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Chapter 452 has begun, and the million rewards start!

Chapter 452 has begun, please donate to start!
"Thank you Xiao Xiao. Brother Xiao Xiao for rewarding so many gifts!"

Brother Xiao Yang was startled, and jumped up from the seat.

He usually knows very little about the live broadcasting circle, mainly the Douyin circle, and he doesn't know anything about Brother Xiao Xiao.

Now, when he saw the crazy gift rewards in the live broadcast room, Brother Yang's eyelids twitched wildly.

Just went to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room to ob a few times, he knew the existence of this dot connecter, but the size of Brother Xiaoxiao's shot also scared him a bit.

In more than ten seconds, more than 100 million gifts were sent out.

And this meeting hasn't stopped yet, the gifts in the live broadcast room are still rising crazily.

He also wondered if the local tyrant brother in his live broadcast room had awakened, but the next moment, more than 50 people flooded into the live broadcast room, directly boosting the popularity of the live broadcast room to a million.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao has made a move. As expected of Brother Xiao Xiao, once you make a move, you will be rewarded with a million dollars. See if this is a simple way to make a million dollars first?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao!"

In the live broadcast room, tens of thousands of people were frantically clicking on the barrage.

Most of them are fans from Huya's side. They have stayed for so long tonight, one is to support Xiaojuzi, and the other is because brother Xiao Xiao said that he will make a move tonight.

They knew very well in their hearts that when Brother Xiao Xiao started to brush, he started with tens of millions and started with hundreds of millions.

Fans like them must come to give Brother Xiao Xiao a boost!
"Thank you brother Xiao Xiao for the reward. It seems that brother Xiao Xiao knows that we are going to be bullied by the little orange, and this is to send us medical expenses."

The old brother leaned forward with a smile, raised his hand in a fist, and gave Xiao Yang a chestnut with his backhand.

On the other side, Dad directly dragged Little Brother Yang back, and gave up the C position in the live broadcast room to him.

Although Xiao Yang's family has done a good job on this account and usually earns a lot of advertising revenue, they are still only tens of millions of Internet celebrities.

Over the past two years, with various star map tasks, advertising endorsements, and live broadcast income, he managed to barely earn 500 million yuan.

At present, their popularity has dropped a little, and the price of an advertisement for Starway has also dropped from 30 to 10 yuan. They can only receive three or four advertisements in a month at most. In fact, there is not much money in a year.

But brother Xiao Xiao is different.

Brother Xiao Yang doesn't know, but the elder brother knows, this brother Xiao Xiao is the super boss who spent hundreds of millions in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi some time ago!
Now that such a big brother comes to the live broadcast room, they naturally have to lick this big brother well. It is definitely a good thing to come to their live broadcast room when they have time in the future.

In terms of income, there is no need to worry.

Only half a minute passed, and Brother Xiao Xiao already swiped 500 million gifts.

What they signed with Douyin is 500% to 300%, [-]% of [-] million, but it is [-] million income!
"Hahaha, Little Brother Yang and the others seem to be frightened by Brother Xiao Xiao, this is not acceptable!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, come on!"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the old brother changed his face instantly, and they were immediately happy.

No matter where Xiao Xiaoge's reputation as a hero is, the effect is surprisingly good.

Liu Xiao turned a blind eye to things like funny rockets, airplanes and hot air balloons, just staring at such a gift like a carnival.

Liu Xiao kept scrolling for 1 minute, scrolling through a list of tens of millions, and then slowly stopped.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your support!"

Brother Xiao Yang also reacted now, and hurried over to thank him solemnly.

The reward of 1000 million is the first one on Douyin's side, except for Xiaojuzi.

Anyway, from now on, his little Yang brother's live broadcast room can be regarded as having a tyrannical record.

"It's nothing, just a little bit."

Liu Xiao silently typed a barrage in the live broadcast room.

After the tens of thousands of gifts were delivered, Liu Xiao's level had increased by a large amount, and the speech in the live broadcast room could be clearly displayed on the top of the public screen.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao Xiao is full of spirit. I just heard from my father that Brother Xiao Xiao is the number one hero in the entire network. When he was the most ruthless, he had a terrifying record of [-] million in a single game!"

"Brother Yang, you're a bit out. Brother Xiao Xiao only made [-] million a while ago!"

"Four hundred million, who do you look down on? I, brother Xiao Xiao, have nine hundred million in a single game, and 15 billion in a single event!"

"15 billion for a single event?"

