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Chapter 456 System upgrade, big money!

Chapter 456 System upgrade, big money!
At twelve o'clock in the evening, Liu Xiao's speed of brushing gifts slowed down.

The [-] million that was charged to Douyin alone has already been swiped out. Huya’s side has sped up a bit in the back, and swiped more than Douyin’s side. Not to mention, the amount of [-] million must be enough up.

The plan to broadcast at twelve o'clock still failed to carry out, and sang a few more songs, and by the way, sang all the remaining nine songs of the album to be released this time. It was close to one o'clock in the morning, and Zhao Ning was finally ready to retire. Live room.

As for the new album that was originally scheduled to be released at midnight tonight, the upload time was rescheduled to twelve noon the next day, which was delayed by half a day.

Although QQ Music and Netease Cloud have some opinions, but Xiaojuzi is now so popular that the two sides have no choice but to accept it and start to rearrange the recommended positions.

It’s just a little recommendation. Xiaojuzi’s release of songs can bring traffic and income to the platform. That’s the top priority. If you’re late, you can give more recommendations as a warm-up.

As for tonight's live broadcast, there are a total of 700 million online people. They believe that the number of people who will come to the platform to search for songs tomorrow will start at least tens of millions.

Liu Xiao glanced at the system panel, the current consumption limit has reached [-] billion, the upgrade button has been lit up, and the upgrade can be done at any time.

But Liu Xiao is not too anxious about this point, the early and late promotions are all his own, and he can't escape.

Zhao Ning and Zhao Keke had already turned off the live broadcast and went out, and Liu Xiao also turned off the TV.

"Brother-in-law, you are this!"

Zhao Keke ran over, immediately wrapped his hands around Liu Xiao's neck, hung up like a sloth, his expression was full of excitement.

So fierce!

In one live broadcast, [-] billion was generated on both platforms!

Although Liu Xiao had brushed it before, Zhao Keke didn't see it those few times. She didn't really feel the shock until this time.

It was also at this time that she realized why the whole internet praised her brother-in-law Brother Xiao Xiao infinitely.

This kind of strength, not to mention the whole network, even the whole world can't find a second one!

Maybe there are a lot of rich people, but Liu Xiao is the only one who can play like this on the live broadcast platform.

"It's all trivial. When you become popular in the future, I'll brush it up for you too."

Liu Xiao smiled and pulled Zhao Keke off.

"You are already a mature adult, the guest room is over there, so you can leave without seeing it off."

Liu Xiao pointed to the guest room in the distance, chuckled, then walked past Zhao Keke, pulling Zhao Ning towards the master bedroom.

Zhao Keke has just turned full, and his body hasn't grown yet, just like a little sister, although Liu Xiao has always liked this sister, but this night, Liu Xiao can't wait to throw Zhao Keke into the house and lock him up.

It's already one o'clock in the morning, why are you so excited, you little house girl? If you want to be excited, he is as excited as Zhao Ning
Zhao Keke looked at Liu Xiao who passed him and brought Zhao Ning into the house, and snorted angrily, but thinking that he was taking Liu Xiao's pocket money every day these days, he had no choice but to go back to the room obediently.

Early the next morning, Zhao Keke returned to school early in the morning.

Liu Xiao got up early in the morning and came to the study alone without disturbing Zhao Ning.

The system gave him [-] million quota in the first lottery draw, and a billion quota in the second lottery draw.

There are also various props such as doubling cards and doubling cards at the back.

In the past, Liu Xiao always felt that these props were very practical, and now, Liu Xiao still prefers those technological props in the system lottery.

After all, Liu Xiao is not short of money now, and the doubling card has been useless for a long time. The money earned by the company, including the money raised by Huawei and the government, is completely enough for the company to operate, and it doesn't cost much for itself. The most is to play a live broadcast After spending more than a billion yuan, Liu Ning Group earned back within a few days.

Therefore, Liu Xiao has not used the investment doubler card for a long time.

"I don't know what the system can draw from this upgrade."

Liu Xiao was looking forward to it.

The best thing is the kind of exoskeleton technology that Liu Xiao thought before, which can greatly improve his safety, but Liu Xiao also knows that this is not realistic, there are dozens of options, and the probability of winning is too low, and this time Whether there is such a thing in the lottery or not is another matter.

