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Chapter 471 Zhao Keke's Efforts Are Springing?

Chapter 471 Zhao Keke's Efforts Are Springing?
"Not much money, Mr. Zheng, just find someone to get it."

"How can this work, as much money as you want."

Mr. Zheng said very seriously.

Liu Xiao smiled helplessly. Although this product was produced very quickly, its cost was not low at all.

The superalloy shell that can resist overpressure alone uses a lot of precious metals, plus the production costs inside the various engines, it will cost more than [-] million just to manufacture it.

If the cost of technology is also counted, such a spacecraft, if it does not sell for one billion, I will be sorry for the so many blueprints in my mind.

And this is just a simplified version. When the real spacecraft is produced later, one will cost at least tens of billions.

Although Mr. Zheng is in a very high position, when it comes to money, he really doesn't know how much he has. After all, at Mr. Zheng's level, he basically has no concept of money.

Whether it is food, housing or travel, it is basically all covered by the official. Even if you retire, there will be someone to take care of and protect you.

Mr. Zheng may be able to take out tens of millions of grades, but hundreds of millions of grades, in Liu Xiao's opinion, is really a bit of a mystery.

"This thing has just been produced, and I haven't had time to calculate the cost. How about it, you can use it first when it is produced, and if it is sold to the outside world at a price, you can pay the cost price."

Liu Xiao thought of a compromise.

After procrastinating for a while, Mr. Zheng presumably forgot about it, and naturally he wouldn't have to pay for it.

As for why Liu Xiao did this.
Can scholars be called to have a good relationship with the leaders?

That's intimacy!

"Alright, you must tell me when the time comes."

When Mr. Zheng heard Liu Xiao say that the cost had not yet been calculated, it was no longer difficult, and he nodded in agreement.

Two hours passed quickly, and everyone flew around the blue star all the way, and landed again at the place circled inside the industrial park at noon.

"Perfect, the test flight was successful."

A group of people stepped off the spacecraft, feeling very happy.

For Mr. Zheng, this is an important weapon. For Mr. Du, the key tasks for the next period of time have also been settled. For Xiao Huya and Brother Hua, this is also a large amount of experience in their lives.

For Liu Xiao
"Now I finally have something that can transport me, so I don't have to be surrounded like this every day for protection."

Liu Xiao was very emotional.

Surrounded by hundreds of people, although they will keep a certain distance so that they will not feel particularly restrained, it is still a bit uncomfortable after all.

Every time I travel, ten cars go ahead, followed by another ten cars, and there are ten cars in the middle, and all of them are bulletproof and explosion-proof. To be honest, ordinary people really can't bear such a trip.

Elder Zheng patted Liu Xiao on the shoulder.

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. This is also for your safety. You have not experienced that era, but you should have read modern history. It is really not easy for us to get to this point."

"Yes, you are the hope of the future. We really dare not be sloppy in terms of safety. No one wants to be a sinner."

Elder Du and Elder Ren also nodded.

What is science without borders? It's just a lie made up by the beautiful country. Only when you become truly strong can you control your own destiny.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will slowly publish these results to let more people know, otherwise I will die of exhaustion in the research institute sooner or later."

Liu Xiao made a joke.

But in fact, he has been doing this all the time. Although the main purpose is to be lazy, he has indeed cultivated a large number of high-level talents during this period. At present, he mainly focuses on the two aspects of quantum mechanics and virtual reality technology. .

As for computer programming, it is not something that can be learned in a day or two, especially since Liu Xiao made a new system himself. If he wants to accept a new set of theories, two or three months of study is indispensable.

However, in this regard, the future can also be expected.

It can be said that in just two months, Liu Xiao, with his own strength, almost raised these three aspects from the original backwardness to the leading position.

After the test flight was successful, Mr. Zheng and the others did not stay any longer and left by car one after another.

Liu Xiao and Xiao Huya talked again, and then they boarded the spacecraft with Zheng Xiaoxiao and flew home.

"This thing is fast. From the industrial park to home, at a speed of 1 kilometers per hour, it takes only one minute."

Liu Xiao smiled and walked out of the spacecraft, feeling really happy in his heart.

There will be no more troubles of traffic jams in the future.

It usually takes an hour at least to go to the industrial park, and sometimes it will be slower when the road is blocked. How can it be so convenient.

