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Chapter 458 3 sound waves, anchor, what did you say 3?

Chapter 458 Three million sound waves, anchor, what did you say three thousand? (300)

Assistant Zhang also secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Liu Xiao and his party walking away.

He was transferred from the main department. He is not only proficient in personnel, but also has a good understanding of technology. He is considered a half-expert.

Du Lao tuned him to come here, on the one hand to coordinate production, and on the other hand, he also meant to be a little assistant for Liu Xiao.

Assistant Zhang's heart is still quite high, originally there was no need to be so servile, but after Liu Xiao came in, he felt flustered when he saw the seven or eight security teams behind him, and Zheng Xiaoxiao went out and called the servants , In less than 3 minutes, Bailaihao rushed in directly, and this directly frightened him quite a bit.

Originally, he thought that Liu Xiao might be a nominal boss or something, but now he knows that this person is definitely a strategic boss!
It's people at Mr. Du's level, and there are only more than 20 security guards around him.

But this person is only in his twenties, and the protection standard around him is four or five times higher than that of Mr. Du!
People in his system really understand what this means.

You know, those key positions, the leaders who are in the deputy position, the travel treatment is the same, right?Not even as good as this!
Liu Xiao is naturally not in the mood to pay attention to Assistant Zhang's mental activities. In Liu Xiao's view, as long as Vice President Du handles things smoothly, it will be fine.

According to Mr. Du, this person should be the person who will help with Qianlong Group's affairs in the future. In the future, the coordination of internal resources will be handed over to Assistant Zhang in most cases.

Back home, Liu Xiao was still thinking about the virtual disk server.

Now that the quantum computer has been developed, the next step is to focus on virtual projection on the one hand, and on the development of virtual disk servers on the other.

This virtual disk server is not the half-way parallel import made before, but a real virtual disk server, a super product made by using the performance of quantum computers.

This thing is slightly larger than a quantum computer, but as far as storage cloud disks are concerned, it can definitely crush all the supercomputers and servers currently in existence. According to Liu Xiao's calculations, a virtual disk server can support half of the current Celestial Dynasty. Running a website should be out of the question, as long as enough bandwidth is provided, all web browsing will be lag-free.

And this is also an important part of letting the mobile phone remove the chip and memory as mentioned by Mr. Ren before.

The specific research method Liu Xiao has also given the information to Mr. Du. The production of this thing is estimated to be a matter of these few days. It can be carried out after the optimization of the quantum computer machine tool is completed. Liu Xiao is not very worried.

"After thinking about it, it's nothing to do with me."

Liu Xiao smiled.

At present, he still needs to finish drawing the drawings of the spacecraft as soon as possible, and then buy a steel company. The metal used in the spacecraft is a special alloy, and even some very scarce metals are used, but fortunately, the amount of metal used in this part Not many, and there are on the nearest moon.

As long as you bring a little bit with you during the last few rocket launches, as long as the first spacecraft can be produced, you can slowly go back and forth to mine.

As for now, Liu Xiao started to fish again.

Zhao Ning is currently live broadcasting the meeting. It is very popular these days. It is estimated that the live broadcast will not be broadcast until eleven or twelve in the evening. In addition to the release of the new album at noon today, the meeting is very busy.

This guy Zhao Keke also missed his face in the live broadcast room to gain his popularity.

Liu Xiao had nothing to do, the aunt at home left a meal for him, Liu Xiao took a simple bite, and boarded the new platform of Douyin.

Huya Douyu has been getting tired of playing recently, and there are no activities on the two sides these days, and Liu Xiao has no intention of being on the account, but this new platform makes Liu Xiao very interested.

The live broadcast adopts the method of swiping up to switch, or after following, you can see the host's broadcast information in my following.

Liu Xiao Douyin doesn't play very much, and currently only pays attention to three or four anchors. After a quick glance, none of the several beautiful anchors started broadcasting.

Ge You was lying on the sofa, and Liu Xiao directly clicked on the live broadcast recommendations in the upper left corner of Douyin, and began to scroll through them one by one.

This will be just after [-]:[-] pm, which is the prime time for the live broadcast. Most of the popular anchors are online, and the recommended resources from Douyin are also good. In addition, the popularity of Douyin’s live broadcast last night is very hot. This will be a live broadcast column. This popularity is still very high.

