Chapter 466 Thinking wrong? (4000)

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua left after a short stay.

According to Liu Xiao's meaning, the official data is prepared for the full version, and it will be available in mid-October. For the simplified version, we just need to discuss it with Mr. Du.

And the most critical thing here is naturally the issue of fuel.

A speed of [-] kilometers per hour requires enormous energy. Ordinary fuels such as liquefied gas will definitely not work, and even high-intensity energy sources such as aviation fuel and liquefied hydrogen cannot support it.

In the real spacecraft drawings, the energy used inside is nuclear power, similar to the reactor on an aircraft carrier, but it is more efficient than this energy.

The simple version is definitely not possible, so it uses a thing called a nuclear power battery, which can support the spacecraft to fly for about [-] hours after being fully charged.

It's not difficult to make. There are still some nuclear power plants in China. It's just enough to use it to wash it down. It's not a big problem.

Of course, Mr. Du also received the notification from Assistant Zhang.

When Brother Hua and Huya just returned to the company, Mr. Du was already waiting at the door of the company.

Different from Liu Xiao's attitude of not taking it seriously, Mr. Du was already insane the moment he received the notice.

For the past ten days or so, Liu Xiao has been going back and forth to the industrial park. To be honest, he is still very worried. He is even thinking about whether he should find a time to talk to Liu Xiao and try to do as little as possible.

It's not scary to go out, but I'm afraid that going out is too regular. I go out at [-] o'clock in the morning and go home at [-] o'clock in the evening.

Fortunately, Assistant Zhang said that Liu Xiao would be able to work from home after today. He was relieved just now, but the next sentence directly confused him.

"Little Huya, where is the data that Xiao Xiao gave you?"

Elder Du stepped forward anxiously, he couldn't care less about politeness for a while.

A simplified version of the spacecraft of what rubbish?
You know, this is a thing with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. If this thing is still simple, then all the research power and speed and the research institute will be closed.

As for the faster spacecraft that Liu Xiao is still researching, he actually doesn't care too much about it. After all, Liu Xiao didn't give him specific data, so he can't guess it.

But this thing with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour has been completely placed in front of him, how could he not be excited?
Xiao Huya touched his nose.

A few of them are engaged in business after all, and they know that this thing is very important, but they must only have a general understanding of the specific concept, but Mr. Du is a professional. How strong is the performance of this thing? Only the researchers like Mr. Du I have a say.

Xiao Huya hurriedly took out the tightly covered USB flash drive from his arms.

"Mr. Du, this thing is a quantum thing. You need a quantum computer to open it, and it also involves programming. It's quite complicated anyway. If others hold it, it's like a broken brick. Brother Xiao Xiao said you know."

Xiao Huya handed over the things in embarrassment. After eating the barbecue, he almost forgot what Liu Xiao told him before.

As a layman, he really can't remember so many professional terms. The only thing he remembers is one sentence, that is, it doesn't matter if you lose this thing. Anyway, even if you give the USB flash drive to someone else, they can't open it. brick.

Brother Hua stroked his forehead beside him.

"Brother Xiao Xiao said that this is quantum programming, and it is also a new product. It is not traditional silicon crystal storage. The storage space inside is very large, and it is connected to the quantum computer programming system, using a new system developed by Brother Xiao Xiao."

Brother Hua added.

"I understand this. I will take away this USB drive first. This is a confidential document from the research institute. You two are fine. This new girl, I will find someone to take you to sign a non-disclosure agreement later."

Mr. Du solemnly put the USB flash drive into his pocket, smiled and nodded.

This USB flash drive was researched by their scientific research institute in the past few days, and he, the person in charge, naturally knows it very well.

As for Lan Lan, her background has been investigated in the past two days, and she is very innocent. After signing the confidentiality agreement, she can be trained as one of her own.

Judging by Liu Xiao's meaning, starting from today, Lanlan should also be allowed to participate in Qianlong Group's business.

Lanlan nodded vigorously.

Lanlan is very excited to be able to participate in this kind of project.

Originally, she thought about joining the Liu Ning Group, but after becoming brother Xiao Xiao's personal assistant, she realized that Brother Xiao Xiao was not just a Liu Ning Group.

