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Chapter 475 Shooting with Virtual Projection Technology!

Chapter 475 Shooting with Virtual Projection Technology!
After a brief introduction with the director team, Liu Xiao didn't say any more.

In what order should the script be executed, how should the scene be constructed, and how should the details of the Xianxia world be finalized? These Liu Xiaos are just laymen. There are so many senior directors here, and any one of them is much better than him.

Professionals do professional things, this is what Liu Xiao has always believed in.

Let the director team study inside, while Liu Xiao came out of the meeting room, ready to meet the cast this time.

Brother Hu and Tang Yan are definitely indispensable for professional immortals, and Da Mimi, who is a little cute and has a small temper, was also invited by Liu Xiao.

Originally, Liu Xiao wanted to invite a few film stars to come over to support the scene, but in the end he gave up. In a movie with the style of Xianxia, ​​I have to say that not everyone can act, the first thing is to look at the face.

If the face is not straight, the audience will find it very strange. After all, it is a modern costume drama, and it is easy to jump off the stage if you are not careful.

Zhao Ning is already among a group of actors.

"Brother Xiao, I think it is necessary to conduct a security check on these people."

On the side, Zheng Xiaoxiao approached Liu Xiao's ear and whispered a suggestion.

In this movie, excluding the extras and small second- and third-tier actors, there are only a dozen super-first-line actors, and ten or twenty first-line actors. If there are too many people, problems will easily arise.

Although these are popular stars, it is impossible to have those principled problems, but if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of it.

Liu Xiao's eyes were fixed, and his footsteps paused slightly.

"Okay, you go."

There is no way, if he disagrees, Zheng Xiaoxiao will be scared to death.

With his current status, no matter how high their status was, these actors would not dare to play big names in front of him. Security checks really didn't matter.

Zheng Xiaoxiao nodded, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen people behind him immediately stepped forward.

"Is Brother Xiao Xiao the one we're going to meet next? I thought it was the director's team?"

Many actors were not too angry when they saw that they were going to be checked, but they were very excited.

Among the crowd, Zhao Ning, although he has no works, can be seen from Hu Ge and Da Mi Mi's attitude towards Zhao Ning, which is completely dog-licking gesture.

Nothing else, as soon as the Ning character from the Liu Ning Group is taken out, they are incomparable actors just for fun.

Furthermore, although Zhao Ning has made no achievements in the film industry, she is definitely a leader in the singing industry.

Especially after Liu Xiao personally announced the news in Zhao Ning's live broadcast some time ago, Zhao Ning's status has achieved a qualitative improvement, and her status in the entertainment industry has also quickly climbed to the No. [-] position.

And being able to stand in this position as an anchor and an online singer is absolutely unprecedented.

Of course, Zhao Ning currently has more than 8000 million fans on the entire network, plus more than 400 million viewers in the live broadcast room every day, which is actually a strong guarantee for the box office.

The reason why those small fresh meats are so popular is that fans are willing to buy up for them. With 5000 million fans, they dare to quote [-] million for the film salary, which is about [-] yuan per fan.

But the fact is also the same, no matter how bad the filming is, investors can earn back the money by relying on the fan economy.

With Zhao Ning's enthusiasm now, let alone [-] million for a movie, even if it is [-] million, there will definitely be a lot of people coming to pay.

Therefore, none of the top stars like Hu Ge Da Mi Mi dared to show the slightest disrespect to Zhao Ning. After all, they did not start in the film industry. Most of their previous films were TV dramas, which are still worse than movies. .

Zhao Ning on the side was also quite helpless.

Sister Feifei pushed all the work this time and came to the set to act as Zhao Ning's agent.

From the very beginning, Sister Feifei acted as if no strangers were allowed to enter, and led a few people to open a small space for Zhao Ningteng.

Although Zhao Ning was helpless, there was nothing she could do. She never thought that such a small anchor like her would become the biggest presence on the set.

When several security personnel passed by, they also greeted Zhao Ning, and then bypassed Zhao Ning to conduct security checks on the people behind.

Soon the security check was completed, and everyone's discussion gradually quieted down.

"Brother Xiao, it's okay."

