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Chapter 472 The official version of the spacecraft is online, ready to make a movie

Chapter 472 The official version of the spacecraft is online, ready to make a movie
In the next few days, Liu Xiao mainly accompanied Zhao Ning to various places to play.

With the spacecraft, safety is no longer a problem. Of course, Liu Xiao is only playing in the territory.

Without the annoying Zhao Keke, Liu Xiao said that life is still pretty good.

For the next period of time, Liu Xiao also focused on drawing the blueprints.

By the end of October, all the survey drawings of the official version of the spacecraft were completed. Liu Xiao recalculated the hundreds of thousands of various drawings, and then performed a performance simulation with a quantum computer. After confirming that there was no problem, he directly transferred the data to Throw it to the research institute and let them check it carefully.

When Mr. Du got the design drawings that almost occupied a quantum USB flash drive, he almost lost his breath.

"You said that this official version of the spacecraft can run at a speed of 24 kilometers per hour?"

"According to my calculations, the accurate data should be about 25. Of course, this is the limit data."

Liu Xiao nodded, very sure.

This data has been repeatedly calculated, and theoretically there is absolutely no problem.

And this speed is the speed inside the planet, that is, the speed including the air resistance.

Elder Du took a deep breath, he now understands why Liu Xiao said that the spacecraft was a simplified version at the beginning of October.

At the time, he thought it was because the thing was relatively small, and because many functions had just been researched and were not added, so Liu Xiao called it the simple version.

But looking at it now, that's not the case at all!
This official version has a maximum speed of 24 kilometers per hour directly inside the planet!

Xiaohuya and Brother Hua who followed were a little confused. Although they knew what Liu Xiao had done was amazing, but Mr. Du's reaction was a bit too much. After all, there was already a spacecraft with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour before. Well done the research.

Elder Du shook his head and calmed down a little.

"You may not know what this speed represents."

"The first cosmic speed, that is, the speed at which the spacecraft moves in a uniform circular motion around the blue star against the gravitational force of the planet. This speed is 7.9 kilometers per second."

"The second cosmic speed refers to the escape speed on the surface of the blue star, which can run in the solar system. The critical value of this speed is 11.2 kilometers per second."

"The third cosmic speed refers to the speed of escaping the solar system, which can escape the gravity of the sun. It is currently 16.7 kilometers per second."

"At present, the fastest rocket made by mankind can only reach a speed of 5 kilometers before the first section falls off, and it can reach a speed of almost 9 kilometers before the second section falls off. Even Blue Star cannot do without it, and the rocket's The role is to launch satellites and probes into the sky."

"For example, Voyager, our fastest-running probe that has already escaped from the Blue Star, only used its own energy to increase its speed to 30 kilometers per second when it left the Blue Star."

"That speed, isn't it possible to escape the solar system?"

Xiao Huya was curious.

They are in business, so they really don't know much about technology. The speed of 16.7 kilometers per second is greater than the speed of the third universe, which is [-] kilometers per second. In their opinion, it must be no problem to escape the solar system, right?
"It can't be counted like that."

Liu Xiao shook his head and added:
"Voyager uses nuclear power plus solar power batteries. The capacity of this battery is limited. Over the past so many years, it has already entered a deep standby state. In the absence of acceleration, there is still a solar gravitational force behind it. With it, it is naturally impossible for him to maintain his speed like this."

"For now, the travel speed of Voyager is only 22 kilometers per second, and it has become a luxury to escape the solar system."

"That's it."

Xiao Huya suddenly realized.

They have learned the basic knowledge of mechanics in high school and college. Although gravity is an abstract expression of space, from a logical point of view, it is reasonable to say that such a force exists.

"In any case, it is an established fact that the Voyagers will not be able to leave the solar system, and the diameter of the solar system is one light-year. possible."

Elder Du continued to speak.

"To be honest, I was already shocked when Xiao Xiao made an aircraft with a speed of 6 kilometers per hour, but it is still within the scope of my understanding. The speed of [-] kilometers per hour is actually [-] kilometers per second. It has not yet reached the first cosmic speed, although it can be forcibly accelerated to the first cosmic speed to escape from the blue star, but I can understand it."

