Chapter 477 Comprehensive Propaganda
After briefly introducing everyone, Liu Xiao took the lead to exit the virtual world.

Zhao Ning also had a good time playing in it, and he was still happy when he came out. As for Brother Hu, he had a bitter face. Although he also experienced the ability of the ultimate move, he was the one who was abused inside, and he belonged to The kind who dare not even fight back, although it seems nothing strange to be beaten to death inside, but it is not a problem to become light all the time, he is not Ultraman, nor is he Dagu, in this life He didn't want to deal with light.

After the demonstration was over, all the director team came over. Liu Xiao simply arranged for everyone to have a meal together, and then left first.

With him as an investor, directors like them are not very good at it. It’s enough to have Sister Feifei on the scene to help me watch. Of course, the most important thing is to protect Zhao Ning from being bullied by others. With Sister Feifei here, Liu Xiao can really rest assured.

Besides, Liu Xiao has also set up a set of equipment at home, so he can directly enter the movie scene to watch the movie through the Internet, and there is no need to come here.

"Even if there is a quantum computer to build a map of the virtual world, the cost of rendering will definitely still need some, but one billion should be no problem." Liu Xiao gave a conclusion after fully considering the performance of his quantum computer.

If the traditional method is used to make this super large map, such a large fairy sword world, I am afraid that all the manpower and material resources in the world will not be enough to invest in it. This is the advantage of quantum computers. It can do some traditional methods. Things that can’t be achieved, and it can be done well synchronously, and more importantly, its efficiency will be very high.

Just like when Liu Xiao was designing the spacecraft, he only needed to set up a concept, and the quantum computer could quickly complete it by relying on its own algorithm, and automatically check the inoperable items through the pre-designed program, and eventually Three or four feasible ones will be left for manual screening, which greatly reduces the number of human calculations.

Don't worry about making a movie, Liu Xiao looked at the consumption quota of [-] billion in the system, and he was very happy.

For things like movies, of course we have to shoot a few more. After the director team finishes shooting this movie in two months, let them continue to shoot, and if they want to shoot, they will make blockbuster movies. It’s not too big to spend 20 billion a month. questionable.

As for the funds, there is no need to worry. Liu Xiao's daily sign-in quota is [-] million, and after a month, it is [-] million. In addition, the two group companies are still making money continuously. Liu Xiao wakes up every day. , that is, a few hundred million into the account, it really belongs to the type of money that can't be spent.

"Since filming is fine, games should also be counted as consumption, as long as I don't set any recharge window in the game." Liu Xiao thought.

As long as it does not bring any benefits to others, the project cannot be counted as an investment.

Liu Xiao gradually figured out how the system works, and he also has more and more experience in swiping consumption quotas.

If you invest in a game, among other things, it is certain that it will exceed [-] billion. As for how much you get, it depends on how far the project can be developed.

Liu Xiao's plan here is to use the current virtual projection technology to create a real holographic projection game.

It is similar to the technology that can enter the game world by lying in the game cabin.

Liu Xiao usually also plays games, but most of them are real-time battles like League of Legends. This game can also be developed into a live-action version, but to be honest, it is probably not interesting to play this kind of game. Hero skills are very fun, but the real substitution Going in is actually the same, especially when Xiaodai is killed as a chick, it is even more uncomfortable to go in with a real person.

As for the development of virtual projections like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, there is no need to think about it. Is it possible that this kind of gunfight game is to train a group of special forces?
Liu Xiao intends to research a game similar to Xianxia World, which removes those disgusting task systems from traditional 3D web games, and then optimizes the image quality to a level that is one-to-one with the real map. Give birthplace, then grow a little faster, and let it develop freely.

For example, one day in reality is one hundred days in the game world, and so on, so that players can experience the fun, so that they don’t have to work hard for three or four months to plant a field in it.

In this way, from birth to ten years old, the player is actually only one month in reality, and can also improve independently through various methods such as hanging up, the playability is absolutely high, and joining various forces in the later stage is similar to the awakening of nations , can also be regarded as a puzzle game.

