Chapter 451

For a moment, Xiao Huya was very envious.

Although these rich men lived a life that everyone envied, most of the people who were close to them were because of his family background and money.

A woman like Zhao Ning who is almost top-notch in terms of talent, appearance and character is really rare to meet.

For a while, Xiao Huya wondered if he wanted to imitate brother Xiao Xiao in real life, pretending to be a little kid and throwing himself around the street, to see if he could find true love.

Among other things, with two-thirds of Zhao Ning, Xiao Huya felt satisfied.

After singing a song on a sunny day, the popularity of the two platforms ushered in an explosive upgrade again.

Huya, although many tourists came to Douyin to watch the live broadcast, it still has a lot of popularity today, and the live broadcast room is full of more than 240 million people.

As for the anchors of Lehua's series, headed by Baldy, the entire emperor group also sat in the VIP seats.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao's recent focus is not on Huya, but these anchors still remember Brother Xiao Xiao well.

Among other things, Huya's entire platform was almost brought to glory by Brother Xiao Xiao by himself.

In the previous peak period, the bald man only earned one million yuan a year, but now even if Brother Xiao Xiao doesn’t make a move, a top streamer like him can earn more than one million yuan a month, and even a little activity What, the income will be higher!
As the first brother of Lehua Xingxiu, his bald man will definitely have no problem earning 1000 million yuan a year. Even if some activities require his own efforts to make a list for himself, he can at least make a surplus of 700 million yuan in a year. .

As for the first-line anchor Tutu, it is not a problem to get 300 million in a year.

Compared with before, their income has more than doubled or tripled?
Therefore, these anchors headed by Baldy have a very respectful attitude towards Brother Xiao Xiao. As long as Brother Xiao Xiao has activities, they will definitely support him with all his strength.

Just like today's Huya live broadcast, the anchors such as Baldy and Tutu almost stopped their normal live broadcast, and the live broadcast room was full of rebroadcasts of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast.

And they also waited for brother Xiao Xiao to come back to Huya and go to the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi to show their support.

After the sunny day, Zhao Ning sang a few more songs and sang most of the songs in the album.

Although these are not original by Zhao Ning, most of them are written by well-known songwriters in the industry. Not to mention that they are comparable to the song "Sunny Day" just now, but at least they won't be widened too much.

"All of Xiaojuzi's songs are so nice, and have you found out that Xiaojuzi can control almost all song styles, bass and treble, pop accents, it seems that the difference is bel canto and rock, right?"

"In terms of rock and roll, English songs are better. I know that Xiaojuzi speaks English very well, and I believe Xiaojuzi will definitely be able to speak English in this regard."

"Then it's not good enough?"

"Hahaha, although Xiaojuzi's vocal line fits perfectly, the bel canto requires professional training. A few simple sentences are definitely no problem, but it is still quite difficult to sing songs to a relatively good level."

Visitors in the live broadcast room analyzed one after another.

Among the dozen or so songs that Zhao Ning sang today, pop songs accounted for the majority, and opera tunes were the best among them. The only difference so far was rock and bel canto.

However, rock songs are not very suitable for a girl with a gentle personality like Zhao Ning. As for the bel canto, Zhao Ning has never learned it.

Zhao Ning's music learning includes musical instruments on the one hand and singing skills of popular songs on the other.

As for the treble branch, what Zhao Ning studied was Gaoshan Liushui sung by teacher Gong Linna. This song is considered to be one of the most difficult to sing among domestic songs.

Therefore, in terms of rock and roll, Zhao Ning is absolutely fine.

Seeing the barrage, Zhao Ning also planned to find some time to learn some English rock songs.

Domestic rock and roll is mainly dominated by male voices, such as Huang Jiaju's classic glory days, while abroad, it is generally rock and pop music, which is more suitable for Zhao Ning.

"And the last three songs."

Zhao Ning took a sip of water to moisturize her throat.

After singing for more than an hour, even with her vocal talent, she still felt a little dry.

"Don't, don't, what are you listening to at night after singing, it's only 20:[-], we are not in a hurry!"

"Sing it at the end, or you can sing it tomorrow!"

In the live broadcast room, tourists saw that Zhao Ning wanted to continue singing, so they hurriedly spoke on the public screen.

