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Chapter 461 Brother Yang Sings 【Downhill】?

Chapter 461 Brother Yang Sings 【Downhill】? (4000)

"Don't fight, don't fight."

Little Brother Yang smiled wryly.

Brother Xiao Xiao is here, this pk is still a fart, if Brother Xiao Xiao really makes a move, it will be good if I can leave [-]% of my progress bar.

As for my brother
Brother Xiao Yang glanced at the list, Brother Zhang Zhang had already gone to Mai Xiaodou's side to kneel and lick Brother Xiao Xiao at some point.

His elder brother has slipped away, so what can he do as a little anchor here.

"[Xiao Xiao] sent out Carnival*50!"

"[Xiao Xiao] sent Carnival*50*2 combos!"


In Maixiaodou's live broadcast room, Liu Xiao said it was a carnival of fifty groups.

The next [-] billion upgrade consumption can't be controlled by him, and each shot is too little, and the progress of this task is not known how long it will be delayed.

Therefore, as long as it is an anchor that Liu Xiao finds pleasing to the eye, it really doesn't matter how much you watch.

Fifty groups of fifty carnivals are actually only 750 million, which is not much consumption to Liu Xiao.

Mai Xiaodou swiped a wave here, and then jumped over to Xiao Yang's live broadcast room to do the same.

"666, is this brother Xiao Xiao, is this brother Shenhao?"

"I love it, love it, Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

In the live broadcast room, Mai Xiaodou was also taken aback.

She is not familiar with Brother Xiao Xiao, so she was really disturbed by so many brushes all of a sudden.

On the other hand, Little Brother Yang doesn't have this concern anymore. Liu Xiao just gave him a list of tens of millions last night, and now Little Brother Yang is only focused on shouting "Big Brother Niubi".

"Brothers, Brother Xiao Xiao is definitely the most handsome man in the universe. Dad, I used to tell my mother that you are the most handsome man in the world, but today, I can no longer lie to myself."

"The most handsome man in the world is definitely my brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Bah, brother Yang, you are too much. How can brother Xiao Xiao be the most handsome in the universe? Brother Xiao Xiao is the most handsome in the parallel universe!"

"Upstairs 666."

"Stop, stop."

Liu Xiao felt dizzy for a while.

There is no need to talk about whether you are handsome or not. After all, your appearance is there. Whether you say it or not, he is so handsome. It is meaningless to say these things.

5 minutes pk time passed quickly.

Because Liu Xiao bought an extra set of gifts for Mai Xiaodou, Mai Xiaodou's gifts were more than Xiao Yang's.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the outcome of pk.

During the punishment session, Mai Xiaodou first asked Liu Xiao for his opinion, and Liu Xiao generously gave this opportunity of punishment to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Didn't Brother Xiao Yang beat up my brother yesterday, saying that the videos to be posted in the past two days have not been posted until evening, Brother Yang is not reliable at all."

"That's right, that's right, the video of brother Yang beating up his elder brother violently, Brother Yang, you haven't filmed it yet, have you?"

"Last night's punishment is not over yet, and today's is not interesting."

The tourists on Mai Xiaodou's side hadn't spoken yet, and the audience on Brother Xiao Yang's side were reluctant.

Liu Xiao also remembered what Xiao Yang said last night about posting a video.

"Don't worry everyone, the video has already been filmed, and it is being edited in the later stage. It is estimated that it will be released tomorrow."

"Heaven and earth conscience, everyone, look at the bag on my head. I was beaten up by my brother in order to beat me up after filming the video. It still hurts now."

Seeing that the tourists in the live broadcast room were still skeptical, Xiao Yang simply took out two clips that had not been edited and released them in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, absolutely, absolutely, watch it as a movie tomorrow!"

The interfaces of the two live broadcast rooms are connected, and the tourists on Mai Xiaodou's side naturally also saw this video clip.

"Let Xiao Yang cover the song of Xiaodou and Xiaojuzi?"

[Expand] Smiling and speaking in the live broadcast room.

"This is good, this is good!"

The tourists were still thinking about how to punish them, but when the barrage appeared, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Brother Xiao Yang is a talent anchor, but in terms of singing, with Brother Yang's voice, it must be earth-shattering when he sings.

Especially the songs of Mai Xiaodou and Zhao Ning, one has a very sweet voice, and the other has a very difficult singing style. If Brother Xiao Yang sings these songs, it will definitely be interesting.

And this is no different than a video, the video needs post-production, and the singing is done on the spot.

"Sing and sing!"

"Kneel and beg to sing!"

For a while, everyone in the live broadcast room posted the same barrage.

The elder brother and father in the live broadcast room on the other side stepped out of the room silently.

