Chapter 464 Pry Lanlan away (4000)

"Brother Xiao Xiao, how do you think my strength will develop into the entertainment industry?"

Baldy smiled and recommended himself.

As the head anchor of the union, he naturally knows that Xiao Xiao's Liu Ning Media is behind Lehua. To be honest, although he has made good achievements in shouting wheat, this thing cannot escape a vulgar hat after all. Not suitable for entering the entertainment industry.

Although he is moving towards rap recently, it is not difficult to sing with his own ability, but it is not easy to have a good composition.

And on the other hand, his appearance is indeed a bit too bad.

With a flat head and half bald in the front, the appearance also belongs to the kind that barely passes the test, but is a little old-fashioned, and it is very likely that it will not work in the current era where small fresh meat is rampant.

Baldy doesn't expect to become a first-line star himself. To be honest, the popularity of his live broadcast is not worse than some first-line stars.

But in terms of status, it is indeed much worse, and the most important thing is that the live broadcast is not very stable. Compared with stars, it is far behind.

The anchor can't produce any good works, unless an amphibious anchor like Xiaojuzi writes and releases songs by himself while live broadcasting. Those who focus on cover songs like him will be submerged in a few years. In the torrent of the times.

Although he is definitely not short of money, but he also has dreams, and it is best to go further.

Liu Xiao smiled.

Baldy's singing ability is not bad, but in terms of appearance, it is really difficult to enter the entertainment circle.

It would be fine if the bald boy had Zhao Ning's singing skills, but in this crucial point, the bald boy is indeed inferior, and there is a high probability that he will be sunk in the entertainment circle.

Of course Liu Xiao can ask Sister Feifei to praise the bald man, but it is estimated that it is too late, and if she is forced to praise her, she will only be scolded on the Internet.

"I don't think so, you'd better be an anchor with peace of mind, and let me go to get you when the time comes."

Liu Xiao laughed out loud.

When the bald man saw Brother Xiao Xiao's reply, he immediately hesitated.

The tourists in the live broadcast room also played the barrage of hahaha.

Calling Mai is still a trail after all, the live broadcast platform entertainment is a good player, and the entertainment industry is indeed not close.

The bald man knew in his heart that he would get an accurate reply from Liu Xiao again, and slowly let go of the little expectations in his heart.

You can't mix in the entertainment industry, but you can slowly transition to Lehua's management. When Lehua joins Liu Ning Media in the future, he will have half a foot in the entertainment industry.

"By the way, how is Yang Zi doing recently?"

Yang Zi starts broadcasting in the morning and basically rests at night.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, are you talking about sister Yang Zi?"

The bald man laughed.

"Sister Yang Zi was operated on in July at the hospital, and after a month of observation, the operation was considered a success, and the rejection reaction was not too obvious."

"In two months now, the wound has almost healed, and the degree of matching is also high. I can basically get out of bed and walk around a little. According to the doctor, it is estimated that in another two months, I will be able to move normally. There's nothing wrong with amplitude movement."

Baldy felt a little emotional.

In June or so, Yang Zi was still just a small anchor, and he was quiet on Lehua's side. Who knew that Brother Xiao Xiao's random rewards would help Yang Zi solve such a big problem.

At that time, Yang Zi’s sister’s kidney and source had already been matched, and the first batch of fees of 80 million yuan could not be paid for the surgery.

After the operation, brother Xiao Xiao also gave Yang Zi a lot of rewards, and the rest of the recuperation and medical treatment basically used better things, which led to Yang Zi's younger sister recovering faster.

By November, I guess I will be able to go back to normal activities.

Baldy and Yang Zi have a good relationship, and Yang Zi has never shy away from this matter, and the two often communicate together.

But every time it was mentioned, Yang Zi was very excited.

In Yang Zi's heart, his younger sister is four or five years younger than him, and she is treated like a baby. Brother Xiao Xiao is undoubtedly the savior of their family.

"That's good."

Liu Xiao is also in a good mood.

It makes him happy to spend some money to save someone.

100 million, for ordinary people, it may be impossible to borrow all the relatives and friends, but for him, it is simply waving his hand.

After playing in Baldy's live broadcast room for a while, and hearing Baldy shout two songs, Liu Xiao jumped to the game area again.

They walked over the anchors of Hoe Wo, Sou Nan, and B Wen one by one.

Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, Liu Xiao called Lan Lan again, inviting Lan Lan to work in Liu Ning Group.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I will resign immediately!"

After Lanlan received Liu Xiao's call, she almost jumped up excitedly.

Although she is taking over the operation of Huya and has done a lot of things recently, she always feels that the working atmosphere is weird. The directors all had different opinions, especially Jay Chou and Han Dong, who were even more tit-for-tat in various ways, which made her feel like a cow every day.

To be honest, she didn't want to do this job for a long time.

Brother Xiao Xiao threw out an olive branch, and she naturally agreed without even thinking about it.

Liu Ning Group, even a small department manager has much higher gold content than the vice president at Huya's side.

Especially since she still has such a personal relationship with brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao will definitely not treat her badly, she is still very clear about this in her heart.

"Aren't you going to ask me about the salary I give you?"

Liu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

Vice President Du was still looking forward and backward after he sent out the invitation, thinking about this and that. In the end, he paid tens of millions of annual salary and a house in the inner ring of the capital to win it.

Although Lanlan's ability is a bit worse than Vice President Du's, she's not so straightforward as to agree, right?
"Even if Brother Xiao Xiao gives me one yuan as an annual salary, I will come here."

Lan Lan giggled and didn't care.

Even if Huya's unilateral wage arrears happened, she didn't believe that brother Xiao Xiao would treat her badly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you think I should come over and be your secretary?"


Liu Xiao's heart moved.

Not to mention, Lan Lan's proposal is really good.

Currently Liu Ning Group is under the supervision of Vice President Du, and Qu Yue is still in the process of handing over, so there must be no major problems.

As for the Qianlong Group, Xiaohuya, Brother Hua, Brother Jiu, and Yishui Misty Rain are all there, and Qu Yue will immediately turn to help keep an eye on it. Huawei officials are also sending people to help. With such a luxurious lineup, the probability of problems It is even more negligible.

Liu Xiao pulled Lanlan here, in fact, he came here to increase the number of talents, not to say that any department lacked people.

If there is a shortage of people, it is because of the lack of people in the secretarial department of the boss.

Although the official sent him an assistant Zhang, after all, Assistant Zhang was often in the workshop, and he couldn't find him for some normal jobs.

"That's fine, then you can come to my side and be my administrative assistant, but as my administrative assistant, you may have to be responsible for a lot of things, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Liu Xiao readily agreed.

"Don't worry, Brother Xiao Xiao, I was born as an assistant, and I will definitely get familiar with the business as soon as possible!"

Lanlan made a yes gesture and was very excited.

Being able to be Brother Xiao Xiao's personal assistant, even if his status is much worse than that of a nominal vice president like Vice President Du, there is no doubt that this is definitely a good job.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao, who said he had more business?

This doesn't exist anymore.

She works at Huya's side, 30 days a month, at least 26 days or more, and it's common to work overtime until the early hours of the morning. It often happens that she can't go home overnight when she encounters events or something.

No matter how tired she is, just play 007, she can handle it!

Seeing that Lanlan was successfully abducted by him, Liu Xiao hung up the phone, smiled, and continued to wander around the live broadcast platform.

When you meet a familiar anchor, go in and have a look. Although you can get some gifts or something, although you don't have any opponents, you can still enjoy playing.

But on the other side, Jay Chou, who received Lanlan's resignation call, felt that his heart couldn't take it anymore.

To be honest, Vice President Du was leaving, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Such an excellent person as Vice President Du, who forced Huya to the current level by himself, suddenly proposed to resign, and it was the kind of person who would run all night that night.

If Vice President Du hadn't told the truth that it was an invitation from Brother Xiao Xiao's Liu Ning Group, he would have thought that Vice President Du had committed something here and wanted to abscond overnight.

But this is Brother Xiao Xiao's invitation after all. It is true that he is the biggest director of Huya, but in front of Brother Xiao Xiao, he is actually a younger brother. Although Vice President Du is very capable, he must give him this face.

Moreover, Vice President Du also guaranteed Lan Lan's succession as Vice President.

In the past half a month, after Lanlan took over Huya, the effect of Huya's live broadcast has obviously improved a lot. Just yesterday's trick of linking with Douyin has increased Huya's daily activities by nearly one million.

To be honest, although Vice President Du has left, he is indeed quite satisfied with Lan Lan's work.

