Chapter 455 Dual Platform Opening!
"Thank you, Brother Xiaohuya."

Tuya gave a wry smile.

Just now she was ob in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, how could she not know that Xiao Huya is the big brother of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room?

Now when I come to her live broadcast room to collect gifts, I mostly come to take care of her opponent, presumably to collect some medical expenses for her or something.

Of course, Rabbit Tooth is also very open.

Although Xiaojuzi is not currently in the entertainment industry, her popularity on the Internet is much higher than hers. To be honest, few people watch TV shows now. The main reason is that the Internet is more popular.

Since Xiaojuzi is now at Douyin's side, the position of Douyin's first sister must be replaced by Xiaojuzi.

There must be a little bit of jealousy, but more excitement.

If Xiaojuzi can boost Douyin's live broadcast industry, although she is not the so-called first sister, her popularity will definitely be much higher than now when she broadcasts live in the future.

Not to mention the popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room is now 700 million, as long as she can maintain the popularity value of 80 million during the peak period, she is already very satisfied.

"Little Orange you sang just now, and all the people in our live broadcast room have watched it remotely. This time the pk, I'll go first."

Tuya responded generously first.

Rabbit Ya tuned an accompaniment.

She has a lot of original works, but none of them are very popular. It is the cover songs that really make her popular.

The two songs that have been very popular recently, the medley of the two songs "Little White Rabbit" and "Cappuccino", directly allowed her to attract more than 300 million fans in more than ten days, and it was also the most satisfying song she sang .

Just like a rookie in the entertainment industry facing JJ Jay Chou at his peak, Tuya faced Xiao Juzi. Although he could not be called a rookie, he was still quite nervous.

After all, Xiaojuzi's singing level has been recognized by JJ. She feels that she is not that strong, but she is quite confident in this song.

"Come on, come on, Tuya hasn't sung this skewer for a long time!"

"Hahaha, don't tell me, Tuya and Xiaojuzi are fighting in the same frame, both of them are god-like, so pretty, aren't they?"

"Hey, it's obvious that the little orange is more attractive, but to be fair, the rabbit tooth is really good."

Zhao Ning's beauty is definitely worth mentioning. The beauty effect of Douyin's live broadcast is very strong, but Zhao Ning's beauty can't be used, and her face will be deformed once she uses it.

Therefore, Zhao Ning used the original camera to take pictures. As for the rabbit teeth, she carefully used part of the beautification effect.

Therefore, after the two are in the same frame, because of the effects of filters and beauty, the appearance of both of them looks very good.

Xiao Huya and Xingjue, each in a live broadcast room, brushed up a group of carnivals in five or six seconds, watching the list of gifts in the live broadcast room move up.

Soon, the two also rushed to the consumption quota of 2000 million, and got the top brand of the [-]th level.

And Tuya's skewered songs also officially started.

"The voice of Rabbit Tooth is quite nice, with a touch of sadness."

Little White Rabbit is actually a cheerful song, but the slightly weak voice of Tuya sings it, but it has a special flavor.

[Small and white rabbit, white and white again]

[Two have only ears and ears, it’s amazing, it’s cute]


When Liu Xiao first heard it, he also became interested.

As expected of a talent blogger who has been on satellite TV shows, this voice, this ability is really good, it should be regarded as the level of a first-line singer.

Liu Xiao did a little comparison, and Tuya's singing ability was even better than that of Huya's current live broadcast, Salad over Misty Rain Union, and her voice was softer, which sounded like a different kind of charm.

The little white rabbit is over, and the cappuccino is skewered.

Rap is actually a test of the singer's singing level.

Shouting like a bald man is actually different from serious rap.

Among domestic rap artists, Liu Xiao prefers Wang Lihong and Deng Ziqi.

Among them, I especially like one of the skewered songs sung by Deng Ziqi at the music festival awards ceremony.

Float north.

It has to be said that Deng Ziqi's rap level is basically firmly ranked among the top three female rap singers in China, which is obtained by hard power.

The rap like Rabbit Ya's is not so passionate and passionate, but it does have its own unique style.

What is good music is actually easy to judge. As long as the audience thinks the song is good, it is a successful good music.

As for the lyrics and music, it is just a factor in judging whether the song can become a classic after the song sounds good.

No matter how good the lyrics and music are written, if the singing is not good, it will be over.

Therefore, in this respect, it is indeed a test of talent.

