Chapter 468 Is it handsome? (4000)

Unfortunately, as far as he knew, the relationship between Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning was very good, and Zhao Ning seemed to be stronger than his granddaughter from every angle.

After thinking about it, Mr. Zheng had no such plan.

"Welcome all the leaders to come and inspect."

Assistant Zhang rushed over early, and was secretly shocked when he saw that even a big man like Mr. Zheng had rushed over in person.

However, Assistant Zhang felt relieved when he came back to his senses. In the past few days, he has basically lived and boarded here. Although the results of the scientific research stage are rarely shown to him, he still understands some advantages and disadvantages.

This thing is indeed worth visiting by Mr. Zheng himself.

Elder Zheng walked in the front, Elder Du followed closely behind, and Liu Xiao and Brother Hua walked behind.

It's not that Liu Xiao's status is not enough to let him go to the front, but Liu Xiao feels more comfortable staying with young people like Brother Hua.

Furthermore, Mr. Zheng did bring some pressure to Liu Xiao. After all, it is impossible for a boss of this level to see it normally.

"Liu Xiao, although there are scientific research personnel and personnel from the production unit here, in terms of understanding, you, the inventor, must be more familiar with it."

"I think it's better for you to explain to everyone today?"

Elder Zheng deliberately turned his head and took two steps, and led Liu Xiao to the front with a smile.


Liu Xiao nodded.

Although he was not involved in the production process of this thing, but in terms of the degree of understanding of this simple version of the spacecraft, he said that it was the first, and no one really dared to say the second.

A group of people walked inside again, and in the middle of the factory, a not-so-big machine appeared in front of them.

Disc-shaped, with a cool white metallic luster, about the size of a helicopter, that is, the volume of three or four SUVs, it looks full of high-end, like an alien spaceship in a technology movie.

People like Mr. Zheng who saw it for the first time were naturally amazed.

"If you want to say that this thing flies [-] kilometers per hour, I really believe it."

Old Man Du said with a smile.

This thing is full of advanced sense at first glance. Although he is not a researcher in material mechanics, he has some understanding of this aspect.

I dare not say too much, the current main alloy material, he can basically judge it just by looking at the appearance, but the shell material of this spacecraft is different from any one he has seen before, [-]% More than ten may be cast from new materials.

"Believe in science."

Liu Xiao coughed lightly, and glanced at Mr. Zheng next to him.

"A Taoist priest once said that he wanted us to believe in science, but he performed a triple jump on a 16-meter-high cliff with his backhand. Now Liu Xiao, you want us to believe in science, which means that you will show us something later. Riding Juechen?"

Old Man Du was joking.

"Mr. Du, do you still watch Douyin?"

Liu Xiao was going forward to inspect the simple version of the spacecraft from the outside, when he heard Mr. Du talking about Chen Tianxing, the priest of Wudang Mountain.

"Why, don't the elderly have the right to surf the Internet?"

"Old Du, being able to say the word surfing the Internet proves that you are indeed old."

Liu Xiao laughed teasingly, and climbed down from the shelf next to her.

"There is nothing wrong with the appearance, Assistant Zhang, please push over the testing equipment I asked you to prepare, I want to check it."


Assistant Zhang nodded, and hurried to the side to give orders.

Being able to chat and laugh with big shots like Mr. Du and Mr. Zheng, he no longer wants to guess Mr. Liu's strength.

On the other hand, Brother Hua, Xiao Huya, and Lan Lan who were standing next to him didn't know how nervous they were. Standing beside them was like a primary school student, not daring to say a word.

"Old Zheng, I may have to trouble you to wait for a while. I need to conduct a safety assessment of this simple version of the spacecraft. If there is no problem, I can conduct the first test flight."

Liu Xiao looked back apologetically.

After all, this thing is not made by myself, any mistake in any part may cause irreversible consequences.

Among other things, if there is a slight problem with the monoclonal anti-loading system, at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, it doesn't even take a tenth of a second, and all the passengers will have to cool down.

Liu Xiao definitely wants to test the flight himself, he can't make fun of his own life.

