Chapter 474 Hot Discussion!

The popularity of the whole network lasted for more than ten days before it slowly subsided.

In fact, it's not all because of the decrease in popularity, but after so many days, except for this news, everyone hasn't even seen a single substantive thing, so naturally, interest has faded a lot.

But on this day in mid-November, the official once again released authoritative news, announcing the successful birth of the world's first quantum computer and its real operating speed.

At the same time, it also announced its derivative product, that is, the official version of the virtual disk server, and directly announced that major companies will gradually introduce virtual disk servers for production research, and gradually abandon those imported general servers.

Attached below are hundreds of pictures of quantum computers and virtual disk servers, and there are also panoramic high-definition photos of both.

"I'm afraid it's impossible for all the supercomputers in the world to add up to this speed, right?"

"Although I don't know what quantum state entanglement is, and I don't know what this new system is called quantum state, but I will just say, bull beep!"

"Does this mean that our technological strength is about to skyrocket?"

"Upstairs, what you said must be affirmative. So many scientific research projects are queuing up there because of the problem of insufficient computing power. Now that this problem is solved, it will naturally advance by leaps and bounds. In my opinion, we have become the number one. I'm afraid the time will not be long, the only worry is that some foreign forces will do some disgusting things!"

Of course, this is only the speculation of ordinary people. Regarding this point, the official has already made arrangements.

Four or five of the official version of the spacecraft, which is planned to be produced next year, have already been produced. At this speed, it is not a problem to plow the whole world within two hours with weapons attached.

Ordinary people don't know this news, but those foreign forces are very clear about it.

Originally, I was thinking of a quantum computer project aimed at the Celestial Dynasty, but now all of them can only die down.

In the past, relying on the little boy's deterrence, they could still occupy a place, but now, they can only obediently give up their positions. After all, they can't do it now, even if they die.

At the end of November, when the heat had not subsided, countless domestic companies issued announcements one after another.

"Huawei and Qianlong Group, the 5G era is coming, and the new full-screen mobile phone will soon replace the traditional smart phone."

"Xiaomi and Qianlong Group@HUAWEI will invest 600 billion to support research and join the 5G era of super intelligence together!"

"opo#vio and Qianlong Group@Huawei have invested 400 billion to support research and 5G data network deployment. The 5G era is coming, and I believe this day will not be too far away!"

The three major domestic mobile phone manufacturers simultaneously released news on their official accounts on the day at the end of November, not only giving an explanation of the 11G data, but also giving a description of the performance of the new concept phone.

For a time, the whole country cheered again.

Everyone doesn't quite understand what's going on recently, and domestic high-tech is coming out one after another.

On the other hand, those foreign media have not let go of a fart recently, as if their technology has lagged behind.

After Huawei took the lead in releasing this news, the most uncomfortable ones are the current head company Apple and technology company Qualcomm.

Apple has just launched the M series of powerful chips, and is planning to apply it to the latest Apple tablet. The conference held in September this year has been postponed to the end of November.

But just as he was about to release a new product, Huawei gave him such a heavy blow.

Having been in the mobile phone industry for so many years, Kuke understands the key to this.

"Fack! Why, why they were able to research this thing, this has broken down our plan for many years!"

Ku Ke angrily smashed the office all over the place.

He himself really understands the urine nature of their Pingguo Company.

In fact, not to mention the M1 chip, they have already researched the M6 ​​performance chip, which is a real 2NM chip technology.

But what they have been doing at Pingguo Company is to eat technology dividends slowly. The M series chips have clearly reached the top level, but they just like this, take out the garbage step by step, let consumers pay once, and then launch chip upgrades version, upgrade the performance by 5.00% to [-]%, and then let the customer change to a new machine.

But their research will not stop. When these consumers use the M6 ​​chip, they may have developed the M12 chip.

This is why they have been able to be giants in this industry.