Not surprisingly, Zhao Ning is still No.1 on the popularity list and No.1 on the gift list.

Although the big brothers are not here today, the second-tier big brothers like Junjun are still helping to support the scene online. The live broadcast popularity is more than 300 million, and the VIP seats are more than 40. It can be regarded as the biggest anchor of Douyin in one fell swoop.

Liu Xiao didn't intend to go to his daughter-in-law's live broadcast room, so he wandered aimlessly at Douyin, and when he encountered the live broadcast room recommended by the system to Zhao Ning, he also chose to brush it off.

I have to say that Douyin's entry mechanism is more suitable for a relatively low-key big brother like him.

On Huya's side, there is always an Emperor brand, and when entering the live broadcast room, it is possessed by special effects of riding a dragon, but on Douyin's side, what you are looking at is neither the title nor the weekly list, but the live broadcast.

Only when the number of gifts swiped is among the top three in this live broadcast, the avatar of the big brother and the number of gifts swiped will be displayed in the upper right corner after repeatedly entering the live broadcast room. After the live broadcast ended, all the tourists could not see Big Brother online.

And this also allows the elder brother to feel the refreshing feeling of low-key pretending to beep while pretending to beep, which is a completely different experience from Huya's side.

At present, the Douyin live broadcast sector is relatively popular. On the one hand, it is music, and on the other hand, it is eating and broadcasting. Live streaming is a slow fire, but it has not yet become popular.

In terms of eating and broadcasting, the most frequently used anchor by Liu Xiao is an anchor named Lang Weixian, but this anchor Liu Xiao is a bit unacceptable, the key is that the gender is a bit too vague.

A man, every move is feminine, with long hair, and a neutral voice.

Liu Xiao's impression of him is that he is particularly edible, and he doesn't know whether it is an edit or real food, but if he dares to broadcast live, the probability of it being real should be relatively high.

However, Liu Xiao didn't intend to watch his live broadcast, so he swiped away as soon as he swiped it, and didn't want to stay for a moment.

"Pony too?"

Seeing this anchor, Liu Xiao immediately became interested.

She doesn't look very good, she can only be regarded as mediocre, but she is singing now, and it sounds very good.

After watching it for a while, it seems that the talent is relatively flat.

Liu Xiao was about to collect some gifts and leave, but when he just opened the gift column, Liu Xiao was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Douyin had changed the gift in just one day.

The carnival item that he often brushes, has an extra option of [-] combos.

On the Porsche side, there is also an option of one hundred combos.

As for some other gifts, the combo has been added more or less, and even the most hot air balloons have a 1314 combo option.

A hot air balloon is 50 yuan, and if more than 1000 are purchased, it will be more than 6000, which is relatively expensive among Douyin's low-end gifts.

As for the ones with relatively large special effects in the magic castle, you can only give one at present. It is estimated that Douyin has not had time to optimize it, but it is conceivable that these gifts will definitely be added one after another in the next few days. Increased combo function.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao immediately nodded in satisfaction.

I have to say that from Huya to Douyu, and then to Douyin, the planning of the live broadcast is actually quite good, at least it can make a big brother like him more happy in the live broadcast room.

And Douyin seems to have plans to enter the film and television industry.

I heard that Douyin is negotiating with several producers recently, saying that they want to hold Douyin’s online movie theater during the Chinese New Year. After buying out the copyright, it will be open to the audience for free on Douyin. Now the Chinese New Year is only more than three months away. , This matter has been raging for a while, and it can be regarded as quite heated.

The live broadcast industry is the first stepping stone for Douyin. If it goes well, the future live broadcast of Douyin may become a talent training pool for Douyin.

These tens of millions of bloggers who have been screened by the market are all potential stocks to become stars!
Click on Carnival and directly select Fifty Blows, Liu Xiao clicks twice in a row.

Suddenly, a pink cloud rose from the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, and then dragged a huge purple carnival onto the screen.

"Wow! Thanks to this big brother for the carnival gift!"

It's also that Xiao Ma's live broadcast has not been long, and there are only more than 50 fans so far, and the number of people online is only five to six hundred. She never thought that someone would give her such a super gift of 3000 yuan in the live broadcast room!
A 3000 yuan, this is Douyin's biggest card!
Xiao Ma excitedly thanked him again and again.

