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Chapter 460 Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move

Chapter 460 Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move (4000)

"Hehe, Little Brother Yang is quite popular now."

Mai Xiaodou was a little surprised to see Xiao Yang's popularity.

Although she understood what happened yesterday, she didn't know much about Lianmai with Xiao Yang.

In the past, the popularity of Xiao Yang's live broadcast room was about the same as hers, but today Xiao Yang's side is a bit too fierce, with more than 15 people, more than double the usual.

"Hahaha, I had a mic with Xiaojuzi last night, isn't this popularity normal?"

Brother Yang said cheerfully.

From yesterday to now, he has been excited for a whole day.

Not only is the increase in popularity, but the key point is that the 1000 million rewarded by brother Xiao Xiao is a full 500 million income in their hands.

Although the rabbit teeth at the back took more, Brother Xiao Yang was already satisfied.

To do Douyin, you have to do it for half a year or nearly a year, and you may not be able to get so much money!

What's more, this time Lian Mai has greatly increased his popularity. I believe that in the next period of time, the advertisements he will accept will definitely be guaranteed.

This is a long-term line, and he has to maintain it well.

Brother Xiao Yang put on a show and explained to Mai Xiaodou with a proud face.

"Pull it down, I think you had a lot of fun beating my brother yesterday. This is called face-to-face. Look at his face, it's obviously crazy!"

The tourists didn't like Little Brother Yang's set, and directly attributed Little Brother Yang's happiness to his order to beat him yesterday.


Mai Xiaodou was also amused to see the analysis of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

She didn't expect such a thing to happen yesterday.

"Xiaodou, let's not mention what happened yesterday, why don't we play PK today?"

Brother Yang saw a pair of murderous eyes behind him through the live broadcast screen, he shuddered, and quickly changed the subject.

From yesterday to now, his popularity has increased so much, and his fans' popularity has naturally increased.

More than 9000 people are popular, and there are 9000 people who joined his fan club. Even if Douyin's requirements for joining the fan club are lower, [-] people are still a lot of spending power.

In the past, he often played PK with Xiaodou, but because Xiaodou had two big brothers with good spending power, he had to beat him by a little every time, and today he had to take this opportunity to relieve his anger.


Mai Xiaodou nodded and agreed.

She doesn't care about pk wins or losses. In fact, as a first-line star, she is not very short of money. Once a song is launched and operated within a year, she can get more than 80 to 2000. With a deposit of more than [-] million yuan, he makes more money than Brother Xiao Yang.

On Douyin's side, her goal is to interact with fans, and then play PK and play games with these good anchors on the platform.

After all, it is impossible for her to sing and talk at a high intensity all the time for two or three hours of live broadcast every time, and she can't hold on to her iron voice.

The pk bars on both sides were opened, and the gifts on both sides began to pile up at an extremely fast speed.

On Mai Xiaodou's side, there are not too many big brothers in the live broadcast room. Some small fans are also high-quality fans, and a gift of 30 yuan or [-] yuan is just a matter of convenience.

And the few richer brothers in the live broadcast room also bought 100 yuan and 100 yuan Porsches. In just half a minute, [-] or [-] of them came out, and they directly paid two to three thousand.

Although there are not many big brothers on Xiao Yang's side, thanks to the large number of water friends, he is still in the lead for a while.

Liu Xiao looked at the pk bars on both sides, and felt a little strange for no reason.

I just beat Xiao Yang up yesterday. Although I paid for the medical expenses afterwards, I still felt a little embarrassed. I didn't expect to meet Xiao Yang again today for no reason.

Is this person the lone star of Tiansha? How can he face me every time?
"Brothers, let's make a splash together, we want to save face today and hang everyone!"

Little brother Yang saw that the pk bar was ahead by a lot, and he was full of complacency.

I just had a match with Annie, and even though I had a pk fight, the gap was still a bit big, but in his opinion, it's no problem to beat Mai Xiaodou with 15 popularity against 8 popularity .

The pk entries of the two sides quickly reached tens of thousands, and Xiao Yang's side went straight to 8 coins, and Mai Xiaodou's side was close, but there were still more than [-] coins.

"I'll go, Brother Yang, did you really take medicine today?"

"Mighty, little brother Yang, it seems that the big brothers can't do anything if they don't make a good move!"

"Tch, we also have a big brother in the live broadcast room, right?"

Brother Xiao Yang burst out laughing when he saw the tourists from Mai Xiaodou running over to speak.

