Chapter 103 Review
Feng Cheng was really happy about the news that his mother's health had improved.

Think about Feng Cheng in the original play, after his mother died of illness, in order to please Tang Qi, and then returned to his hometown Saihanba alone.

It is a pity that the Saihanba at that time had long been turned into a plateau desert because of the deforestation by the predecessors.

And I, a wood processing teacher with a bright future, turned out to be a backward element.

Facing the seedling and planting majors that I don't understand, I have no idea for a while, so I can only rely on dull work to do useless work, which is completely thankless.

After those college students went to the dam, I became an abandoned yellow-faced woman. Not only was I rejected and isolated by others, but my self-confidence was severely hit.

But in the face of Wu Yansheng's bullying and the rejection and isolation of other colleagues, he has no ability to resist.

In the end, it was only through my own unremitting efforts and eagerness to learn that I achieved success and was finally accepted and respected by others.

When Feng Cheng returned home, he was very excited to see his mother's face gradually getting better.

The mother in front of him is his greatest protection. After getting along for many days, the love between mother and child has gradually deepened, and it is no longer the alienation that Feng Chenggang had when he traveled through time.

"Mom, how do you feel? Dr. Pu Fuzhou's medical skills are good!?" Feng Cheng said to his mother with a smile.

"Yes! I really didn't expect Miracle Doctor Pu's medical skills to be so superb!

Seeing my situation, many colleagues are asking about Dr. Pu Fuzhou's situation, and they all want to go to Guang'anmen Hospital for medical treatment!
You don't know, there are really many colleagues in my physical condition now! "The mother said happily when she heard what her son Feng Cheng said.

"I know! I know everything! Otherwise, the Ministry of Health would not have set up a Chinese medicine research institute, and it is already an urgent matter to help you recuperate your body.

However, having said that, if your colleague wants to find Dr. Pu Fuzhou, you'd better do it as soon as possible. If Dr. Pu becomes famous, he will most likely become an imperial physician!
Although Dr. Pu Fuzhou will come out for consultation at that time, it will not be easy to compete for the number! "Feng Cheng said with emotion.

Hearing the reminder from her son Feng Cheng, the mother thought it was necessary, so she kept it in her heart, and told her colleagues when she was going back to work.

"Mom, let's go! I'll take you to Guang'anmen Hospital to see Dr. Pu for a reexamination today! Let the great god come and see your physical condition!" Feng Cheng said with a smile.

Feng Cheng came to Guang'anmen Hospital again, but he directly found the nurse's sister Zhong Hui.After all, I really should thank him from the bottom of my heart for the help he gave me last time.

Since Zhong Hui regards herself as a friend, she can't be too noble and aloof. Not responding at all is very hurtful.

Zhong Hui was very happy that Feng Cheng took his mother for a review, but came to find her first.

"Hello, auntie! I see that your complexion is much better than last time! It seems that Dr. Pu's medical skills are indeed very good!" Zhong Hui said happily to Feng Cheng's mother.

"It's not thanks to your help, daughter! Last time I got home, I heard Feng Cheng tell me, thank you so much!" Feng Cheng's mother said gratefully to Zhong Hui.

Because his mother misunderstood the relationship between Feng Cheng and Zhong Hui at the time, Feng Cheng was very helpless and could only introduce the situation in detail as a last resort.

But after hearing the actual situation, the mother liked Zhong Hui's kindness and beauty very much, and still encouraged Feng Cheng to associate with Zhong Hui.

Then Feng Cheng told his mother the ambition in his heart.

It would be cruel to let an unprepared city girl live in a plateau desert!
It was also the first time Feng Cheng's mother knew that her son Feng Cheng was going to his hometown Saihanba to plant trees and afforest the motherland.

I agreed with it in my heart, so I reluctantly agreed with my son's view on marriage.

After all, not everyone is willing to endure a life of wind, food and sleep for the sake of ideals and aspirations.

At first glance, Zhong Hui is the kind of child from a superior family, and he must not be able to endure the hardships of Saihanba.

Like a lark, Zhong Hui brought Feng Cheng's mother and son to Dr. Pu Fuzhou's consultation room again. Dr. Pu Fuzhou was very happy to see Feng Cheng's mother's improvement.

"Ms. Li, let me take your pulse first!"

After a long period of time, Dr. Pu Fuzhou said happily, "Ms. Li's body is gradually recovering, and the effect is also very good! I will prescribe a new prescription later, you go back and continue to take medicine!"

