Chapter 465 Will Be A God (4000)

Liu Xiao's life is still very regular.

Every morning, I went to draw drawings early, and then communicated with Brother Hua Xiaohuya about the operation of Qianlong Group, and then communicated with the research institute about existing problems.

Before October [-]st, Liu Xiao finally drew most of the blueprints, and the rest will be done in half a month.

Liu Xiao stretched rarely.

"Old Zhang, small quantum computers should be fine, right?"

Liu Xiao looked at Assistant Zhang at the side.

"Mr. Liu, it has been produced here, and it will be delivered to you tomorrow."

Assistant Zhang was very respectful.

Liu Xiao has been running to the industrial park for more than ten days. At first, he thought it was okay, but after a long time, it was really inconvenient.

This is a bit different from going to work, mainly because his trips are indeed a bit too big.

Quantum computers are still circulating within the government and have not yet been marketed, but this does not mean that foreign giants do not know the news.

To be honest, with so many people involved in a project, it is almost impossible to keep the news from leaking.

As early as a few days ago, rumors about the government's possession of a quantum computer had already spread, and some high-level foreign officials also sent more people to investigate this matter.

To be honest, Zheng Xiaoxiao has been under a lot of pressure these days. I am afraid that Liu Xiao's safety will be in trouble. This is because the safety in the capital is generally guaranteed. Afraid that Liu Xiao would have an accident.

They are not afraid of fights with real knives and guns, what they are afraid of is the kind of suicide attack, directly rushing to explode or something, this kind of attack method, no matter how many people there are, it will not be effective.

Unless it is directly swept into garbage with a heavy machine gun.

"Okay, bring the things over to me tomorrow."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, help me make an appointment with Xiao Huya later, I have something here, and I may need him to do it."

At present, most of the drawings have been drawn, and some of the main components can be produced slowly.

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the simple version of the spacecraft can already be made.

Although it is impossible to reach such an exaggerated speed, it is still no problem to fly ten times faster than a fighter jet. At [-] kilometers per hour, there should be no problem.


Assistant Zhang nodded and wrote down everything one after another.

The longer he spends with Liu Xiao, the more shocked Assistant Zhang is. In his opinion, his boss's scientific research ability is really terrible.

One person, one quantum computer, forcibly produced tens of thousands of drawings in more than ten days.

You know, not to mention the drawings of this strategic level, it is the decoration drawings of ordinary people, and it takes a professional cartographer a day or two to draw a picture.

As for fighter jet blueprints, engine blueprints and other extremely precise things, even if it is done by the big bosses of the scientific research institute, it takes more than a month for a picture from creation to drawing.

Even with the help of quantum computers, the speed of tens of thousands of drawings in the past ten days is a bit too scary.

Looking at Liu Xiao's current meaning, it seems that this blueprint has completed the first stage of production, and can enter the stage of experiment implementation.

Liu Xiao didn't deliberately guard against him, and of course he couldn't sell any information about Qianlong Group.

To be able to enter here, his political review, personal information, and his own beliefs are all one-on-one in the country, and there is no possibility of leaking official secrets.

Therefore, he had actually seen some of Liu Xiao's blueprints.

Although he didn't understand the structure of that engine, he still knew the data at work. It seemed that the speed was 24 kilometers per hour.
"This kind of thing can only be designed by Mr. Liu."

Assistant Zhang watched Liu Xiao leave, feeling deeply moved.

On the other side, Xiao Huya and Brother Hua rushed over to the small courtyard in Kyoto non-stop after receiving the notification from Assistant Zhang.

They are now in charge of the business department of Qianlong Group. When it comes to production, they must be coordinated.

"Lanlan, do you know why Brother Xiao Xiao asked us to come here this time?"

On the way, Xiao Huya was a little curious.

It has been a few days since Lanlan joined the job, and she is still mainly working on the docking, especially the docking with the two executive presidents, Brother Xiaohuyahua.

But brother Xiao Xiao really didn't tell her about this.

"Let's go and see later, brother Xiao Xiao let you go this time, there must be something important to explain."

Lanlan shook her head.

