Chapter 467 Approval from the Big Brother (4000)

"How much? A speed of more than 3000 megabytes?"

Zhao Keke opened his mouth wide, full of disbelief.

"So, if the next League of Legends is played, it can be played in a second or two?"

Zhao Keke is also a loyal player of the League of Legends, a legendary girl player, but unlike ordinary girls, Zhao Keke's skills are not bad, and her Platinum rank is barely acceptable.

Generally speaking, even if the broadband at home is better, the download speed of the cable is about [-] megabits, and for a particularly rich person like Principal Wang, it can reach [-] or [-] megabytes.

The speed of wireless broadband is even slower. Now that the 5G network has not been rolled out, the wireless wifi signal of the 4G network is at most about ten megabytes per second. Even some local networks are relatively slow, and the network speed is still at two or three megabits per second. lingering.

But the network cable that Liu Xiao is pulling now has a wireless speed of more than 100 Mbps and a wired speed of more than 3000 Mbps?
Even if the official optical fiber is directly brought to the home, it is not so exaggerated, is it?
Liu Xiao laughed, without too much explanation.

After all, it seems that he really pulled the official optical fiber all the way to his home.

At this speed, the network speed of a quantum computer is much faster than that of an entire Internet cafe combined.

"Talk to Auntie what computer you want, and Auntie will buy it for you directly."

"Wait for two days, brother-in-law will play with you a few times."

Liu Xiao patted his chest and embraced everything.

Although his current League of Legends strength is unlikely to be the best in the world, there is absolutely no problem in terms of operation. To put it simply, it should be a trivial matter to be the strongest king on the top of the canyon. It has been proven when playing together.

To take Zhao Keke, a rookie, to say that he is a bit contemptuous of his own skills.

"Then it's done, I want an alien desktop!"

Zhao Keke looked like you don't want to regret it, and went to the back to find her aunt and asked her to help her with shopping.

Although Alienware's desktop is not considered the best among desktops, its performance is definitely not bad, and its appearance is relatively high.

The recently released 3060ti graphics card version costs [-] for the whole machine, which is considered the top configuration of the computer except for water cooling.

Not to mention playing League of Legends, even playing a top-level masterpiece, even super-high-definition Minecraft is not a problem. Those realistic material packages in Minecraft can be built in, and I guess it will take a day. It takes one night for the computer to feel the freeze.

Of course, the current Zhao Keke is not someone who lacks such a little money.

On Douyin's side, Zhao Keke's income has been quite high recently, not too much, but there are still hundreds of thousands.

Moreover, Liu Xiao will be dragged by Zhao Keke every now and then for a little pocket money. It may be difficult to buy a car or a house, but Zhao Keke can definitely afford a computer.

The production of the simple version of the spacecraft was relatively smooth, but the time it took still exceeded Liu Xiao's estimate.

According to Liu Xiao's thinking, the first-generation prototype should be produced in about three days.

But in fact, it took Qianlong Group six days to make it, and it was on October [-]th, the last day of the holiday, that Liu Xiao received the notification that the product was successfully produced.

Liu Xiao knew that his expectations for Qianlong Group were a bit too high.

The current Qianlong Group has only just begun to structure, and the division of labor is not clear, and the division of responsibilities of the subordinate companies is not complete. Even if there is an official force to coordinate, it is inevitable that it will still be in a hurry when it comes to specific production matters.

For example, the rolling at the steel factory was delayed for more than a day because of the drawing and mold fixing problems. The steel factory did not produce the most important wheel parts, and the things produced by other companies could not be assembled.

Coupled with the delays in various aspects, it was a full three days later than the scheduled schedule.

To be honest, Liu Xiao was still a little upset.

Originally, I thought that bringing Xiao Huya and Brother Hua over could solve these problems, but now it seems that part of the problem must have been solved, but there are definitely still many problems, and this part of the problem is the most difficult point of the group's operation .

"How about this, wait for two days to convene the inner circle, hold a meeting together, and solve these problems."

On the car to the industrial park, Liu Xiao told Lan Lan beside him.

I am the largest shareholder of Qianlong Group, so this matter must be resolved by myself.

For example, those companies merged by Qianlong Group can completely implement refined management. There are so many management posts before, and some of them must be cancelled.

The staff is too bloated, which is not conducive to the management of the group company.

Whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, it must be implemented slowly.

This time the delay was three days, so next time, will there be another 30 days delay?
In Liu Xiao's plan, there is something to be done at each time node. This time, he planned to go on a trip with Zhao Ning to experience the two-person world, but because the spacecraft was not produced, he made it himself. No door.


Lanlan nodded in response, took out her phone and made a simple record.

The Industrial Park in District B of Beijing is the final location for the assembly of the spacecraft.

As soon as Liu Xiao's car stopped, he saw Hua Ge and Du Lao waiting for him with a few people.

"Old Du, Old Ren, Old Hua."

Liu Xiao greeted with a smile, and the questioning person looked at the two people behind. The one next to him was wearing gold-rimmed glasses. Liu Xiao always felt very familiar when he saw it, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Liu Xiao, let me introduce you, this

Liu Xiao suddenly felt a little uneasy,

No wonder Mr. Du started to say his full name when calling himself. In front of the chief, it really needs to be more formal.

"This is also the official person in charge, Zhang Suo, but Zhang Suo is in charge of the entertainment industry.

Elder Du went on to introduce.

Mr. Du and these two are old acquaintances.

To be honest, although Mr. Du usually has no airs, his status is still very high. He can be regarded as the direct person in charge of the research institute.
The reason why he was able to come here today was that on the one hand, he happened to meet Mr. Du when he was reporting to Mr. Zheng, and on the other hand, he also worked in this area before, but was transferred later.

But for now, his status is definitely the lowest.

