title is a music anchor or a dance anchor, but when you enter the live broadcast room, you can play games with mic, singing and dancing are not the same.

The reason why Xiaojuzi can attract so many fans on Huya is that she is a real talent anchor. She spends three or four hours of live broadcasting time every day, singing for at least an hour, basically ten minutes will sing a song.

At other times, I also occasionally mic, or connect with other talent anchors in the live broadcast room to let other anchors perform their talents, and the live broadcast effect is still very good.

And the live broadcast mode of Xiaojuzi can hardly be copied in the whole network. At present, only Little Timo, who is also supported by Liu Xiao on Douyu's side, has this ability.

After all, singing songs for more than an hour a day has very strict requirements on the voice. Zhao Ning's ability to sing is due to years of practice on the one hand and talent on the other.

Most anchors can persist in high-intensity singing for half an hour every day.

And as Zhao Ningan sang quietly, the popularity of the live broadcast room was slowly and gradually increasing.

In just half an hour, the popularity of 300 million has increased by 70 million, and the number of online users has almost reached 400 million.

As for Zhao Ning's previous songs, he also picked out seven or eight songs and sang them.

"Let's listen to a new song next."

"Come on, little orange, take a break, even the donkeys in the production team dare not sing like that!"

"To be honest, I really enjoy singing for half an hour, but to be honest, let's take a break, my throat will definitely not be able to stand it like this!"

"Those celebrities who hold concerts don't dare to sing like this, they have to find four or five people to help sing, we have a lot of time, Xiaojuzi will take a break!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists were all shocked by the uninterrupted singing range of Xiaojuzi.

They usually watch the live broadcast on Douyin occasionally. Most of the anchors will stop for a break after singing at most two or three songs at a time.

But the songs of Xiaojuzi are mostly mixed with low and high pitch, not to mention the high difficulty of singing, and it takes a lot of voice, and now they have sung for half an hour in one breath, and they still have to continue singing.

"There's no need to fight like this."

Some tourists who came over from Huya also spoke one after another.

When Xiaojuzi broadcasted live before, they sang at intervals of three or four hours, but today they didn't stop at all, one song after another, they also felt that it was not appropriate.

"Thank you for your concern, but don't worry, I have no problem here."

Zhao Keke passed on the accompaniment.

Of the ten songs, two were originals by Zhao Ning, and the rest were songs requested from other people.

In Zhao Ning's opinion, the quality of these ten songs is very good.

But this time, there are no old-style songs in these songs. These two original songs are a fast-paced song [Sunny Sky] inspired by JJ's last singing of the wind.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Jay Chou's sunny day, this song is completely original by Zhao Ning.

The accompaniment is the beginning of the piano sound, plus a faint electric guitar sound.

The accompaniment without much noise attracted the attention of all the visitors in the live broadcast room almost immediately.

"Look at the lyrics on the screen, the singing is Xiaojuzi, the songwriting is Xiaojuzi, and the accompaniment is also Xiaojuzi!"

"Wow, it looks like this first song is Xiaojuzi's original!"

Douyin fans are very excited.

Xiaojuzi's original songs are not too many, excluding today's album, the original songs of the other two albums add up to seven.

From the first [Liu Piao] to the later [Ri Li], almost none of the songs are bad.

And Zhao Ning is not short of money. The quality of the songs in the two albums is also very good. They are not classics, but they are definitely worth listening to.

As for today's song [Sunny Day], although Zhao Ning hasn't started singing yet, when the prelude came out, most people knew it in their hearts.

Just like this song by Jay Chou with the same name, as soon as the prelude came out, everyone knew the level of this song.

There is no doubt that even if this song is worse than Feng He, it is definitely not much worse!
As for whether it can become a classic again, it depends on the specific content.

After the piano prelude finished, the voice suddenly dropped.

The bass started, and the accent of the piano was strengthened, and the voice of the little orange was immediately highlighted.

Zhao Ning sings very seriously. Every time before releasing an album, she will finalize and revise her songs, and this process will last for a long time.

Including songs bought from other people, she will also modify and re-interpret them to a certain extent.

In this regard, Zhao Ning is still very talented.

And this kind of real personality will undoubtedly make her songs almost perfect. The only thing that is not close is that her personality will slow down her song production.

But with Zhao Ning's talent, this is not a big problem.

In just four or five months, including today's ten songs, Zhao Ning has released a total of thirty songs.

Compared with other singers who have one album a year, Zhao Ning, who has just debuted, is definitely a leader in the industry.

The audience's classification of songs is relatively general.

For example, ancient style, pop, rock dj or something.

But in the professional field, these are subdivided. This song is undoubtedly on the pop music side.

In terms of rhythm, this song is definitely not a classic that can be passed down for decades, but without it, at this point in time, this song is really good!

The sound of the electric guitar was suddenly raised to a higher level, and drums and bass were added to the accompaniment.

And the song slowly entered the chorus part.

Zhao Ning's voice suddenly rose, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was directly brought to the peak.

"666, produced by Little Tangerine, is really awesome!"

"The two songs Feng He He Ri Li are still dominating the charts, and Xiao Orange is coming up with another song? No, it should be another album?"

"Shouldn't it be so scary? Could it be that Xiaojuzi's music soars to the charts and can only be killed by himself?"

With the end of Zhao Ning's whole song, almost all the tourists were included.

This is a song whose quality is not inferior to Feng He at all!

Although the nature of the song makes this song sometimes tiresome, there is no doubt that in terms of communication, this song "Sunny Day" even surpasses the wind and these that Xiaojuzi sang before.

"Sister-in-law is really scary."

Xiao Huya sighed.

Although the first two ancient songs are nice, most people can't sing them, which makes the spread of these two songs a lot less.

But this song "Sunny Day" completely captures the lifeblood of popular songs. It belongs to the kind of song that is not difficult to sing and can be sung by everyone, but it is very pleasant to listen to.

He could already imagine that the KTV and other places in the future would probably be dominated by this song for a long time!

I don't think any girls have gone to ktv, can they refuse such a popular song?
(End of this chapter)

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