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Chapter 469 It's a pity that someone doesn't appreciate it

Chapter 469 It's a pity that someone doesn't appreciate it (4000)

"The engine of this spacecraft is at the lowest position, and it uses the method of lift boost to take off, so there is no need to run there."

"Like a rocket?"

Old Zheng was curious.

"This is not the same as a rocket. The rocket needs to install a special launch base. The energy generated during fuel combustion and the super-high temperature boost force can climb upward. If this spacecraft is in this mode of operation, then the site will There must be a launch base, which should be powered by electricity to propel things like propellers and take off using wind pressure."

Elder Du guessed.

"It's similar to what Elder Du said, but this is not simply using wind pressure, but also has a certain magnetic field effect."

Liu Xiao nodded with a smile.

Naturally, this spacecraft can’t be as troublesome as a rocket, and it needs liquid hydrogen super-high-temperature combustion explosion to boost it. Inside the spacecraft, one part is a wind energy conversion device, and the other part is a magnetic field conversion device, using the natural magnetic field to create recoil It can take off, and this is also the energy application method of a more advanced civilization.

If the Blue Star of the current level 0.7 civilization has developed the application of nuclear energy, then this civil technology of the level 2 civilization represents a civilization entering the era of real nuclear energy.

Compared with the cautious use of modern people, people of level 2 civilization have already used it with proficiency, and it is basically a part of life, such as the nuclear battery that powers the spacecraft, which is its most basic application.

Xiao Huya and the others seemed to understand, but when they saw Mr. Zheng nodding, they also nodded again and again, as if I understood.

There were only a few people at the scene, and when they looked at each other, they all nodded their heads.

"Old Hua, there is no conflict on the route, right?"

Liu Xiao turned around and asked.

"There are none in China. Although we can check for foreign ones, we didn't ask for confidentiality."

Brother Hua said.

"Okay, it's not a big problem."

Liu Xiao nodded.

The speed of the spacecraft is so fast, and it is still flying at an ultra-high altitude. It will definitely not touch it. As for foreign radars that want to monitor, they must have this ability.

At this speed, unless millions of radar satellites are launched to surround the blue star, it is not impossible to monitor it.

"Xiao Xiao, do we still have to go abroad?"

Elder Zheng frowned.

He is still quite sensitive about this aspect, not that he is pedantic and enters without the approval of the other party. If he is not good, it will easily cause disputes.

"This is definitely going to go out. The entire equator has a circumference of only over 4 kilometers. Our spacecraft can complete the journey in two hours at its maximum speed. If it is in China, it can make a round trip in half an hour, which is meaningless. .”

"As for disputes, they can't even find us, so how can there be disputes?"

"Old Zheng, with Liu Xiao here, sooner or later our technological strength will reach its peak. Since Liu Xiao said there is no problem, then there must be no problem."

Elder Du also said aside.

"Sorry, I forgot this. Our technology has always been much worse than the other party's. I was just worried that I would be discovered."

Old Zheng laughed.

Indeed, after having Liu Xiao, everything is different.

Leaving aside Liu Xiao's god-like hacking and computer skills, the invention of this spacecraft is also the world's top technology.

All of a sudden, Mr. Zheng felt that his blood was a little boiling. Since he took this position, there were very few things that made him feel this way.

"This is the power of a great scientist, one person, to promote the progress of civilization."

Old Zheng sighed.

Since modern times, I don’t know how many famous scientists have appeared abroad, one Newton and one Einstein, who have fully advanced Western civilization for 500 years.

As for the Celestial Dynasty, although there are many scientific research talents, there are only a few with strong abilities.

To be honest, it is only due to the tireless efforts of the people of the Celestial Dynasty that they can reach the present level. For a long time, there has been a lack of a super genius, such as Einstein, who can bring civilization to a high level.

"Everyone, sit tight, and it's best to fasten your seat belts, although it may not be useful."

Seeing that the atmosphere was suddenly a little strange, Liu Xiao quickly opened his mouth to make a joke.

"You boy."

Elder Zheng broke the defense immediately.

"Am I telling the truth? At a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, once something goes wrong with the machine, the seat belt is no different from paper."

Liu Xiao smiled and spread his hands, looking helpless.

"Then you still put the seat belt on the seat?"

Elder Zheng pointed angrily at the black belt on the seat.

