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Chapter 463 It shouldn't be a problem to poach two of you, right?

Chapter 463 It shouldn't be a problem to poach the two of you, right? (4000)

Although breaking the list of tens of millions, it is obvious that Brother Xiao Xiao's speed of collecting gifts has not slowed down.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to swipe more, you don't know when the quest will be finished. Liu Xiao swipe for a full [-] minutes, and slowly stop after collecting a list of [-] million.

"Don't be afraid, newcomers, this is Xiao Xiao's normal operation, don't panic."


Many tourists who came here after watching the video took a deep breath and silently typed these two words on the public screen.

Is Brother Xiao Xiao always so unrestrained in gift giving?

Just a swipe, hundreds of millions?

"Brother Xiao Xiao, yyds!"

"I'm convinced, Brother Xiao Xiao has such spending power, I really can't find a second one on the whole network."

At present, Brother Xiao Xiao has the highest spending power on Huya, followed by Brother Huajiu and Xiaohuya.

As for Douyin, brother Xiao Xiao is undoubtedly the one with the highest spending power, while No. 2 is Xiaohuya, with a consumption of about [-] million yuan.

Moreover, Liu Xiao came to Douyin for a very short time. From yesterday to today, it was the first time for many Douyin tourists to see such a big brother who can brush.

"Little Orange, give everyone more lucky bags."

Liu Xiao typed with a smile.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty and domineering!"

When the tourists saw Brother Xiao Xiao saying that he was going to give them gifts, they immediately became excited.

The prizes given by Brother Xiao Xiao are all free of charge. This kind of opportunity does not come every day.

The passion and enthusiasm of millions of tourists in the live broadcast room were mobilized in an instant.

"Everyone can participate in the lottery by sending thank you Xiao Xiaoge in the live broadcast room, or sending 666. There are a total of 1 red envelopes, and each red envelope is [-] yuan. Good luck to everyone."

Zhao Ning didn't hesitate, and directly gave out a gift of 500 million.

"Niubeiubei, 500 million lucky bags, one of them will take off on the spot!"

In order to increase the winning rate of the audience in the live broadcast room, Zhao Ning also specially set that only one win can be made.

There are currently more than 600 million people in the live broadcast room, and [-] red envelopes, the probability is about one in ten thousand.

For such a big prize, the probability of winning the prize is actually pretty good. After all, what tourists have to pay is just a few bullet screens. There is no cost, and the right is just for fun.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible. If you want me to say, a man as wealthy as Brother Xiao Xiao deserves to be powerful!"

"Although your way of complimenting people upstairs is quite unique, but I also want to echo it, hahaha."

The tourists chattered a lot, but at the same time as the barrage was released, none of the lucky bags' barrage lottery came down.

1 yuan, although it is not a huge sum of money for most people, it is definitely a lot of money.

If you can get it, it will definitely be a windfall.

Especially those who watch the live broadcast are mostly young people. This lucky bag is their salary for one and a half months.

Now that there is no cost, they are naturally happy to participate.

Still the same sentence, what if I hit it?
Mai Xiaodou smacked her tongue secretly.

She still thought that the wave of gifts that brother Xiao Xiao gave her was a big deal, but compared with Zhao Ning, she really did a little bit more simply.

In the entertainment industry, Zhao Ning is absolutely invincible if he can hug Brother Xiao Xiao's thick legs tightly.

Liu Xiao didn't stay in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room too much. After Zhao Ning and Mai Xiaodou disconnected from Mai Xiaodou, Liu Xiao also left at the same time.

It's still early, and I haven't played with Huya in the past few days, so I went to brush Zhao Ning yesterday.

This will be the evening rush hour, and Liu Xiao also plans to go to Hu Ya for a stroll.

After all, I am now the boss of the Lehua trade union, and the anchor of my trade union has not taken care of him for so long, which is indeed a bit overwhelming.

Of course, the most important thing is Huya's live broadcast, which is indeed better than the current Douyin.

This is a big truth.

After all, yy is the first batch of live broadcasting companies in China. After the separation of Huya, it also surpassed yy on the basis of YY. Whether it is the viewability of the live broadcast room or the number of anchors, compared with other platforms They all have advantages, and one-third of the major talent anchors gather on the Huya platform.