There is also an official cooperation with Huawei. The Qianlong Group, a super big company where Xiao Huya and Hua Ge both work, is actually also controlled by Brother Xiao Xiao!

As for this news, even the former Vice President Du knew very little about it. Now Lan Lan feels quite honored to be Brother Xiao Xiao's personal assistant.

Mr. Du left soon, and Xiao Huya and Brother Hua also began to arrange for the group to purchase raw materials.

Most of the things are available in the capital, and they can be shipped within a day, and the industrial chain of the capital's manufacturing industry is also very complete.

At present, Qianlong Group does not have other things, but the money is indeed too much. If the industrial chain can be negotiated, it can be negotiated.

Carrot plus stick, coupled with the official status, most companies are willing to cooperate.

However, with this wave of moves by Qianlong Group, more people have seen this super-leading company that seemed somewhat invincible when it was born.

Whether it is on Tianyancha or other various business apps, the introduction of Qianlong Group is only four words, and none of the registered capital, shareholding structure, and shareholder names are displayed on it.

"My God, I think the Liu Ning Group is scary enough, but how can this Qianlong Group be so scary? There is no even the most basic information on the industrial and commercial side?"

"Do you think it is possible that the Qianlong Group's business scope is too small, or it has not been registered at all, which led to the failure of the business information?"

"It's also possible what you said above. A group company doesn't have business information. I really can't believe it!"

"What kind of dreams are you all dreaming about? You don't even look at how many resources the Qianlong Group has integrated in this move. If you talk in your dreams, please base your dreams on reality."

In various enterprise groups, there was a lot of discussion about Qianlong Group.

In fact, it acquired Baowu Group, the top three in the domestic manufacturing industry, and then acquired Jingcheng Iron and Steel, a leading steel producer with an annual output of over 5000 million tons.

Then, it acquired a super-large mechanical assembly line company in the capital.

As for other small businesses, needless to say, they either cooperate or merge.

Among other things, the merger of Baowu Group and Jingcheng Iron and Steel, the Qianlong Group spent 8000 billion!

Of course, the 8000 billion was not paid at once, but was settled in batches within a year, but half of the first batch of asset liquidation was still paid, and a full [-] billion passed.

[-] billion, this is not a stock value, nor is it a virtual currency, but real cash!

In the next year, Qianlong Group will have to spend 4000 billion to settle accounts.

Although in principle, mergers and acquisitions of these companies are not considered a loss, but it is impossible to pay back the cost within 30 to [-] years.

Especially the steel industry, which belongs to the basic livelihood industry. The current market price of a meal of steel is 5000 yuan, and the steel factory can earn more than 300 yuan by selling a ton.

And the more than 300 yuan is not stable. Taxes have to be paid, employees have to be supported, and steelmaking equipment, assembly lines, and environmental protection equipment have to be updated. Overall, a profit of 100 yuan per ton is considered a good thing.

According to the annual output of 5000 million tons, it is not bad. In fact, the profit is only [-] billion a year. Even if the market is good, if it is doubled, the profit will be [-] billion a year.

But in order to win this company, Qianlong Group directly paid [-] billion!
Although heavy assets in steel mills can be counted as money, if you put in the work that you don’t sell and make high profits every year, it will take 30 years to pay back the cost, and it will take five to sixty years to pay back the cost.

Many people are settling accounts for Qianlong Group.

For a while, almost everyone thought Qianlong Group was crazy.

Such a low-profit industry is generally in charge of the government, mainly the operation of state-owned enterprises, but now Qianlong Group has taken over, which is equivalent to taking over more than [-] mouths of the entire enterprise, and will have to be responsible in the future the lives of these people.

They really don't understand how Qianlong Group can earn back this cost.

But no matter what the outside world says, all the procedures inside the Qianlong Group are being simplified.

There are official people to help with the work, and all the procedures are handled together. Even about corporate mergers and acquisitions, this kind of business often takes two or three years. With the support of the official, it took less than half a day to complete the business. Architecture Transformation.

"Hahaha, these people are still thinking about how we can pay back our capital, and whether it will cause these corporate employees to have nothing to do."

