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Chapter 473 Announcing Technology, Explosion!

Chapter 473 Announcing Technology, Explosion!
Of course, now is not the time to announce this matter, we have to wait until the official release, but according to the current situation, the actual release time is only a few days.

It was not until mid-November that the official finally issued an official document, announcing the news that the quantum computer was successfully developed by Qianlong Group, and also announced the information of the virtual projection and the official version of the spacecraft, and decided to file the project. Since 17 years Started production.

Of course, the last sentence is a lie. Except for the materials of the spacecraft that have not been collected, the production of the other two items has already started for a month.

"Xiao Xiao, you Qianlong Group as a whole announced these research results this time, don't mind too much."

Mr. Zheng came to express condolences in person.

Mr. Zheng was really concerned about Liu Xiao's attitude. Although he had passed the gas in advance, the inventor of such an invention that could change the world could not be announced. I believe that any scientist would have some emotions.

He came this time to appease Liu Xiao.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zheng, I understand all this."

Liu Xiao smiled, not paying too much attention to it.

Compared with his own safety and a little reputation, Liu Xiao naturally knows what to choose. Even if he has a simple version of the spacecraft for travel, as long as it is a tool, it is impossible to guarantee 100% safety. What if the other party has some black technology? ?
You know, it is rumored that the technological explosion in the beautiful country is due to picking up spaceships damaged by aliens. There is a high probability that the legendary area 79 and the ninth uninhabited land also exist.

Giving the authorship right to the entire group naturally reduces their own risk invisibly. After all, from the perspective of outsiders, the probability of one person researching such a powerful technology must be very small. In their eyes, At most, it is a chief scientist.

As for his reputation, when he is strong enough not to fear anyone, the authorities will naturally justify his name.

Seeing that Liu Xiao really didn't care much about these things, Mr. Zheng was really relieved.

But things happened on Liu Xiao's side, but the forums on all major forums on the whole network exploded.

There's no way, one of these three messages is more shocking than the other, and each of them gives people an unreal feeling, as if the official is joking.

"Holy shit, shit, virtual reality projection technology? Does this mean that you can play live online games, the ones that are 100% real people?"

"Upstairs, you may have a convulsion in your head. What online game is it? It's a quantum computer. Quantum computer, big brother!"

"I have to say that the official action is really too big. Each of these three technologies is epoch-making, especially the last spacecraft, which directly means that we can conduct long-distance interstellar scientific research. right?"


Not only netizens are talking about it, but various technology bloggers are also rushing to make popular science videos overnight.

Especially those talented people who are very interested in technology, they are shocked much more than ordinary people.

The current mainstream science popularization platform is mainly based on Zhihu, but Zhihu’s communication mode is also slowly transforming, and now it is spread more widely on the Douyin platform.

And several knowledge bloggers who are better at Douyin Mix also officially gave a video interpretation after studying the official documents desperately.

"Hi everyone, I'm Uncle Rocket. Our video will be relatively long this time, so I divided it into three parts, mainly divided into three parts to interpret. I believe that the technology brought to us by the official this time will definitely let You are taken aback."

"I'm Yan Bojun. Yesterday, many friends sent me private messages asking me what the official document is about. That's why I rushed out this video overnight. Everyone knows that I am a physics blogger. Let’s interpret it together with everyone, believe me, this official action will definitely shock the world.”

"I'm An Senyao. Although I'm a history blogger, I couldn't bear it when I encountered this kind of prosperity, so I rushed out a video overnight. I said a long time ago that we people from the Celestial Dynasty, We should not rest on the merits of our ancestors, and always use our excellent historical civilization as an example when others slander us. Those are all ancestors, not ours. What we can do is to use our actions to Ushering in revival step by step, shut up all their shit-sputtering people."

"And today, the great revival we are looking forward to is coming soon with this official announcement."

And the major mainstream media also began to frantically push news to grab the heat.

In just one day, almost all platforms on the entire Internet were in a state of boiling because of the release of this document.

Of course, in addition to popular science bloggers, there are also knowledge bloggers like Tianyancha who are analyzing the behemoth Qianlong Group.

