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Chapter 459 Don't Treat Us as Outsiders!

Chapter 459 Don't Treat Us as Outsiders! (4000)

"Xiao Xiao?"

"Xiao Xiao.?!"

"Xiao Xiao!!!"

Ye Xiaoma read the big brother's ID three times in a row. At first, he was quite puzzled, but the tone of his voice more than doubled by the second time, and almost shouted by the third time.

She was not very familiar with Xiao Xiao's ID before yesterday, but today, if any anchor on Douyin doesn't recognize this ID, then there is really something wrong with her brain.

This id is now almost exploding in the Douyin anchor circle. Whether it is a blogger with tens of millions of fans or a small blogger who has just reached [-] fans and opened the Star Map Project, when this id is mentioned, the first thing is to respect and fear Looking forward to it again.

Without him, this person is really too legendary.

Entered the Internet at the end of May this year, the first stop was Huya live broadcast, now at the end of September, it took four months to dominate the two platforms of Huya and Douyu, and it is rumored that it is still a newcomer, known as the light of technology Chairman of Liu Ning Group.

According to gossip, the reason Xiao Xiaoge supported Zhao Ning so much was because the word Ning in Zhao Ning's name happened to be the Ning of the Liu Ning Group!
With the support of brother Xiao Xiao, Zhao Ning has gone from an unknown little anchor in Huya to the first sister of Huya in just a few months, and now in just a day or two, she has taken Zhao Ning has become Douyin's first sister, and she also has a considerable status in the music circle.

Even a group of top singers like JJ are friends.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao's gifts, he didn't take 1000 and 1 to count at all, nor did he take [-] to [-].

Not even millions.

Brother Xiao Xiao's painting gift must only be a base, hundreds of millions is the norm!
Huya and Brother Douyu were defeated by Brother Xiao Xiao.
If this Xiao Xiao's id might be an imitation, but the shot is a carnival gift of two fifty-hit combos, which can almost confirm Brother Xiao Xiao's identity.

After all, before this, there has never been such a big brother Shenhao who paid 30 yuan without saying a word.

And rich people are even less likely to imitate Brother Xiao Xiao. After all, those big brothers also know to pretend to be Brother Xiao Xiao with a trumpet.

But this can also be reflected from the side, this id must be Brother Xiao Xiao!

Also Xiao Ma searched Douyin's search bar a little unwillingly.

There are not many IDs named Xiao Xiao, but there are hundreds of IDs.

Ye Xiaoma patiently scrolled down until he reached the last one but couldn't find the same head portrait.

Undoubtedly, Brother Xiao Xiao's id is a private account, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't speak in the live broadcast room or hang on the list, no one can see Brother Xiao Xiao's homepage.

Although he was a little sad and felt that he had missed a big opportunity, Xiao Ma was also relieved on the other hand.

Generally speaking, a super-shenhao brother like Brother Xiao Xiao is unlikely to be angry with a small anchor like her for 3000 yuan and 30 yuan. Not bad, just swiped 30 and left.

From this aspect, this is also her luck.

After all, this is an income of 30 yuan, which is 15 yuan after half of Douyin. 1 yuan is not a small amount for an ordinary person, let alone such a large number as 15 yuan. A fine car.

She now has 50 fans, works hard to live broadcast every day, plus accepting some advertisements, her monthly income is only more than 1 to less than 2.

15, enough for her to go without food or drink for seven or eight months!

After figuring this out, Xiao Ma's apprehension disappeared a lot. Seeing the popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocket to two thousand, he hurriedly returned to the live broadcast room to explain to the tourists.

Liu Xiao didn't care about these things.

I just bought the gift and left directly from Ye Xiaoma's live broadcast room. To be honest, this feeling of being invisible is quite comfortable, and for some reason, Liu Xiao also has a feeling of addiction. At this moment, I really want to go back Find another home to try.

As long as you meet an anchor who is pleasing to the eye, 30 million is no different to Liu Xiao. Anyway, the system needs to spend 300 billion to upgrade to the next level. There are no big consumption items right now, so you can just do whatever you want. Played it on the live broadcast platform.

Jumping to the live broadcast room of an anchor named Xiao Yunduo, Liu Xiao can sing after hearing it, and it is really good, even better than Ye Xiaoma.

