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Chapter 476 In the virtual world, a sword qi directly destroys the world?

Chapter 476 In the virtual world, a sword energy directly destroys the world?
In the world of celestial beings, where the Tianren Peak is located.

There are a total of six virtual projectors in this room. Liu Xiao arranged for several leading actors to enter, and then himself and Zhao Ning.

The main joints of the six people were connected with sensors, and then they all stood in their positions and put on special glasses.

In the center of the room, a huge screen stands in it.

Following the data set by Liu Xiao, the screen suddenly lit up, and the six people also felt a blur in front of their eyes, and suddenly the noise in their ears disappeared. peak.

"My God, is the projection of this thing a real person, no need to scan at all?!"

Outside, everyone saw the big screen light up, and then the figures of six people appeared in it instantly, and they immediately exclaimed.

And the six people in the projection are also the first time to face the magnificence of this super big world. Although their bodies are still outside, they really feel as if they have crossed into this fairy world.

Everyone stood at the foot of Tianren Peak, looking at the incomparably magnificent super spiritual mountain surrounded by many white clouds, and full of rare and exotic grasses, they were all amazed.

"Wait a minute, I'll change your clothes for you."

Liu Xiao smiled and nodded.

Liu Xiao has the highest authority, and all the functions in it can be used. With just one thought, the six of them changed into the gorgeous ancient costumes of the fairy world one after another.

And Liu Xiao even gave Zhao Ning and himself two very beautiful fairy swords.

"This is why we are outside, but the feeling of stepping on the ground and touching the inside can be so real?"

Brother Hu couldn't believe it. He walked left and right, and saw that he had changed his clothes, and even tugged on his body. When all kinds of gravel are transmitted to the soles of the feet, there are obviously some tactile sensations exclusive to the stones.

The only problem may be that they can't smell anything here, like flowers and air, they don't feel anything.

"This is very simple. In fact, our sense of touch and hearing are ultimately reflected in our brain nerves, that is, to create induction through skin contact and ear collection, but this process is deceptive. This Deception is our neuron."

"For example, if you touch the linen clothes, your first impression must be rough, but you certainly cannot rely on the rough feeling to determine that it is linen clothes. In most cases, you will instinctively take a look, so that after to confirm."

"But in the world of virtual projection, your sight is blocked, and what you see is the world projected by us, and when you touch the clothes, the sensors on your body will release an electric current similar to the tactile sensation of the material of the clothes. Stimulate it, your skin will make you think you are touching the sackcloth, and what you see in front of your eyes will make your brain believe it."

"Even if you know he is fake, but your brain thinks he is real, then in your sense, it is real. As for the sense of smell, the data has not been collected yet, and it is not very good at present. Build a complete system, but it will definitely be added later.”

Liu Xiao explained with a smile.

Tactile imitation is very simple. In fact, there are only a few kinds of human senses of touch. The main thing is to feel the fiber thickness and hardness of the material, and then the friction generated by the touch to determine the type of item. There are many things in the Xianxia world, but every item that appears This kind of thing has only a few core touch sensations, plus visual misleading, it will be very easy.

But the sense of smell is different from the sense of taste. There are hundreds of billions of neurons on the human nose and tongue. With so many neurons, every time they touch something, they will generate hundreds of millions of neural currents. This is something that current technology cannot fully do. arrived.

But for this point, it is not too important now, after all, making movies is not about making food, so it can be completely ignored.

But this layer alone still shocked the actors.

Everyone in this meeting is very excited, wishing that they are the ones who are in the Xianxia world now.

"The current map of Xianxia World is not large, but the functions are relatively complete. Here, I will first cover up a few things that will be used during the shooting process."

Liu Xiao opened the data internally, and first installed a flying ability for the six of himself.

"You can design the activation action of the flight ability yourself, and you can see the data here."

Liu Xiao first designed a flight activation action for himself, lightly clenched his left and right hands, and Liu Xiao immediately flew up.

And Zhao Ning was also very curious, she flicked the corner of her skirt lightly, and also flew into the sky.

"Wow! It's really flying!"

