Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 115 Uncle Gets Married

Chapter 115 Uncle Gets Married
Zhong Hui gave birth to Feng Cheng's son, who was a tiger, so Feng Cheng named him Feng Hai.

Seeing that Feng Cheng had a son, Feng Cheng's mother was very happy. She had to look after her grandson after work, wishing not to leave for a moment.

Seeing the smile on his mother's face, Feng Cheng was very happy!
The last time Yu Zheng came to the capital to invite him, Feng Cheng didn't mention it in front of his family, even his mother didn't know.

Feng Cheng thinks that if he decides to give up going back to Saihanba, he doesn't need to have any more thoughts!
After giving birth, Feng Cheng thought that Zhong Hui's temper would get better, but it didn't. Instead, her suspicions became more serious.

Since she was working in the forestry department, it was inevitable that she would come into contact with some young women, which Zhong Hui couldn't bear.

The weirdest one was that Zhong Hui once went to Feng Cheng's work canteen in person, and checked one by one to see if there were any young and beautiful canteen aunts. After finding out that they were all older women, Zhong Hui let go of her. Come on.

However, Zhong Hui's brilliant operation in the cafeteria of the Forestry Department completely made Feng Cheng's "bronchitis" famous. As long as the colleagues were joking, they would tell Feng Cheng's guilt a few times before they would be happy.

Feng Cheng's popularity in the forestry department is very good, his future is bright, and he has never made any mistakes in his work. Suddenly he has such a laughing stock, why isn't he being brought out to talk about it!
Since the last time he went to Minister Tan's house, Feng Cheng thought that there would be very little chance to get involved with Minister Qin's house.

But I don't know what that arrogant elder sister Jin thinks, and occasionally invites Feng Cheng to their house for dinner.

After coming and going, Miss Jin wanted to get in touch with Feng Cheng, and insisted that Feng Cheng call her Aunt Jin.

Thinking of this title, it seems to be the title that that shameless Wu Yansheng dreamed of!
I went home and talked with my mother in private for a long time. Maybe this elder sister Jin knew the identity of Feng Cheng's mother. She is a woman who is good at making money.

In normal communication, I often hear Minister Qin mentioning that he has a lost daughter. After Feng Cheng heard it, his heart moved, and he unconsciously reminded, "When Minister Qin is looking for his daughter, maybe your daughter Looking for you everywhere!
Maybe!One day, a girl will suddenly come to the door to recognize her relatives. Don't misunderstand her when the time comes. If you think that she is here to make a relationship and go through the back door, if you are kicked out again, you will be in trouble! "

Hearing Feng Cheng's words, Sister Jin thought it was a joke, and said with a smile, "How could this happen! Our old Tan has been thinking so much about finding his daughter, and this kind of oolong will never happen! "

Hearing Sister Jin's self-righteous remarks, Feng Cheng was speechless. Isn't what Feng Cheng said was what she was about to do!
It was this good wife and loving mother who kept saying that she wanted to help her husband find a daughter, but personally kicked her husband's daughter out of the house. The details cannot be scrutinized. It is really terrifying to think about it!
It is very likely that Sister Jin deliberately drove away Tan Xuemei who came to recognize her relatives. In the end, Tan Xuemei angrily took out a group photo of the family, but Sister Jin did not chase after her.
Feng Cheng is very successful in his career, but his marriage with Zhong Hui is a mess. Sometimes he really wants to take Zhong Hui to see a psychologist.

The living conditions of the two of them are a small quarrel in two days, and a big quarrel in three days!
Feng Cheng's mother often heard the quarrel between Feng Cheng and Zhong Hui, and she was very helpless.

I thought that Zhong Hui loved Feng Cheng very much, and the two of them would definitely live happily after marriage.

But things backfired. Unexpectedly, Zhong Hui turned this love for Feng Cheng into control and possession.

"Feng Cheng, it's not a problem to be like this all the time! Can't you think of a way?" Feng Cheng's mother said helplessly to her son Feng Cheng.

"What else can I do? I think this girl is completely crazy, and she wants to divorce me! Don't you think it's annoying!?" Feng Cheng said with a helpless smile.

"Ah! No way! How could she have such an idea!" Feng Cheng's mother said in amazement when she heard Feng Cheng's words.

"Who knows! She even said that instead of worrying about whether I have a woman outside every day, it's better to give up on me completely.

In this way, I no longer have to think about whether I am messing around outside!
What kind of weird remarks do you say!I really want to take her to see a heart doctor! "Feng Cheng explained helplessly.