If a problem is really detected, no matter whether Mr. Zheng is willing or not, he will definitely not be able to continue today, and he will have to reinstall it.

"It's okay, you are busy with your work, and it is also a great opportunity in life to watch the work of great scientists like you up close."

Elder Zheng waved his hand, not caring at all.

He had already postponed everything today for a few days. When he came here this morning, he planned to stay here all day. Even if there was a small problem in the inspection, he would most likely wait for the repair on the spot.

If it is a big problem that takes a few days to sort out, then naturally you have to find another time.

Liu Xiao checked for more than an hour.

All the blueprints are in his mind, which part should be where, which screw should be twisted, Liu Xiao knows everything in his mind.

The only thing that is a little uncertain is whether the precision of the production process can meet the requirements, and the other is whether the yield strength of the material is enough. After all, this alloy is the first production, and the specific yield strength is only the laboratory value and not the actual value. The production process is completed in the workshop, and the finished product is really invisible from the outside.

Of course, the ratio of the materials provided by Liu Xiao is absolutely no problem, what we are doing now is to test it again with the instrument.

After being busy for more than an hour, Liu Xiao managed to check all the items.

"The production process of Jingcheng Steel Factory is nothing to say. All kinds of carbides are removed very cleanly, and the material ratio and precision are also very precise."

Liu Xiao smiled and gave a thumbs up to the person in charge of the Jingcheng Steel Plant who was acquired on the spot.

"Thank you for the leader's approval. We will continue to optimize the process in the future!"

The person in charge of the Jingcheng Steel Factory was still waiting carefully at the back, but when he suddenly heard Liu Xiao praise him in front of someone like Mr. Zheng, he was so happy that he almost flew up.

"The development of Jinggang is good. After a while, I will tell the subordinates, and try to win more for you from the GASAC."

When Mr. Zheng saw Liu Xiao saying that there was no problem, he let go of a big stone in his heart, and he was instantly in a good mood.

"This is not necessary."

The person in charge of Jingcheng Iron and Steel hadn't spoken yet, but Mr. Du started talking with a smile.

"Mr. Zheng, you may not know that six days ago, our Qianlong Group has fully acquired Jingcheng Iron and Steel. It is currently a subsidiary of Qianlong Group. It is currently integrating resources and optimizing equipment. If this test is passed today, follow-up They will continue to jointly produce with several companies acquired this time.”

"Acquired by Qianlong Group?"

Elder Zheng was startled.

He is not in charge of industry and commerce, and I really haven't noticed this.

But it really doesn’t matter, Qianlong Group is a wholly Chinese-funded group, and it implements the plan of never going public. At present, the largest shareholder is Liu Xiao, accounting for 50.00% of the shares, followed by the official, accounting for 40.00%. And Huawei holds [-]% of the shares.

In other words, no matter how much Qianlong Group earns, the money is domestic independent funds, and after the products are exported, what they earn is also real foreign exchange.

This is also the essential difference between Qianlong Group, Liuning Group, Huawei, Penguin, and Alibaba.

If Huawei is a national enterprise, then Qianlong is an official enterprise.

The most important thing is that although Liu Xiao has so many shares in his hand, in fact, he really can't get much money. On the contrary, when he has to pay, Liu Xiao still has to pay a lot.

After the follow-up profits, these company assets can be taxed slowly, but in the end, the money is still with the government, and Liu Xiao spent tens of billions, at most 2000 billion. A quantum computer is currently priced at two trillion yuan, and Liu Xiao may not be able to spend this profit in his entire life.

"Then, I will discuss it with No.1 after I go back. Your Qianlong Group is currently given the green light. We will add up later and give some support plans."

"That's a good feeling."

Liu Xiao walked over with a smile.

"Old Zheng, there is nothing wrong with the machine, how about it, let's go up for a test flight first, and you will go up after confirming the situation."

"What is this nonsense."

Elder Zheng showed displeasure.

"If you want to try it, I will try it. You are the treasure of our celestial dynasty. If you have a problem, don't say that No.1 will have trouble with me. Thousands of scientific research workers can drown me with their spit."

"That's not the case, Mr. Zheng, you're wrong."