Just do what you want. In terms of games, there are still quite a few domestic studios.

Although the traditional online game industry is currently in a downturn, the studio Liu Xiao, who is barely breathing a sigh of relief, still found more than 20.

Liu Xiao directly called Vice President Du and asked Vice President Du to buy it all in the name of Liu Ning Group, and set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, which is 100% controlled by Liu Ning Group.

When Liu Xiao got these things done, Zhao Ning's movie Immortal Sword officially started shooting.

As for the map, it was made based on the plot of the novel, coupled with the unified research of the director team and the art team. Liu Xiao went in and took a look. The world of Immortal Sword was basically perfectly restored, and the first impression was extremely shocking.

According to the news given to me by the director team, because this movie is shot in a virtual world, it only takes two months at most to finish shooting. If you are in a hurry, there should be no problem before the Spring Festival.

Now that the Spring Festival is only a month and a half away, Liu Xiao directly had someone intercept a section of the Xianxia World Map as a promotional video, and directly posted it on various websites for publicity.

Five hundred million was invested, of which one billion or so was used for map construction, six or seven hundred million was used to pay personnel, and the remaining three billion or so were all used for promotion.

Generally speaking, the promotion cost of a big movie is about 5000 million. For example, Hollywood movies, Avengers, etc., the promotion cost can reach about [-] million.

In comparison, Liu Xiao's investment of [-] million yuan in promotion was almost equal to the other party's investment in [-] films.

You know, the Avengers series has only filmed 3 now, Transformers has only filmed the return of the hero, and the very, very popular Resident Evil has only filmed the second part. These Hollywood blockbusters, all blockbusters in five or six years plus The publicity expenses raised are not comparable to the publicity costs of Liu Xiao's movie.

And generally speaking, with an investment cost of [-] million yuan, these big movies usually need to maintain their popularity for three months. Erliu Xiao now only needs one and a half months of publicity.

Therefore, on the second day after the advertisement was launched, the entire media world seemed to be covered by the promotional coloring pages of this movie.

Almost all apps, the first time they open the homepage, are the promotional screen of this movie.

"My Cao, what kind of fairy picture quality is this? According to the promotion, this movie still supports the highest picture quality of 5D?"

"See, the small words above, Liu Ning Media, this movie is the movie Immortal Sword officially announced by brother Xiao Xiao some time ago. I didn't expect the speed of making the movie to be so fast. I have to say that this promotional film alone has completely captured me. It’s a must-see on the day it’s released!”

"China-made fairy tale masterpiece, I heard from insiders that the map structure of this fairy sword world exceeds one light-year, one light-year, what kind of concept is this, it is enough to install billions of suns, this is what I imagined Chaos world!"

"I heard that it was made with quantum computers and virtual projections, but it must be difficult to shoot in such a big world, right?"


At the same time, various media accounts are also pushing like crazy.

Three billion, almost supporting the editors and video editors of the entire network.

And some of the bloggers pushed by conscience were also calling crazily after watching the promotional video of Immortal Sword.

"I have to say that Brother Xiao Xiao's production is indeed a high-quality product. With five billion yuan invested, coupled with the latest domestic technology, and without inviting those sticks to make fresh meat, this movie is bound to be popular, I said !"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't our movies go abroad?"

Vice President Du looked at Liu Xiao wonderingly.

It stands to reason that this kind of big movie must go to some foreign markets, but this time Liu Xiao did it like a closed country, all the promotions were carried out in the country, and the release did not choose foreign theaters.

Although a quarter of the global box office is in China, the remaining three quarters are also very important.

"In the future, we must develop a habit. We are the first in the Celestial Dynasty, and the rest are second."

Liu Xiao smiled and shook his head.

There is never a shortage of markets for good movies, and people will watch them if they are released early or later.

What Erliu Xiao is doing is to highlight the international status of China. After we have seen it, it will be your turn. If you are not convinced, you can also film it yourself.