"Before I came to Qianlong Group, I was still hesitating whether it was worth it or not. Now it seems that the decision I made at that time was indeed right."

Brother Hua laughed, and looked at Xiaohuya and Lanlan next to him, full of emotion.

On Huya's side, the two parties were rivals, and he had calculated carefully, hoping to win against Xiao Xiao once in the event, but the fact was that, with Xiao Xiao's casual move, he rubbed his entire Daheng union against him.

But fortunately, I coaxed faster, and I didn't have any trouble with brother Xiao Xiao, and took advantage of this relationship to get the position of CEO of Qianlong Group.

Compared with his company, Qianlong Group is hundreds or thousands of times higher in terms of personnel and talents.

In this company, Hua Ge feels that his talent has been fully utilized, and now, Hua Ge is also a loyal younger brother who is only looking forward to Xiao Xiao.

There is no way, brother Xiao Xiao has even created a virtual disk server and a quantum computer, he has no choice but to accept it!

Liu Xiao knew that Brother Hua and Xiao Huya would come, so he also asked his aunt to prepare the oven and barbecue, and planned to have some barbecue in the yard.

"Xiao Ning, is there any place you want to go during the National Day holiday?"

While roasting the meat, Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning beside him.

In the past ten days of live broadcasting, Zhao Ning has basically gained a firm foothold on Douyin, and her daily popularity has stabilized at around 300 million.

And the number of followers has skyrocketed. As of yesterday, Zhao Ning's Douyin fans have reached the 5000 million mark, which is considered to be the top V in the star list.

Large-scale entertainment giants like Donghuang also did not give up and threw in various contracts again, even such a contract as [-]% was proposed.

But there is no doubt that they were all rejected by Zhao Ning on the grounds of signing with the Lehua labor union.

"Forget it, Xiaoxiao told me yesterday that it's not safe recently."

Zhao Ning shook her head.

When Zhao Keke goes to school, there are more than [-] people protecting her, and there are three people who take care of her personally, not to mention her girlfriend.

But fortunately, she was quite happy playing music, and she wasn't too bored.

"Don't worry, when my product is manufactured, we can go wherever we want."

Liu Xiao smiled and fondled Zhao Ning's hair.

The problem of his whereabouts is the biggest problem. If those killers and spies want to attack him, the first thing they need to know is his location.

He is now in the small courtyard in the capital, as long as he goes out, no matter how far or near, there will be someone following him. This situation is definitely not safe.

But what if he's out the door really fast?

Just out of the small courtyard in the capital, the next second you won't be in the capital, no matter who you are, you won't be able to find yourself, right?
As long as he doesn't stay in one place for a long time, or goes somewhere planned, he is basically in an absolutely safe state.

And this absolutely safe state relies on this simple version of the spacecraft, which is why he is so anxious to let Xiao Huya and the others come over.

According to Liu Xiao's calculations, if a quantum computer is used for operation and control, and the current materials are used for processing, a simple version of the aircraft can be manufactured in at most three days.

Although it is impossible to reach the exaggerated speed of 24 kilometers per hour, [-] kilometers is still no problem.

This speed is ten times faster than a fighter jet.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a little boy blows up, as long as he is given 1 minute to react, he will definitely be able to escape and ascend to heaven.

In fact, this is also the purpose of Liu Xiao's eagerness to draw blueprints and study this stuff.

No way, it is impossible to have an exoskeleton mech or something. Although he has practiced jujitsu for a few days with his small body, it is impossible to resist bullets and bombs in the final analysis.

If you want to go out well, the simple version of the spacecraft is definitely a must.

And with this thing, as long as the energy is guaranteed, you can go wherever you want, and it is absolutely safe.

"Simple version of the spacecraft?"

As soon as Xiao Huya entered the door, he heard Liu Xiao talking to Zhao Ning about the spacecraft.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, is this spacecraft really capable of flying [-] kilometers per hour as you said?"

"My God, the fastest speed of the high-speed rail is only more than 400 kilometers per hour. How many times is this, fifty times the speed?"

"The fastest fighter jet is only [-] kilometers per hour. Do you know what this concept is?"

Brother Hua said sourly from the side.