He had more than 800 million fans yesterday, and because of his relationship with Xiaojuzi, his number directly increased by more than 100 million, and now he is close to the 3000 million mark.

With so many people, there are always a few local tyrants.

The big brother on Maixiaodou's side just spent a few thousand yuan for fun, but the big brother on his side hasn't made a move yet.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao Yang is still pretending to be this?"

Queque, the eldest brother in Maixiaodou's live broadcast room, laughed and typed a barrage on Maixiaodou's public screen.

Afterwards, Que Que didn't hold back anymore, and opened up several carnivals in a row, and directly charged another 12 coins to Mai Xiaodou's pk bar.

"Brother Que is rich, can't I have an errand here?"

The remaining big brothers in the live broadcast room also made their moves one after another, basically giving out gifts of 1 yuan each.

Mai Xiaodou's pk bar instantly reached more than 40, which directly pulled Xiao Yang to 30 million coins.

"Tch, I thought you guys were so fierce, watch the big brother in my live broadcast room make a move!"

Brother Yang was full of disdain.

The next moment, the big brother in Xiao Yang's live broadcast room also followed directly.

"Expand *Xiao Jiajun sends Carnival* 10 combos!"

[Expand] A group of ten carnivals were sent out directly, and Brother Xiao Yang was directly listed on the list of 30 coins.

"Thank you Brother [Expand] for your support!"

Brother Yang laughed happily.

Brother Zhan is also one of the big brothers from Huya, but he is just an ordinary emperor with limited strength, and his monthly consumption is about 40.

I played against Annie before, although the strength is not bad, but after all, Annie has too many big brothers, and I have swiped more than 20. I didn't fight, and I had no choice but to surrender in the end.

However, in his opinion, Annie's popularity of 50 people is not easy to deal with, but a Mai Xiaodou with 8 or [-] people is still no problem. It seems that the strength of Mai Xiaodou's big brothers is relatively limited. Take it firmly.

Several people from Que Que's side saw Xiao Yang's side following him directly, and felt a little unconvinced, so they also contributed again, and they each swiped thousands of dollars.

Without any hesitation, Zhan Zhan did another follow-up, directly carrying the pk records of Xiao Yang's live broadcast room to more than one million.

A total of more than 8 brushes came out, and the big brother on Maixiaodou's side died down immediately.

Queque didn't even want to say a word, and shut herself up in the live broadcast room.

They have been playing Douyin for a long time, and they also stayed here for a long time. All of them are more than 40-level brands, and their monthly consumption is usually more than 10 yuan.

But this one called [Expansion] is indeed a bit too fierce. One person carries three of them, and they only paid more than 6 in total, but this expansion is worth 8 yuan, and it seems that they If you swipe again, this big brother can continue to follow the swipe.

For a while, they couldn't figure out where the bottom line of the development was.

Of course, the most important thing is that the bottom line of their consumption is approaching.

I spend 10 yuan a month, and it’s almost the end of the month. Everyone’s plan to spend on the live broadcast is only left. Today, all of them have been swiped out, and they must not be moved anymore.

If you continue to recharge, you can fight again, but they can recharge, and they can also recharge at [Expand], and if they get hammered again in the end, they won't have to hang out with Douyin in the future.

Little brother Yang's smile has gradually reached the level of abnormality.

The corners of his excited mouth almost split to the base of his ears, he couldn't sit still on the chair, and he got up again and again to thank Brother Zhang.

Mai Xiaodou was also a little surprised.

She originally thought that this live broadcast would cost the eldest brother 3 to [-] yuan at most, but now the two parties have paid [-] to [-] yuan, which has far exceeded her expectations.

On the live broadcast side, she didn't want her fans to buy too many gifts.

She doesn't lack this gift money, so there's no need for fans to spend too much on this, the main thing is to have a playful attitude.

As for winning or losing the pk, it is not a big deal to her.

She is not a contracted anchor of Douyin, and does not need to participate in some internal assessments of Douyin. Even if she loses a hundred games in a row, or does not receive a gift for a hundred days in a row, it will not have any impact on her.

There are still 5 minutes left in the pk time, and Mai Xiaodou doesn't intend to let his fans continue to waste money by swiping gifts.

"Thank you for the gifts everyone, but you don't need to swipe anymore, we will accept this game."

Before Mai Xiaodou could say the words of admitting defeat, a huge special gift effect lit up in the middle of the live broadcast room.