Not to mention, Huya's bald guy is at least at the level of Tuya.

The current first-line anchors like Tutu Sanjin are not bad at all. If it weren't for Huya's fierce competition, they would probably become popular in a short time.

On Daheng's side, although Xia Nuan's behavior is not very good, she has absolutely no talent. When it comes to dancing, even compared to the style Lehua is currently promoting, she is still inferior.

On the side of the Misty Rain Union, Kuze and Shala are also capable factions, and they are capable of roadshows if they are pulled out casually.

Perhaps the only problem on Huya's side is that many anchors don't behave very well, but this is also inextricably related to the assets behind them.

The big boss added you on WeChat to let you go, are you going to go or not?

This road, as long as you step in, if you take a wrong step, you will definitely not be able to get out.

The game live broadcast is the essence of Huya's online TV live broadcast.

Whether it's League of Legends or PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, in these two sectors, Huya almost occupies more than half of the entire network. As for the number of major anchors, Douyu can slightly compete.

As for console games, Huya has basically secured the number one spot.

Liu Xiao's account is already the highest title of the Super God Emperor.

Seeing that Baldy was broadcasting, Liu Xiao didn't hesitate to click on the link, thinking that it seemed like he hadn't been to Baldy's studio for a long time.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] enters the live broadcast room!"

The unique animation special effects lighted up in an instant, and the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, even the bald man, were taken aback.

In the past two days, Zhao Ning has been broadcasting on Douyin. Brother Xiao Xiao just bought a wave of gifts on the dual platforms yesterday. They really didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to come over today.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

After a brief moment of stupefaction, the bald man stood up from his chair and shouted loudly.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Beibei Tiantian and the brothers Shenhao in the bald live broadcast room also spoke to say hello.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*2*[-] combos!"


"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*10*[-] combos!"

Just entering the live broadcast room, without further ado, Liu Xiao sent a set of combined punches directly.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the reward of millions of gifts, Brother Xiao Xiao is domineering!"

The bald man was immediately happy.

In the past ten days, Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't been to his live broadcast room very much. Although Lehua's live broadcast is still centered on him, he still feels bad.

Brother Xiao Xiao often goes to Xiaojuzi, the game area has been there twice recently, and Yang Zi has even been there once, but he, the first brother, has never been here.

When Xiaojuzi was broadcasting on Douyin yesterday, he also went over to follow the ceremony, and brother Xiao Xiao didn't say much at that time.

To be honest, Brother Xiao Xiao is definitely busy with work. After all, it is normal for such a big company to have no free time. On Huya’s side, the anchors that Brother Xiao Xiao pays attention to, such as Feng Er Yang Qi Lan, Xiao Xiao Brother has not been there for a long time .

But even so, he was still a little apprehensive.

Because Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't come to the live broadcast room for a long time, many people have secretly said that his bald man has fallen again. Although he slapped the other party in the face with practical actions and abilities, rumors are never just a slap in the face. can stop.

But now, with Brother Xiao Xiao's series of normal operations after entering the live broadcast room, the bald man put his heart in his stomach.

"Small, I haven't been here for a long time."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

Huya has a lot of updates these days.

After there was no shortage of server resources, Huya also raised the clarity of the live broadcast to a very exaggerated level.

As long as the host's computer allows, Huya currently supports up to 15M Blu-ray video viewing, and has also launched an in-depth cooperation with Huawei, presenting a new streaming method, making live broadcasting and playback smoother.

Secondly, the art of the live broadcast page has been updated. Whether it is the mobile version or the web version of the Huya client, you can see a significant improvement in the picture, especially after opening the live broadcast room, it gives people a sense of experience .

This is also a good thing, after all, the progress of the live broadcast platform is inseparable from innovation.

But in the past, the self-innovation of the live broadcast platform must meet two conditions, one is the improvement of server performance, and the other is to have money in hand.

Before Liu Xiao came to Huya, Huya had negative revenue almost every month, and its annual report was a loss, and it needed continuous financing from the shareholders behind it to continue to operate.