The same is true for Qualcomm. They mainly eat the 4G technology dividends around the world. As long as this person uses the 4G network, they have to pay them a large amount of patent fees, including the output of Android-side chips. The big head of the big head.

But now, for Huawei's 5G technology, they don't have many patents at all, and they are basically researched by Huawei themselves.

And Huawei's new mobile phone doesn't even need any chips!

This means that their chip business is about to be wiped out.

Such a thing is absolutely unacceptable to these two companies.

They have always relied on technology to make a living, but now that they have directly smashed their jobs, it is no wonder they are not angry.

But when they fed back their opinions to the top officials, they were surprised to find that the attitude of the top leaders was unexpectedly quiet. They gave feedback many times, and they all went to the office of the top leaders, but the leaders still read the documents. Those who go out to the field work as if they don't exist.

After several days in a row, the two companies finally couldn't hold back.

They don't know what kind of wind is being drawn by the top management.

At this time, shouldn't sanctions be increased to force Huawei to share technology with them?What's going on this time, the leaders have betrayed?
But the leader didn't want to say it, and they had nothing to do. Finally, they asked for an ambiguous answer, saying that the Chinese dynasty was no better than before.

Although he didn't know what it meant, Ku Ke knew it in his heart. It meant that the Celestial Dynasty couldn't afford to offend him!
In the end, there was nothing to do, and Ku Ke could only come to Huawei in person by plane to plead guilty.

As a result, Mr. Ren did not even see him, and he stayed for seven or eight days without giving up. As a result, Huawei didn't even make tea for him in the end, and he had to return to his own company in despair.

"Hahaha, Mr. Ren is also a person with a temper."

When Liu Xiao heard Brother Hua talk about this point, he was also very happy.

Not to mention how comfortable Mr. Ren was during this period, the company's affairs have completely become hands-off shopkeepers. He said that he didn't have time to meet Kuke, and he would believe this reason.

As for Qualcomm, because Kuke didn't get any benefits, they didn't send anyone over there at all, so they couldn't take the initiative to stretch their faces over and let Mr. Ren slap him hard, right?
And at some point, this matter was inexplicably posted on the Internet by some insiders. This time, Kuke became the laughing stock of the entire Internet.

Even in the beautiful country, Ku Ke was scolded bloody.

And on this day, Liu Xiao officially spent 5000 million yuan to buy the copyright of the novel [Immortal Sword].

And the big directors across the country were almost hired by Liu Xiao.

As for the actors of the younger generation with better acting skills, Liu Xiao also invited them in the name of the crew.

At the end of November, the big movie "Sword of Heaven", which has been in preparation for two months, officially started shooting.

A group of actors headed by Brother Hu rushed to the assembly point with anticipation.

"Have you heard that this time the investor is said to be the top boss in China, Mr. Liu Xiaoliu who controls the Qianlong Group."

"Mr. Liu? Is it Brother Xiao Xiao who often buys gifts on the live broadcast platform?"

"That's right, that's him. Brother Xiao Xiao spent 5000 million to buy this fairy sword script this time, and I heard that brother Xiao Xiao invested a total of 60 billion this time. If it's not enough, you can continue to add more." !"

"You don't need to doubt this point. Brother Xiao Xiao also told me this point when he invited me back then."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Brother Hu smiled slightly, nodded and admitted.

The excess investment of five billion yuan is already a new milestone in the history of film.

These actors, in fact, don't have the extra performance fees like Xiao Xianrou. The most popular brother Hu, this time's salary is only more than 600 million. Add up all the pieces, the performance fee is not even [-] million.

In other words, this time is a big production with an investment of more than 49 billion!
This is also the reason why they came here this time. With such a huge investment, not to mention the long-established epic novel of Immortal Sword, even if it is a piece of shit, it can feel like a five-star luxury meal!
Being able to appear in such a movie is not to say that it will increase its popularity around the world, but at least it will definitely increase its reputation in China.