Liu Xiao smiled helplessly.

"This simple version of the spacecraft is fine from my inspection, so there will definitely be no problems."

"And we don't want to fly at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour when we conduct a test flight. I will start to accelerate from a speed of [-] to [-] kilometers. Once the spacecraft alarm shows that it cannot bear it, I will land immediately."

"And I also set up an emergency escape cabin on it. This material structure is enough to protect the safety of the people inside in the explosion of 500 million tons of TNT."

"To put it simply, if you drive this thing out, you just need to be careful. It's safer than a bank vault. Even if it's a test flight, as long as you slowly speed up the adjustment, it will be absolutely fine."

Liu Xiao knew that Mr. Zheng was worried about him, but it really made him a little dumbfounded.

His idea was that such things as test flights are not very pleasant after all, there is no need to drag Mr. Zheng together, otherwise some caring people will find out, and they will have to arrange something behind the scenes not to take the second person's life seriously.

Although it's not a big deal, Liu Xiao doesn't care much about it, but after all, some flies are always buzzing, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"So it is."

Elder Zheng's expression softened a little. After Liu Xiao said this, he also figured out the key point.

"Since it's so safe, take me with you for this test flight. I have to take good care of you, the chief scientist. Otherwise, if you fly out at [-] kilometers per hour, what will you do if you fly directly to the beautiful country and never come back?"

Mr. Zheng laughed, and deliberately made a joke to ease the atmosphere.

"Since you have said so, Mr. Zheng, let's come together. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the energy of the nuclear power battery. It will not be a problem to fly for half a day."

Liu Xiao readily nodded in agreement.

The spacecraft is supposed to be controlled by a quantum computer, but there is no time to install the simple version, so the operating system is also a simple version.

The elevator opened, and a group of people quickly boarded the spacecraft.

There are a total of eight seats and a cockpit. There are nine seats in total. It is quite spacious for each person on average, which is about the per capita area of ​​a high-speed rail premium cabin.

And there are see-through screens on the side, so you can see the scenery outside.

"The performance of the glass cannot withstand the speed of [-] kilometers per hour, so the entire spacecraft is made of special alloys, but I designed the exterior perspective, and you can see the outside from the inside, and also set the slow-view function , not because the speed is too fast to see everything clearly."

Elder Zheng sat down on the passenger seat next to Liu Xiao.

In the second row, Mr. Ren and Mr. Du sat down.

Behind them, the three of Xiaohuya also took their seats one after another.

It would be a lie to say that you are not excited. Once this super spacecraft that crosses the era is successfully tested, it will be another historic moment.

But now, almost everyone is like a child seeing new things, full of curiosity about the various devices next to them.

"We are now in land mode. The lower part of the spacecraft will move through the rollers. The fastest speed is about [-] kilometers per hour, which is relatively slow."

Liu Xiao clicked the land mode button, the spacecraft buzzed once, then slowly started, and drove towards the outside of the factory building.

Although this thing is not big, it is still much bigger than a car. If you walk on the road, among other things, the two lanes must be occupied.

Therefore, this land mode is just walking and moving, mainly relying on flying.

"The speed of [-] kilometers per hour is indeed very fast. Even if it is invested in high-speed rail, it is also a kind of technological progress."

"Mr. Zheng, with this thing, the high-speed rail can be gradually abolished. In the future, what we need to do is still the air station, so there will be more things about aviation in the future."

Mr. Zheng nodded, and looked at the panoramic simulation next to him. The spacecraft was already leaving the workshop.

In terms of riding experience, except for the moment when it was just started, he could hardly feel the movement of the spacecraft, and he didn't hear any noise, just like resting at home at night.

Of course, this may also be due to the fact that the current speed is too slow. Liu Xiao can only drive at a speed of [-] if he can’t walk fast in the factory. This speed.

The surrounding area has been surrounded by a safety zone to ensure that the things inside will not be spread.

But when the spacecraft left the workshop, the scientific researchers outside who signed the non-disclosure agreement were also amazed.

Who said good things have no appearance?
The appearance of this spacecraft is simply handsome, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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