Chapter 453 Brother Xiao Xiao Beep!
When the time came to 10 minutes, Liu Xiao's gift combo count had completely taken off.

In the middle left of the live broadcast room, many people saw so many carnival gift combos for the first time.

Carnival hits 30000 times!
In other words, Liu Xiao has given out a total of 3000 carnival gifts worth [-] yuan in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room so far!

Beside the Carnival Combo, various Heart Combos are also constantly beating, but the most one is currently only more than 1000 combos.

You know, a small heart is only a dime gift, but a carnival is 3000 yuan, which is a gap of [-] times.

At this point, everyone in the live broadcast room is basically convinced.

Douyin is not a pure live broadcast platform, it is built in a short period of time with short video as the carrier. Douyin tourists come to Douyin not just to watch the live broadcast, but more to hold the brush A swipe video for leisure and entertainment purposes.

Therefore, many people are watching the live broadcast, that is, because of interest, they come in and watch it for a while and then leave.

But this time, under Liu Xiao's 9000 million followers, almost no one left the live broadcast room!

Everyone wants to witness the birth of Douyin's first billion-dollar reward, and even the rise of a super anchor.

Zhao Keke was sitting on the side adjusting the live broadcast equipment, casually glanced at the popularity value in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room, and was immediately taken aback.

Only 10 minutes later, the popularity of the live broadcast suddenly jumped from more than 350 million to 700 million online people!
If it weren't for Douyin's servers being several times more than Huya's, I believe the studio would have collapsed.

But even so, Douyin's current servers are still under a huge load, and all of them are buzzing non-stop, and even some of the servers with poor computing power are starting to tremble.

But all of this has nothing to do with Vice President Wang.

These servers, as long as they can survive tonight, will be fine. Once the live broadcast is over, the remaining servers of Douyin only need to maintain normal operation for a few days, and then these servers will be taken away by him and sold.

The two virtual disk servers promised by brother Xiao Xiao are definitely enough to support his Douyin's operation.

"Increase traffic, increase data, put all server resources into it, and we must not let the live broadcast room crash!"

What Vice President Wang is doing now is to use Douyin's huge computer group to continuously divert and redistribute, diverting 700 million online visitors to all servers currently running.

Douyin is backed by the big tree of Ali. As the first batch of cloud server leasing companies in China, Ali's server resources are useless.

Therefore, the picture quality of the live broadcast room, including the display of gifts, etc., is still normal, and there is no problem.

And this undoubtedly feasts the eyes of tourists who have been worrying about the collapse of the live broadcast room.

At the moment when the gift list is about to exceed [-] million, the live broadcast room has started recording and many more people seem to want to record this wonderful moment.

And Liu Xiao's level has already reached Douyin's highest level of sixty.

At this time, Liu Xiao's aristocratic icon also turned into a purple-gold brand that looked full of luxury at the [-]th level, and the font for swiping gifts also turned into purple-gold at the same time.

This is not available in the first 59 levels. It should be a hidden special effect unlocked after reaching level [-].

But Liu Xiao didn't care about these things.

Huya himself is the Super God Emperor, and Douyu himself is the Super Phantom God. Even the game League of Legends, he is a first-class full-skin boss, the highest level of a Douyin account, in his opinion Come is really dispensable.

"Breaking [-] million!"

No. In 11 minutes, Liu Xiao's contribution list number one in the upper right corner also jumped directly from 9 million to [-] billion!

This means that Liu Xiao has successfully spent one billion coins in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, which is [-] million cash!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, beep! (Hoarse voice)"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible, invincible in the entire network!"

In the live broadcast room, the fans who followed Xiao Xiao all the way from Huya to Douyu and then to Douyin were all excited.

The three platforms exceed [-] million!
In addition to the already cool Maomao live broadcast and Zhanqi live broadcast, as well as Xiao Xiaozhi's nationwide live broadcast, Liu Xiao, the largest live broadcast platform on the entire network, all have full-level accounts!
As for Kuaishou, the live broadcast of this platform is mainly for bringing goods, and it cannot be regarded as a live broadcast platform for entertainment.

Of course, with Liu Xiao's strength, if he really wants to become the top player in the entire network, it's just a matter of blowing his breath.

But as far as today is concerned, the spending power of all the three platforms exceeds 90.00 million, which is already enough for [-]% of the entire network to be discouraged by Brother Shenhao.

It can be said that Brother Xiao Xiao is the only super big brother in the whole network, super godly hero!