It has to be said that the eyes of the masses are absolutely discerning.

In the original Qianlong Group, all its information was black, and all its industrial and commercial information was hidden. However, after the official announcement, this restriction was lifted. Except for shareholder information, its personnel cannot be viewed. The structures are all visible.

And the first among them is Liu Xiao, the chairman's name.

"Liu Xiao? If I remember correctly, the chairman of Liu Ning Group is also called Liu Xiao, right?"

All knowledge bloggers are eye-catching.

The Qianlong Group's information cannot be dug out, so they can dig out the Liu Ning Group!

Although Liu Ning Group's information is also shielded from the outside world, the degree of shielding is much worse than that of Qianlong Group.

Most people checked the industrial and commercial information and found out that Liu Xiao, the chairman and legal person of Qianlong Group, is the wholly-owned founder of Liu Ning Group.

"Horror, could it be that the Qianlong Group was also wholly owned by Liu Xiao? Who is this boss?"

The internal communication groups of various bloggers are almost crazy about these pictures.

"It's impossible for me to say that Liu Ning Group belonged to Liu Xiao and definitely didn't run away, but such a heavy weapon like Qianlong Group must be in the hands of the officials. Liu Xiao is at most a representative to the outside world."

"What you said above makes sense. There is basically no chance that technologies such as quantum computers are in the hands of individuals. Even if they are really personal, the authorities will definitely try to get them back, so what the upstairs said should be That's right."

"It's a pity that in the column of business information, we can't see the founding time of Qianlong Group. We don't know when this group was established, as if it popped up overnight."

"It doesn't matter. The main thing now is President Liu Xiaoliu. Liu Ning Group is registered in Shanghai, and Qianlong Group is registered in Beijing. I asked my reporters to buy tickets to both places. No matter what. , we want the first news material!"

"Hahaha, thanks for the reminder upstairs, I'm sorry I'm in Shanghai, I'll go find the address and block the door!"

"I'm in the capital, thank you for reminding me, if I can be interviewed, I will definitely send red envelopes to celebrate!"

With a reminder from one person, almost everyone came to their senses.

That's right, what's the point of thinking about it here now, the place of registration is already known, so it's over if you go to inquire about it?

If you can get Liu Xiao's first-hand interview script, wouldn't it be the rhythm of taking off directly!

For a moment, hundreds of people boarded flights to two places, intending to chase and intercept Liu Xiao, the ignited star.

Of course, Brother Hua and Xiao Huya in the CEO column were not left behind either.

Liu Xiao could not show his face, but the two of them, as facades, naturally had to accept various interviews.

And on the Internet, there are a large number of masters who are picking up the news carefully.

"Wait, do you usually watch Huya's live broadcast?"

"Look, what's the matter?"

"This is Liu Xiao, Liu Ning Group, and Vice President Du. Damn, this person is Brother Xiao Xiao, right?"

"Liu Ning Group, it seems that Xiao Juzi's real name is Zhao Ning?"

"Liu Xiao, Zhao Ning, you've got it right!"

[Piao Piao] Pacing back and forth in the room excitedly.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, the company is called Liu Ning Group, but one is named Liu Xiao and the other is Zhao Ning, and Liu Xiao is called Brother Xiao Xiao in Huya's live broadcast.

The combination of Liu and Xiao, isn't it Liu Xiao?
He didn't dare to hesitate, this is definitely a huge selling point in the Internet industry.

He quickly wrote his guess into a copy, and then added some screenshots from Zhao Ning's live broadcast to make a funny short video and sent it out directly.

Within two hours, the video went viral on the Douyin platform.

Zhao Ning is not only the anchor of the Huya platform, but also the first sister of the Douyin platform, and Liu Xiao is also the number one hero on the Douyin platform.

There are 8000 million users on the entire network, and the number of people who follow Zhao Ning currently exceeds [-] million. With this kind of popularity, coupled with the superimposition of Liu Xiao's reputation as the number one hero, this video was directly pushed to the number one in the entire network. s position.