Zhao Ning exclaimed for a while, she really felt the feeling of being suspended in the air.

It wasn't until I stepped on it lightly and found that I couldn't go on, that I dared to confirm that I didn't really travel through, and I was still staying on the conveyor belt.

Brother Hu jumped forward twice and went directly to Feitian, while Da Mimi on the side followed Zhao Ning's skirt and flew directly into the sky.

"The control method is so flexible, it's like I can really fly, it's incredible!"

Da Mi Mi exclaimed constantly, tossing and turning in the sky.

Although the outsiders didn't move much, she was indeed flying inside.

"This kind of feeling is really amazing. I used to hang Wia or something, but I didn't expect to be able to fly here!"

"But Brother Xiao Xiao, with so many sensors on our bodies, how should we complete the fighting movements?"

Liu Xiao smiled mysteriously, and directly gave Brother Hu a fairy sword.

"you try."

Liu Xiao took the lead in pulling out the fairy sword from his waist, and slashed at Brother Hu from a distance.


A light blue sword energy suddenly rushed towards Brother Hu with an aura that would destroy the world.

Brother Hu didn't have time to react at all, and immediately froze in place, flying in mid-air without daring to move, but when the sword energy was about to touch Brother Hu, the flying speed of the entire sword energy suddenly became extremely slow.

Only then did Brother Hu react, and dodged to avoid the sword energy.

Just after avoiding it, the sword energy rose rapidly again, and within a second, it directly hit the Tianren Peak behind.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and the whole mountain was cut in half with a single knife, and it collapsed to the side rumblingly.

Brother Hu's eyes widened just now, and another wave of sword energy bombarded him, but this time the sword energy did not slow down in the slightest. The light blue sword energy directly split Brother Hu, and Brother Hu's characters were instantly split into countless pieces. Particle, the sword's momentum was unstoppable, and it hit the Tianren Peak behind it horizontally, and directly split the entire mountain into dust.

Suddenly, Brother Hu's body reorganized in the space again, and the Tianren Peak, which was constantly collapsing behind, also returned to normal in an instant.

"Now you understand, in the world of xianxia, ​​your fighting methods are no longer hand-to-hand combat. Things like that kind of close-up slashing will only appear in the world of martial arts. The world of xianxia is full of hundreds of miles , even a battle thousands of miles away!"

Whether it was the six people or the hundreds of actors on the scene, they all swallowed heavily.

The scene of the sword splitting through Tianren Peak just now, in their eyes, is almost the same as what happened in real life.

Is this the charm of virtual projection?
There is no reason for a movie made like this to be popular!
Just that scene, it might be enough to use it directly as a promotional video for this movie. If it were in the real world, if you want to create the scene where Liu Xiao slashed Tianren Peak just now, it would take less than a year to render it. The budget is not [-] to [-] million, so I'm afraid it can't be done, and in terms of reality, it's far from this!

Suddenly, the eyes of Brother Hu and the others all became hot.

This kind of movie is definitely a pleasure to shoot.

This is simply a real super real 5D game!

Zhao Ning was also eager to try, and took Liu Xiao's hand, as if she would also give me some ability to let me play.

Liu Xiao was helpless, waved his hand, and also gave Zhao Ning the ability of sword energy, and his level was raised to the level of an immortal.

Liu Xiao's level of sword energy just now is only at the peak Mahayana stage in the world.

As for the True Immortals and Golden Immortals, which are higher than Immortals, they can't be used yet, because the map is too small, and such a big place is simply not enough for a strong person of this level to destroy.

According to Liu Xiao's reverie, it shouldn't be a problem for a person at the level of a true immortal to shatter [-] square kilometers of land with one blow.

Zhao Ning suddenly felt that this character of hers had some kind of skill, looked down, and saw that the fairy sword Liu Xiao gave her was emitting a little bit of blue light.

Zhao Ning laughed and pulled out the fairy sword directly.

Although it is impossible to feel the existence of mana or something, it is already very refreshing to be able to do this.

Raising the sword and swiping it forward suddenly, a huge blue sword energy more than 1000 meters high was conceived and formed on the tip of the sword, and the next moment, it suddenly bombarded forward.


