Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 114 Yu Zhenglai's Invitation

Chapter 114 Yu Zhenglai's Invitation

Feng Cheng didn't care about the results of Mr. Zuo and the security officer. Instead, he entered the forestry department and started busy secretarial work.

Anyway, the two of them made such a big mistake, and the punishment for dealing with the result will not be light.

Now that he is already the winner, there is no need to add insult to injury to the loser. If the two of them hadn't gone too far, Feng Cheng actually wanted to intercede for them.

But when I thought of Teacher Zuo's extremes and the perseverance of the "security officer", I stopped doing any kind of revenge.

Before I became a secretary, I thought it was just a very easy job.

But after becoming a secretary, I realized that the current secretary does a lot of work.

Working overtime and staying up late is a common thing, which made Zhong Hui's opinion of Feng Cheng more and more serious!
"Tell me about you! It's not as easy as being a teacher at Northern Forestry University. Now the forestry department is tired like a dog every day, and I don't know what you are up to? There are so many people fighting for it!" Zhong Hui Looking at Feng Cheng in front of him, he complained.

"Zi Feiyu, An Zhiyu's joy! I'm happy to do the job I like!" Feng Cheng said with a look of enjoyment.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you! Did you buy all the gifts I asked you to buy a few days ago?" Zhong Hui said angrily.

"Eh? I've bought it! I asked my colleague to waste a lot of energy. These are authentic wild products from the mountains! Look at how beautiful this ginseng is!" Hearing Zhong Hui's question, Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"What's all this! My mother celebrates her birthday, so you're going to give some mountain goods?!" Zhong Hui looked at Feng Cheng's purchases and said with disgust.

"Eh? It's good! When my mother-in-law makes chicken soup, I put some ginseng in it, it's very nutritious!" Feng Cheng was very wronged. Now Zhong Hui has a big belly and is about to give birth, and her temper is getting worse and worse. Big, Feng Cheng can't argue with her, so he can only explain patiently.

"I know how to eat all day long! If my mother doesn't like it, you can kneel on the washboard when you come back!" Zhong Hui looked at Feng Cheng helplessly and said angrily.

Hearing Zhong Hui's words, Feng Cheng said with a wry smile, "Okay! I'll listen to you! If my mother-in-law doesn't like it, I'll kneel on the washboard when I come back! That's fine!"

"I don't know what's wrong with you? Isn't it just pregnant? Your temper is getting bigger and bigger! It's too cruel!" Feng Cheng complained to Zhong Hui.

"What's wrong? You're starting to get impatient with me now! Tell me honestly, do you have little goblins outside?" Zhong Hui asked Feng Cheng angrily.

"What are you talking about? It's getting worse and worse! Besides, am I that kind of person?" Feng Cheng said with a helpless wry smile.

"Is it that kind of person, you know in your heart!
Before I got married, I never thought you would be so lustful!It's completely different, I was deceived by you!
I am pregnant again now, who knows if you are attracting bees and butterflies outside! "Zhong Hui said angrily.

"No way! Having sex with your own wife is considered lustful?! It's so unreasonable!" Feng Cheng said to Zhong Hui speechlessly.

After getting married, Zhong Hui had always suspected that she was cheating. Feng Cheng was almost frightened by Zhong Hui, and the reason was quite weird, but she couldn't explain it.

"Then tell me, when we were together in your faculty dormitory, how come you were so proficient? It's not the first time you saw it! And you said it wasn't long ago." Zhong Hui didn't believe Feng Cheng's explanation. He must have been messing around outside behind his back, at least he had a girlfriend before he was with him.

For Zhong Hui's questioning, Feng Cheng was really dumbfounded, dumbstruck, it's hard to argue!

At this moment, I really want to ask the almighty netizen for help, can you help me and give me an opinion! ?Meow, this is really too difficult to answer!
The helpless Feng Cheng could only be an ostrich, trying to be obedient to Zhong Hui, which can be said to be obedient.

Therefore, Feng Cheng loves the work of the forestry department even more. If there is any overtime work, he rushes to do it. As a result, there is no one in the forestry department who does not praise Feng Cheng. Even when he goes to the cafeteria, his bowl of meat is better than others many.

Others were sallow and thin when they worked overtime, but Feng Cheng's face was rosy and his ears gradually became fatter.

This abnormal phenomenon aggravated Zhong Hui's suspicion of Feng Cheng.

How can I explain it? Could it be that the aunt in the cafeteria gave me a lot of calls, and I ate well, so I naturally gained weight! ?
Then Zhong Hui asked, how old is the cafeteria aunt?Are you pretty?Is the family harmonious?Feng Cheng, who asked, felt guilty, as if he really had an inexplicable relationship with the aunt in the cafeteria.

In the end, Feng Cheng didn't argue any more, and could only silently endure all kinds of bombardment and questioning from Zhong Hui.

"Feng Cheng, don't go to the cafeteria for lunch today. I'm going to a friend's house for dinner. Come with me!" Li Kun said to Feng Cheng who was working next to him.

"This is not very good! They are all friends of your leader. It is not suitable for me to go alone! Or I should go to the cafeteria!" Hearing Li Kun's invitation, Feng Cheng refused hesitantly.