And the most subtle thing is that Zhao Ning did not come out to refute the rumors immediately.

Even if Zhao Ning didn't see such a hot video, the brokerage company would definitely pay attention to it immediately. If it didn't refute the rumors, wouldn't it be a real hammer on the other hand?
"It's an exaggeration. Zhao Ning doesn't seem to be working in Liu Ning Group, but since her name can be added, she definitely has a share. Such a behemoth, I didn't know until today."

"Tch, I've known this for a long time. Our company purchased a virtual disk server from Liu Ning Group some time ago, and it just arrived the day before yesterday. We have been waiting for two months for this product! "

"Yes, Liu Ning Group's virtual disk server has really strong performance, and it's only sold domestically. Some time ago, someone abroad couldn't buy it from Liu Ning Group, so they found a private company and offered it at ten times the price for 20 I bought it back for [-] million yuan, but it exploded just as I was about to study it, I didn’t die laughing!”

"I'm more curious, what happened to this private company in the end?"

"You have to ask, the official of this kind of enterprise will let him live? Of course, the tax industry and industry came to check every day. The boss evaded taxes and finally went in."

"Happy people, this kind of person should be treated like this!"

The tourists talked about it happily.

In fact, this incident did not have such a big impact on Zhao Ning.

Brother Xiao Xiao has been frantically swiping in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, and several billions have been swiped in. He said that the two have nothing to do with each other, and no one would believe him if he said it.

But now, as soon as the speculation about the relationship between the two couples comes out, everyone can recognize this point. Even if some diehard fans are upset, they have to admit that Brother Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ning are really suitable.

And now they also understand where Brother Xiao Xiao got so much money to reward the anchor.

One machine sells for [-] million yuan, and two machines are produced in three days. Isn't it easy to make a fortune of several billion yuan?
When Liu Xiao received the news from Sister Feifei, she was also speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, after hiding for so long, it was picked up by netizens.

But fortunately, there is no blind capital to find someone to lead the rhythm, and the news on the Internet is still positive.

Therefore, Liu Xiao directly asked Zhao Ning to post a Weibo to confirm the matter, and confirmed that he and he were in a relationship.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Internet was in an uproar.

Of course, the reason why this news can attract such a big fishing boat is mainly because of the enthusiasm brought about by the birth of the three major technologies.

Zhao Ning's Huya live broadcast room, although the screen was still black, was still far away from millions of people, who were constantly typing and discussing on the public screen.

And under Zhao Ning's Douyin video, there are countless comments and new likes.

"I thought there would be some bad fishing boats, but I didn't expect most of them to be normal."

Liu Xiao shook his head.

It seems that the downfall of every big-name star in the entertainment industry was not caused by some internet trolls, but because they offended some capital and exposed them.

As for ordinary netizens, if the trolls follow the rhythm, they will naturally follow suit.

The rhythm of Xiaojuzi is naturally in a situation where no one dares to lead it, and no one wants to lead it. On the contrary, there are more blessings from various friends, which naturally leads the rhythm of netizens to a better direction.

Originally, Liu Xiao, who was thinking of throwing a fiery bloodbath to cleanse the Internet world, was suddenly bored, feeling invincible, really not that pleasant.

"Xiao Ning, I'll ask Sister Feifei to contact Douyu and Kuaishou later. I will use your live broadcast room to announce something tonight."

At present, Zhao Ning's live broadcast room is extremely popular in the whole network, and it is aimed at the public.

Of course, the most important thing is that you don't need to show your face when you talk in the live broadcast room. Maybe the effect of the last TV interview or something is not as good as this.

"it is good."

Zhao Ning's eyes were full of smiles.

Originally, Liu Xiao told her that the relationship between them would be announced after the movie was finished, but she didn't expect that the universal netizen would pick up this news directly.

It was a fact, Zhao Ning did not intend to deny it, and Liu Xiao also admitted it.

This means that they can appear together in an open and aboveboard manner in the future. For her, no matter how successful her career is, there is nothing that makes her happier than this.

(End of this chapter)

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