Fifteen minutes just passed, and the numbers on the PK bars of both sides stopped jumping and gradually stabilized.

On Zhao Ning's side, a big winning character was also pasted on the pk bar, while Brother Xiao Yang's side had a gray defeating character.

He glanced at the number on Zhao Ning's pk note.

16 billion coins!

Among them, 13 billion coins were generated by brother Xiao Xiao, and the remaining 4000 million coins were generated by other people in the live broadcast room.

On the other hand, Brother Yang, there are a total of 3000 million coins.

Among them, 3000 million came from brother Xiao Xiao, and the other [-] million came from other people in the live broadcast room.

The difference between the scores of the two sides was ten times!
And Xiaojuzi also naturally won the pk with a big advantage.

What's even more exaggerated is that the popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room has already broken through 700 million, and directly rushed to 790 million, which is close to 800 million.

And his little Yang brother's live broadcast room, although there are 90 million visitors thanks to the fact that he is connected with Xiaojuzi, the data is still ten times worse.
Brother Xiao Yang gave a wry smile. Although he felt a little slapped in the face, he couldn't get angry when he saw the medical expenses that Brother Xiao Xiao paid for him.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I have something to say!"

Little Brother Yang suddenly stiffened.

"Brothers, being abused by Brother Xiao Xiao this time is too miserable. I have to say something, otherwise I feel really uncomfortable. I am also a big Internet celebrity with close to 3000 million, and now I am abused by Brother Xiao Xiao like this."

Brother Yang spoke righteously, and his anger almost burst out of the screen.

"Brother Yang, don't be too hard on yourself!"

The tourists in Xiao Yang's studio were all shocked.

A 3000 million internet celebrity who has just come to Douyin and a big brother Shenhao abused him like this and the anchor, they can understand the anger in their hearts, they can also understand the frustration, and they feel that it is no big deal to vent a little afterwards.

But now. Both parties are connected to Mai!
Brother Xiao Yang's words could reach Brother Xiao Xiao's ears.

Such a terrifying big brother Shenhao, if the live broadcast is aimed at Brother Yang in the future, Brother Yang will not be cool for a minute?
In the live broadcast room, many diehard fans of Little Brother Yang became anxious.

Brother Xiao Yang is usually such a person who can resist blows, why is he in a hurry at this time? !

Although the elder brother and father felt that Brother Yang was acting, they still couldn't help feeling uneasy. At that time, they wanted to step forward and hold Brother Yang back.

"Brother, this"

The old brother just wanted to step forward and pull Xiao Yang.

But at the next moment, Little Brother Yang's face suddenly changed, and his face was immediately filled with a flattering smile.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, if you have a chance to connect with wheat next time, please come to me again!"


The elder brother's outstretched hand froze in the middle of the road.

Then, the bent fingers straightened suddenly, turned into a slap, and slapped Xiao Yang on the back of the head.


Brother Xiao Yang couldn't help but let out another burst of heart-piercing roars.

Liu Xiao was also helpless for a while.

This guy is really a living treasure.

After thinking about it, he jumped back to Brother Xiao Yang's live broadcast room.

"Xiao Xiao sent [Carnival]*50!"

"Xiao Xiao sent [Carnival]*100!"


Without further ado, Liu Xiao gave out another 1000 million gifts.

Little Brother Yang is quite interesting, at least Brother Yang's videos are really good to watch, and Liu Xiao also plays Douyin, which is really quite amusing.

"Fuck! Brother Xiao Xiao is domineering!"

Brother Xiao Yang just wanted to find a coincidence to have a relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, but he didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to kill him without saying a word, and within a minute, he directly made a list of tens of millions for him!

After calculating this, after six or four divisions, it would be an income of 1000 to [-] million yuan!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"


In the live broadcast room, the fans on Xiao Yang's side were also completely convinced.

This kind of big brother pays so much for medical expenses for playing pk
It's not that they don't live up to expectations and dare not resist Brother Xiao Xiao, but that the other party really gave too much!
"Brothers, today we have taken Brother Xiao Xiao's light, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Zhao Ning, come on, let's give out lucky bags today, each [-]!"

In the live broadcast room, brother Yang distributed dozens of lucky bags in a row.

In Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, Zhao Ning also just figured out the function of this lucky bag.

Roughly equivalent to Huya Douyu's TV show, everyone can participate by giving gifts or posting barrage, and the winners will be determined by random lottery, and then the anchor will distribute the prizes.