"They are all good friends, and they are all from our forestry system! There are not so many rules!" Li Kun explained with a smile.

Hearing the leader's explanation, Feng Cheng knew that if he refused again, he would be out of the question!
"That's fine, leader! I'll go with you after get off work!" Feng Cheng said with a smile.

After getting off work at noon, Feng Cheng and Li Kun took a car to the family area of ​​the Ministry of Forestry and stopped directly at the door of Minister of Forestry Qin Qiufeng's house.

It is also the home of Feng Cheng's wife Tan Xuemei's father in the original play, and she almost becomes her father-in-law in this life.

Seeing this situation, Feng Cheng knew that he was coming to Minister Qin's house for dinner. Although he had met with Minister Qin several times at work, they were not close friends after all. This time he came to eat with Li Kun. It seems that he should talk less and eat more Dish!
Hearing the movement at the door, Minister Qin and his wife rushed out to greet him, "Oh! Lao Li, you're finally here! We'll be waiting for you to come over and start the banquet!"

In this kind of situation, Feng Cheng just wanted to be a little transparent, but he couldn't do it.

Minister Qin's wife, Miss Jin, saw Feng Cheng at the side, and said in surprise, "This must be Secretary Feng, a young genius from the Forestry Department!

Haha, he really is a good-looking talent! "

For Sister Jin's enthusiasm, Feng Cheng was a little scared. It's really that the matchmakers don't look like good people!
The impression of the big sister Jin in front of me is too deep.

In the original play, it only appeared three or four times, and it was called from the beginning to the end!
Show an arrogant, rude and prejudiced official wife to the fullest!

Embarrassed, Feng Cheng followed Li Kun to the living room of Minister Qin's house and sat down. After a long time of suffering, an uncomfortable banquet came to an end!

As soon as the banquet started, Feng Cheng met an acquaintance again, Yu Zhenglai, the director of Saihanba Forest Farm.

After the meal, Li Kun finally brought the conversation to today's topic, "Feng Cheng, actually you and Yu Zhenglai are fellow Chengde fellows!"

"Uh! Yes, my hometown is also in Saihanba!" Feng Cheng said with a smile.

"I was at Chengde before, and I heard that a rare genius came to the Forestry Department.

It's just that I didn't expect to be a fellow of our Saihanba! "Yu Zhenglai hastily said to Feng Cheng with a smile.

Feng Cheng had already seen that today's banquet was specially prepared for himself.

If I am not married now, I will laugh out loud, but it is a pity now.
"Recently, we are going to set up a forest farm in Saihanba, but we are in short supply of talents. This time we came to the Ministry of Forestry to ask for help!

I wonder if Secretary Feng is willing to go to our Saihanba to support the construction of our forest farm? "Yu Zhenglai said straightforwardly to Feng Cheng's invitation.

Hearing Yu Zhenglai's invitation, Feng Cheng sighed inwardly, thinking that it was indeed so, and then seeing Minister Tan, Li Kun and Yu Zhenglai all looked at him nervously.

Feng Cheng explained with a wry smile, "Actually, all the leaders know that my hometown is Saihanba!

At the beginning, I was stayed in school to teach, and then I desperately studied non-specialized seedling raising, afforestation, pests and diseases, and meteorology, just to return to Saihanba! "

The three leaders were pleasantly surprised when they heard Feng Cheng's words.

"But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes! Just when I was planning to go back to Saihanba, I met my wife, and she became pregnant!

My wife was used to living in the capital since she was a child, and she didn't want me to go back to Saihanba to work.

Therefore, I am very sorry for the attention of the leaders! "

The three leaders who were pleasantly surprised at first were all annoyed and aggrieved when they heard Feng Cheng's further explanation.

"Are you giving up your ideal for the sake of your wife?" Yu Zhenglai asked Feng Cheng unwillingly.

"There's nothing you can do if you don't give up! After all, she is my wife, the other half of my life! I can't disrespect her opinion!

In addition, my wife is going to have a baby soon, and I really can't live without it!

So, I'm really powerless! "Feng Cheng heard the unwillingness in Yu Zhenglai's words, and explained with a wry smile.

"Then Feng Cheng, you have been paying attention to technical issues in our forestry department. Who do you think is more suitable to replace you to support Saihanba!?" Li Kun thought for a while, and then asked Feng Cheng.

"In fact, the Ministry of Forestry still has a lot of technical experts!

I think expert Li Zhong is very good!
I just don't know what happened to him! Feng Cheng thought for a while and said.

After all, in the original play, it was the forestry department represented by Li Zhong, who went to Saihanba to support technology.

After hearing Feng Cheng's recommendation, the three leaders discussed in low voices for a while before they became happy again, and it was Li Kun who decided to say, "I think Li Zhong recommended by Secretary Feng is really good!

Excellent technology, but also very suitable!I'll talk to Li Zhong when I come back! "

Hearing Li Kun's words, Yu Zhenglai said pleasantly, "Thank you so much for the support of the leaders! With the technical support from the Forestry Department, we at Saihanba will definitely live up to the expectations of the leaders, break through the difficulties as soon as possible, and be able to achieve the highest level in Saihanba. Let's plant trees!"

(End of this chapter)

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