As for Huya, there are only a few servers, and the performance is a little average. It can support the operation of the entire platform. Ultra-clear can't be ranked, only high-definition or smooth.

Needless to say, everyone knows the viewing experience of the smooth mode.

And server resources, domestic and very few.

One is that there is no money, and the other is that the server is not good, but in such a big environment, Vice President Du still runs Huya relatively well.

At least compared to Douyu, the biggest competitor at the time, the operating conditions were much better.

If the smooth picture of Huya is called barely watchable, then the smooth picture of Douyu is purely bluffing.

Watching a game live broadcast, you can basically see a few characters moving. As for the skills of the game characters, sorry, it is impossible to see them at all.

But now, Huya needs money and servers, and Lanlan also adheres to Vice President Du's development philosophy and invests a large amount of funds in the three aspects of publicity, page and image quality improvement.

In just half a month, the fluency and clarity of Huya's live broadcast has been qualitatively improved.

And these two days are the key to Huya's ability to retain so much popularity.

After all, the competition in live broadcasting is too great at present.

[-] million netizens on the whole network is not bad, but the total number of people who watch the live broadcast is actually [-] million, at most [-] million, and the daily activity may be [-] million.

Douyin has the largest diversion, with 8000 million to [-] million DAUs being diverted every day.

Followed by Kuaishou, there are slightly fewer Kuaishou, but they can also share more than 4000 million to close to 5000 million daily activities every day.

Then there are online TV platforms such as Huya and Douyu, and they have to compete with small live broadcast platforms such as Quanmin, Zhanqi, and Wegame for the remaining 5000 million DAU.

Although Quanmin does not do much, on average, it is not a problem for a platform to have 300 million popularity, and the mainstream has five or six popularity, which is [-] million popularity.

If Huya and Douyu are divided again, each person will be 700 million.

But the data is not so simple to calculate.

With so many people left, it is impossible for all of them to watch their live broadcast.

Some colored things like small websites will continue to be divided, and those small platforms on the entire network will still be divided.

Plus it's impossible to have so many active users online every day.

Therefore, it is really not easy for Huya to develop to the point where it now has more than 300 million people living every day.

If you want to improve, there is only one way to go, either steal people from other platforms, or merge other platforms, there are not many ways to go.

Panda has been collapsed by President Xiao Wang, and it is already discussing the matter of merger, but it is not known which of the two will be merged into Huya or Douyu.

These are closely related to these anchors in Huya.

Only when the popularity of the platform increases, will their popularity increase.

Therefore, when seeing Huya slowly progressing, the first-line anchors like Baldy are very happy.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is not too difficult for a top-line anchor like Baldy to earn 500 million yuan a month. Even if it costs a lot to play activities, it is still no problem to earn 2000 million yuan a year.

As for the first-line anchors, 600 million a year is also easy.

Second- and third-tier anchors have an average monthly income of over [-] yuan. Even those small anchors who have just joined Huya and just joined the union can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month without any problem.

"The recent changes to Tiger Bud are really good."

Liu Xiao praised.

Yesterday, I didn't pay much attention when I bought gifts in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room. After interacting with Baldy's live broadcast room for a while, Liu Xiao took a closer look.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, after Lanlan took over Huya, her development has indeed been very good. The major guilds and us anchors have no objections."

The bald man agreed with a smile.

To be honest, during the few days when Vice President Du resigned, the bald man was still a little apprehensive. After all, Lan Lan was not very old, and no one could say for sure whether he had the ability. The vice president came to take control, and they discussed it in private how many times.

But after Lanlan actually took up the post, they realized that Lanlan's poise and ability may not be as good as Vice President Du's, but in terms of ability, she is indeed good.

Whether it is the continuation of Shenhao Building or the improvement of image quality and art, they are all optimizations visible to the naked eye.

And for these anchors and trade unions, there is not much adjustment, everything is running benignly.

"So, Lan Lan is really good."

Liu Xiao nodded, wondering if he should find someone who almost poached Lan Lan to work for him or something.

But isn't it a little unethical for me to always poach the corners of other people's tiger buds like this?

But after thinking about it, I have brought so many benefits to Huya, if the two of you do not agree, Huya seems to be a little bit unreasonable, right?
(End of this chapter)

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