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Chapter 462 Little Orange's Strength

Chapter 462 Little Orange's Strength
"Thank you Xiaodou, I also like your songs very much, and I am also your fan."

Zhao Ning laughed.

She is sure of Mai Xiaodou's strength. After all, as a top pop singer in recent years, Mai Xiaodou is good in terms of personality and strength, especially her unique voice, which is loved by countless people.

Under such circumstances, Mai Xiaodou is still not arrogant or impetuous, and being able to calm down and interact with fans on Douyin is a manifestation of her character.

Both of them expressed that they would sing a song together.

"Sister Xiaoning, I think our voices are suitable for singing that song, Love in the Hawthorn Tree!"

"The love of the hawthorn tree?"

Zhao Ning was a little curious and thought about the song carefully.

"You mean the version sung by Cheng Jiajia, right?"

"That's right, the cover version doesn't need additional tuning."

Mai Xiaodou nodded repeatedly.

This song is also a love song, and the voice is a slightly weak female voice, whether it is Mai Xiaodou or Zhao Ning, they can sing it completely.

Zhao Ning's side doesn't matter, her voice is quite changeable, mainly Mai Xiaodou's side, her voice is so special that she really can't sing some songs.

"The Love of the Hawthorn Tree is really good, and Cheng Jiajia's cover version is really good."

"My little orange can sing any song well!"

"Hahaha, although the above statement is a bit full, it is true."

The tourists from Huya almost praised Zhao Ning infinitely.

Zhao Ning has sung these recent popular songs, whether they are male or female, several times after being tuned. To be honest, they are really good.

It is precisely because of this extraordinary ability to adapt to almost all songs and retain her own unique voice that Zhao Ning is called the next peak singer by so many people.

"Tch, do you know why Xiaodou recommends this song?"

"What else can it be? It sounds good. I also listen to this song often. The cover is really good."

"No, it's because Mai Xiaodou and Cheng Jiajia are good friends, hahaha."

Mai Xiaodou and Cheng Jiajia have a good personal relationship, and they usually shoot videos together to make funny sounds.

The two have similar singing skills, but Cheng Jiajia's voice is relatively flat. It can only be said to be a small fire without too many personal characteristics. On the other hand, Mai Xiaodou's voice, although he can't sing many songs, but his classic songs , almost no one can surpass, so she can rise to the position of first-line singer so quickly.

The tourists had fun and discussed with each other.

Zhao Ning doesn't plan to find another song here.

Zhao Ning can also sing the song "Love of the Hawthorn Tree".

"Xiaodou, let's sing this song together, shall we?"

Zhao Ning spoke.

"Okay, then I'll go first, to this rap of 1 minute and 22 seconds."

Mai Xiaodou readily agreed.

The whole song is 3 minutes and 17 seconds, and one minute and 22 seconds is exactly the first half.

As the essence of a song, the latter part is naturally the high part of the whole song, and Mai Xiaodou naturally gave up this part to Zhao Ning.

She is naive, but she is not stupid. Although it is a trivial matter to come to sing with Zhao Ning today, but if you want to use this opportunity to make yourself the lead singer, I don't know how many people will scold her for being too popular tomorrow.

This is the case with celebrities. The result of too many fans is uncontrollable.

For example, sometimes those fans organize themselves to gossip on other people's Weibo, and then a large group of godfathers of the entertainment industry on the Internet start dissing other celebrities, saying that they want the celebrity to take good care of their fans.

But to be honest, a small Internet celebrity with thousands of fans dare not say that he can manage these thousands of people well. How can those celebrities with tens of millions of fans manage them?
Chasing stars is a unilateral appeal. As long as you like the star, you can consider yourself a fan of the star.

Maybe you are a fan, the celebrity doesn’t even know about it, doesn’t even know you, and suddenly sees you going to hack other celebrities’ posts on Weibo, what can he do?
Not to mention those little fresh meat fans, 5000 million fans alone.

They also know that it's not good for fans to swear and the rhythm of fans is not good, but they really can't help it.

He even dared not work too hard on the set, if he hung up on Wia or something, his fans might have to take it out and scold the director for abusing the actors.

Do they have a solution?There is no way.

So can you blame them for not filming well?

Uh. It's really their fault.