Zheng Xiaoxiao nodded at Liu Xiao, and pushed open the door of the big meeting room.

Everyone saw a young man walking in, followed by more than a dozen security personnel in black, all with bulging waists, obviously armed with guns.

And further back, occasionally there are a few infrared rays sweeping over, like the scope of a sniper rifle or something.

"Is this the battle for the top domestic bigwigs to travel?" Several first-line stars whispered behind them, their expressions full of envy.

For this battle, awe is certain, but fear is certainly not.

Let alone aiming at them with a sniper rifle, it doesn’t matter if you aim at them with a little boy. Anyway, as long as they don’t commit suicide, they will be fine. Moreover, there are rumors on the Internet that Brother Xiao Xiao is a very talkative person. If there is anything wrong with it, Brother Xiao Xiao generally just laughed it off.

In this way, it seems that there is no problem.

Compared with fear, everyone was more shocked and envious.

They usually shoot movies and TV, and they have seen a lot of investors, but Brother Xiao Xiao is undoubtedly the most awesome one they have ever seen.

"Little Lemon."

Liu Xiao waved to Zhao Ning, smiled and walked to Zhao Ning's side to hold her hand.

"Brother Xiao Xiao."

Sister Feifei at the side also hurriedly greeted her.

From a small labor union management to the present level, Sister Feifei's fortune is something that many people would not envy. She is very clear who gave her these things, so naturally she followed Liu Xiao's lead.

"Feifei, Xiaogang is the logistics director for this set. You will coordinate with him to ensure the needs of the set."

"Don't worry, Brother Xiao Xiao, I will definitely take care of this matter."

Sister Feifei nodded repeatedly.

She heard Liu Xiao's words very clearly. This is obviously for her to communicate with the director team as the representative of the investor. Although the logistics director is said to be a logistics director, he is still a director in essence. On the set, he only has the identity of an investor Can overwhelm the opponent.

The attitude of everyone present was amazing.

Although this sentence is not long, most people can still hear the general idea.

First of all, director Xiaogang is a top director who has won more than a dozen film awards. This kind of person is always a logistics director. It is basically unnecessary to think about who the main director is. Needless to say, it is definitely a top director like Zhang Yimou , in China, Zhang Yimou is the only one who can overwhelm Xiaogang.

Of course, Xiaogang's director level is still very high, but the reason why Liu Xiao asked him to be the logistics director was because he didn't want him to shoot indiscriminately.

Xiao Gang likes to shoot kiss scenes when he doesn't do anything else, and each kiss scene lasts only a few minutes.

It's okay to be another actor, but this is my daughter-in-law making a movie, how can I let him direct?

On the contrary, most of the emotional dramas directed by Zhang Yimou are reflected from the macro level, rather than directly expressed through physical contact.

The two did not say who is superior and who is inferior, but Liu Xiao undoubtedly prefers Zhang Yimou.

And as for Liu Xiao asking Sister Feifei to be the investor's matchmaker, the meaning is also very obvious, that is, I can't let your director team mess around, you can shoot, you can change the script, but only with my consent, and Sister Feifei is the one who made the black face.

This point is not Liu Xiao messing around, in fact, Liu Xiao planned to delegate power to these directors from the very beginning.

But the current domestic films actually have an essential problem, that is, they are somewhat self-styled, and they always like to use various retro-style filters in their shooting techniques. This is something that these great directors cannot avoid.

The reason why Liu Xiao asked Sister Feifei to do these things was to completely prevent such things from happening.

If so, sorry, give me a retake.

Anyway, I have a lot of funds, and I am not afraid of waste, and I will keep doing it if I can't meet the requirements.

It doesn't matter what domestic first-line director or first-line actor you are, if you really have an opinion, come and ask me in person to see if you dare to fart?

In terms of Liu Xiao's current social status, not to mention one or two directors and one or two actors losing their temper, even if everyone adds up to it, they have to obey Liu Xiao's words.

"Mr. Liu, where is our shooting location? Has it been decided yet?"

Da Mi Mi bravely walked up and asked with a smile.