Calculated according to the level of the system, when the fifth-level lottery draw is the first-level civilian technology, and the sixth-level lottery is the first-level civilian technology, then the upgrade to the seventh level this time should be the second-level civilian technology.

You must know that the definition of a first-level civilization is to control all the resources of the local planet, and the definition of a second-level civilization is to control all the resources within the range of the star.

For example, making Dyson spheres, space curvature, and using gravity waves are all trivial matters for a second-level civilization. Even if it is just civilian technology, it is definitely a good thing for this level of civilization!
Liu Xiao didn't expect to get any good things, as long as they weren't too rubbish.

[Current level: Level 6! 】

[Daily money received: 1000 yuan]

[Upgrade conditions: consumption of 10 billion yuan (upgradeable)]

[Progress: 11 billion/2 billion]

[System props: wealth investment card, online consumption card (already used up)]

The upgrade button behind the upgrade conditions has changed color, and the blinking means that the upgrade is possible.

Without hesitation, Liu Xiao took a deep breath, touched the system with his mind, and silently pressed the upgrade button on the back.

The completely dark space was originally only supported by the faint light of the system panel, but the moment Liu Xiao clicked the upgrade button, the text on the entire panel collapsed, and the entire space fell into complete darkness.

The next moment, a bright light broke through the darkness, and with a click, the system panel turned slightly lavender, and then, a familiar lottery carousel appeared at the end of the system.

【Ding!Congratulations on the successful upgrade! 】

[Current level: Level 7! 】

[Daily money received: 1 million yuan]

[Upgrade conditions: consumption of 100 billion yuan]

[Progress: 1.2 million/100 billion]

[System props:
Lucky Draw Chance*1]

The system upgrade is almost a fixed template. The daily money will be doubled by ten times, the upgrade conditions will be doubled by ten times, and then a lucky draw will be given as a gift.

It's not that Liu Xiao dislikes this upgrade template, on the contrary, Liu Xiao likes it very much.

If the system engages in those bells and whistles, it will make Liu Xiao a little unaccustomed to it. Every time you level up, you will get a chance to draw a lottery. This is what Liu Xiao cares most about.

As for the monetary rewards, Liu Xiao really didn't care too much.

At present, Liu Ning Group produces at least two virtual disk servers every day, one of which costs 600 million yuan, and the cost is mainly the technical cost provided by Liu Xiao. The real material cost and labor cost are actually only [-] million yuan. , is almost negligible.

In other words, Liu Xiao can earn 9000 million by selling two virtual disk servers every day!

A daily check-in income of [-] million is actually so-so, not too much.

As for the upgrade lottery, the importance of the items drawn each time is thousands of times more precious than a little money.

Especially according to Liu Xiao's calculations, the prizes of this lottery should be the civilian technology of the second-level civilization, which makes Liu Xiao look forward to it.

At present, a total of two technologies have been obtained, one is a virtual disk server, and the other is a holographic projection technology.

The virtual disk server allowed Liu Xiao to develop two products, one is a simplified version of the virtual disk server, and the other is a quantum computer. In the future, the real virtual disk server will definitely be developed by relying on the quantum computer.

As for the holographic projection technology, it has only been researched to the stage of filming. It is expected to be put into use around October, and it will be developed in the game later. As for other applications, Liu Xiao does not intend to do it himself, but Handed over to the official.

These two technologies are both epoch-making products for the current celestial dynasty!
This is a technology that can control the pattern.

But now, the technology of the second-level civilization, although I don't know what it is, but it is just a daydream, which has already made Liu Xiao look forward to it.

Consciousness approaches the turntable.

Still the same as before, the mysterious threads and totems on the golden turntable make people feel extremely noble at a glance.

And more than a dozen grids are also shrouded in mist.

"Start the lottery!"

Liu Xiao took another deep breath.

After receiving Liu Xiao's order, the golden turntable began to spin rapidly.

After letting the turntable spin for half a minute, Liu Xiao finally made up his mind and shouted to stop.


"Congratulations to the host: obtained the second-level civilization technology: home planet travel!"