This means that it takes less than an hour for a fighter jet to arrive at the capital after taking off from Shanghai.

If you feel that it is not clear enough, you can change the analogy.

Walking from the south to the north of the Tianchao, and driving in a straight line, the fighter jets can reach it in two and a half hours.

But instead of the spacecraft that brother Xiao Xiao said, it can fly four round trips in the territory of Tianchao in an hour.
"Yes, to be honest, this is just a simplified version of the first step. Some materials are rare on the earth. It is very difficult to manufacture at present. After going to the moon to mine later, you can be more generous."

"But what I'm telling you today is just a simplified version."

Liu Xiao took out a USB flash drive.

"This contains all the drawing data of the simple version of the spacecraft. After you go back, follow the material requirements, and then contact Mr. Du to try to manufacture the prototype in the shortest possible time."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this"

When Xiao Huya saw the USB flash drive in Liu Xiao's hand, he was a little afraid to take it.

He knows the quantum computer in his heart, and he also knows what this spacecraft represents.

It was because it was too clear that he didn't dare to take it.

Naturally Liu Xiao would not lie to them, they believed that Liu Xiao could not be so boring.

And Liu Xiao said that if the data here can produce a super flying machine with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, then there is absolutely not much difference.

There is no doubt that if this thing is sold, even if it sells for tens of trillions, I believe many people will be willing to pay for it.

Too precious!

"Don't worry, there is my encryption program inside, if it is not read by the quantum computer I produced, it is impossible to open it."

Liu Xiao was a little funny.

This USB flash drive is no longer the traditional silicon chip. He replaced it with the same description method as a quantum computer, and the USB flash drive code is also a new type of programming.

The storage space inside is huge, tens of thousands of terabytes.

With his computer technology, no one in this world can take the initiative to decipher the data here.

A U disk that cannot read data is not much worse than a brick.

Hearing what Liu Xiao said, Xiao Huya took a deep breath and silently took the USB drive.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, when we go back at night, let the people at the scientific research institute read the data and produce things according to the drawings as soon as possible."

"If you have any questions, please contact me in time, or you can come directly."

Liu Xiao nodded and motioned for a few people to come over for barbecue.

Lan Lan took over Liu Xiao's barbecue stall, silently remembering what Liu Xiao discussed with Brother Hua Xiao Huya, while discussing with Zhao Ning how to spread delicious barbecue ingredients.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, it's been a long time since you went out to have fun together, but it's true, those people can't do it with science and technology, and it's really shameless to keep doing these crooked ways!"

After eating a few skewers of barbecued meat, Xiao Huya's words suddenly increased.

Recently, the security level of him and Brother Hua has also been raised several notches, and there are huge crowds of people when they go out.

Although they are full of momentum, they are quite uncomfortable being protected. Even when they go home, they have to step on something in advance.

But fortunately, the opponent obviously didn't target them too much, mainly on Liu Xiao's side.

Especially in the small courtyard in the capital, the number of people hanging around outside the alley has obviously increased recently. Although the files are confidential, many forces have already found out Liu Xiao's level.

For now, it is estimated that the other party still focuses on robbery or kidnapping, and has not encountered such a frenzied attack.

Of course, this is also related to the perception of the other party.

I believe that most people think that the invention of quantum computers should be a team activity, and Liu Xiao reckons that it is only one that has mastered the core technology and made more outstanding contributions.

But only those who are close to them know that whether it is the first virtual disk server, or the later quantum computer, including the simple version of the spacecraft in the USB flash drive that was just handed over to them, it was all created by Xiao Xiaoge alone. !

If we say who can lead the next era, it seems that there is no doubt now.

Apart from Brother Xiao Xiao, they couldn't think of anyone else with this ability and strength!
Qianlong Group will definitely live up to the title of Qianlong. I believe that in the not-too-distant future, Qianlong will definitely become a real dragon.

Just like Huya’s custom-made entrance special effects for Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao must stand on top of the dragon, face all the pressures of this world, and will become irreplaceable under these pressures, God!

Xiao Huya looked at Liu Xiao, who was discussing with Lan Lan not far away how much barbecue ingredients should be sprinkled, and was full of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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