Moreover, Mai Xiaodou chose the prelude not only to block Internet trolls, but also to see how powerful Zhao Ning's singing skills are.

After this song was sung by Cheng Jiajia, almost everyone felt that it had reached its peak. No matter how good it sounds, it has actually reached this level, and there is very little room for improvement.

Pangpang’s version is actually not much different from Cheng Jiajia’s.

"No problem, I can sing this song."

Zhao Ning readily agreed.

Mai Xiaodou began to adjust the accompaniment.

Soon, the live broadcast rooms of both sides became quiet.

Both Mai Xiaodou and Zhao Ning are super big Vs with over ten million fans on the whole network, and they can be regarded as one of the best singers in the entertainment circle, especially Zhao Ning. The first-line peak stars are all taller.

That is to say, it has not yet entered the international market. Once the song enters the international side, it is also the moment when Zhao Ning enters the peak singer.

Of course, for the audience, these are actually not the most important.

The most important thing is that the singing voices of these two people have been tested by the market, and they are really nice!
【My Hawthorn Tree Love】

【Only with you will be pure】


As soon as Mai Xiaodou opened his mouth, the tourists in the live broadcast room could no longer move.

【Annoyance every time lies in seeing each other late】

【Whether the distance is long or short】


At the beginning of the rap, countless 666s broke out in the live broadcast room.

"Little Dou Niu, the rap part of this song is really amazing!"

"9420's voice singing this song is also a must!"

"To be able to rap this song so well, Xiaodou definitely worked hard in this area. I can only say that Xiaodou is worthy of it!"


There was a lively discussion among the tourists.

Not only the tourists from Mai Xiaodou's live broadcast room, but also the tourists from Zhao Ning's side were full of praise.

Ordinary Internet celebrities singing and singers like Mai Xiaodou singing are indeed two manifestations.

Mai Xiaodou actually didn't need much professional equipment to sing this song.

At home, a mobile phone, a headset microphone, and a sound card are all.

The sound card is still in weak mixing mode, which is a mild sound card, which will not change the sound, but will optimize some noise and current sound.

In fact, even for a cappella, this is essential, similar to Zhao Ning's operation.

Otherwise, the noise from the side will also be transmitted in, and the whole song will become a noise song with a weak electric sound.

For example, for some anchors, when singing, the sound card is tuned to the maximum mode or the electronic mode, and there is an echo in the live broadcast room.

Although this kind of singing can be heard in the live broadcast room, if the sound card is removed, the singing voice will not be ordinary.

Liu Xiao has heard several sound card anchors, one is Huya's anchor named Chacha, and the other is Douyin's anchor named Laixi.

Needless to say about Chacha, in the late stage of severe sound card dependence, the key is that even if you have a sound card, you can't sing well, which is very embarrassing.

The other Lacey concealed it very well in the live broadcast room, but they invited him to a commercial performance, and after a live song, everyone immediately broke their defenses.

Like Tuya, Mai Xiaodou, who dare to go offline to sing, their level is absolutely no problem.

Compared with Tuya, Mai Xiaodou's singing ability is undoubtedly several grades stronger.

If Tuya's singing is considered pleasant, then Mai Xiaodou is at the melodious level.

Coupled with his own unique voice, he gave this song a soul.

To put it simply, when everyone heard other people singing this song, they immediately thought of Pang Pang and Cheng Jiajia, but after Mai Xiaodou sang, everyone jumped out of this feeling. It seems that this song The original singer of the song is just like Mai Xiaodou, without any sense of disobedience.

"Good singing."

Liu Xiao nodded secretly.

【I can only find space by myself】

Soon, Mai Xiaodou sang the last line of the first half.

Zhao Ning didn't hesitate, and took it directly without getting stuck.

【My Hawthorn Tree Love】

【Only with you will be pure】

【You can discard my bottom line】


Zhao Ning's voice is very soft, unlike Mai Xiaodou's sweet and greasy voice like first love, Zhao Ning's voice is slightly mature.

It gave the audience the feeling that it was slightly commemorating the first love, but it still felt like a little girl.


Regardless of the millions of visitors in his live broadcast room, including the tourists in Mai Xiaodou's live broadcast room whose popularity has risen to 80 million, the first time Zhao Ning spoke, he felt this way.

This is a feeling that completely transcends the original and all covers.