"Is this the spacecraft?"

Zhao Ning trotted over full of curiosity, looking around.

"Wait a while, and I'll take you to heaven."

Zhao Ning blushed instantly.

"I hate it, Xiaoxiao is still by my side."

Zhao Ning blushed and pinched Liu Xiao's arm hard, causing Liu Xiao to break out in cold sweat from the pain.

"I mean, take this spacecraft to take you to the sky to see the stars at night, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Xiao gave Zhao Ning an annoyed look, but then he thought about it, what in the sky seems to be quite irritating?


Zhao Ning glanced at Liu Xiao, and then at Zheng Xiaoxiao, who was holding back her laughter, her face, which was already blushing from shyness, was almost steaming now.

"Brother Xiao, you guys talk, I'll go out and arrange work."

Zheng Xiaoxiao coughed twice, quickly found an excuse to run out, and laughed in front of Zhao Ning for fear of running too slowly.

She didn't realize before that Zhao Ning, a girl who looks gentle and quiet, is also so stupid in this respect?
"It's all your fault!"

"Hey, hey, this is what you want to do, how can you blame me."

Liu Xiao spread out his hands, as if I couldn't help it.

Zhao Ning was ashamed and angry again, turned her head away to ignore Liu Xiao, and went back to the room alone.

Such a big thing is placed in the back garden, so naturally it can't be hidden from Zhao Keke who comes every day.

Liu Xiao didn't say much, but said that this is a new type of aircraft given to him by the government. Its flying speed is about the same as that of a fighter jet, with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

But even so, Zhao Keke still exclaimed and shouted loudly.

And Liu Xiao's plan to take Zhao Ning to the sky for a refreshment at night was also ruined by Zhao Keke, a little annoying person. Unable to rely on Zhao Keke's repeated pleas, Liu Xiao finally took Zhao Ning and Zhao Keke together up to the sky
Of course, this is serious.

"Brother-in-law, if you fly so high, will you collide with other airliners or something?"

Zhao Keke was like a curious baby, touching here and there for a while, and took out his mobile phone to take pictures as souvenirs.

"Coco, you can't take pictures of this. This is the current secret technology. You just need to know it. Don't spread it randomly."

Liu Xiao waved his hand.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua took pictures because they both signed a non-disclosure agreement and were relatively mature. Although Brother Hua and Xiao Huya called themselves Brother Xiao Xiao every day, Brother Hua was almost 35 years old. As for Xiaohu Bud has also passed the thirty mark.

As for Lan Lan, who has practiced with Vice President Du for such a long time, she is now over 28 years old, and she is considered reliable, and has signed a non-disclosure agreement, and the mobile phones and other things used have also been tested by the official side.

On the contrary, Zhao Keke did not meet these conditions.

Of course, it’s not a big deal even if it’s really exposed, after all, I have this thing, and the safety factor is now exponentially improved, what about assassination, the first thing I can see is that my people are talking about it.

"I see."

Zhao Keke giggled, not at all unhappy, still looking around like a curious baby.

"As for the routing problem you mentioned, simply speaking, our aircraft does not conflict with existing airliners. These airliners generally fly in the stratosphere at about [-] meters, and we operate at an altitude of [-] meters. It is impossible to pretend to be able to pass under us."

Contrary to Zhao Keke, Zhao Ning seemed very quiet, and her main eyes were also focused on the starry sky projected above, as if she was fascinated.

"There is."

Suddenly, Zhao Ning recovered from her contemplation and smiled slightly.

"Yes? Sister, when did you have it?"

Zhao Keke walked over with exaggerated brisk steps and buried her head in Zhao Ning's stomach.

"It shouldn't be, why didn't my little nephew and niece kick me?"

"Fuck off."

With black lines all over his head, Liu Xiao pulled Zhao Keke aside.

He still doesn't know if Zhao Ning has it. Safety measures are taken every time. Besides, the last time a relative came was four days ago. Even if there is, it is impossible to find out now.

Zhao Ning also made Zhao Keke roll her eyes.

"I just created a song, the melody is probably like this, listen to it."

Zhao Ning slowly hummed the rhythm.

"Not bad, this song!"

Liu Xiao was surprised.

From the melody of this song, it feels inexplicably like a starry sky, and based on the melody of this song alone, as long as the lyrics are not too bad, it will definitely not be so bad!

