Chapter 470 Thirty thousand meters high (4000)

Don't, Mr. Zheng.

Liu Xiao smiled awkwardly, and quickly apologized.

"Hmph, boy Liu Xiao, let's forget about the compensation you have prepared, you are not someone who lacks such things."

"Prepared compensation?"

Liu Xiao was taken aback.

Elder Zheng is ready for feelings?

"It's like this. In view of your contribution, what is currently given to you is really not enough to reflect your achievements. Therefore, after internal research, we unanimously decided to give you the official Chief Medal of Honor."

Mr. Zheng coughed lightly and said formally.

Liu Xiao’s contribution is indeed too great. It stands to reason that he should be rewarded more, but there is no way. Liu Xiao has no shortage of money, and Liu Xiao has a lot of honors. After thinking about it, he can only make up for such a chief honorary medal. .

Mr. Zheng briefly introduced the role of this medal of honor.

"In the world, as long as there is an official station, you can put forward your own needs, and all official personnel must cooperate unconditionally?"

Hearing Mr. Zheng's explanation, Liu Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Mr. Zheng, I feel like I've become the Emperor of Earth when you do this."

After touching his nose, he was more moved.

Liu Xiao really didn't expect that Mr. Zheng could do this for himself.

However, this is also due to Liu Xiao's character of never asking for anything in return, which is why Mr. Zheng gave such a great honor to a young man like Liu Xiao.

What everyone is looking forward to is a young man with virtue and ability, not a person without virtue. Although Zheng Lao and the others will use people without virtue, they will definitely not give so much honor.

This medal, in other words, has given Liu Xiao almost the same power as No.1. The difference is that No.1 is a formal appointment, while Liu Xiao only relies on the medal. There is a difference in essence, but in fact there is no the difference.

Liu Xiao didn't evade anymore, because he really couldn't evade.

If there is this thing, there is this thing, and he doesn't need it.

When Mr. Zheng saw Liu Xiao agreeing, he suddenly smiled mysteriously, as if he had succeeded in his calculation.

Some things, once you have them, you will use them, whether you have this plan or not.

When No.1 was discussing with him, he was really shocked, but after thinking about it, it makes sense logically. According to Liu Xiao's current contribution and character, his future future must be at their level. Now It's just a little earlier, and there is an advantage in doing so, that is, Liu Xiao is unlikely to go to another place for other reasons.

After all, we have treated you so well, and you ran away, isn't it unreasonable?

Liu Xiao also knew about Mr. Zheng's plan in his heart, but he didn't intend to expose it. After all, Mr. Zheng and No.1 had the same goal as his own to be honest, and he would get benefits from such a plan. There is no need to refuse.

"Everyone is ready, we are ready to accelerate."

Liu Xiao coughed.

The spacecraft is currently hanging at an altitude of [-] meters, and its performance is very stable, which shows that the data detected by Liu Xiao before is no problem.

The climbing speed of 1000 meters per second is still stable, and there is no problem in terms of performance initially.

Therefore, Liu Xiao directly set the initial running speed at [-] kilometers per hour.

"here we go."

Accompanied by a crisp buzzing sound, the spacecraft shook slightly, and then flew out at high speed.

"My God, isn't this acceleration a bit too scary?"

Elder Du looked at the dashboard from behind, his face full of horror.

Accelerating from 0 to [-] kilometers per hour takes just over two seconds.

You know, the best luxury car on land takes about one second to accelerate from 2 kilometers to 20 kilometers. As for airplanes and the like, it takes at least one or two minutes to go to [-] kilometers. The official car may be faster, but it takes [-] seconds above.

But this spacecraft can accelerate to [-] kilometers per hour in just two seconds?
Let's hang up! This is it!
"Isn't this normal?"

Liu Xiao looked at Mr. Du again in a strange way. It stands to reason that Mr. Du's scientific research level should be much higher than that of Xiao Huya, so why would he ask such a question.

However, Liu Xiao explained patiently.

"Because, this spacecraft is electric, just like ordinary electric cars, which accelerate faster than top luxury cars. The performance of electric motors is more stable and sustainable, and there is also a magnetic field technology bonus. , coupled with some wind pressure, isn’t it normal to have such a speed.”

According to Liu Xiao's design, this simple version of the spacecraft can reach a speed of [-] kilometers per hour in five seconds, and [-] kilometers in two seconds is simply not worth mentioning.