Today, Zhao Ning sang continuously for an hour and almost 10 minutes!
The average score of a song is four and a half, and they are all difficult songs to sing.

"Let's play PK first."

Liu Xiao also spoke in the live broadcast room at the right time.

However, because he hasn't swiped much gifts yet, he swiped some in the live broadcast room of other anchors before, and he is only a dozen or so levels, so his speech is not very obvious.

But Zhao Ning, who has been paying attention to the barrage, saw Liu Xiao's barrage at a glance.

"Thank you for your concern, then let's take a break first, and let's see which anchors will be online."

Zhao Ning smiled and didn't insist anymore.

For the next two days, I must stick to the live broadcast. If my voice is broken today, the live broadcast will not be good in the next two days.

The current state is basically at the right level, let the throat rest for a while, and then take the rest slowly.

"Pay attention to contact the arranged anchors."

Vice President Wang also stared at the live broadcast in the office, and saw that Zhao Ning was going to start a pk, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the operation side.

This time, Douyin prepared two anchors for Zhao Ning's first live broadcast. The one-time broadcast lasted about half an hour, which happened to be 11:30 in the evening. After that, today's live broadcast could be finished slowly.

From the current point of view, the effect of Zhao Ning's live broadcast is almost perfect, and the total number of followers of Zhao Ning's meeting has exceeded 500 million.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Ning's results, even without the support of Huya's data and the entire network's data, are enough to make her flourish in Douyin.

The most important thing is that Zhao Ning's account has not even posted a short video so far!
As long as today's live broadcast is cut into clips, I believe that after the release, Zhao Ning will definitely attract another wave of fans. By tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it is estimated that it will not be difficult to reach 2000 million fans.

On the other hand, Zhao Ning currently has more than 300 million online users in the live broadcast room. It is not that Zhao Ning is relying on the popularity of their old anchors to increase their popularity, but they are relying on Zhao Ning to increase their popularity!

As for the first anchor arranged by Vice President Wang, the current mood is indeed as urgent as Vice President Wang thought.

Although Xiao Yang is a super celebrity with 800 million fans on the whole network, his popularity in live broadcasting is not too high, and the average number of people online per game is only 8 people, which is slightly lower than the average level of Douyin.

Of course, this also has something to do with how little he buys on Doujia. What’s more, his account is really too long. Many fans are not very active, and even most of them can’t be used now. His video has been uploaded, and the Douyin algorithm has lowered the push weight.

And to regain weight, the explosion of live broadcast popularity is naturally a very important part.

Originally, he thought that Lianmai, a super singer like Xiaojuzi, could stimulate and stimulate the effect of his live broadcast to a certain extent, so Vice President Wang just mentioned it, and he thought it over and agreed.

From his point of view, Xiaojuzi was a ten-million-dollar anchor on Huya's side. Even if Douyin's popularity was lower, she was still an anchor on the same level as him. It wouldn't be embarrassing to connect with her, for sure. We can talk together.

But now, with the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi, Xiao Yang really felt that he had read it wrong.

It's not that I misjudged Xiao Orange, but I misjudged myself.

He, Brother Yang, is a big internet celebrity with more than 2000 million fans and close to 3000 million fans, but in front of Xiao Orange, he is the weak chicken feather!
Douyin Xiaobai has an officially certified singer, Zhao Ning. As a result, within two and a half hours of broadcasting, the entire network has attracted 500 million fans!

According to this calculation, it is not a big problem to have 2000 million fans tomorrow, and it is very possible to break through 3000 million fans in a month.

In three or four months, it can even reach the level of 4000 million to 5000 million!
And more importantly, Xiaojuzi's live broadcast.

Douyin's talent anchor live broadcast, the popularity directly exceeds 350 million, isn't it a bit too exaggerated!

He is a big internet celebrity with 3000 million fans, and when the live broadcast room was the most, it was only around [-]!

Perhaps the only ones who can compete with the current Xiaojuzi are the two popular anchors, Guozi and Annie.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that binding two people together is enough to make Little Orange look up to him, right?

"Dad, bro, let me talk about the half-hour Lianmai."

Brother Xiao Yang frowned at this thought, and looked at his father and brother solemnly.

"of course can!"

Xiao Yang's father patted his chest loyally.


The elder brother slapped little brother Yang on the head.

"You want to fart, believe it or not, I will find my mother?"