The current Liu Xiao, after training and strengthening the system, is almost omnipotent, but his artistic attainments are poor. Although his singing is not ugly, it is definitely not good. The difference with the soundtrack is really too big.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao used another mobile phone to send a message to Sister Feifei, to see if she could try to bring in the rabbit toothpick. After all, there are still a few people on Lehua's side, and most of them are from Huya's side. It is also a good thing that more people can come in to gain popularity.

Furthermore, the appearance of Tuya is not bad, and it is a more characteristic, slightly cute type. It can definitely develop into TV and movies. If it is well cultivated, it will definitely become popular in the future.

Tuya didn't know that brother Xiao Xiao was planning to throw an olive branch to her, and she had almost exhausted all the music knowledge she had learned, and she just wanted to burn and sing this string well.

The 7-minute skewer ended quickly, and it was not until the end of the last sentence of cappuccino that the tourists in the live broadcast room woke up and swiped the words 666.

Zhao Ning applauded again and again.

Tuya's musical attainments are not low, and the strength of first-line singers should not be able to escape.

Listening to Tuya singing is a kind of enjoyment.

Zhao Ning usually listens to songs on the Internet. Tuya’s Changing Skewer is definitely one of the top five skewer songs. The music is light and lonely, almost in these two songs. Sing to the extreme.

"A little talent makes everyone laugh."

Hearing Zhao Ning's approval, Tuya stroked her hair in embarrassment.

They both make music, and they can easily hear a mistake in a scale. She naturally understands the gap between her and Xiaojuzi.

Although there is no clear dividing line between first-line singers and peak singers, the gap between them is indeed huge, especially the personal voice and talent, which are the most critical reasons for reaching the top.

Zhao Ning didn't intend to bully Tuya either, and simply found a cover of Mo Wenwei's "Cloudy Sky".

But even so, the millions of visitors in the live broadcast room can clearly feel the gap between Zhao Ning and Tuya.

There is no doubt that Zhao Ning's voice is much better than that of Tuya, and her breathing rhythm and singing skills are also at the master level.

Neither of them has the habit of tuning with a sound card, so the feelings of the visitors in the live broadcast room are very obvious.

"Little Orange, God forever!"

"Orange cow, I would like to call Xiaojuzi the number one blogger on the Internet!"

Tourists are full of praise.

Before Xiaojuzi came to Douyin, no one thought that Xiaojuzi could gather so many fans and popularity in such a short period of time.

Even though Zhao Keke's video has been popular for a while, and everyone has seen the horror of Zhao Ning's popularity in the whole network, but everyone just watched Zhao Ning's live broadcast with the expectation of a top Douyin blogger.

But now it seems that Zhao Ning is not just Douyin's top blogger and Huya's top anchor. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use a term from Huya's side.

Star anchor!

No matter which platform, which type of anchor, in the face of Zhao Ning's terrifying popularity, they have to retreat three points!
Liu Xiao even took the opportunity to brush up gifts in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room.

Just now, Zhao Ning's position as the anchor has been clarified a lot in the PK with Douyin's two major anchors. Many people who didn't know Zhao Ning before, but came into the live broadcast room because of recommendations, also immediately paid attention to Zhao Ning.

With such a good opportunity, it is natural to try harder to attract a wave of fans.

Now it has 500 million fans, Liu Xiao's goal is to make Zhao Ning break 2000 million fans tonight!
For ordinary people, increasing 500 million fans in half an hour is almost an impossible task, but in Liu Xiao, as long as you can increase your popularity, people will naturally subscribe.

Carnival gifts have never stopped since the beginning.

Anyway, there was Xiao Huya watching over Tuya, occasionally paying for medical expenses, and Liu Xiao was doing it with confidence and boldness.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"3000 million!"

"Brother Xiaoxiao won't cost hundreds of millions in this pk, right?"

"It's 5000 million, upstairs, can you stop talking nonsense, Brother Xiao Xiao, if you brush like this, do you still have doubts if it doesn't reach hundreds of millions?"

"Looking forward to Brother Xiao Xiao's infinite combos!"

Liu Xiao simply did the math.

Tonight's goal is to reach 5000 million, but now Douyin has only spent more than [-] million, and Douyin's share is [-]-[-]%, and the money in Zhao Ning's hand is [-] million. Yes, I guess I need to brush a little more.

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Ning had to be thoroughly promoted, Liu Xiao would not hold back at all.