Even a normal spacecraft can reach its maximum speed in five seconds, which is 24 kilometers per hour.

Compared to this, what's all the fuss about.

Elder Du was speechless for a while looking at the flying scenery around him.

Of course he knows this, but electric is not the reason to solve all problems, right? If this thing has no sound, use electric to explain it. If you soared to a speed of [-] kilometers per hour in two seconds, you still use electric to explain it?
He, Mr. Du, is sure, if there is no black technology here, he will take off his head and play it as a football for Liu Xiao!
But now that Liu Xiao said that, he couldn't continue to ask, so he had to wait until he got to know more about it.

"At present, the speed of [-] kilometers per hour is running normally, and we will continue to accelerate."

Liu Xiao said, and continued to increase the speed button up.

To be on the safe side, Liu Xiao still set the speed to increase by [-] kilometers per second.

Once the material is unbearable, he can immediately slow down without any safety hazard.

Everyone couldn't sit still.

To be honest, this is the first time they have encountered this kind of opportunity. Obviously the spacecraft is moving at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour, but they sit inside and can't feel a little vibration at all, like the previous tunnel. Why? There is no feeling of wind pressure that makes the ears uncomfortable.

It's like staying in an air-conditioned room in summer. It doesn't feel uncomfortable in a car, but it makes people feel very comfortable. There is no loss of pressure, no weightlessness, and no anti-stress effect.

Seeing the faster and faster spacecraft, they all gathered around Liu Xiao, carefully watching the soaring instrument panel.

"Ten thousand kilometers per hour!"

One minute passed, and the spacecraft successfully accelerated to a speed of 1 kilometers.

Seeing the exaggerated four zeros on the dashboard, everyone was excited.

"Everything is normal for the spacecraft, the energy is basically full, and the external structure has not yet reached the limit."

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Like a gust of wind, the spacecraft crossed the sky over the urban area of ​​the capital in just one minute and flew into the distance.

At an altitude of [-] meters, there are basically no living things, and there is no need to worry about hitting a bird or something that will cause a collision.

Therefore, everyone is very relaxed.

And the data on the dashboard is still increasing at a rate of one hundred kilometers per second.

"Good guy, if it can really reach a speed of 5500 kilometers per hour, it will be [-] meters per second. Even if there is a poor line of sight when viewing this speed from the ground, it is impossible for any equipment to monitor it."

"The radar thing just found a red dot, and it disappeared in a second. Maybe the person who detected it thought it was a ghost?"

Everyone talked and laughed, feeling very relaxed.

Not to mention anything else, even if they can't reach the speed of [-] kilometers per hour, they are very satisfied with this speed now.

At present, the fastest fighter jet has a speed of more than 2000 kilometers. This five times speed is enough to crush everything.

"Don't worry, the material doesn't have any splitting or shaking, and the speed can be increased."

Liu Xiao laughed.

Another minute, the speed has reached 1 kilometers per hour, and the spacecraft is still very stable.

In 2 minutes, the speed of the spacecraft reached more than 1000 per hour, and the spacecraft began to feel a slight tremor.

Liu Xiao quickly reduced the speed to [-] kilometers per hour, and the spacecraft immediately started to run stably.

"It's not a big problem. The outer shell of this spacecraft is only a preliminary alloy, and its bearing capacity is probably at this level. Several magnetic engines are basically at their limit, but stable operation for [-] kilometers is not a problem."

A smile appeared on Liu Xiao's face.

Led by Mr. Zheng, everyone applauded almost at the same time.

"Don't worry, everyone. Durability is also one of the tests. We have to fly for more than two hours, circle the blue star along this point, and then return to the sky above the capital."

"Everyone, please sit still, and you can enjoy the scenery of Blue Star during this time."

Everyone was under no pressure, talking and laughing along the way, and the outside scenery was displayed on the screen next to them.

Watching the exterior scene at this speed, you can’t see the nearby scenery at all, but you can see the distant scenery very clearly. In many places without cloud cover, you can completely see the scenery below like fast-forwarding. flow.

And looking up, because there is no barrier from the clouds, and it is daytime in the northern hemisphere where we are currently, we can only see the glare of the sun.

"Don't worry, everyone. When we reach the southern hemisphere, we will be able to see the starry sky. At an altitude of [-] meters, there is a perfect starry sky without any pollutants or clouds."