[Mother star travel: Develop a parent star spacecraft that can travel around the equator within 10 minutes, and the advanced version can orbit the atmosphere. 】

The technology of the mother star spacecraft belongs to the civil technology of the second-level civilization, and it is precisely the technology of the tourism industry.

Soon, the system transmitted all the data of spacecraft technology into Liu Xiao's mind.

Mechanics of materials, physics, mathematics, applied mechanics, bridge science, aerodynamics
All kinds of data were stuffed into Liu Xiao's mind in just a few seconds.

If it were a normal person, at this time, such a huge memory plug would probably be blown up in an instant, but under the protection of the system, a faint blue halo surrounded Liu Xiao's mind, as if protecting Liu Xiao's memory Cells and Cranial Nerves.

This is not only for Liu Xiao to memorize all these techniques, but also for the coordination of neurons. In just a few seconds, Liu Xiao completely understands these techniques.

The next moment, the light of the system gradually dimmed, and Liu Xiao also slowly exited the system interface.

"Spacecraft technology, which also includes ground flight technology."

Liu Xiao murmured, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The civilian technology of the second-level civilization is indeed a bit too scary.

Some people may not understand what it means to go around the equator in 10 minutes.

The circumference of the Blue Star's equator is 40075 kilometers. In simple statistics, it is [-] kilometers in length.

And being able to circle this distance for one week in 10 minutes means that the speed per minute is 24 kilometers, and the speed per hour is [-] kilometers!
You must know that the fastest ground public transportation high-speed rail on the earth can only reach 400 kilometers per hour, and the fastest racing car can only reach 600 kilometers per hour regardless of the cost.

As for the plane, the most advanced fighter jet in the country, the fastest is only [-] kilometers per hour.

And at a full speed of 10 kilometers per hour, coupled with some tactical maneuvers, the pilot has to carry a load of [-] g!

And now, this new space vehicle has a full speed of 24 kilometers per hour
If it weren't for all the technical data in his head, he really thought someone was joking with him.

This speed is 120 times that of the most advanced fighter jets at present!
If it runs at normal speed, the passengers inside will be crushed into patties by ultra-high pressure almost instantly, but after this series of technical transportation, the safety of passengers can be guaranteed.

Too exaggerated.

Liu Xiao smiled wryly.

After these few months of contact, he is no longer the graduate who knew nothing before.

An ultra-high-speed and stable spacecraft that can operate on the ground, in the air, and outside the equator, ten or twenty times faster than the current rocket speed.
This thing seems to be much stronger than a quantum computer!

As far as civilian use is concerned, all high-speed trains and aircraft on Blue Star can be cancelled.

As long as a delivery system is established and a reasonable route is planned, the circulation of almost everyone is no longer a problem.

You can go around the earth in 10 minutes. Even if the planned route is twists and turns, it is absolutely no problem to go around the earth in an hour.

Within an hour, people can go to any location on the earth, even if they are a little bit cruel, it is not impossible to fly out of the earth.

To what extent will this exaggerated speed affect people's livelihood?
We must know that the timeliness of logistics and transportation and the circulation of personnel are the first driving force for economic development!

Why do the officials vigorously build high-speed rail projects, and why do they ensure that all places are connected to trains and expressways, just to allow people to circulate.

On the other hand, if the circulation of people reaches this level, there will be no sense of the city anymore, and there will be no worries about working in other places.

Just get on the bus after get off work, and you can go home in one or two minutes. This speed is no slower than commuting in a city. The issue of household registration will be gradually eliminated.

Secondly, this spacecraft can go into space!
Short-distance lunar development is certainly no problem.

And a rocket launch of billions or billions at a time can be completely discarded, and those satellite space stations can all be replaced by spacecraft.

Moreover, no one said that this thing can only be in such a form.

It is entirely possible to develop some low-profile versions of things and put them in fighter jets.

Just ask a fighter jet with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour and no driver load, are they afraid?
After the advent of the big data era, the speed of a car with a smart posture can be raised to more than [-] to [-] kilometers
Liu Xiao simply thought about it and thought of so many possible development directions.

Liu Xiao exhaled heavily, exhaling all the breath he had taken twice before.

"This time, I made a lot of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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