"The sense of security is very important, well, everyone, please do well, we will start right away."

Liu Xiao coughed lightly, and became serious.

The spacecraft has three modes in total, one is the ground travel mode, and the speed can reach [-] kilometers per hour.

The second is the flight mode, with a speed of up to [-] kilometers.

The third is the aerospace mode, with a maximum speed of [-] kilometers.

Of course, the third mode looks a bit tasteless on this simple version of the spacecraft, but in fact, this function is not tasteless at all.

Although limited by the material relationship of the simple version, the speed of this thing cannot be increased, but being able to enter space is a qualitative improvement.

This means that in the future, people can be sent into space without manned rockets, and the safety factor is extremely high!

You know, the distance between the moon and the blue star is only 38 kilometers. Even if you use this simple version of the spacecraft to fly, it will take up to [-] hours. What you need to do is to prepare several nuclear power on the spacecraft. Batteries are nothing more than batteries, and the cost is extremely low. The cost of a single trip may be as low as one hundred thousand.

Compared with the more than 15 billion rocket logins each time, this cost is really drizzle.

Liu Xiao has no idea about going into space. Although the data is reliable, he doesn't want to try it lightly. Let Mr. Du find someone to experiment.

What I want to try today is mainly the second mode, flight.

"Turn on airplane mode."

Liu Xiao pressed the button, and the indicator light flickered slightly.

Accompanied by a light beep, the hub designed for ground travel mode under the spacecraft slowly shrinks.

Then, a strong power flashed from the lower engine port, showing a light blue color, lifting the entire spacecraft to a position more than one meter above the ground.

"The magnetic field cannot be seen, but this magnetic field with wind pressure just breaks down visible light and turns the colorless sunlight blue."

Liu Xiao was afraid that others would not understand, so he watched the panoramic video and explained slowly.

"Why can't you hear any sound?"

"Have you ever seen an electric car make a sound?"

Liu Xiao glanced at Xiao Huya behind him inexplicably.


Xiao Huya touched his head in embarrassment, it seemed that this was the truth.

Whether it is an electric car or an electric car, the sound is only a small mechanical sound.

On the contrary, fuel-fueled vehicles and fuel-fueled airplanes require the work of the fuel-fueled engine to function. In this case, the fuel burns to push the piston to do work, and the sound is naturally loud.

And this electric aircraft is equipped with a magnetic field device, so the sound is naturally not too loud, at most it is the sound of some mechanical operation. In the fully enclosed cabin space, some small sounds outside are naturally inaudible.

Xiao Huya smiled sarcastically.

Before Xiao Huya asked the question, Mr. Du was actually quite curious, and planned to ask Liu Xiao what was going on, but fortunately, Xiao Huya spoke first, otherwise he would be ashamed as a master of the research institute.

Elder Du silently took out a pen and wrote down a note in his notebook, and then the old god sat on his seat, as if I understood everything.

Mr. Ren has an eye-catching look. He is just an entrepreneur. He only knows a little about the performance of mobile phones when it comes to technology. Listening is actually quite knowledgeable.

Lan Lan and Brother Hua snickered from behind, but they didn't dare to laugh too loudly.

As for the person in charge of Jingcheng Iron and Steel, he sat at the back somewhat awkwardly.

With so many bosses around, although he is also the person in charge of such a large steel factory, he dare not show his usual bullishness at all, instead he has to be cautious and wait on him.

Because Assistant Zhang is more familiar with Mr. Liu Xiao and Du, it can be a little better, but there is also the nervousness of going to heaven.

As for Zheng Xiaoxiao, she sat next to Assistant Zhang with an indifferent face.

This spacecraft is so safe, and these people even care more about Liu Xiao's safety than she does. She just needs to keep an eye on the person in charge of Jingcheng Iron and Steel to prevent him from plotting wrongdoing.

This job is definitely an easy one.

At the scene, besides Liu Xiao, she was the most casual. After all, the one sitting in the front passenger seat was her own grandfather, no matter how high the position was, he would not be unfamiliar.

"Ready to take off."

Liu Xiao said, and began to control the spacecraft to climb.

"Climb speed 100 meters per second."

"Height 1000 meters, height 2000 meters, height 3000 meters."

"Enter the stratosphere."

On the panel in front of him, countless data popped up.