She came here by relying on interpersonal relationships, and she has an instinctive fear of Liu Xiao, a big boss, but on the other hand, she can't help but want to come and talk to her.

"Everyone, don't be restrained. To be honest, I'm also worried about so many security guards, but I can't refuse the official arrangement. They are very professional. Everyone just pretend that they don't exist."

"As for the shooting location, it's here."

Liu Xiao tapped the table with his fingers.

"Just here?"

Da Mi Mi's eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

This place is quite big, but after all, it is only a seven-star hotel. Even if there is some open-air space at the back, it would be difficult to hang a wire for filming, right?
Brother Hu and the others frowned all at once.

"Could it be that you want to read line 1234, then do green screen, dub and cutout later?"

"Wouldn't this be a bad movie? Then what are we doing here, just make a few movements and say a few words 1234?"

Everyone was discussing in low voices. Although they didn't dare to say it face to face, it could be seen that everyone's mood plummeted.

"Don't get me wrong, the shooting method we used this time is the holographic projection technology. Our technicians constructed a continent in the novel and projected it in the virtual world."

"Well, everyone come with me."

Liu Xiao thought for a while, and took Zhao Ning up first.

The first floor is the hall, the second floor is the main meeting room, and the third floor and above are the rooms for this shooting.

Liu Xiao opened a room and pointed to the equipment inside.

"These devices will all be linked to your bodies at that time, and your virtual images will be simultaneously thrown into the world of Xianxia, ​​and all actions you do outside will be synchronized inside in real time, including your expressions and figures. "

There are about six devices in this room. This is just a small room, which can support small-scale shooting. As for large-scale scenes, there are about twenty devices, which can basically support all the leading actors to play together.

"Virtual projection technology?"

Everyone was curious for a while.

Some time ago, the official announced that this technology is true, but they did not expect that Liu Xiao would apply this thing so quickly, and it seems that it would take ten days and a half months to arrange these things, or even It is estimated that it will not be completed in a month.

This means that Liu Xiao may have already started to do this before the official announcement. After all, it takes time to prepare for the design of the product and its actual application.

"In the current Xianxia world, I asked the technical side to create a place like Tianrenfeng. After the director team and the art team construct the scene, the rest of the place will emerge. With the performance of quantum computers, this process will be very fast. , as long as a plan is made, the map can be produced in an hour."

"As for the current Tianren Peak, you can connect to the virtual projection and try it yourself."

The overall equipment is mainly divided into three aspects. One is the conveyor belt, which can move in all directions, front, back, left, and right, ensuring that the actors move synchronously in the real world while walking in the virtual world.

The second is the detail sensors connected to the body. There are a large number of these sensors, and the purpose is to import all the details of the actors into the map.

Then, there is the special effects level.

Each actor will wear a special pair of glasses, these glasses will allow the actor to see all the details in the shooting map directly and synchronously. The glasses and detail sensors sense the real body, giving the actor a sense of being there.

To be honest, this thing is a simple version of virtual projection. According to Liu Xiao's estimation, after a while, these complicated processes will be gradually canceled. What will replace them is probably the kind of virtual induction helmet in science fiction.

Directly through the way of brain current induction, people can move freely in the virtual world, while the body in the real world can do without exercise.

Of course, at this level, the actors like Brother Hu are astonished.

They understand all too well what it means.

The location of Xianxia World is not so easy to find.

Among other things, how do you find the mountain gate that towers above the clouds at every turn, and how do you set up the super formation that occupies the entire sect's mountain?

These things don’t exist in the real world, and even if they do exist, it’s a peak like Mount Everest. Even if actors can go up there, it’s still a matter of whether they can come back, let alone act on it.

Therefore, the shooting of Xianxia films has always been a kind of tepid existence. Even if the Legend of Sword and Fairy series starring Hu Ge has been popular for a while a few years ago, whether it is special effects or the structure of the Xianxia world, in fact There is still a big difference from the real Xianxia people think, and what they mainly play is only the mortal world, through which they can penetrate the Xianxia thoroughly.

Therefore, they believe that as long as Liu Xiao's scene structure is correct, then this film will definitely become top-notch!

(End of this chapter)

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