Young brother Yang covered his head and let out a loud roar, chasing after his elder brother was like beating him wildly.

The [-] to [-] visitors in the live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter.

Although the daily life of Xiao Yang's family is mostly acting, it can indeed bring them a lot of joy. Almost every video has over a million likes.

If it weren't for the weight reduction now, it would be common for a video to have more than 200 million likes.

Brother Xiao Yang made a fuss for a while, and seeing that the time was about the same, he also took the initiative to send a Lianmai message to Xiaojuzi.

With three beeps, the videos on both sides were connected immediately.

"Hi Brother Yang, hello, I'm the new anchor Xiaojuzi."

Zhao Ning waved her hand lightly and greeted with a smile.

"Little Orange, stop making trouble. If you are a rookie anchor, then we are nothing."

Little brother Yang looked at his brother on the other side of the screen resentfully.

What he wanted to say was robbed again!

As the live broadcast room started connecting mics, the pk progress bars under the live broadcast rooms on both sides also opened at the same time.

Almost in an instant, Zhao Ning's pk bar directly rushed to 1000 million coins, while Xiao Yang's side was only more than 4 coins.

"Hahaha, Brother Yang, this is too miserable, 800 million fans can't beat a new anchor!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room laughed happily.

"Don't make trouble, let's take a look at Zhao Ning's income from the sound wave of this live broadcast. It's more than a billion yuan. What kind of pk should I take? I'll just admit defeat in this pk!"

Brother Xiao Yang generously conceded defeat, seeing the 40 to [-] visitors suddenly pouring into the live broadcast room, his heart was filled with joy.

"Usually I often watch Brother Yang's videos. Everyone can pay attention to Brother Yang. The videos are still very funny."

"Everyone too, all the brothers and sisters in our live broadcast room, also give a little attention to the little orange on the opposite side. I believe everyone has heard the song of the little orange. It has dominated the charts for many days. You can also go to the major music platforms to watch it. look."

Brother Xiao Yang was also talking hard.

It is undeniable that both sides were a little embarrassed when they connected for the first time.

After all, Brother Xiao Yang is an Internet celebrity with close to 3000 million fans. Although he didn't say it, he definitely felt uncomfortable in his heart after being labeled like this in the pk post.

But Zhao Ning really has nothing to do about it. Although the big brother in the live broadcast room didn't check much, the viewing base of the live broadcast room is really too large.

Some local tyrants just tipped 5000 yuan, plus the basic gift rewards from these tourists in the live broadcast room, the list of 1000 million coins was not even used for 2 minutes, and it kept going up. .

This is because the big brothers in the live broadcast room did not make a move. If these big brothers in the live broadcast room made a move, they would be able to earn 1000 million in minutes, and it would definitely not be a problem to make a list of [-] million coins.

"By the way, Brother Yang, where are those giant props in your house?"

Zhao Ning was a little curious.

In order to shoot the video, Xiao Yang used all kinds of giant props to emerge in endlessly.

A spoon as tall as a person, a large wrench more than two meters long, and huge slippers and an iPhone that are bigger than a person.

"Did you mean this?"

The elder brother silently took out a big spoon from under the bed, jumped on it, and hit it directly on the head of little brother Yang.


Little brother Yang screamed, and hugged his old brother with a heavy hammer.

"and many more!"

The elder brother backed away silently, saw that Brother Yang was holding the spoon he had snatched and was about to give him a bite, then walked to the door silently, tore down the door of the room and took it in his hand.

"All right."

The old man covered his head with the door panel and squatted silently on the ground.


Seeing the exaggerated performance of the two brothers, Zhao Ning couldn't hold back for a moment, and almost burst out laughing.

Liu Xiao even directly clicked on the live broadcast room and came to Xiao Yang's live broadcast room.

"Xiao Xiao sent [Carnival]*1!"

"Xiao Xiao sent [Carnival]*2!"

"Xiao Xiao sent [Carnival]*50!"


In Xiao Yang's live broadcast room, the gift barrage immediately covered most of the screen, and in the middle on the left, the gift barrage was crazily floating on the screen.

Fifty consecutive hits per second, the gift given out every second is 15, which is 150 million coins.

In just ten seconds, the total number of pk messages in Xiao Yang's live broadcast room reached more than 500 million!
(End of this chapter)

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