Hearing her son's complaints, the mother felt very sad, and she could only say comfortingly, "Maybe she just said the divorce out of anger!

Don't take it seriously either!

Otherwise, your uncle wrote to me a few days ago, saying that he is going to get married, or you can go back to your hometown and attend his wedding!

It happened to be separated for a while, you and Zhong Hui both calm down for a while! "

"Uncle is getting married?" Feng Cheng's heart moved when he heard his mother's words, thinking that he was Saihanba in this time period in the original drama.

"Alright then! I'll go back to my hometown! I hope she can take advantage of this time to recover!

I'm already famous in my work unit now, and there's nothing I can do about her! "Feng Cheng thought for a while and said helplessly.

In the capital, I bought a lot of daily necessities that were not easy to buy in my hometown for my uncle Li Tieniu, such as a red three-piece bed set and so on.

Even though he knew that his uncle Li Tieniu's wedding would be full of twists and turns, Feng Cheng still returned to Saihanba with big and small gifts.

Regarding Wu Gaihua's aunt, Feng Cheng felt very complicated.

It is undeniable that Wu Gaihua is a good woman, but her heart is too wild to be handled by her honest uncle Li Tieniu.

Just like many women in modern times, if you don't go crazy and have enough fun, you won't find an honest man to marry.

The script of the TV series has been beautified layer by layer. It is very likely that Wu Gaihua has already married and had children outside.

Later, her husband was probably gone, so she came back to Saihanba and found her uncle Li Tieniu to take over.

But after all, it's my uncle's own emotional matter, so it's hard for my nephew to say anything.

Carrying gifts in large and small bags, Feng Cheng walked on Saihanba, which had become a plateau desert, to his uncle's house.

The empty plateau desert is very silent, and there is a sense of loneliness as if you are the only one in the world.

At this moment, Feng Cheng was particularly eager to see people and to return to the crowd.

Slowly Feng Cheng felt terror and fear, because he felt that there was something following him behind him.

If it wasn't for broad daylight, Feng Cheng would have thought that he had traveled to the spiritual world again.

After enduring the torment for a long time, Feng Cheng finally turned around in horror, and saw a stray dog ​​following behind him.

Only then did Feng Cheng curse with a long sigh of relief, "Damn it, you're a dead dog, you scared me to death!"

Seeing this stray dog ​​kept barking at Feng Cheng, Feng Cheng suddenly thought, is the stray dog ​​in front of him the protagonist of the most beautiful youth, Saturday? !

It's too dirty for him!It's really worthy of being a stray dog, and it's completely worthy of the name!

Thinking of this, Feng Cheng took out his dry food and threw it to the stray dog ​​in front of him who was suspected to be the protagonist Saturday. Seeing the dry food, the stray dog ​​happily ate it.

Feng Cheng didn't make any extra moves, and just rushed forward.

Sure enough, the stray dog ​​behind him really followed.

At this moment, Feng Cheng was convinced that the stray dog ​​in front of him was his good friend Saturday in Saihanba, nicknamed Xiaoliu!

I thought I would never go to Saihanba, so I would never meet Xiaoliu!

Unexpectedly, when he came back to attend his uncle Li Tieniu's wedding, he would meet Xiaoliu again.

He took out another piece of dry food, threw it to Xiao Liu in front of him, and said with a smile, "Xiao Liu! We are really destined!

If you don't mind, follow me in the future! "

Just like this, one person and one dog drove the road in the boundless Saihanba. Not to mention it was strange, Feng Cheng was not afraid anymore with an extra Xiaoliu beside him.

Uncle Li Tieniu was very happy to see Feng Cheng who came back, and said happily, "Nephew, you are back! Uncle was worrying, and you, the great savior, appeared! God is helping me!"

"Old uncle, what happened?" Feng Cheng was moved when he heard what his uncle Li Tieniu said, probably touching the real plot, and then asked suspiciously.

"Hey! Your aunt temporarily increased the bride price by 100 yuan!

It just so happens that you are back, so I will lend 100 yuan to my uncle first!

Let uncle and I get through this difficulty first! "Uncle Li Tieniu explained to his nephew Feng Cheng with a wry smile.

Hearing his uncle Li Tieniu's explanation, Feng Cheng sighed in his heart, and it was true, and then said, "Money is no problem, but I see the situation, even if I spend the money, I may not be able to successfully marry my aunt back. ah!

Why do I feel that my aunt's heart is too wild, she may not be able to see our family! "

Hearing Feng Cheng's words, his uncle Li Tieniu said angrily, "Nephew, what are you talking about! You don't know, your aunt is such a good person!"