Brother Yang opened his mouth wide.

Brother Yang silently calculated in his heart.

Fifteen billion, should be one fifteen plus eight zeros?

If one of his fans is worth five yuan, then his total of 800 million may be worth 4000 million
Sell ​​him ten times plus all his fans, maybe you can sell it for this money?

"It's all trivial, don't listen to their nonsense."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and sent another message on the barrage.

Damn it, they're all talking nonsense.

Is he, Liu Xiao, the kind of person who wants to show off after swiping a gift?
He obviously has the kind of character that Fu Yiqu has, well, why has it become like this now, all the good fans in the past have turned bad!

Seeing Xiao Xiaoge's barrage of Versailles, Xiao Yang was speechless again.

He knew in his heart that this matter was probably true.

But the more he knew it was true, the more he understood Brother Xiao Xiao's horror.

Just now he heard his elder brother secretly tell him that Brother Xiao Xiao has been playing with Huya for about four or five months. The previous [-] million game must be true, and now so many water friends in the live broadcast room said The [-] billion game should not be faked.

In four months, it is naturally impossible to make two shots like this. With Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, it should not be a big problem to casually collect [-] million in the rest of the time.

In other words, brother Xiao Xiao's consumption at Huya should have exceeded [-] billion?
Of course, he knew that his estimate must be low. Brother Xiao Xiao, who made [-] million in a single game, couldn't just make [-] million at other times.

But when it came to this matter, he didn't dare to make random estimates.

In the live broadcast room, it was not easy for him to ask brother Xiao Xiao how much he spent, so he had to wait for the broadcast to count.

But the truth is pretty much the same as what he said.

When Liu Xiao first arrived at Huya, Huya's spending power was not strong, and most of the previous ones were spent in the millions.

The Shenhao card itself has a total of 9000 million, and the double card has been doubled at 25 million. The consumption of Liu Xiao's Shenhao card is about [-] billion, and later he used it for activities. The funds are about [-] million, and the total consumption should be [-] billion.

Another two billion yuan was spent on Douyu, and the consumption on Huya's side is roughly 23 billion, which is not much different from two billion.

But Liu Xiao didn't settle these accounts, and he didn't intend to.

Now that I have a lot of money to spend, I don’t want to play, and it’s just a string of numbers in my hands. It’s actually pretty good to play live broadcasts and have fun.

Liu Ning Group has already collected more than 100 billion deposits.

On Xiao Yang's side, the current pk bar is exactly 1000 million, which is more than half of Zhao Ning's side.

Brothers like Xiaohuya didn't dare to use it any more. If they continued to use it, their account would reach 2000 million and become level [-].

The first [-]th level of the Douyin platform is naturally for brother Xiao Xiao to go up.

After staying in Xiao Yang's live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao returned to Zhao Ning's live broadcast room.

Wei Wei sat up and clicked on the gift list again.

The main purpose of tonight is to create momentum for Zhao Ning on Douyin.

Let everyone know that Douyin's first sister is also Zhao Ning!


Liu Xiao silently typed two words on the public screen.

For a while, all the tourists in the live broadcast room were excited.

The tourists on Douyin already felt that Zhao Ning’s live broadcast was very fierce today. After all, after a few hours of broadcasting, the Doucoin received in a single live broadcast exceeded one billion, with an average reward of [-] million per game, which is already very exaggerated .

Until they saw Brother Xiao Yang talking about Brother Xiao Xiao's [-] million in a single game, they opened their mouths in disbelief, and then saw a huge hit of [-] billion for a single event on the bullet screen. After the reward, a person's mind is always confused.

And now, Brother Xiao Xiao has returned to Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, and started playing on the public screen.
"It's too exaggerated. I just swiped tens of millions. Could it be Brother Xiao Xiao's warm-up action?"

[My friend Lan is very big]: "I'm sorry upstairs, although I really don't want you to accept this reality, but I'm sorry, you guessed it right, this is really Brother Xiao Xiao's warm-up activity."

"Upstairs, although you are the veteran of Huya, but I have to say to you, is it a warm-up for Brother Xiaoxiao? It's just an appetizer!"

"Upstairs, I have to say something to you, what kind of appetizers, it's just that brother Xiao Xiao picked out his hand casually."

"Although what you said upstairs is a bit interesting, but you still look down on brother Xiao Xiao a little bit. Brother Xiao Xiao still needs to draw his hand? After a little bit of hard work, the list will come out."

"Hard? Is it a finger?"