Xiao Huya looked at the screenshots sent to him by some friends, and laughed happily.

Not to mention the feeling of secretly doing big things, it's really cool.

"If it was in the past, I definitely wouldn't dare to think about it."

Brother Hua shook his head.

"But who knows, the quantum computers we produce are sold to these large domestic companies, and the price of one is 200 billion. If we sell 8000 units, the cost of [-] billion will be returned."

"As for forty units, that's just our forty days' output."

However, the official side still has no intention of announcing this thing. At present, it is still conducting unified coordination and management internally, and it is estimated that it can be suppressed for a while.

However, it is estimated that by the end of October, this news will not be able to be suppressed. By then, the official will definitely make a big announcement about it.

After thinking about it, Brother Hua immediately felt full of energy.

This kind of opportunity to be famous in history, from ancient times to the present, as long as it is impossible for an individual to take it lightly, and he is now standing on the cusp of the wind, as long as he does not make mistakes, there is no doubt that he will have a place.

This kind of good thing must be persisted to the end!
Early this morning, Assistant Zhang brought a few people over to install the equipment.

This thing is more critical, and it is impossible to transport the whole machine, so the goal is too big.

Therefore, the thing was disassembled into four parts, and then assembled after it came, and a special place was found as a place for the computer room.

The assembly of this thing is very delicate, and Liu Xiao has been watching it all the time, for fear that something might go wrong.

"Okay, let's debug the device again, let the computer run it for the specific running speed, and let me know the result."

While adjusting the equipment, Liu Xiao generally spoke to several researchers next to him.


Assistant Zhang nodded repeatedly.

To connect to the Internet cable, pull a terminal into Liu Xiao's study, there are four data optical cables that are as thick as a fist, and several holes are punched in the wall to pass all the cables through.

Then, several data transmission devices were set up in a corner of the yard, and then the connected optical cables were moved into the main optical cables of the telecommunication network.

This thing is a technical job, and it has to be tracked according to the blueprint of the original construction of the optical cable. It took a long time to find it.

When everything is connected, it is already evening.

"Mr. Liu, the running speed is fine."

"Mr. Liu, the network is fine. The download and read speeds are the maximum load of the current optical cable, and the wireless transmission speed can reach about 4m. This is limited by the current [-]G network channel and cannot be faster. "

The speed of 3000 m is hundreds of thousands of times worse than the speed of a quantum computer. However, at present, the speed of wired and optical cables is only over [-] m, and the two are similar.

But fortunately, what Liu Xiao wants is not the speed of the network, but the speed of the quantum computer itself.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Liu Xiao smiled and nodded.

"It's not hard, our work is incomparable to that of Mr. Liu."

Hearing Liu Xiao's words, everyone looked forward to it.

Those of them who work in the production workshop have been in contact with Liu Xiao for a long time in the past few days. Although they can't understand many things, they know in their hearts that Liu Xiao is using his own ability to improve the status of the Celestial Dynasty. Technology power!
Many people don't have access to the blueprints I'm drawing recently, but with just a single quantum computer, Liu Xiao's achievements are absolutely invincible!

When Zhao Keke came back from school, he happened to see Assistant Zhang and his party leaving.

"Brother-in-law, are they installing computers?"

Zhao Keke looked inside curiously, there was a big guy in the innermost room, it looked like a computer room or something, Zhao Keke didn't recognize it, he thought it was a server that Liu Xiao built for playing games.

"It's not computers, it's servers and broadband stuff."

Liu Xiao said vaguely.

Zhao Keke didn't know much about these things, and Liu Xiao didn't tell Zhao Keke what he meant. This thing is still in the confidential stage.

"Servers and broadband?"

Zhao Keke's eyes lit up immediately.

"Brother-in-law, with such a thick pipe, the speed should be quite fast, right?"


There were three black question marks on Liu Xiao's head, he thought about Zhao Keke's question, then looked carefully at Zhao Keke's big innocent eyes, and confirmed it carefully again.

It seems that he really thought it wrong.

"If you're talking about network speed, the wireless network is about [-] m/s, and the wired one is [-] m/s."

Liu Xiao replied seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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