"Anchor, this isn't a carnival, no, it's a carnival, but it's fifty hits in a row, or two times!"

"I'm really convinced, this anchor is too stupid, can't she see the carnival special effect that is so big at [-] on the right (help the forehead)..."

"Anchor, look at the special effects of the gift!"


Xiao Ma didn't feel anything yet, but the tourists in the live broadcast room were the first to blow it up.

Tourists who have been playing on the Douyin platform for a long time, although they say that there are not many big gifts, they have seen the carnival a few times. After all, this thing is only 3000 yuan, and the live broadcast rooms of many big anchors can afford it.

For example, in the recently popular Annie live broadcast room, the carnival can receive at least three or four, or even six or seven in one night.

Therefore, they discovered the difference in the special effects of this carnival at a glance, and when they took a closer look, the two hollow artistic fonts displayed in the upper right corner of the gift special effects were too obvious.

And almost immediately after swiping the gifts, the avatar on the list of the live broadcast room changed to Liu Xiao's, and the total number of gifts under the avatar in the upper right corner also changed to 300w.

300 million sound wave, but it is a proper 30 cash!

"Thank you brother, what song do you want to hear?"

Ye Xiaoma was about to interact with her elder brother, so she took a special look at the barrage, and immediately saw the barrage flying all over the screen, and she understood the meaning expressed in it in an instant.

She said a damn thing in her heart, but the time for the special effect of the gift has passed, and she couldn't confirm it.

Douyin adjusted the display time of the special effects of the live broadcast after yesterday. Currently, the display time of one set of gifts is only five seconds, and the display time of two sets of gifts is only ten seconds, which is very fast.

He hurriedly looked up at the contribution list of the field, but he saw the ranking in the upper right corner, but found nothing.

"Impossible, even if the eldest brother only paid 3000 yuan, it should still be the number one in my live broadcast room."

Pony was also dumbfounded.

The current No. 100 in the live broadcast room only paid 3000 yuan for a plane, and [-] yuan is the No. [-] list, and now there is no trace at all.

The only reason is that this big brother has quit the live broadcast room.

Even Xiao Ma didn't care about losing his composure, and quickly turned on Douyin's background income.

At a glance, two groups of gifts of 150 million coins suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Also pony bouts of dizziness.

It's really a reward of 300 million coins!
"Such a good brother, is it because I said he rewarded three thousand coins and got angry?"

Back in the live broadcast room, Ye Xiaoma looked at the barrage dumbfounded and murmured.

If this is the case, she has missed the greatest opportunity to change her destiny!
Taking a look at the popularity of the live broadcast room, because of the effect of these two big gifts, the live broadcast room now has more than 2000 people, and the popularity has more than tripled.

But the instigator who caused all this didn't even leave a word except that he could find his name in the anchor income column.

"Stupid anchor, brother seems to be angry!"

"Tch, who is to blame for this? My eldest brother paid 30 yuan, but the anchor said it was 3000 yuan. Who will be angry?"

"Everyone, I just came here, what happened in the live broadcast room?"

The tourists who have just arrived are very curious, what is 3000 yuan and 30 yuan, they really feel a little baffled.

"Upstairs, it's like this"

The tourists in the live broadcast room talk to each other.

Xiao Ma immediately blamed himself wirelessly.

"Anchor, brother didn't speak in the live broadcast room just now, but you can check his name in the background, as long as he doesn't set a private mode, he should be able to find it on Douyin, the worst thing is to pay attention to him, and then send him a message Explain in a private message."

There are also tourists who sincerely give advice to Ye Xiaoma.

Ye Xiaoma caught a glimpse of this barrage, and it was like waking up from a dream.

That's right, although the eldest brother is no longer in her live broadcast room, she has the id of the eldest brother in the backstage, as long as you use this id to search, you may be able to find the eldest brother.

On Douyin's side, as long as she pays attention to her eldest brother, she can send three private messages to him. She can completely explain the fact that she didn't do it on purpose. I believe that if my eldest brother knows, he won't blame her.

"Thank you friend!"

Also Xiao Ma was very pleasantly surprised, and quickly opened the background data again.

(End of this chapter)

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