What is the level of music of their family, you can get a little idea by listening to their usual voices.

That means ten orifices have been connected to nine orifices, and none of them have been understood.

Let Xiao Yang bear this kind of embarrassing thing alone!
Little Brother Yang's face immediately collapsed.

"Okay, then let Brother Yang sing. Xiaodou's new song [Down the Mountain] is pretty good, and Xiaojuzi's new song [Sunny Sky] is also pretty good. Just these two."

Liu Xiao laughed and booed.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't!"

"Don't say you can't."

Liu Xiao blocked Xiao Yang's back path first.

Brother Xiao Yang was just trying to find an excuse, but when he saw Liu Xiao's barrage, he almost choked to death.

There is a song "Sunny Day" and "Down Mountain". The song "Sunny Day" just became popular last night, and Zhao Ning even hooked up the mic with him. How could he not.

The song Down the Mountain has been very popular on Douyin recently, even if they say they don't know how to do it, no one will believe it!

Originally engaged in self-media, they will definitely listen to any new song when it comes out, especially the bloggers who belong to the Douyin platform, and they are the focus of their attention.

To be honest, he has heard most of the popular songs of Mai Xiaodou and Xiaojuzi, and most of them know how to sing.

But...his voice is much scarier than Douyin Jiang and Lufei Xianbei who have just become popular recently.

Furthermore, Jiang and Lu Fei Xianbei can sing and sing very well, but deliberately pretend that they can't sing to make it ugly.

But his little brother Yang sang, it was really ugly.
"Since Brother Xiao Xiao said it, then I'll sing it!"

Little Brother Yang is going all out now.

Since you can't escape, then accept it with joy. Isn't there a classic saying that the momentum of offense and defense lies in how much you can bear.

Seeing Xiao Yang's agreement, the tourists booed one after another.

"Hahaha, I've already recorded the screen, and I'll make a joke in a while!"

"Come on, Brother Yang, you will definitely explode again!"

Brother Xiao Yang's own fans were also beaming happily.

Brother Xiao Yang usually plays pk, he always likes to challenge those he can't beat, winning or losing is common, and losing to Brother Xiao Xiao is not a shame.

Originally, there were more than 30 people in the live broadcast room, but just after Liu Xiao posted a wave, he brought another group of enthusiasm, and the number of people directly rushed to more than [-].

More than 30 people interacted with various screen recordings in the live broadcast room. When the barrage opened, it was all hahahaha.

"Ahem, pay attention everyone, I'm about to start."

Brother Xiao Yang first called out the accompaniment for going down the mountain.

Let’s just be Jiang’s classmate, let’s be Director Yang at worst.

[Downhill] Although this song belongs to the kind of song with a tender voice, it is not difficult to sing, and it can still be sung completely with his level.

Although Little Orange's Sunny Day is a popular song, it is several grades more difficult than Downhill. Girls may be able to sing it, but his male voice must be far behind.

Although I have to sing sooner or later, I must choose an easy one for the first song.

As soon as he opened his voice, Xiao Yang didn't sing the first sentence of the originally clear and beautiful downhill, but let out a roar of courage.

Many people in the live broadcast room were taken aback, and then there was a series of hahahaha.

After the two songs were sung, the live broadcast room has completely become a sea of ​​joy.

"How should I put it, I'm a little surprised."

Liu Xiao typed a barrage on the public screen.

"Ah? Brother Xiao Xiao, doesn't it sound a bit unexpected?"

Brother Yang was full of anticipation.

"Who gave you the confidence? I mean, although I expected that it would be ugly, I didn't expect that the level of unpleasantness was beyond my expectation. It was a surprise."

"Pfft hahaha!"

"I've been looking for words to describe it, but unfortunately I can't express it without education. It's the feeling Xiao Xiaoge said!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Another set of 15 carnivals worth [-] was sent out, which was regarded as medical expenses for Xiao Yang.

When Brother Xiao Yang saw the present, he was immediately relieved.

To be honest, although live singing is ugly, it has no effect on his popularity. After all, he is positioned as the kind of funny blogger, and this kind of live broadcast just happens to poke everyone's laughter.

Although most of the popularity in the live broadcast room came from brother Xiao Xiao who bought gifts, but the best proof is that the popularity did not decrease but increased when he just sang.

Even the screen recordings of these water friends in the live broadcast room just now, when they are posted on Douyin afterwards, he will be known by more people.

This is the voluntary forwarding of hundreds of water friends, which is no worse than the effect of his four or five days of video.

After disconnecting the live broadcast room, Xiao Yang thanked him again.