Without saying a word, Liu Xiao directly selected Carnival's [-]-strike combo, and then clicked on the combo device to select [-]-strike combo.

This means that Liu Xiao can directly brush fifty sets of six combos of carnivals in one second, that is, three hundred carnivals in one second!

Converted down, it is 90 cash.

Liu Xiao started to play around, and immediately switched to the next live broadcast room after clicking send.

Only the bewildered anchor and hundreds of fans were left in the studio.

Then he jumped back inadvertently and took a look. After seeing the incredible little face of the anchor Xiao Yunduo, he jumped away in an instant.

This time Liu Xiao really couldn't hold back, he laughed hahaha.

This kind of gameplay is much more fun than Huya's side, but you can't play too much, otherwise you will look a little mentally retarded.

Auntie is cleaning up the house with a robot vacuum cleaner nearby. She thinks that the robot’s loud noise might affect Liu Xiao. She is about to let the robot robot go back to the warehouse to clean up the house by herself, when she suddenly hears Liu Xiao laughing out loud and almost smashes the mop in her hand. on the ground.

Liu Xiao also realized that he had lost his composure, touched his nose, and leaned in a different angle in embarrassment.

As an emerging short video platform, Douyin is very popular with some singers and big Vs.

Generally speaking, celebrities seldom leave the live broadcast, because they feel that they don't match their identities. For example, Huya and Douyu can't find a single star.

On the contrary, Douyin, a slightly more advanced short video platform, has become the platform's second largest social place after Weibo, and the certification mark of Celebrity Chasing V has also attracted many people's liking.

Of course, at present, there are still more music stars who have registered on the Douyin platform with their real names, and there are still a few entertainment stars. The big ones are currently Panzi, and the small ones, Gazi are also there. Most of these celebrities come to Douyin to bring goods.

As for entertainment, such as Mai Xiaodou, there are more live singing, which can be regarded as another way to interact with fans besides Weibo.

Liu Xiao was quite surprised when he found Mai Xiaodou.

He didn't expect that singers like Mai Xiaodou, who had been famous for a long time and had already stepped into the front line, would also broadcast live on Douyin.

You know, there are still a lot of good songs produced by Mai Xiaodou, and they are relatively young, very popular among young people, and Mai Xiaodou's voice is also very special, many people are saying that Mai Xiaodou is like the late super singer The successor of singer Benxi.

There are also quite a lot of people in the live broadcast room, more than 5 people.

When Liu Xiao came in, Mai Xiaodou happened to be singing his own [9420].

When Liu Xiao was in college, he listened to Mai Xiaodou's songs a lot. Although Mai Xiaodou was not particularly good-looking, he was definitely a beautiful type. Coupled with his beautiful voice, he was the goddess of many people.

Even if it wasn't for the perfect girlfriend template like Zhao Ning, Liu Xiao might have liked female singers like Mai Xiaodou.

Liu Xiao didn't buy any gifts, and quietly listened to Mai Xiaodou sing the classic [9420].

"Should we connect with other anchors?"

Mai Xiaodou took a sip from the water glass next to her, then smiled and interacted with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Mai Xiaodou is one of the few unassuming singers in the celebrity circle, and he gets along well with many anchor friends in private, and has always had a good reputation.

If it were any other celebrity, they would not interact with those so-called Internet celebrities on this kind of live broadcast platform, and they would not even go on this kind of live broadcast platform, because they would definitely lose face, lose their identity, or those Internet celebrities are not worthy of being with them. They communicate.

This is why tourists especially like Maixiaodou.

On the one hand, it may be that Mai Xiaodou is not too popular in the star world, and can only be regarded as the middle of the first line. On the other hand, it may be due to Mai Xiaodou's personal personality and upbringing.

"Brother Lian Yang!"

"Annie Lian, Annie Lian!"

"Fart, if you want to practice, you still have to connect with the master. I think it's good to rely on brother Zi!"

"I think Xiaojuzi Zhao Ning is fine, Zhao Ning's song is also good, I want to hear Xiaodou and Xiaojuzi sing together! @赵冰"

In the live broadcast room, water friends have different opinions.

Among them, Annie and Zhao Ning were the most vocal.

Especially Zhao Ning, who accounted for the majority of the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Ning's live broadcast in the past two days is really popular, and the entire live broadcast platform is made up of videos edited last night.