Therefore, many people don't want to be paid, or even work for free, and don't even want to pay, just want to have more roles.

As for the director team led by Zhang Yimou, they are also full of expectations.

Zhang Yimou in particular, from the past few years to the present, he has always wanted to make a film that will go international. Last year, the film Great Wall, which was released for the Lunar New Year, invested more than one billion yuan, but it failed in the end, and the tie score was pulled very low. , Douban currently has a score of 4.9, which is counted among the bad movies.

But this time, Liu Xiao was able to ignore the previous suspicions and still believe in him and let him be the lead director, which undoubtedly moved him very much.

Here, the director team has gathered in a small conference room first.

Seeing Zhang Yimou, Liu Xiao smiled and walked towards him.

Zhang Yimou's director ability is nothing to say, it's just a bad movie, and it's not a big deal. In fact, in Liu Xiao's opinion, the concept of this movie is not a big problem. The only mistake is to invite foreigners to come over to shoot , Turning good domestic themes into nondescript.

As long as this is overcome, there will be absolutely no major problems.

And the director team who had filmed another Chinese Paladin series before, Liu Xiao was also invited this time.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

Everyone greeted each other.

"Everyone sit down, don't be restrained."

Liu Xiao smiled and shook hands with Zhang Yi, Xiaogang and others, and took the lead to sit down at the main seat.

The crowd took their seats.

"To be honest, if you invite heavyweight directors like you to make a movie, in the eyes of everyone, you must be a little bit unconvinced, thinking that I am overqualified."

"But to be honest, this movie really needs to find so many people to shoot, because the shooting method we are about to adopt is not the traditional live-action shooting, but the latest technological capabilities, virtual projection."

Liu Xiao nodded, and the staff at the side hastily turned on the projector.

"This is a holographic projection of a fairy tale movie, you can take a look."

"So real?"

"To be honest, this is still a 2D screen. If it is changed to 3D, wouldn't it be immersive?"

"My God, this scenery is really the fairy world I imagined!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Liu Xiao didn't have the desire to continue to amaze them, so he waved his hands to signal for everyone to be quiet.

"You can also see that the special effects produced by this kind of virtual projection, no matter where the real scene is shot, it is impossible to have such a scene, and what our virtual projection technology can do is that it can be connected to all actors. brain nerves, allowing them to immerse themselves in it, and can give them various abilities according to the script ability, such as flying, such as fire control."

Liu Xiaoyang introduced it freely and freely.

Of course, these abilities must be fake. It is impossible to say that they will suddenly fly after entering the scene. Wouldn't this be a time travel? In the final analysis, it is impossible for a person to have this ability.

What virtual projection does is actually similar to computer stunts.

For example, when an actor puts himself into it and wants to fly, the virtual projection technology will issue program instructions, and the actor will naturally be able to fly.

As for fire control, the actors still have to act with their own gestures, but the scene will appear in the virtual projection world for the first time.

But there is also a different first workshop, that is, these special effects appear for the first time, and the senses will be extremely real.

For example, if a ball of flame is thrown and hits someone, the person who hit it will really feel that a ball of fire is blasting towards him, but he will not feel that hot feeling.

On the other hand, it is also conducive to the actors to perform real emotions.

After hearing Liu Xiao's speech, all the directors present almost went crazy.

"Isn't the Xianxia filmed in this way a real world in terms of realism?"

"This is equivalent to building a fairy tale world first, and then throwing actors into it to perform. My God, is there any more realistic scene than this in the world?"

Everyone is ecstatic.

The only problem is that it will be very difficult to shoot.

However, all the directors present are very experienced directors. They are all first-class experts on which angle to shoot special sparring scenes from, and which aspect to start emotional scenes from.

And the script of Immortal Sword is even more popular, and the plot will never fall into clichés.

This is what Liu Xiao hopes to see.

With a good script, good actors, and such a huge investment, Liu Xiao couldn't believe that he couldn't make a good movie!

(End of this chapter)

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