For a big anchor like Zhao Ning, the functions of going on TV and lucky bags are naturally very useful. Although sending out lucky bags can greatly increase the number of fans and the stickiness of fans.

On Douyin's side, it seems that the lucky bag has also been adjusted. Now it is the same as Huya's side, and the maximum amount each time is 5 yuan.

Zhao Ning also tried to distribute dozens of lucky bags.

All of a sudden, a red bag popped out from the upper left corner of the live broadcast room, and there were various numbers of them.

"This lucky bag is different from other platforms, and the next one can only be opened after one lottery draw."

Brother Yang saw Zhao Ning studying the lucky bag over there, and explained it carefully.

"That's it."

The minimum time for a lucky bag is 3 minutes, and the maximum time for a lucky bag is [-].

If you want to send out 100 million, it will take at least an hour.

After some research, Zhao Ning immediately lost interest in this lucky bag.

The distribution of prizes is too slow, unlike Huya, where multiple people can be on TV at the same time, and the distribution of 100 million is a little faster, and the distribution is over in five or six minutes.

Xiao Yang brother heard Zhao Ning's words, but he stroked his forehead helplessly.

Is this the real big anchor world?
When he thought that a lucky bag of 1 yuan was an extreme luxury, the other party actually felt that the lucky bag of 3 yuan in 5 minutes was too little?

For a while, Little Brother Yang was hit again.

The fans in the live broadcast room even made waves of hahaha.

"Sorry, sorry, I came from Huya, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

Zhao Ning also knew that she had said something wrong, so she quickly apologized in the live broadcast room.

Showing off one's wealth is not a good thing, so it's fine to use gifts to make the rankings. After all, most of them are initiated by the platform, and they are famous teachers. But this kind of bluntly feels that tens of thousands of yuan is too little, and it is easy to be criticized by those bloggers. It was taken out of context and made into a video and sent out. This is a matter of Bengren's design.

To be a public figure, you must pay attention to your words.

"Punishment! Punishment! It's time for punishment!"

In the live broadcast room, some tourists reminded the pk progress.

At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room didn't think there was anything wrong with what Zhao Ning said just now.

If they received more than 3 million gifts, they would feel that sending 5 yuan in [-] minutes is too little.

Let alone 3 in 3 minutes, even 50 in [-] minutes, they feel that it is too little.

After all, that's [-] million!
The punishment time is 5 minutes. After the punishment is over, the pk bar will disappear, and the two will become a normal mic mode.

Zhao Ning didn't intend to embarrass Xiao Yang, after all, he came to help him gain a firm foothold in Douyin.

Zhao Ning glanced at the barrage.

"Well, everyone keeps seeing little brother Yang being knocked on the head by his elder brother. I saw someone in the barrage saying that they want to see the two of you switch, and then release a video."

Zhao Ning smiled, her beautiful eyes slightly bent, which immediately caused countless people in the live broadcast room to lose their minds.

"You can have this. I haven't seen Xiao Yang hit my brother with a prop."

"My brother can wash the socks of the whole family. I hope to see you in the next video!"

"But I didn't see my mother appearing today, otherwise it would be nice to watch my father beat my mother violently."

"Upstairs, the female boxer is coming to beat you, run!"

In the live broadcast room, all kinds of strange brain holes of tourists are constantly summed up.

"What's so difficult about that."

"Brother, come here obediently!"

Little Brother Yang let out a villainous laugh, and silently pulled out the super big spoon that he had just put away from under the bed.

It slammed into the ground with a bang, looking like a villain gaining power.

"Brother, this is the punishment for losing the pk, don't try to run away!"

Brother Xiao Yang caught his elder brother and sat on the chair directly.

The elder brother tightly closed his eyes, looking hopeless, which caused another burst of joy in the two live broadcast rooms.


Accompanied by a loud crash, the huge spoon head slammed on the old brother's head.

The old brother fell to the ground with an exaggerated slap, his legs twitched twice uncontrollably.

The tourists in the live broadcast room burst into laughter again.

Everyone knows that these props are fake, and most of them are made of plastic.

But even if it's made of plastic, it doesn't feel any lighter than a ruthless brain crash.

Although my brother's acting was a bit exaggerated, the tourists in the live broadcast room liked it.

"Why are you so relieved?"

Little Brother Yang stepped on a chair with one foot, leaned on a big spoon with the other hand, and smiled happily.

Playing a wave of pk, earning tens of millions, increasing popularity, and beating up my brother.

The pinnacle of life!


Little Brother Yang muttered something silently in his heart.

Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao!
(End of this chapter)

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