"After all, if it has more energy, it will only fly for about ten hours. Even if it flies out, it probably won't be able to fly very far. It can't be used as a spaceship to sail."

"But this 24 kilometers per hour official version of the spacecraft is a bit too outrageous, which means that the initial speed of this spacecraft can reach [-] to [-] kilometers per second, which is still manned."

"At this speed, not to mention the moon, even Mars scientific research can already become a landing project, and to support this speed of flight, I believe Xiao Xiao must have more powerful energy technology, right?"

Elder Du looked at Liu Xiao.

"It's all in the USB drive."

Liu Xiao smiled and nodded.

The closest distance between Mars and the blue star is 500 million kilometers, and the farthest is 15 million kilometers. The shortest distance occurs about every [-] years.

Even if the spacecraft does not accelerate in space, but only runs at a speed of 24 kilometers per hour, at the closest distance, about ten days will pass.

And even at the longest distance, it can be reached in forty days.

Moreover, there is no resistance in space and the material structure of the spacecraft will not be damaged. The speed is definitely more than this point, and jumping ten times is a trivial matter.

In other words, at the longest distance, you can go back and forth in eight days.

This is just a little bit of travel.

"No wonder you told Mr. Zheng before that the high-speed rail industry can gradually be cancelled. If you spread this thing, let alone the country, even the world, you can go around in an hour or two."

Mr. Du never doubted the authenticity of the information. After all, Liu Xiao has always been very reliable in his work, and he has never said big things, and he always talks less.

The appearance of this thing means that from now on, the official plan to explore space can be officially launched, and from now on, the Celestial Dynasty will slowly enter the space age.

"By the way, Mr. Du, some of the special metals in the alloy this time come from the moon. Some of them should have been mined during the official scientific expeditions. I need to trouble you to say hello."

"This is no problem, don't worry about it, no matter what you need, I will help you apply here."

Elder Du nodded seriously, and then suddenly laughed again the next moment.

"Xiao Xiao, even if I don't want it, you can go to the moon to mine by yourself, right?"


Liu Xiao scratched his head in embarrassment.

To be honest, he really has this idea. If the official does not or does not give it to him, then he will just get a space suit and drive a simple version of the spacecraft to mine on the moon.

After all, the distance between the two is only 38 kilometers, and it takes only 38 hours to go back and forth. It is enough to prepare a few more batteries.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua were speechless for a while.

Are scientists now so wild, running into space when they disagree?
And when he came, Liu Xiao Mingming didn't tell them that.

Who said that this thing is a civilian technology, and it will replace the high-speed rail in the future to facilitate travel?

Now why do you go to space if you don't agree with each other?

"It's still the same, Mr. Du, help me pack the information to the official. My side is still mainly an enterprise. The cost of producing this thing is too high. With the strength of our Qianlong Group, we can produce part of it, but we have to bear the burden." Main production capacity is impossible."

Liu Xiao simply calculated an account.

An official version of the spacecraft is about half the size of a football field. If it is in the transportation industry, it can accommodate about [-] people. Of course, the spacecraft in the transportation industry is definitely not in this form. High-speed rail is similar, and the cost is much lower.

But if the space industry needs more functions, it can only accommodate more than 300 people, which is barely enough for one unit.

And the physical cost required to produce this thing is no less than 1000 billion.

Even if the current Qianlong Group loses all its original capital, it can actually produce only a dozen units.

And it's actually not very useful to actually produce this thing, it's better to let the authorities do it.

After Liu Xiao produced this thing, his main direction was to do people's livelihood, such as taking those panic-stricken rich people with a lot of money to go on space travel, etc. It's quite reasonable to charge a few hundred million at a time, right?

Another thing is to lay out a world-class transportation network, similar to airlines like broadcasting.

And the most important thing is that the virtual projection technology has been researched, and Liu Xiao has long lost interest in this aspect.

Elder Du watched Liu Xiao put on a bad show, looking like he didn't want to do anything, and was speechless for a while.

"Well, if there is anything I don't understand here, I will call anytime."

"Of course this is no problem. Direct video call to me, and I will explain to those professional researchers online."