He didn't even think about what he gained tonight. Not only did Brother Zhang pay so much for him, but Brother Xiao Xiao also came over and paid him more than 700 million and nearly 800 million.
This feeling is really cool, plus brother Zhang just said today that he will be a permanent resident in his live broadcast room in the future, it seems that he can look forward to his live broadcast career in the future.

Little Brother Yang thought happily, but suddenly his expression changed.

"Fuck, where's my brother?"

Seeing that the position of No. [-] on the list was replaced by the previous No. [-], Little Brother Yang screamed hoarsely.

"Brother Unfold, where should I expand?"

"The most proud big brother in my live broadcast room!"

In a round of pk, Brother Zhang in his live broadcast room was directly dragged by Brother Xiao Xiao to Mai Xiaodou on the opposite side!
Seeing Xiao Yang shouting hard in the live broadcast room, hundreds of thousands of tourists went crazy with joy.

The eldest brother came on the first day, and just said that he would stay in the live broadcast room, but before he was warmed up, he was swept away by the pk opponent.

"I can't do it anymore, come and help me, I laughed so hard that my abs almost came out!"

"Don't worry, Brother Yang, we'll post a video in a while, and the whole network will help you find Brother Zhanzhan to go home!"

On the other side, just as Mai Xiaodou hung up the pk, Zhao Ning's message reply just happened to be sent.

Zhao Ning is still very busy today, not only to sing in the live broadcast room, but also to meet some big anchors from Douyin.

Live broadcast on one platform must not be too exclusive.

Her current popularity is No. 2 in Douyin, and far surpasses No.[-] by several million. On the bright side, she is already a well-deserved first sister of the two platforms of Douyin and Huya.

In this case, many people will send her an application for mic connection, or send a private message to ask her if she can connect mic.

Of course, she couldn't kill them all with one shot. This would be too offensive, and it wouldn't last long.

But it is absolutely impossible to connect with each other randomly. Therefore, Zhao Ning chooses some talented and powerful anchors, and connects with each other on the two platforms of Huya and Douyin.

Lianmailian just happened to be the rabbit tooth who had just played pk last night.

After it was over, she saw Mai Xiaodou's private message.

Zhao Ning knew about Mai Xiaodou, and had sung Mai Xiaodou's songs several times, but because of the incongruity in his voice, it was unlikely that he could surpass Mai Xiaodou's original singer.

Moreover, Mai Xiaodou is considered a senior to her, and entered the entertainment industry several years earlier than her, which of course meets her requirements for Lianmai.

Therefore, she agreed without thinking.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Zhao Ning has attached me!"

Mai Xiaodou burst into joy.

Zhao Ning is much more popular than her now, and being able to connect with her so quickly without putting on airs shows that Zhao Ning must be a very easy-going person. In addition, Brother Xiao Xiao is also in the live broadcast room, so Mai Xiaodou feels relieved Not a lot.

If she, a star anchor, was humiliated during the live broadcast, it would definitely cause a lot of unnecessary criticism.

"It's okay, you even."

Liu Xiao smiled and nodded.

Now that Zhao Ning came over, he couldn't stay in Mai Xiaodou's live broadcast room.

His girlfriend was still watching, so he came over to buy gifts for other female anchors, and no one would be happy if he did it.

Therefore, the moment the two parties just connected online, Liu Xiao jumped into Zhao Ning's live broadcast room.

In this live broadcast, Liu Xiao hasn't given Zhao Ning any gifts yet, so Zhao Ning's current list of gifts is not much.

Liu Xiao directly chooses a group of fifty carnivals, and directly sends it to a group of one hundred.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here!"

Tourists in the live broadcast room are welcome again and again.

It was a grand gift of 500 million yuan to appear on the stage, and Brother Xiao Xiao was the only one in the whole Douyin.

"Good evening, everybody."

Liu Xiao didn't put on any airs, and said hello to the water friends on Gongping.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is very grand, if I don't see Brother Xiao Xiao for a day, it's like three autumns!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"


In the live broadcast room, there were all kinds of bullet screens.

Liu Xiao had black lines on his face.

From Huya's side, there were people who wanted to give birth to monkeys for themselves, and there were quite a few people when they went to Douyu's side. I thought I would stop at Douyin's side, but why did this kind of barrage come out again on the second day? What?
But fortunately, the barrage here doesn't seem to deviate from the direction.

If Zhenhe and Huya were always driving or something, Liu Xiao really couldn't stand it.

"Miss Xiaoning, you have become a big hit on the Internet recently. I like many songs you sing very much. I am your fan!"

After Liu Xiao said hello in a circle, Mai Xiaodou excitedly interrupted.

(End of this chapter)

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