Whether it's the full version of Bubble, the newly released song Sunshine, or the old song Sunny and Sunny, almost all of them have been edited and edited by the entire network.

As for Douyin Local, it is the hardest-hit area of ​​this video. Almost every four or five videos are viewed, one is Zhao Ning's, and the other four or five, two of them are songs sung by Zhao Ning as background music.

The remaining two are some Douyin bloggers analyzing Zhao Ning's success.

It is no exaggeration to say that from yesterday to now, all the themes of Douyin have become the topic of Zhao Ning#小橘子!
This is also the reason why Zhao Ning still has more than 300 million and nearly 400 million popularity tonight.

And Zhao Ning's fan growth has far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Zhao Ning currently has 7000 million fans!
In just two days, the number of followers on the first day exceeded 2000 million, and on the second day, it reached more than 4000 million!

This kind of achievement, since Douyin opened the star entry function, only Andy Lau has had this kind of honor!

Faced with such a result, Zhao Ning, Rao Mai Xiaodou, a celebrity-certified anchor, was a little nervous.

To be honest, Zhao Ning's song has become so popular recently, and she has heard it in private. Because of the different voice, although she has also sung Zhao Ning's song in the live broadcast room, she can only sing it so-so. She admires Zhao Ning's talent, but at the same time, she also knows Zhao Ning's current status in the circle.

Although she hasn't entered the entertainment industry yet, Zhao Ning's status doesn't need to be talked about.

It is currently the pinnacle of first-tier stars, and it is one step away from entering the super-tier one.

And this step, what is lacking is some qualifications. As long as it takes more than a year to accumulate, and then hold a national concert, this last step into a super first-line star will basically be passed.

And the super-first-line ranks are on par with veteran stars like Deng Ziqi!
After all, Brother Xiao Xiao who stood behind Zhao Ning knew in their hearts that Brother Xiao Xiao's face, even JJ took the initiative to come to find Zhao Ning Lianmai, so it goes without saying what his status is.

Although she, Mai Xiaodou, is popular, she is at best in the middle of the first line, one or two grades away from Zhao Ning. If she will take the initiative to connect with Mai, it is very likely that she will be rejected.

As for Annie and Guizi, these two newly popular anchors, Mai Xiaodou, didn't know each other very well. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to chat with her, so in the end, Mai Xiaodou chose a compromise.

"Let's connect with Brother Yang first. We haven't chatted with Brother Yang for a long time. We sent her an application for private connection with Xiaojuzi first. If she agrees, we will connect with her in a while."

Mai Xiaodou chuckled and thought of a compromise.

To be honest, Zhao Ning, as the leading singer of the younger generation, also wants to collaborate with Zhao Ning on a song, but there has been no channel. If Lian Mai's application can be accepted, she will be able to see this recently rumored singer up close. Miracle has not stepped into the entertainment industry yet, but the entertainment industry is full of her legendary super anchors.

"You actually want to connect with Brother Yang."

Hearing Mai Xiaodou's choice, Liu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

With his mind, he could guess that Mai Xiaodou's thoughts were nothing more than fear that Zhao Ning would be a ostentatious person.

Originally, Liu Xiao wanted to say something, but seeing that Mai Xiaodou said that he had sent the application for Lianmai, he didn't pay much attention.

He still doesn't know Zhao Ning's character. He will naturally reply to Mai Xiaodou when he sees it. He just needs to wait here.

The mic connection on both sides is quickly connected.

"Hi Xiaodou."

"Good evening, Brother Yang."

Mai Xiaodou posed a cosplay of an old woman very familiarly, stretched her feet, and sat cross-legged on the chair.

This is her queen's sitting posture. Although she is often ridiculed as not a lady at all, she doesn't care about it.

Humans, it’s right to be as comfortable as possible. Ladies are for men to watch. Water friends in the live broadcast room.
She just said a word.

Love it or not!

Seeing Mai Xiaodou's sitting posture, all the water friends in the live broadcast room have black lines, but they are all very happy in their hearts.

This means that Mai Xiaodou doesn't treat these water friends as outsiders.

Uh... This sentence doesn't seem to be too strict. If you don't treat them as outsiders, you need to show them more than just this, and you need to read more.

But those things should not be broadcast on the Douyin platform.
It seems that a certain pepper platform that was recently banned is similar?But Mai Xiaodou might not necessarily go to that kind of platform, right?
(End of this chapter)

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