Liu Xiao nodded readily.

After explaining the matter to Xiao Huya and Brother Hua, Liu Xiao left in his spacecraft.

After the virtual projection technology came out, Liu Xiao discovered a very interesting point.

It was very difficult to spend so much money for system upgrades before, but Liu Xiao discovered that as long as it is for making movies and not for profit, it can be regarded as the system's consumption amount in the system's judgment.

To put it another way, when Liu Xiao is a business, no matter whether he sells things to others or gives them away without receiving money, the system will not use these consumptions as the consumption quota of the system.

According to Liu Xiao's guess, the upgrade mode of the system may not be as simple as pure consumption.

In other words, it depends on whether Liu Xiao's consumption can bring value.

For example, when Liu Xiao buys a house, whether Liu Xiao buys the house or not, it will be there.

No matter how much income the process of building the house or the process of selling the land brought to other people, it did not generate any economic value in Liu Xiao's area.

Another thing is that Liu Xiao gave gifts to the anchor on the Internet.

No matter how much money is spent, it will not generate value in reality. As for what the anchor does with the money in the hands of the anchor, it has nothing to do with Liu Xiao, so there is no value in Liu Xiao's link.

As for the spiritual pleasure or spiritual wealth it brings to other people, this will not be included in the system statistics.

On the contrary, no matter whether Liu Xiao invests in the promotion of games, or invests in opening a hot pot restaurant and starting a company, he directly creates value for other people and society, so these consumptions will not be counted in the quota.

And Liu Xiao chose to make movies, which is also called investment in the industry, but after Liu Xiao chose not to charge after the release, it was also counted as a kind of consumption.

This kind of discovery is very wonderful, and it also allows Liu Xiao to find another consumption mode besides giving gifts to the live broadcast room.

If more consumption patterns are found in the future, perhaps the next level of consumption of 1000 billion will not be too far away.

That's why Liu Xiao is so passionate about making movies.

Of course, there is another aspect. Liu Xiao is also planning to make Zhao Ning a superstar in the movie after the Lunar New Year next year.

Among the international stars, the best is undoubtedly the movie giant.

There is a saying in the industry that those who make movies look down on those who make TV dramas; , and no one looks down on Internet celebrities who debuted.

In fact, in the public's aesthetics, it is probably at such a logical level.

Although Zhao Ning is very popular recently, she still belongs to the level of Internet celebrity debut. She has a reputation, but her status in the entertainment industry is still not high.

And Liu Xiao doesn't intend to let Zhao Ning slowly mix in the circle, he has the ability and strength to let Zhao Ning rush to the top!

He not only wants Zhao Ning to be a star in making movies, but also wants Zhao Ning to be an international superstar in making movies.

And it is the world's first super-A fantasy-level super masterpiece made with quantum computer and virtual reality projection technology!

As for Zhao Ning's acting skills, are these important?

Not to mention that Zhao Ning studied acting for a while in college, even if she didn't, it's no big deal, the big deal is to learn to shoot slowly.

With a direct investment of 500 billion, and bringing in superstars and directors who can be named, Liu Xiao did not believe that Zhao Ning's acting skills would be so bad.

Everyone has come from the very beginning, and no one is the actor from the very beginning. Liu Xiao thinks this sentence is quite pertinent.

And all he has to do is let Zhao Ning take a shortcut.

If it weren't for the prohibition of make-up classes now, Liu Xiao would have invited more people to tutor Zhao Ning.

As for the script of the film, let alone.

With so many fantasy masterpieces, picking any one out is ten thousand times better than any Hollywood blockbuster.

The reason why the current domestic fantasy blockbusters are all kinds of bad, in the final analysis, is the budget and acting skills.

The production cost is 5000 million yuan, of which [-] million yuan is the salary of Xiao Xianrou. With the remaining money, it is enough to buy food for the crew, let alone the super special effects such as Kowloon coffin. .

This is also the reason why fantasy animations on the market are much more attractive than TV dramas. Although animations are two-dimensional, at least they spend all their funds on special effects production, and they don’t invite those little fresh meats to show off their acting skills, so it’s still It can be regarded as the past.

(End of this chapter)

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