If the first half of Mai Xiaodou's singing was considered sweet, then the second half of Zhao Ning's singing was almost adored by tourists from the very beginning.

As a professional musician, Mai Xiaodou immediately recognized Zhao Ning's strength in the second half.

After listening to Zhao Ning's singing, she seemed to understand what a real peak singer is!

To grow to this level, on the one hand, it depends on one's own singing skills and strength, on the other hand, it depends on God's will.

Her Mai Xiaodou voice is very characteristic and suitable for singing love songs, but God gave her this unique voice, and at the same time, it basically cut off her hope of becoming a top singer.

But Zhao Ning is different. Mai Xiaodou has heard the songs sung by Zhao Ning before. There are various styles, and she can sing very well.

But now, Zhao Ning is not bad at all when she sings this slightly girly song.

She believes that as long as Zhao Ning is willing to cover this song, it will basically take a day to surpass Cheng Jiajia.

But it's one thing to sing live, it's another thing to cover songs specifically. Zhao Ning has so many songs of her own, so she probably doesn't know how to cover them.

But there is no doubt that this is definitely another classic live broadcast.

Starting tomorrow, it is estimated that this live video will go viral on Douyin again.

After a song, Mai Xiaodou couldn't help applauding.

"Miss Ning, you sing really well!"

"We are about the same age, just call me Xiao Ning, don't call each other sister, it seems how old I am."

Zhao Ning is 22 years old this year, and Mai Xiaodou debuted relatively early, so he should be 22 this year. They are about the same age, only a few months apart.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Is Little Orange actively revealing her age?"

Visitors in the live broadcast room were amazed.

"Woooooooo, I'm still moving bricks at the construction site at 22. Look at Xiaojuzi, he's almost reached the top singer. I guess I'll be a queen by the time I'm [-]!"

"With brother Xiao Xiao here, I'm afraid it won't take thirty to become a queen, right?"

"I think the maximum is 25, and the pinnacle of the Chinese music scene must have a place for Little Orange."

Liu Xiao laughed when he saw these bullet screens.

These tourists are still a bit afraid to estimate up.

According to Liu Xiao's meaning, at the end of this year, that is, during the Spring Festival, he will arrange to completely praise Zhao Ning.

And when the research on virtual projections comes out next month, it's time to slowly make some super big movies.

This Spring Festival file will definitely not be able to catch up, but with four months of shooting time, it will be released around March next year.

Liu Xiao's goal is to make Zhao Ning a superstar!

As for the foreign market, to be honest, Liu Xiao didn't care much about it.

As long as the works are good, even if they don't develop the international market themselves, those people have to eagerly come over and beg themselves to develop it.

In the current entertainment industry, many people have mistaken priorities, and regard participation in variety shows and the number of works they have participated in as their entertainment industry capital. As everyone knows, only works are the only way to be recognized by the public.

Why are there so many old drama characters who are still known by millions of people at the age of 70 or [-]? Isn't it because there are enough eye-catching works.

And those who sing broken pop songs that don't express their meaning, or act in those broken movies that pay tens of millions of dollars, will sooner or later be crushed by the torrent of the times, and there will be no scum left.

Therefore, after the first movie is released, Liu Xiao will continue to create resources for Zhao Ning.

One year at the latest, Zhao Ning will secure this position. This is also Zhao Ning's dream all along. Liu Xiao will spare no effort to help Zhao Ning realize it, just like when Zhao Ning supported her back then.

"Good singing."

Liu Xiao posted a barrage message, and after that, a series of carnivals were posted directly as if they didn't need money.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

"Fuck, fifty carnivals in one second?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too rich, isn't this the rhythm of taking off?"

"666, fierce brother Xiao Xiao!"

Liu Xiao just bought a few sets of gifts, and everyone hasn't paid much attention to it yet.

But after several tens of seconds of continuous swiping, everyone felt something was wrong.

A group of 15 carnivals per second is 1, but brother Xiao Xiao has been brushing for almost [-] minute.

A lot of people suddenly can't count.

But it doesn't matter, Douyin's system can calculate it.

Almost everyone turned their attention to the contribution list in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room.

Brother Xiao Xiao is currently the number one, and every second, the data behind will suddenly jump up.

"I'm going, break 1000 million coins, this is another [-] million reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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