Chapter 454 Lianmai Rabbit Tooth (4000)

"Thank you little brother Yang, we are all waiting to see your next video."

"Don't worry, little orange, I will update this kind of video next week."

Brother Yang's chest thumped loudly.

He finally turned over to do the master's good deed, he didn't want to miss it, he was usually bullied so badly by his elder brother, this time it was time to find interest from his elder brother.

The 10 minutes of Lianmai ended, and Xiao Yang took the initiative to disconnect the connection.

Originally, Douyin wanted Xiao Yang to give Zhao Ning a good hand, so that Zhao Ning could gain a foothold in Douyin, but in just a few hours, Zhao Ning's live broadcast room has 700 million people, and he has more than [-] The number of tourists online, if you continue to connect, it will become a proper rubbish traffic.

But in just a short while, the number of people in his live broadcast room has also increased a lot, reaching 60 to [-] people.

"Everyone, don't stay here. Tonight is the first live broadcast of Xiaojuzi. Everyone go over and support me. But in the end, I would like to thank everyone for coming to my live broadcast room. Our live broadcast will end here first."

Little Brother Yang waved his hand at the screen, and then downloaded the broadcast directly.

"666, brother Yang is really good. Except for the official pk, this is not a bit of traffic!"

"Brother Yang is indeed a nice person, pay attention!"

In the live broadcast room with a black screen, the tourists praised Xiao Yang again.

These days, the anchor industry is mixed with good and evil people, and there are everyone.

On Douyin's side, there are high-achieving science bloggers like Yan Bojun An Senyao, and there are also spiritual bloggers who have no ability or talent and will pour poisonous chicken soup all day long.

But the ridiculous thing is that chicken soup bloggers are generally better than this type of popular science bloggers.

After all, it is very difficult to make a popular science video. You need to find materials and literature, and you have to make sure that the questions you explain are on the level of everyone’s common understanding, but Poison Chicken Soup bloggers don’t need these, just turn on the video recording If you love someone casually, you shouldn't let her have children or something, and you can get the support of a group of female boxers.

Sometimes Liu Xiao can't see these live broadcasts, including the videos released by these people. They are all on the verge of breaking the law, but there is no way.

In such a big environment, Xiao Yang, an anchor who has risen from humble beginnings and knows how to behave, is especially cute.

On the other side, Zhao Ning also opened the live broadcast connection again.

Although currently Douyin's hottest ones are Guozi and Annie, Douyin did not arrange a live connection between these two people this time.

Needless to say, Annie is a very cute little girl. She usually wears a princess costume at the beginning of the broadcast, and then finds someone to chat with anyone. If she chats with Zhao Ning, it's easy to get awkward, and the two sides talk to each other.

As for relying on children, it's even worse.

Although Guozi is very righteous, but this guy is live broadcasting on Douyin, the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of the Three Palaces has sealed it all for herself. If this is connected with Zhao Ning, what if the guy who doesn't usually look at the phone very much comes here? What kind of nature, I am afraid that brother Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room will attack them all in the next moment.

Vice President Wang knew in his heart that Douyin was doing a good job, but if Liu Ning Group really did something to them, they would definitely not feel good.

Although he can tell Guozi not to cross the line in advance, on the one hand, Guozi is not the kind of person who abides by the rules, and on the other hand, it seems that it is really meaningless to live broadcast live and not be a concubine.

Therefore, the second Lianmai partner arranged by Vice President Wang for Zhao Ning is Tuya, a popular singer on Douyin.

Tuya currently has 2000 million fans on Douyin, and has also appeared on a variety show on Satellite TV. This year, he also booked a Spring Festival Gala show on Satellite TV. He is currently the best-developed singer in Douyin.

And Tuya also has a few famous songs. Although the popularity of the whole network is not as good as that of Xiaojuzi because there are not many live broadcasts, Tuya is definitely no problem in Douyin's eight-acre land.

Tuya pays much more attention to the entertainment and anchor circles than Brother Xiao Yang. Not only does she know that Xiaojuzi is a popular singer recently, but she also knows that Brother Xiao Xiao, the eldest brother in Xiaojuzi’s live broadcast room, is most likely the current Liu Liu Xiao, the president of Ning Group!

Even after Zhao Ning registered the Douyin account with her real name today, she was still guessing that the word 柠 in Liu Ning Group was the word 柠 in the name of Little Orange.

Or maybe it was because brother Xiao Xiao's company was called Liu Ning Group, so he paid special attention to Zhao Ning, a talented anchor.