There was a loud noise both inside and outside the screen, and with a huge explosion, the entire Tianren Peak became countless fragments, and Da Mi Mi who stood beside them were also blown away at the same time .

On the entire screen, only Zhao Ning, the caster, and Liu Xiao, the administrator, were unharmed.

As for Brother Hu, because he was standing right in front of him, when he reacted, his whole body became countless particles and condensed again.

"Sorry, I used a little bit of strength."

Zhao Ning stuck out her tongue and looked at the few people who had just completed the reunion.

She also thought that the power might be about the same as Liu Xiao's just now, but she didn't expect it to be dozens of times.

Have you ever seen a sword light that is 1000 meters high and hundreds of meters wide?
If you meet an ordinary person, the sword light of hundreds of meters will bombard him, let alone hide it before the sword light flies over. With the width of only a few hundred meters, even the world sprint champion will be caught blind.

Now, everyone on the scene was silent.

At this moment, they finally began to understand the unique fighting style of the Xianxia world that Liu Xiao mentioned.

And they can probably understand the horror of the novel world.

"This is just the swordsman's way of fighting. I have also made some big moves of your character. You can try it too."

The heroine played by Zhao Ning is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation level can be regarded as a ceiling-level existence in the whole play, and what Liu Xiao is giving Zhao Ning now is the less powerful ones among her abilities. indivual.

"Brother Hu, take a look at your panel. What I gave you is the late stage ability of your character. The strength is probably also the same as Da Luo Jinxian, but now you can only use less powerful ones."

The power that Liu Xiao gave to the two of them was second to none, mainly because the scope of influence was relatively small. After all, the current map is only so big, and there is no need to use a super big move that covers tens of millions of square kilometers with one skill.

Zhao Ning's ability, called Bingxuanyuan, is to condense the water elements between the heaven and the earth, directly causing overwhelming ice cone attacks.

And brother Hu's ability is the sky-filled sword array, which belongs to a small-scale big move collision, and this field can just be moved.

The two of them didn't say anything, and launched their big moves directly face to face.

But Da Mi Mi and the others saw that the situation was wrong, and they flew away to the distance.

Although it doesn't feel special to be killed by the bomb, but if you don't get killed by the bomb and don't get killed by the bomb, it's not good to lose face.

And with the opening of the two big moves, the whole world seems to be covered by endless flying swords and ice cones.

The big moves were quickly condensed, and they collided with each other rumblingly. The sky and the earth seemed to be cracked by this collision, and the sky dimmed visibly with the naked eye.

Da Mi Mi and the others tried their best to escape, but they were stabbed to death by a few flying swords at the corners before they could get out of the range.

Liu Xiao smiled helplessly, opened the administrator panel, endowed Da Mi Mi with the invincible ability, and sent them directly.

And with the collision of the two big moves, the entire Xianxia world is collapsing in an extremely fast way.

Further back, voids emerged, oppressive as if they were about to devour people's hearts.

Everyone swallowed again uncontrollably.

This level of authenticity has far exceeded their expectations.

They dare not imagine what kind of grand occasion it will be after completing the map of the entire Xianxia world in a while?
"This is just the human world. According to the book Immortal Sword, after reaching the fairy world, the space will be strengthened. If you use a big move in that place, the buildings and space will not collapse so easily."

Liu Xiao explained.

The strongest strength that the human world can accommodate is the Mahayana period. It is naturally normal for the two big Luo Jinxian's ultimate moves to be like this.

As for the later stage of the script, it seems that there are semi-holy-level powerhouses who come to the human world to wreak havoc. Liu Xiao remembers that the heroine Zhao Ning used the magic weapon given by the immortal emperor to resist for a while.

But even so, it seemed that most of the human world was collapsed, and in the end it was the Immortal Emperor himself who came to clean up this thing.

Among other things, this movie is far behind Transformers, Godzilla, and Avengers in terms of the excitement and excitement of fighting.

A small Tianren Peak covers an area almost one-third the size of Blue Star. The vastness of this Immortal Sword World is probably calculated in light-years.

(End of this chapter)

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