Of course, the premise is to spend two trillion yuan to buy a quantum computer and go back. If it can be done, then try to study the virtual projection technology. Maybe after four or fifty years of research, you will get a glimpse of the door, right?
Vice President Du was speechless for a while.

"Just for that reason?"

"Is that not enough?"

Liu Xiao laughed, and asked a question.

"By the way, all the movies are released for free this time. With their ID cards, domestic audiences can go to the movie theater to watch it once. One month after the release, it will be synchronized with all major apps, and it will also be permanently free."

Liu Xiao did not forget his upgrade plan.

If this becomes profitable, the five billion consumption quota will skyrocket.

Half of the [-] billion consumption task has finally been completed, so it can't be earned back in such a vague way.

"Okay." Vice President Du sighed and spread his hands helplessly.

My boss is good at everything, but he is not very keen on making money.

But this is also understandable. After all, even if 13 billion people watch a movie, it will only cost seven to eight billion at the box office. However, Liu Xiao sold a quantum computer for two hundred. billion gross profit.

And recently Liu Ning Group's virtual disk server has also begun to be sold to the outside world. Although the domestic price of [-] million yuan has doubled by a hundred times to [-] billion yuan, many people still come to buy it.

After all, the quantum computer sold by Qianlong Group is priced at [-] trillion yuan. Except for a few capable ones, no one can really afford it.

For some small forces, although 200 billion is a lot, it is still a trivial matter for a force, and for some stronger ones, there are even five and six sets of orders for one order.

With so much income every day, it is certain that there is no shortage of money.

But this seemed a bit uncomfortable for a serious professional manager like him. He created wealth for his boss, but now he was spending money for his boss somehow.

Moreover, the boss was afraid that he would not spend enough, so he invested [-] billion yuan in publicity expenses, and kept telling him that if he didn't have enough, he would ask him what he wanted.

"Never mind him, do whatever you like, I'm just a wage earner."

Vice President Du spread his hands.

His current annual salary is tens of millions, and he still owns a large villa of 6000 to [-] million on the third ring road of the capital. His children are also studying in key schools, and his life is already complete.

In this life, Vice President Du doesn't plan to make any more troubles. From a child of a poor family to the present level, he doesn't know how many classes he has crossed. There are also many projects to make money.

A virtual disk server brings hundreds of millions of profits every day. After a while, the foreign orders will be cashed out, and the profits will have to be multiplied dozens of times. Brother Xiao Xiao can make a fuss about it. With this kind of profitability, unless the bank goes bankrupt, Otherwise, there would be absolutely nothing wrong with Liu Ning Group.

Not to mention, there is a big brother Qianlong Group standing behind.

Liu Xiao drove his own small spacecraft all the way from Liu Ning Group, parked directly on the top floor of the studio, and then took the elevator all the way to Zhao Ning's shooting location. Zhao Ning is currently filming, and the instrument automatically shields the noise of the surrounding environment , so she didn't see Liu Xiao coming in the first time.

"Mr. Liu." When the directors saw Liu Xiao approaching, they quickly stood up and said hello.

"How did Xiao Ning take the picture?"

"Mr. Liu, take a look, this is a film that was shot in the past two days." One of the directors took out a laptop and played the contents of Zhao Ning's filming in the past two days.

Liu Xiao glanced at it.

In the film Xianjian, the heroine is relatively useless in the early stage, and he is mixed in the human world in the early stage. Most of the dangers encountered are actually resolved by the heroine. Therefore, in this movie, Zhao Ning is the absolute heroine. There are also more episodes.

Although Liu Xiao doesn't know much about acting skills, from the perspective of a viewer, the few clips played by Zhao Ning are obviously very good, at least they don't give him any sense of acting.

The acting skills of the first-line actors can’t be said, but the second-line actors are still about the same. In addition, the movie Xianjian has special effects in the majority, and the requirements for actors’ acting skills are not particularly high. The filming of these few episodes is considered a success.

(End of this chapter)

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