"Anyway, it's up to you, I'm just reminding you, so be prepared!" Seeing his uncle Li Tieniu's disapproving look, Feng Cheng said helplessly.

"It's just that you have a lot of cultural affairs! It's boring to worry about that all day long!" Uncle Li Tieniu got 100 yuan and complained to his nephew Feng Cheng.

Looking at his uncle Li Tieniu in front of him, he suddenly thought of himself in the courtyard world.

Originally, he was also this kind of daughter-in-law fan. In order to marry a daughter-in-law, he could ignore everything.

The problem is to choose the prettiest one, and as you can imagine, both of them are miserable!

It's just that uncle Li Tieniu was relatively lucky, and Wu Gaihua changed his mind when he finally came back, but that was five years later.

In those five years, my uncle Li Tieniu wasted five years in order to find Wu Gaihua.

When he came to Wu Gaihua's house, he saw that the family member of the other party happily accepted the temporary dowry, Feng Cheng couldn't help but said, "Hello, aunt, I'm Li Tieniu's nephew, Feng Cheng!"

"Hello, nephew!" Wu Gaihua said happily.

"There is nothing wrong with your temporary increase in dowry, and we can understand it!
But have you really thought about it?
The conditions on Saihanba are really bitter. Are you willing to share the joys and sorrows with my uncle? "Feng Cheng asked bluntly.

When Wu Gaihua heard Feng Cheng's words, she immediately recovered her indecision. She didn't want to marry her uncle Li Tieniu.

It's just to raise money to see a doctor for my father, and I don't like the hard life in Saihanba, so I always want to go out for a break.

Seeing Wu Gaihua's hesitation, Feng Cheng is convinced that Wu Gaihua in front of him is unwilling to marry his uncle Li Tieniu, and will still make trouble like in the original play.

Uncle Li Tieniu saw that Wu Gaihua was a little hesitant because of what her nephew Feng Cheng said, and said to Feng Cheng angrily, "I am already in my 30s! I just asked for a wife, and you hurt me like this! You What are you thinking!?"

Seeing how impatient his uncle Li Tieniu was, Feng Cheng sighed helplessly in his heart, and then said to his uncle Li Tieniu, "Old uncle, you have to trust me! Twisted melons are not sweet! Let's make things clear first!"

Uncle Li Tieniu still couldn't let go of what his nephew Feng Cheng said, and said angrily, "A twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches your thirst!"

Hearing his uncle Li Tieniu's words, Feng Cheng almost thought that the uncle in front of him had also come from time travel.

"Old uncle, wait for me to finish talking first!" Feng Cheng smiled helplessly, and then said, "I know that life on Saihanba is hard, so I said this so that you can prepare your heart and not dislike our family. ! Then I ran away halfway, and my uncle would be miserable!"

When Wu Gaihua heard Feng Cheng's words, her heart moved. She had planned to do so, but Li Tieniu's nephew saw it.

"As long as you are willing to marry my uncle, I will find a way to arrange for my uncle to be a temporary worker in your Forestry Bureau in Saihanba!
In this case, the future life of your family will be much better! "Feng Cheng saw the anxious uncle on the side, and said helplessly to Wu Gaihua in front of him.

When Wu Gaihua heard Feng Cheng's words, he was immediately pleasantly surprised, and asked quickly, "Nephew, can you really arrange a temporary job for your uncle?"

"Okay, it shouldn't be a big problem, but now they can only be temporary workers!" Feng Cheng thought for a while and said with a smile.

Hearing Feng Cheng's words, his uncle Li Tieniu also became excited, "Nephew, can you really help me arrange a job as a temporary worker for the Forestry Bureau?"

"Don't get excited, old uncle, I'll try it first!" Seeing his uncle Li Tieniu excited, Feng Cheng said with a wry smile.

"The big nephew, do you think you can arrange a temporary job for me?" Wu Gaihua suddenly said to Feng Cheng with a smile.

"Aunt, you really think I run the Forestry Bureau!
It's not too big a problem to arrange an uncle!Now you are going together, will people agree?
The reason why I said that I want to help my uncle arrange work is just to tell you that although the life on Saihanba is hard, as a nephew, I will try to improve your life!
I don't want to show up, you ran away halfway.

Aunt, you are a smart woman, you should know what my nephew means! "Feng Cheng said helplessly seeing Wu Gaihua wanting to make an inch of it.

Hearing Feng Cheng's words, Wu Gaihua quickly said awkwardly, "I understand! My aunt understands! I guarantee that the situation you mentioned will not happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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