Hearing Dr. Pu Fuzhou's words, Feng Cheng's mother looked at each other happily, and then Feng Cheng asked excitedly, "How long does Dr. Pu think it will take for my mother to be completely cured?"

Dr. Pu Fuzhou was not surprised or surprised by Feng Cheng's words, because he had seen too many patients, and it was unrealistic to quickly drive away the illness as soon as he got sick!After all, treatment requires a process. "Your mother's illness is a chronic disease, which is caused by the accumulation of years! So it is very troublesome to recover. Be patient and rely on a little recuperation to improve!"

Feng Cheng could hear what Dr. Pu Fuzhou meant. It was impossible for the mother's condition to be completely cured, and it could only be improved by slowly recuperating.

"In any case, Dr. Pu is a great benefactor of our family. My mother and I are really grateful! It is our mother and son's luck to meet you, Dr. Pu Fuzhou!" Feng Cheng said gratefully.

Feng Cheng's gratitude to Dr. Pu Fuzhou is indeed from the heart.

It is really an honor to meet such a great doctor of traditional Chinese medicine after traveling through time.

For Feng Cheng's gratitude, Dr. Pu Fuzhou just smiled. He has seen too many thanks from patients. The recovery or improvement of patients is actually the best thanks to doctors!
After all, in the heart of a peerless doctor like Dr. Pu Fuzhou, the happiness of the patients is their own greatest happiness.

"Doctor Pu, I heard that you are from Xichuan, and you have just come to the capital not long ago! Then you must not be used to the food in the capital!

It just so happens that I can cook a few Sichuan dishes, which are quite authentic!So I want to invite Dr. Pu to my house for a meal tomorrow. I wonder if I have the honor? "Feng Cheng glanced at his mother, then said with a smile.

When my mother heard Feng Cheng's words, she quickly realized that she also tried her best to invite Dr. Pu.

In fact, Dr. Pu Fuzhou is really not used to the food in the capital, and listening to the locals around the capital bragging about the authenticity of this dish and that dish, I really want to pin the food on their heads, and then curse, authenticity is a hammer!
Hearing Feng Cheng's invitation, Dr. Pu Fuzhou was very moved, but he was not very familiar with him, so he was still a little embarrassed.

At this time, Zhong Hui, who was next to her, complained to Feng Cheng, "You only invite Dr. Pu, but you don't even invite me. You are too much!"

Seeing Zhong Hui pretending to be angry, but actually helping Dr. Pu relieve her embarrassment, Feng Cheng silently gave Zhong Hui a thumbs up in his heart, this girl is so smart!

"Please, how could I not invite you! Tomorrow you and Dr. Pu will come together and let you have a taste of authentic Sichuan cuisine!" Feng Cheng said happily.

The mother agreed with her son Feng Cheng's invitation to Dr. Pu Fuzhou and Zhong Hui to have dinner at home.

But on the way back, the mother realized that her son didn't seem to know how to cook, and the food he cooked was only edible, and tomorrow he would cook Sichuan cuisine, not to mention that Dr. Pu is an authentic Xichuan native, it was Zhong Hui who It's hard to get through.

"Feng Cheng! I'll hire a Sichuan cuisine cook tomorrow! Anyway, I can't lose my manners tomorrow!" Mother said worriedly.

Hearing his mother's worry, Feng Cheng said with a smile, "It's also my fault, I never told you!
When I was in college, in order to pursue a girl from Xichuan, I specially learned Sichuan cuisine!And it's hard work, the taste of Sichuan cuisine is very authentic!
Otherwise, how do you think I would know Dr. Pu Fuzhou's superb medical skills? !This Nishikawa girl told me all about it! "

As for my mother, I would definitely doubt myself, so I had already thought of an excuse, and lies came as soon as I opened my mouth.

"Really!? That means, that girl from Xichuan is your girlfriend? Then take it home and show it to mom tomorrow!" Feng Cheng's mother immediately said happily after hearing her son Feng Cheng's explanation.

The focus of his mother's attention has always been a pain in Feng Chengren's head.

The helpless Feng Cheng could only explain to his mother with a wry smile, "I have already come out to work, and she must have graduated, as soon as she graduates, she will return to her hometown in Xichuan to work!
We also broke up!Why!Stop thinking about it! "

Hearing her son Feng Cheng's explanation, the mother complained a little, "Silly son, he didn't know how to bring his girlfriend back to show mom when he was in school!"

(End of this chapter)

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