The stratosphere is at an altitude of about [-] meters to [-] meters. Generally speaking, the most suitable altitude for flying is about [-] meters.

If it is too low, it will be easily affected by the ultra-high wind speed and cause instability, while if it is too high, it will be close to the atmosphere. Although cosmic rays and the like have little effect, it is good to not contact after all.

In order to prevent encountering passenger planes or something, Liu Xiao deliberately raised the altitude a bit, reaching an altitude of [-] meters.

There is a difference of [-] meters. Even if you stop on top of the hexagonal building for a few hours, it is impossible to be discovered. After all, no one looks at the top of their own head when they have nothing to do. And it is so high, unless you use a professional telescope, you can only get a rough look. .

"So steady!"

Mr. Zheng and the others looked at each other.

This climbing speed is frighteningly fast. Just after climbing, the speed was 100 meters per second, and it continued to increase after a few seconds. After three seconds, the climbing speed was directly 1000 meters per second, which is [-] kilometers. Hourly speed.

It took only 28 seconds to rise from the ground to an altitude of [-] meters.

Compared with the normal lift-off speed of an airliner, this speed has absolutely killed it in seconds.

And the most important thing is that there is no noise at all, and it is very stable!

If you have to compare it, you might describe it as the feeling of taking a high-speed rail, which is fast but very stable, and in terms of riding experience, it is much more comfortable than a high-speed rail.

"Build a spacecraft in three days, Liu Xiao is this!"

Elder Du instantly gave Liu Xiao a thumbs up.

Although the speed of 1000 kilometers has not been tested yet, the lifting speed of [-] meters per second has completely convinced them.

"I really don't know how your brain grows, Liu Xiao, it's amazing."

Elder Ren is also emotional.

Liu Xiao smiled sheepishly, it was impossible for him to rely on himself, the system directly transmits knowledge into his brain, and he is just a moving worker.

But no matter how he did it, in fact, even if he lost the system now, as long as the knowledge in his mind is there, he can also be the number one scientist.

A virtual disk server, a virtual projection technology, and the spacecraft technology.

If you want to thoroughly understand and invent the three technologies, you will have to spend at least half your life researching and developing them.

"This stability is a must. The core technology here is mainly the mechanical principle of anti-load. Otherwise, with such a fast lifting acceleration, everyone would have to bear at least ten g of load. You know, everyone is not wearing clothes. load-resistant clothing."

Liu Xiao said.

After Liu Xiao reminded him, everyone reacted one after another.

That's right, this level of acceleration, not to mention them, even professionally trained pilots, would most likely not be able to handle it without wearing anti-load clothing.

But they didn't have any equipment, but they all sat firmly in their seats, without even feeling the slightest shake.

"This is amazing!"

Elder Du sighed again.

The principle of this, even he is at a loss at this moment.

Research in this area has always been relatively backward in China. In addition, the physical fitness of Asians is inherently worse than that of Europeans. This aspect is really incomparable.

But Liu Xiao proved to them that physical fitness almost doesn't matter. Compared with physical fitness, those guys can completely compare with mammoths and lions. We rely on brains.

Furthermore, from an aesthetic point of view, Orientals are elegant and beautiful, with an artistic flavor. Except for a few Westerners who are handsome, many Westerners are actually like that, with beards that grow from head to toe.

It may be good in the eyes of Westerners, but in the eyes of Easterners, this kind of person is synonymous with roughness.

Moreover, as modernization becomes more and more popular, the physical fitness of Orientals is also gradually improving. As far as the young generation born after 00 is concerned, the height of 1.8 meters is already a common phenomenon.

But there is still a difference between post-00s and Westerners. Their outlines are softer, and the key point is that they are not covered in hair!

"Liu Xiao, I heard from Mr. Du that you are willing to hand over this technology to the authorities for free?"

Old Zheng said solemnly.

"Old Zheng, don't doubt me all the time, okay? I've handed over all the concepts of quantum computers and virtual projection technology to the research institute. Can't you prove yourself?"

Liu Xiao gave Mr. Zheng a white look.

"Cough cough!"

Elder Zheng was almost choked to death by Liu Xiao.

"Hey, I originally said that you handed it over to the official for free. I wanted to make up for you in other ways, but it's a pity that someone doesn't appreciate it."

Elder Zheng sighed, and turned to look at the real-scene simulation outside.

(End of this chapter)

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