But for now, the first possibility is more likely. After all, the registration period of Liu Ning Group is very short, and the time of Zhao Ning's rise is also very short. She didn't know the inside information, so she didn't dare to be too sure.

But no matter what the situation is, there is one thing she can be sure of, especially brother Xiao Xiao, who just earned more than 3000 million in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, and directly advanced to the first [-]th level of the entire network. This kind of support , It is enough to prove that Brother Xiao Xiao definitely takes special care of Zhao Ning!
It is also for this reason that Tuya is looking forward to the next Lianmai.

The popularity of her live broadcast room is about 30 million. Although there are not many people, this is because of the influence of the Douyin live broadcast environment, but there are still many big brothers in her live broadcast room.

There are none at level [-], but there are fifty or sixty at level [-] or above, and two or three at level [-] or above. The spending power is not bad.

"Big Brothers, Little Brother Yang has already been beaten and cried, and it's our turn to do it next."

Tuya laughed, with brown colored contact lenses in her crescent-shaped eyes, and there seemed to be a galaxy flickering in the opening, Bling Bling's flickering.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were suddenly a series of bullet screens.

"Tuya sings beautifully, but she looks so good-looking, too cute!"

"Tuya, don't worry, Brother Xiao Xiao will come in a while, I will definitely be the first to surrender!"

"+1, Zhao Ning will come over after a while, and we will turn against each other directly."

Several big brothers in the live broadcast room started a joke.

It's not that they are not brave.

As far as the strength of these people is concerned, as long as they don't go alone, even if they meet Guozi and Annie on Douyin, they will not be shy.

But there is no way, the opposite is Zhao Ning, a god-man.

Not to mention brother Xiao Yang’s live broadcast just now, Brother Xiao Xiao earned more than 1 million, and the big brothers in other live broadcast rooms added up to more than 3000 million!
Coupled with the gifts before Lianmai, Xiaojuzi's current live broadcast income is already 27 billion coins. In total, it is a single live broadcast income of 7000 million yuan.

An anchor of the level of Xiaojuzi comes to Douyin, and the division is at least six, four, or even seven or three. I don’t think about seven or three, just divide it by six or four, and 7000% of 6000 million is [-] million!
You know, the live broadcast tonight is not over yet.

Right now, Zhao Ning's income from a live broadcast can directly put down their best brother here, let alone the big brother over there, who hasn't really made a move yet.

That Xingjue is also the big brother on Douyin's side. Although there are not many swipes, everyone knows Xingjue's strength. On Huya's side, tens of millions of gifts are rewarded for just swiping.

Those who were present, I am afraid that if everyone added up, it would not be enough for Xingjue to fight alone.

That being the case, it's better to give up resistance earlier, lie down comfortably and beg for abuse, so that you can suffer less pain.

Tuya showed a helpless smile.

Although she knew that this was the truth, it still made her feel a little embarrassed that the eldest brother in the live broadcast room directly conceded defeat.

But the tourists in the live broadcast room don't care about this.

Although the barrage of gifts in Douyin's live broadcast room is not interoperable, there are still many people who have just swiped into Xiaojuzi's live broadcast.

The [-] rounds of carnival rewards have already completely convinced them tourists.

This will see the big brother take the initiative to admit cowardice, and each of them also launched a hahaha on the barrage.

In a word, you can resist when you meet others, but you should admit it when you meet Little Orange.

Not to mention Tuya, even if Quanduyin's live broadcast room is tied up, it may not be able to withstand a round of bombing by Brother Xiaoxiao.

"I'm coming!"

As soon as Tuya clicked Lianmai, the live broadcast room was flooded with millions of tourists the next moment.

The rapid increase in the number of people in this live broadcast room, although Tuya was a little mentally prepared after watching Xiao Yang's live broadcast, was still taken aback.

Brother Xiao Yang, there were 90 to [-] tourists when Brother Xiao Xiao went there just now, but when he came to her, it started directly at a million.

Of course, this is inseparable from the popularity brought by brother Xiao Xiao's mad brushing in the later period.

You know, currently on Douyin's side, the most popular person is Zi Lianmai, but in fact, at most, it can bring 20-[-] popularity to the anchor.

This is the first day of the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi, and it has such influence and cohesion
Tuya really feels that her position as the first sister of the music category will be pushed down.

No, it wasn't pushed down, but directly carried away by these water friends in the live broadcast room!
I don't know when, 666 has started to frantically appear on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

Zhao Ning also felt a little strange.