Therefore, after Mr. Du finished his introduction, Director Zhang smiled and extended his hand to Liu Xiao.

"Hello, Liu Xiao, I have admired your name for a long time. Liu Ning Media Company, a subsidiary of your Liu Ning Group, has been in the limelight recently."

"Thank you Zhang Suo, I believe we will have contact again in the future."

Liu Xiao shook hands, nodded with a smile.

Zhang Suo also smiled kindly at Liu Xiao, and then backed away.

He is only at the younger brother level today, so if he comes out to say hello and say a few words, he will be done.

After so many years of mixing, Zhang Suo's comprehension ability is definitely on top of each other.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Suo stepped back, Mr. Zheng spoke up.

"Liu Xiao, before Lao Du told me that you might be the greatest genius in modern history. I didn't quite believe it before, and thought Lao Du was a bit too exaggerated, but you invented quantum computers and virtual disk servers one after another, and now After making this spacecraft again, even I am really convinced of you."

Elder Zheng patted Liu Xiao's shoulder kindly, full of relief.

At his level, money and wealth are actually not that important. What he wants to do is actually the same as Liu Xiao, which is to witness and lead the rise of a nation in his lifetime.

What everyone saw was their glamor in front of everyone, but only he knew the pressure behind it.

And Liu Xiao's successive inventions made the burden on his shoulders a lot easier.

He came today for the same purpose. If this spacecraft can really reach the effect of [-] kilometers per hour, it will definitely be great news for the Celestial Dynasty.

The reason why there is such a thing as a little boy's cloud is that the little boy is too difficult to defend against.

This thing is launched directly from the ground into the atmosphere, and then attacks the target at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour, without direction and without tracking.

Generally speaking, when people can detect this thing, although they know that it will explode in their own territory in a few minutes, there is no way to defend against it.

Even if you are lucky and can block it, the Little Boy has a trick called Tiannv Scattering Flowers. When it is about to break through the atmosphere and enter the internal environment, the Little Boy warhead will split into more than a dozen targets.

Therefore, as long as this thing is launched, it will definitely hit.

This thing, also known as the little boy's dark cloud internationally, exists to deter each other.

For so many years, no one dared to move, in fact, it also benefited from this.

The quantum computer invented by Liu Xiao before had a great impact, but this is a long-term impact.

The Celestial Dynasty needs to use quantum computers to conduct scientific research, and then accumulate technology, so that it can catch up and surpass, and have the confidence not to be afraid of others.

This is also the reason why quantum computers have not been reported by the authorities until now.

It's a bit timid, but it's really scary!
But today, Liu Xiao invented this spacecraft with a speed of [-] per hour.

Among them, the cruise control, radar capabilities, and decompression methods, including the new nuclear battery energy equipment, undoubtedly let him see the ability to fight.

As long as these things are separated, let alone a little boy, even if the little boy and his older brother, the big boy, come, the Celestial Dynasty can form a complete defense!

With a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, no matter how many throws are thrown and how many can be split, the Celestial Dynasty can intercept and detonate them before they reach the territory.

As long as they are not afraid of this threat, the Celestial Dynasty can use quantum computers to rise rapidly, instead of being afraid of being jointly squeezed out and threatened to hand over the technology or something.

Therefore, Mr. Zheng chose to come here in person.

If No.1 happened to be busy today, it is estimated that No.1 would come to witness in person.

The significance of this is really too great, no one dares to be careless in the slightest.

"Old Zheng praised it, I just studied some things blindly."

Liu Xiao smiled, he really didn't expect to get such praise from Mr. Zheng.

"Don't be humble. Girl Xiaoxiao has told me that you have been busy with the spacecraft recently. It is really not easy. I know you are not short of money, but don't worry, I will definitely give it to you when I go back. Get some benefits."

The more Mr. Zheng looked at Liu Xiao, the more satisfied he was.

Competent, nationally conscious, and humble.

The most important thing is that Liu Xiao is still very young.


"Old Zheng, you mean Zheng Xiaoxiao?"

Liu Xiao was surprised.

"Why, girl Xiaoxiao didn't tell you?"

This time it was Old Zheng's turn to be surprised.

"Girl Xiaoxiao is my granddaughter. This girl, I haven't learned the girls' tricks, but I have learned [-]% of the boys' tricks."

Liu Xiao was speechless for a while.

He never asked about Zheng Xiaoxiao's life experience, he just thought that Zheng Xiaoxiao was a special talent from the government, but he didn't expect that Zheng Xiaoxiao's life experience was so terrifying.

The granddaughter of the second person in the Celestial Dynasty!

This status, even if Hua Ge and Xiao Huya are tied together and multiplied by ten, it is probably not as good as it!
Liu Xiao looked back at Zheng Xiaoxiao who was holding a walkie-talkie in the distance to give orders, and kept complaining in his heart.

Good guy, now I really don't know who is protecting whom.

Don't be in danger at that time, you have to go up and block the gun for Zheng Xiaoxiao.

"Everyone is here, let's go in first."

Old Man Du stood up and said.

"Okay, let's go in then."

Elder Zheng nodded, not entangled in this issue.

He is a very enlightened old man, he doesn't think his status is so great, and he never forces his younger generations to do anything.

In his opinion, what Zheng Xiaoxiao is doing now is very meaningful.

And he also believes that even if No.1 encounters such a situation, he will save Liu Xiao without hesitation!

Their jobs, although their replacements may not be as good as theirs, are definitely not that bad.

But Liu Xiao, once lost, it would be a huge loss!
"Unfortunately, if it wasn't for Liu Xiao who has a girlfriend, girl Xiaoxiao would be pretty good too."

As they walked, Mr. Zheng carefully sized up this miraculous young man who had been spreading among them recently.

(End of this chapter)

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