I have to say that Zhao Ning's talent in music is indeed terrifying. In just a few minutes, a song was brewed in my heart and completed.

"Sister, aren't you too powerful?!"

Zhao Keke studied music, and Liu Xiao only listened to the general idea, but Zhao Keke listened to it very well. From her aesthetic point of view, Zhao Ning's song can definitely become a classic!

Suddenly, Zhao Keke also raised his head to look at the starry sky, then narrowed his eyes slightly with a thoughtful look.

Liu Xiao was surprised at the side.

Are these two sisters so talented in music? Can they fall into this state of epiphany after watching a bad starry sky?
Even a boss like Mr. Zheng, seeing this kind of starry sky is just a bit poetic, and he doesn't feel such an epiphany at all, okay?

Are you really a cultivator? !

However, Liu Xiao didn't dare to disturb this state, for fear of delaying Zhao Keke's creation.

Time passed by minute by minute, and a full 10 minutes later, Zhao Keke still squinted his eyes, looking up at the starry sky.

"Hey, I can't think of anything."

Suddenly, Zhao Keke stood up, feeling annoyed.

"Co-author, are you looking for a feeling there?"

Liu Xiao lifted Zhao Keke up, eyes full of disbelief.

This little girl, has she learned how to lie?
"Brother-in-law, put me down quickly."

Zhao Keke broke free from Liu Xiao's arm, and gave Liu Xiao a big white eye again.

She weighs quite lightly, less than ninety catties. It is normal to be able to hold her with both hands, and she may lift herself up with one hand, which shows that her brother-in-law's physical fitness is absolutely fine.

It's no wonder that I can hear four or five times a week, um, huh, huh, this physical fitness, I guess the pull head cow is about the same.

Zhao Keke felt disbelief in his heart.

Liu Xiao naturally didn't know what Zhao Keke had in mind for him.

He was very speechless, and almost exploded speechless.

On the contrary, Zhao Ning watched Zhao Keke making trouble with Liu Xiao, and covered her mouth and snickered.

My younger sister is lively and cute. I thought Liu Xiao could be cured, but I didn't expect that Liu Xiao, who is so invincible in front of outsiders, would be helpless in front of my younger sister.

Of course, these are just trivial matters.

In fact, Liu Xiao did treat the little girl Zhao Keke as her own sister.

Liu Xiao happened to catch up with family planning, and he was the only child in his family. This kind of family relationship between brothers and sisters was something he had never had before, and Zhao Keke had a very good relationship with him. It really doesn't make a difference.

In many respects, Liu Xiao took care of him whenever he could. Even Zhao Keke dared to say things that Zhao Ning dared not say at home, even so Liu Xiao was not very angry.

Of course, there was only one thing Liu Xiao couldn't bear.

This guy Zhao Keke, thanks to him returning her pocket money every now and then, but this guy is good, he will occupy Zhao Ning every so often, and if he wants to sleep with Zhao Ning, he can only let himself keep the vacant room alone.

And Zhao Ning was too good-tempered, so she didn't know how to refuse, which made Liu Xiao helpless.

It is useful to save money and eliminate disasters, but occasionally when it is useless, it makes Liu Xiao very uncomfortable.

After all, single dogs will never understand the comfortable feeling of sleeping with their girlfriend in their arms every day.

After playing with Zhao Keke and Zhao Ning in the air for a while, Liu Xiao controlled the spacecraft's whereabouts again.

Then he gave Zheng Xiaoxiao the spacecraft identifier to familiarize him with the driving method.

Most of the time, this thing is self-driving, and there are the latest satellite navigation maps inside. Just enter the address, and you can get there easily. There are very few things that people need to control.

Generally speaking, as long as you can drive, it's really not difficult to drive this thing.

For example, Liu Xiao, who started it for the first time during the test today, actually already drove it decently.

All the buttons on the dashboard are in Chinese, and they are not full of English letters like many car companies, which makes people unable to understand. Even if you are a novice, you can study the dashboard for a few hours. of.

As for Liu Xiao, he threw Zhao Keke back to his room, and deliberately locked the door of his bedroom twice, so he was completely relieved.

Looking at Zhao Ning who was blushing, Liu Xiao chuckled and began to conceive Xiao Liu Xiao's big plan.

(End of this chapter)

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