These two days I was thinking about increasing Lanlan's salary to about 500 million yuan a year, but at around eleven o'clock in the evening, Lanlan took the initiative to call, and the first thing she said was sorry that I have to resign
Jay Chou felt his blood pressure go up immediately.

Without even thinking about it, Jay Chou knew that this must be Xiao Xiaoge's good deed!

Sure enough, before Jay Chou asked why, Lan Lan spoke again.

"Director Zhou, Brother Xiao Xiao hired me to be his personal assistant. You also know the relationship between me and Brother Xiao Xiao. If Brother Xiao Xiao asked, I really couldn't refuse."

What Lan Lan said was quite tactful, but both inside and outside the words meant that this matter was not negotiable.

Jay Chou sincerely wanted to keep him, but he didn't know how to say the words.

Can't you say that Huya can give you more?

Huya is not listed yet, and the annual salary of a general manager is only 500 million at most.

But the last Vice President Du who resigned, Brother Xiao Xiao gave him an annual salary of 2000 million, plus a bonus of no less than 600 million per year. He even heard that Brother Xiao Xiao directly gave Vice President Du a job in the third ring road of the capital. A duplex villa
Although Lanlan is less capable than Vice President Du, since Brother Xiaoxiao is sincere in poaching people, he believes that the annual salary is at least 1000 million or more, which is something that Huya can't give at all.

As for the future.

A super group company whose products are scrambled by major domestic giants, compared with a small company with half a foot in the entertainment industry and half in the capital circle, it is flattering itself to compete with Haoyue.

If brother Xiao Xiao really wants to mess with him, he just needs to say a word, and if nothing else is said, the platforms like Douyu will definitely unite to kill him at any cost.

Talking about the future, I'm afraid that Lanlan can kill him with a single sentence.

Even judging by Lan Lan's good looks, maybe after being in contact with Brother Xiao Xiao for a long time, he can still do something, how can he compare with Huya?
After thinking and thinking, Jay Chou knew that he really had no reason to let Lan Lan, a young man with strong abilities, stay.

But as soon as Vice President Du left, and Lanlan left like this again, Huya would really fall into a situation where no one could use it.

At the end, Jay Chou sighed helplessly and asked:

"Lanlan, after you leave, who should Huya appoint as the deputy general manager?"

Lan Lan had just taken a sip of water, and when she heard Jay Chou's words, she almost choked herself to death.

After you leave, who should Huya use?
He is neither Zhuge Liang nor Chongzhen, so he deserves to be so secondary.

"Cough cough."

Jay Chou coughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed.

From the looks of it, Lanlan has also watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Ming Dynasty, and originally wanted to improve her B status, but now she is a little uncomfortable being embarrassed.

But his question was genuine.

On Huya’s side, there are a lot of managers, but only a few can really take care of things. There can be a lot of people working, but it’s hard to find someone who can make correct decisions independently.

People like Vice President Du and Lan Lan, no matter which one they are, can be encountered but not advisable.

As for Lao Zheng, it's fine to do work, but it's a big problem to let him make decisions.

This is also the reason why Vice President Du let Lan Lan take this position instead of promoting Lao Zheng.

The phone fell silent.

Lan Lan is also thinking about this problem.

Although it is said to be resignation, it must not be so irresponsible. Some things still need to be handed over.

Who should take this position is indeed a big question, which is related to Huya's future development.

"Director Zhou, I think Guoguo is pretty good. If you want, you can let her try."

After thinking twice, Lanlan still recommended Guoguo to Jay Chou.

Although the competition between the two is fierce, and Guoguo is a person with a lot of thoughts, it is undeniable that Guoguo's ability is relatively strong.

She, Lanlan, can easily sit firmly in this position, let Guoguo get started, and within ten days at most, she can be familiar with the business, and there is no problem in terms of ability.

As for the conflict between Guoguo and herself, it disappeared long after she took over as the vice president.

The most important thing is that the relationship between Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao, the current boss of Daheng, is good. The development of the two unions is also a healthy operation. Guoguo can't have his own bias, so he can use it with confidence.

"Okay, let Guoguo try."

Jay Chou hesitated again and again, but still agreed.

As a director, his ability is not too strong, but he can sit in this position, which naturally has his own uniqueness.

Dare to use people!
(End of this chapter)

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