Chapter 102 School Grass
After Feng Cheng figured out Tang Qi's matter, he no longer cared about it.

Anyway, he had clearly rejected it, and Tang Qi should not continue to pester him.

Although Feng Cheng thought that he was quite handsome now, but he was not enough to let a girl stalk him.

Even if Tang Qi was fascinated by his damn charm, and then continued to pester himself, he would not soften his heart a little. Since he knew it was impossible, Feng Cheng would not have any hypocrisy.

This era is good. Although there is not much material security, the ordinary life is also very interesting.

When I came to the dining window in the cafeteria, looking at the few dishes in front of me, I felt a burst of emotion in my heart. The life now is really hard, worse than the world of courtyard houses.

Maybe it’s because I was a cook in the courtyard world, and I didn’t lack food and drink, and then I went to Hong Kong Island to work hard. Anyway, I remember that the food in the canteen of the rolling mill is much better than this.

Auntie Dafan looked at the stunned Feng Cheng and asked urgently, "What do you need? Tell me quickly, isn't it just these few dishes? There is nothing to worry about!"

"Uh! Let's get some cabbage and tofu! And two taels of rice!" Hearing the urging of Dafan, Feng Cheng said with a smile.

Holding his own food, Feng Cheng saw Professor Su in the school eating alone.

Feng Cheng came to sit down opposite Professor Su, greeted him with a smile, "Professor Su, you actually came to eat in person?"

"Hey! Teacher Feng, can I help you with meals?" Professor Su suddenly said happily when he heard Feng Cheng's words.

"That's right!" Feng Cheng also said with a smile when he saw that he had made Professor Su laugh successfully.

In fact, Feng Cheng used a stalk from "Parents' Love", which is what the hero Jiang Defu said when he struck up a conversation with the political commissar of the base in the toilet.

Seeing the energetic Feng Cheng in front of him, Professor Su was filled with emotion, he is really young and promising!
It's hard not to envy the middle-aged and old people for the high-spirited state of young people.

"Mr. Feng, you are now a celebrity in our Northern Lin University!" Professor Su jokingly said to Feng Cheng in front of him.

"Me? A celebrity? Do you think I look like me?" Hearing what Professor Su said, Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"You don't know yet! Your class is very popular among students! All the students who have listened to your class say that your class is very lively and interesting!" Professor Su explained with a smile.

"As far as my level is concerned, Professor Su is still not clear about it! I think the main reason is that I am about the same age as the students, and it is easier to communicate with them, and then they pass it on as lively and interesting!" Feng Cheng was very self-aware, and then laughed explained.

Regarding Feng Cheng's explanation, Professor Su actually agreed with it, but it was really difficult to answer the words for a while, so he smiled and continued to eat.

"Professor Su, can I ask you something?" Feng Cheng said when he saw that the time was almost up.

"Oh? Yes! Teacher Feng, tell me!" Professor Su said, although he was a little puzzled by Feng Cheng's words.

"Recently, I suddenly became very interested in Professor Su's seedling cultivation. Could you please ask Professor Su to accept me as your student!" Feng Cheng asked with a smile.

Feng Cheng already knew where his shortcomings were, and since he came here through time travel, he naturally wanted to make up for them.

As for the nursery profession, you must master it yourself, and you must not have the embarrassing situation in the original drama that you cram and only read books when you are raising seedlings.

"What? You, a tree feller, want to plant trees? Are you kidding me?" Hearing Feng Cheng's request, Professor Su widened his eyes in surprise and said.

"What I said is true! I can't just cut down trees and don't know how to plant them all the time! After a few years, I can cut down all the trees in the whole country!" Feng Cheng said exaggeratedly.

"Haha, it's just you? You want to cut down all the trees in the country, and you look down on my major and my students too much!" Professor Su said with a big laugh when he heard Feng Cheng's words.

"Teacher Feng! Tell your students, cut with confidence and boldly! Let's see if it's you who cut faster, or our professional grower faster!" Professor Su said jokingly suddenly.

"Professor Su, what I said is true! I'm really interested in seedling breeding!" Feng Cheng said seriously again.

Seeing Feng Cheng's serious look, Professor Su put away his joking tone, and said equally seriously, "I'm very happy that you are so studious! Young people should be so diligent and studious! When I come back, I will write down my teaching plan. I'll give you everything I have, and books on seedling breeding, if you don't understand anything, just come and find me!"

"That's really a big thank you to Professor Su! It's solved a big problem for me!" Feng Cheng said gratefully.

"It's all trivial. In fact, we have a lot of experiments in seedling cultivation. If you want to learn well, you have to be prepared to go to the laboratory often! After all, going to the laboratory is very boring!" Professor Su thought for a while, and then said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Professor Su! I think it's the happiest thing to be able to study without stopping! As for the boring and hard work, I can overcome it!" Feng Cheng said with a smile.

Feng Cheng's life was finally on the right track. He taught the wood processing major he was in charge of every day, and followed Professor Su for the rest of the time, becoming a student who was more diligent than the students of the seedling cultivation major.

At first, the students majoring in seedling cultivation were very curious, thinking that Feng Cheng was an assistant hired by Professor Su.

Because Feng Cheng not only followed Professor Su, but also often soaked in the laboratory. When he knew the specific situation, he admired Feng Cheng's eagerness to learn with emotion.

"Teacher Feng is so handsome! I heard that I receive many love letters every day!"

"Yeah! The most important thing is that he is so eager to learn! At first I heard that he majored in wood processing, and I was so surprised. Isn't he just a lumberjack! He even wants to plant trees! It's amazing!"

"Yeah! He's so inspiring! Just thinking about his inspiring behavior makes my blood boil!"

"Haha, your enthusiasm is really inspired by Mr. Feng? You can't be seduced by Mr. Feng's handsome appearance!"

"Go to hell! Seeing Teacher Feng, I can't believe you don't drool!"

"Hey! It's useless to drool! I heard that he already has a girlfriend! Even Mr. Feng, Tang Qi, the flower of the English department, doesn't like it!"

In this way, without knowing it, Feng Cheng became the school grass recognized by Northern Forestry University.

Almost every student who knows Feng Cheng is motivated and is studying hard.

The students liked to listen to Feng Cheng's professional wood processing course even more. Every time Feng Cheng took a class, the classroom would be filled with students.

Feng Cheng is actually very happy that he is very popular with the students.

But Feng Cheng still maintains his own routine of life. Whenever he has time, he will listen to lectures behind Professor Su or spend time in the laboratory with students majoring in seedling cultivation, doing boring experiments.

Feng Cheng feels that every day is very fulfilling, and the increase in knowledge makes him more confident.

I was no longer the Feng Cheng in the original play who didn't know anything but just worked hard and did nothing.

What made Feng Cheng even more happy was that Feng Cheng's mother's condition finally got better after being treated by Dr. Pu Fuzhou, and her mother's face also had blood, which was no longer as pale as before.

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(End of this chapter)

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