She usually does not use Douyin less. She hasn’t watched the live broadcast of Tuya, the first music sister of Douya, but she has watched a lot of short videos. Each video has more than one million likes, 200 Thousands of likes are even more common, and the popularity on Douyin is quite high.

Now this means that the first sister of Huya met the first sister of Douyin in Douyin?
Although Zhao Ning has not dealt with Tuya much, she still has some judgments about Tuya.

With Tuya's appearance and strength, if he went to Huya, he would be a top-notch anchor, and he would be at the level of a bald man.

And Tuya has debuted in the entertainment industry for a while, and there are even rumors that she will participate in this year's TV Spring Festival Gala, and now it can be said that she is at the peak of her popularity.

But after all, there is no big local tyrant behind it, and Tuya's reputation is largely locked in Douyin's three-acre land.

Liu Xiao has never watched Tuya's videos. Before that, Liu Xiao mostly watched funny videos on Douyin. Music anchors like Tuya seldom pushed him.

After all, it depends on the beauties, there are plenty of them on Huya's side, but there are fewer on Douyin's side.

Now it seems that there is a problem with the lack of algorithm mechanism of Douyin.

"No, I have to find some time tomorrow to chat with Vice President Wang."

Liu Xiao muttered something.

Although I don't think much of it, if I don't push myself, the problem will be big.

It seems that Douyin's push algorithm is about to be upgraded.

Just try to be a good person, pull out your own account, and start a new recommendation algorithm!

Hmm. In order for Douyin to better capture user preferences.

"Little Huya, you can go to the opposite side and give Rabbit Toothbrush some presents later."

Liu Xiao opened WeChat on his mobile phone, and secretly sent a message to Xiao Huya.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, are you not going?"

Xiao Huya was a little puzzled.

You shouldn't let yourself do such a good thing to be in the limelight.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao is usually very low-key, but this is what Brother Xiao Xiao thinks, who calls the matter of earning [-] million in a live broadcast on Huya a low-key?

Who called Huya's account, which all tourists know about him, low-key?
Especially the anchors of the two platforms, Huya and Douyu, are now eagerly looking forward to Xiao Xiaoge's coming to the live broadcast room to take a look.

"Your sister-in-law is here."

Liu Xiao rolled his eyes and went over.

Zhao Ning was still connected to the mic with Tuya, and now she ran over to get presents, did she want Zhao Ning to sleep with Zhao Keke at night?
But if you come to Douyin, if you don't give a little bit to the anchor who connected with the mic on the first day, it seems that you have no cards.

A series of ellipses flashed in Xiao Huya's mind, and finally accepted Brother Xiao Xiao's somewhat embarrassing request.

The two sides greeted each other as usual, and both sides introduced themselves.

Zhao Ning has some understanding of Tuya, but not comprehensively. The tourists in the live broadcast room flicked the barrage. Although the barrage was a bit fast, Zhao Ning still saw some of it.

For example, what is the first sister of Douyin, the first sister of popularity, a big star, a big Internet celebrity with 2000 million fans and so on.

On Douyin's side, popularity and attention are two different things.

For example, Brother Xiao Yang has 800 million fans. Although there are many people who follow him, his popularity is not high, and there are not many big brothers who support him in the live broadcast room.

But like Tuya, although the number of fans has just reached 2000 million, the popularity is extremely high, and the support of the big brother in the live broadcast room is also strong.

Although Douyin has only held a few events, Tuya has won No.1 in the process.

Zhao Ning naturally understood this.

But now that she has come, Douyin has a lot of fans, so Zhao Ning definitely wants to compete.

"Sister Zhao Ning, I don't think we need to fight for PK. Brother Xiao Xiao's reward of hundreds of millions just now, our family has been convinced from top to bottom."

Rabbit tooth spoke first.

She and Xiaojuzi mic together, and still want to discuss singing or something, so that the live broadcast will be more interesting.

"Okay, then we will each have 10 minutes to perform our talents."

Zhao Ning nodded happily.

"Listen to the song, listen to the song!"

"But pk still needs to be played. After connecting, the pk bar will start automatically. It's a waste not to fight."

Xingjue smiled, and first brushed out a set of carnivals.

The progress of the pk bar suddenly jumped to 150 million.

"Hahaha, Xingjue, you are not authentic, so I will fight with you today!"

Xiao Huya took advantage of the slope to go down the donkey, and jumped to Tuya's live broadcast room. When he raised his hand, a group of carnival brushes came out, and the gift pk bar on Tuya's side also jumped to 150 million.

(End of this chapter)

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