"[Xiao Xiao] sent out Carnival*50!"

In the pk bar of Mai Xiaodou's live broadcast room, almost in an instant, he overtook Xiao Yang on the opposite side.

The tourists in Maixiaodou's live broadcast room were instantly in an uproar.

They knew Mai Xiaodou's live broadcast style, and they didn't really care much about winning or losing, but winning was better than losing.

Seeing that the eldest brother paid 15 directly, all the tourists in the live broadcast room were excited.

Many people even clicked on the profile picture of No. [-] for the first time to check all kinds of news on this big brother's Douyin account.

She swallowed the input of Mai Xiaodou admitting defeat, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

Click on the gift bar in the background, and the level [-] icon in front of Xiao Xiao is clearly visible.

Mai Xiaodou followed Zhao Ning's live broadcast yesterday, so she naturally knew the significance of the [Xiao Xiao] account.

Level [-], and directly brushing a group of [-] carnival gifts, the identity of this person is no longer considered, it must be brother Xiao Xiao who just came to Douyin yesterday!

She really didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to appear in her live broadcast room.

She is in the entertainment industry, and although her status among artists is not bad, she is in the middle of the first-line stars, but in the eyes of business bosses like Brother Xiao Xiao, she is like a little grasshopper that can be easily crushed to death.

Even brother Xiao Xiao didn't want to make a move directly, as long as he said a word in the capital circle, they could make these stars cool off in a few days.

And Xiao Xiao is also Zhao Ning's exclusive elder brother. I thought that Brother Xiao Xiao should also be playing in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room on the second day of Zhao Ning's live broadcast, but I didn't expect that Brother Xiao Xiao would wander over to him.

Xiao Yang, who was on the opposite side, was very happy to see that Mai Xiaodou was about to admit defeat. After all, in the recent pk, no matter who he was looking for, he rarely won. Today, he managed to win a few games to get back some face. , Over there, a fifty-group carnival was directly posted.

Such a big id, if his brother Yang can't see it, he will be really stupid.

This is genuine, brother Xiao Xiao who paid 1000 million medical expenses for his live broadcast room just yesterday!
As for the brother [Expand] who is supporting him in the live broadcast room, the note behind it also has the words Xiao Jiajun.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't play like this."

Xiao Yang was desperate, and looked at the live broadcast room with a resentful face, which immediately caused the 10,000+ visitors in the live broadcast room to laugh.

Many of them were online yesterday, so they naturally knew Brother Xiao Xiao's name.

Especially during the day today, Brother Xiao Xiao’s videos worth hundreds of millions of dollars last night have been reposted by the entire platform, and the popularity is almost ranked below that of Little Orange Zhao Ning’s entry into Douyin. Most people have seen the record of Brother Xiao Xiao’s shooting of.

Brother Xiao Xiao made a move, and it was definitely not at the same level as the big brother on Xiao Yang's side.

What's more interesting is Xiao Yang's expression, from great joy to great sorrow, which really makes them talk about it.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Zhan Zhan also quickly jumped into Mai Xiaodou's live broadcast room to speak.

He was also taken aback.

I was a bit tired of playing at Huya, and ran to Douyin for a while to pretend to beep, but I didn't expect that the first game would be abused by Annie's 50 people. He was about to win, but was suddenly hammered by brother Xiao Xiao.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't spend much, only 15, but he was naturally not stupid enough to fight against Brother Xiao Xiao head-on.

He still wants to keep the three-character note of Xiao Jiajun at the back.

Furthermore, if you really think Brother Xiao Xiao's spending power is 15, he should go off the line immediately to wash and sleep.

Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, it should be no problem to multiply this number by a thousand times.

"Good evening, everybody."

Liu Xiao instantly made a speech in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Yang, do you want to play in the remaining five minutes?"

As soon as Liu Xiao spoke, Que Que and these big brothers in the live broadcast were even quieter than Zhan Zhan.

They were still interacting in the live broadcast room just now. Apart from ordinary tourists watching the excitement, it is not a big deal, but these big brothers Shenhao feel extremely heavy pressure.

Although brother Xiao Xiao seemed to be in a good mood, the disparity in status still made them feel very uncomfortable.

But they also know that if they can strike up a conversation with someone like Brother Xiao Xiao, even if they just say a few words, in the next few months or even years, this bullshit will be enough for them to brag about!

(End of this chapter)

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