Seeing that the live broadcast room suddenly fell into an endless cycle of vicious circles, Liu Xiao's already installed beeps were immediately broken.

Liu Xiao also couldn't understand why every time he came to the live broadcast room, everything was fine in the live broadcast room, but as soon as he entered the live broadcast room, no matter what he said casually, the rhythm could be brought into the air.

But he took a serious attitude with great difficulty, and was suddenly broken by these water friends.

Without further ado, Liu Xiao directly adjusted the connection to the maximum, and one carnival after another began to frantically appear in the live broadcast room.

He was really afraid that at the second when his gifts were slow, he would be messed up by the gods arranged by the water friends.

And with Liu Xiao's gift, the 666 on the public screen of the live broadcast room also began to soar wildly.

A large group of viewers who came from Huya consciously paid a dime apiece in the live broadcast room.

"Screen recording! Everyone, turn on the screen recording!"

"Tonight is the time to witness a miracle!"

Douyin has a live broadcast screen recording setting. Under the reminder of several tourists, an unknown number of people have turned on the screen recording function for a while, preparing to record Brother Xiao Xiao's highlight moments.

Brother Xiao Yang on the other side watched silently, but he didn't know how he was cursing his mother.

When brother Xiao Xiao was swiping tens of thousands of gifts in his live broadcast room just now, why didn't he record the screen?
If I had recorded the screen at that time, I would let it out during the live broadcast to savor the aftertaste, that kind of feeling would definitely be a lot of fun!

But it must be a little late to record the screen now, so I can only wait for those friends in the water friend group after the broadcast to see who was recording at that time.

As for now, Brother Yang also silently turned on the live recording.

It's not my own, but anyway, I'm still in the pk right now, so it's an honor to be in the same frame.

"I just don't know how much brother Xiao Xiao will brush tonight"

"Will it exceed [-] million?"

Brother Xiao Yang was a little lost in thought, and murmured.

On Huya's side, those big bosses who want to let the anchors bring goods also give gifts, but at most they are 100 gifts, and there are very few gifts worth more than 200 million, let alone tens of millions.

The list of tens of millions that brother Xiao Xiao gave him today is enough for him to brag about for a year.

These Internet celebrities, although it is not difficult to make money, but who would think that they have a lot of money?
To be fair, although their standard of living is much higher than that of ordinary people, in the eyes of real rich people, they are still not very good.

In terms of background, no background, no strength in terms of strength, and even cash flow, he is comparable to a boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

Of course, they also want to go further. Apart from other things, it is already very good to be able to open a small media company or something, stably cultivate artists and so on.

"I'll have a mic with Annie in the evening, and let her 50 online fans bully me all day long, so I won't scare her to death."

Brother Xiao Yang chuckled, and then focused his attention on the screen in the live broadcast room.

The pk time is 10 minutes, and it has just been more than five minutes, and there are still about 15 minutes left.

In 1 minute and 60 seconds, about 900 million can be swiped, and after 15 minutes of swiping, it is more than 3000 million.

Although there is still some distance from tonight's goal, the purpose of this live connection is almost there.

As for whether brother Yang will be attacked
The 1000 million that I paid in the past was originally for Xiao Yang’s medical expenses, and it’s probably too late for Xiao Yang to take pleasure in it.

Zhao Ning looked at Liu Xiao's continuous gift rewards in the live broadcast room, and thanked her repeatedly, but her heart remained unmoved.

Ever since knowing that Liu Xiao is the so-called brother Xiao Xiao, Zhao Ning has always been against Liu Xiao.

I bought gifts for my girlfriend and set up a trumpet, and made her thank you again and again in the live broadcast room, and in the end I had to make fun of myself in reality.

Although Liu Xiao couldn't say because of the system, in Zhao Ning's view, Liu Xiao was just doing nothing.

However, she couldn't deny that it was because of Liu Xiao's gift model that her live broadcasting career became popular so quickly, and it was also good for her future stardom.

After a while, when she really becomes a pinnacle star, she no longer has to shy away from the relationship between her and Liu Xiao, and can make official announcements on various public platforms.

At that time, the so-called Brother Xiao Xiao will probably be talked about by everyone, just like the adventurous dream that became popular in Huya back then.

Although he didn't make much, only a few million, he still caused quite a stir on Huya at that time.

 Now each chapter is [-] words, and about [-] chapters are all [-]-word chapters.

  The number of chapters is a bit small, but the number of words is quite a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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