The two mobile phones were brought over at the same time, and Douyin Huya opened the phone on both sides at the same time.

On Huya's side, a set of 1314 magic books cost more than 13 yuan, which is about the same as the set of carnivals on Douyin's side.

As the gifts from the two platforms erupted at the same time, the tourists who had been watching the two platforms were completely erupted, and they all cheered in the live broadcast room.

Two platforms give rewards at the same time, apart from brother Xiao Xiao, there is no other person on the whole network now!

The live broadcast room on Tuya's side was completely reduced to a background board, but Tuya is also very smart, knowing that it would be embarrassing to just watch without talking, so she directly stood by Xiaojuzi's side and was busy helping Xiaojuzi in the live broadcast room. Tangerine canvassing.

"Everyone who is capable, go to Sister Orange's side to help. Tonight, Sister Orange is probably going to forge a brilliance that cannot be surpassed in the next few years!"

While soliciting votes, Tuya also recharged 1000 million coins.

She doesn't have a connecting device, but she still connects one carnival after another in the live broadcast room.

A carnival is 3000 yuan, 1000 coins, but his 300 million is more than [-] points, and it can almost end with Brother Xiao Xiao and the others.

Of course, if the reward of 100 million is given out, Tuya will definitely not lose money.

Just for a short while, Xiao Huya had given her a list of more than 1 million coins. In total, her commissions were at least 500 million or more.

Not to mention, there are quite a few big brothers in the live broadcast room who also brushed a little bit.

Although the pk has failed and the pk bar doesn't move much, her income from this live broadcast has been jumping up.

Seeing brother Xiao Xiao making a move, Lanlan no longer hesitated.

For Douyin and Huya, the two platforms have 500 million each, and they follow without saying a word.

And Xiao Jiajun's group, headed by Little Huya Xingjue, also used dual platforms to scan. Some of them only had one mobile phone in their hands, so they swiped on Huya's side for a while, and then ran to Douyin's side for a while.

Now the recharge channels of the two platforms are very simple. As long as you bind a bank card that can support large-scale consumption, you can directly withdraw cash for consumption, and there is no problem in payment.

For a while, almost all of Zhao Ning's live broadcast rooms on the two platforms were covered by gift special effects that filled the screen.

"To be honest, I can no longer see Xiaojuzi clearly."

While discussing excitedly, several tourists clicked on the gift column and each sent a hot air balloon out.

For Douyin, no matter what gift you give, there will be a gift pop-up window, the difference is only the size of the special effect.

On Huya's side, there are no special effects for gifts that are too cheap, and only a gift message will pop up on the public screen. Unless hundreds of small gifts are given at once, the gift special effects will be displayed on the public screen.

This is the reason for the spending power of the big brothers Shenhao on the two platforms. On the whole, there are still fewer big brothers on Douyin’s side, and they are all tricks that Douyin’s operation side came up with to stimulate and stimulate consumption.

But this is what makes me so happy tonight.

Anyone who has swiped a gift is always staring at the gift column to see when the special effects of their gifts will come out. As long as they see their id and special effects of gifts, there will be a burst of cheers, and then screenshots are ready to be sent Amusement.

In this situation tonight, if you can participate once, you will be bragging in the future!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is so fierce, the event was finished in August, and now it's starting again!"

"I think Brother Xiao Xiao presumably inherited trillions of property, no, no, no, ten trillions of property, Qiaobusi would not dare to spend it like this after he was alive!"

"Brother Xiaohuya and the others are also fierce. I just took a look at Brother Xiaohuya's contribution list. The two platforms add up, and this will be almost 5000 million."

"Brother Xingjue is not bad, more than 4000 million, currently the third!"

Fans looked at their respective charts, discussing non-stop online and offline.

Huya is fine, at least the bullet screen can be displayed in full screen, and some can be seen.

But for Douyin, as long as the barrage is not clicked for a second, it will jump 99+ in an instant, so dazzled that almost a line of words can't be read clearly.

But the fans are still endlessly scrolling through the barrage, as if they want to test how long Douyin's server can last.

Zhao Ning also planned to sing the second original song, but seeing this hot situation, she had no choice but to give up.

Singing in this situation, it is estimated that most people will definitely not listen.

Zhao Ning looked helplessly at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and sighed softly.

It seems that the matter of wanting to release a new album at midnight tonight can only be postponed.

(End of this chapter)

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