An hour later, the spacecraft successfully entered the southern hemisphere.

It was night here, facing away from the sun, blocking most of the visible light.

At an altitude of [-] miles, the exterior scene simulated the city below.

"That's London, as expected of a metropolis, it's a bit worse than our Kyoto, hahaha."

"Look at the sky!"

Following Elder Du's shout, everyone focused their attention on the sky.

Under the perfect exterior projection, a whole galaxy of stars immediately came into view.

Compared with the galaxies seen on TV through radio telescopes or equipment such as the Hubble Telescope, it is undoubtedly more shocking to see with the naked eye.

"Although there is no panoramic view due to the barrier of the atmosphere, the entire area of ​​starlight is beautiful enough."

"It looks more beautiful with the barrier of the atmosphere covering part of it, doesn't it?"

Liu Xiao smiled.

Now that the environment is seriously polluted, coupled with the extremely high light intensity at night in the city, the feeling like lying on a cool chair looking up at the starry sky when I was a child has long since disappeared, and I can only see a little bit on the top of some high-rise buildings with hundreds of floors. starlight.

When traveling by plane, the top of the plane is also completely enclosed, and you can’t see much scenery at all. In most cases, you can see the boundless emptiness around you and the clouds below.

And looking at this scene in space, what you see more is the fear of the abyss in space.

After all, space is too big, no matter which direction you look at, it looks like an abyss. Most of the time, people don't have the intention of admiring the beautiful scenery, but worry that they will be swallowed by the abyss of space.

This opportunity to look up at the starry sky at an altitude of [-] meters was the first time even a person like Mr. Zheng had encountered it.

"This is the power of technology, not only the process of pursuing strength, but also the process of pursuing beauty and art."

Elder Du sighed.

Lanlan was behind, and even took a picture with her mobile phone.

"Lanlan, you don't need to take pictures of this one. The spacecraft has a data system. I'll send you a copy of the data after I go back. This can make the pixels of your mobile phone camera much better."

Liu Xiao laughed.

The spacecraft was suspended over London, and everyone looked up at the universe galaxy inside.

For a time, almost everyone felt that their souls were sublimating.

Only Liu Xiao was muttering silently, and after sending them away, he brought Zhao Ning over to watch the night scene alone, maybe he could have a romantic dinner with a galaxy or something.

Liu Xiao's voice was very low, but it was still heard by Mr. Zheng next to him.

Elder Zheng has black lines all over his head.

Although he has a high status, he is also a person with pursuit. When he was young, he also yearned for the starry sky. Seeing this scene, he originally wanted to recite a poem.

But what about Liu Xiao, everyone is sublimating their minds and souls, this guy Liu Xiao actually wants to pick up girls?

No, it can't be said to be picking up girls, after all, this guy has been with Zhao Ning for a long time, so Liu Xiao is thinking of dating?

This is too vulgar, it is an insult to art!
"Ahem, Liu Xiao, you can see that there should be no major problems with this spacecraft after testing. If you can see if it can be produced in a few days, give me one too. I can buy one with my own money."

Mr. Zheng lost all his airs of being a boss at this moment, walked up to Liu Xiao with a smile, and patted Liu Xiao's shoulder earnestly.

The meaning is also very clear, if you don't know people, sorry, your medal will definitely be gone.

Although Mr. Zheng is the second person, he is also human and has his own pursuits.

You, Liu Xiao, are allowed to date at high altitude, but I, Mr. Zheng, are not allowed to take my wife on a date at high altitude?

At that time, without Liu Xiao, he will be able to discuss art with his wife at high altitude, and maybe he can write a few good poems.

"Mr. Zheng, don't make fun of me. It's not difficult to produce this thing. It will be produced in a few days. You can just ask someone to come over and pick it up."

"By the way, bring one to No.1 when the time comes."

Liu Xiao was speechless for a while.

Of course he didn't know about Mr. Zheng's mental activities, but he looked at Mr. Zheng as if he was about to eat himself.

I didn't say no to it, but it's so scary.

"This is good."

Elder Zheng's expression suddenly slowed down a lot, he nodded in satisfaction, and returned to his seat again.

Just watch it, Mr. Zheng is not in a hurry now, he will bring the spacecraft over in a few days, and he has plenty of time to watch it.

"By the way, this thing probably costs too much. I'll ask someone to bring the money over then."

(End of this chapter)

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