131 The Aftermath
I don't know how other people slept, but He Fan slept really comfortably.

He Fan has known for a long time that Wu Yansheng is behind his back, and he keeps making small moves, but because his rank in this life is too high, he has already been the deputy director of the forest farm, and is no longer that "backward element" who is manipulated by others, nor is he Let's talk about Wu Yansheng's childish behavior.

In fact, He Fan felt that after standing on a high point, he looked at Wu Yansheng again, he really looked like a clown, or the same stupid clown who would not improve in his methods.

When I got up in the morning and came to the new camp, I saw that everyone was up.

After He Fan had breakfast, he called everyone together to discuss what happened last night.

As the main person in charge of everyone's safety, Zhao Tianshan hurriedly stood up when he saw that He Fan was going to discuss last night's events publicly, and said, "I blamed me yesterday! I didn't resolutely implement it. The decision to rush back! All responsibilities rest on my shoulders!"

He Fan sneered when he heard Zhao Tianshan's initiative to take the responsibility, and said bluntly, "How big is your brain, Zhao Tianshan, you can take this responsibility!

who do you think You Are?You always say that you used to be a soldier, but do you have the bones of a soldier?
He clearly knew that Tan Xuemei and Wu Yansheng's actions were wrong, why didn't they stop them!
This is Saihanba, not your university campus!Not your home either!Not your free-scattered paradise? ! "

Hearing He Fan's unceremonious reprimand, Meng Yue and the others bowed their heads uncomfortably, without any argument.

But the proud Tan Xuemei didn't take He Fan's reprimand seriously, and said loudly to He Fan, "Director Feng, I know that my actions this time have caused serious consequences! So I ask the forestry farm to punish me!"

"Punish you? How should you be punished? You must know that you are still bearing the punishment of notifying and criticizing the entire forest farm!

If you deal with it again, you will be fired, and it will be recorded in your file!Really." Seeing Tan Xuemei who still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, He Fan also lost the mentality of pity and pity, and said bluntly.

Hearing the seriousness of He Fan's words, Qin Xuemei opened her eyes in disbelief, and said with tongue-tied words, "No way! No one was killed because of this, and Wu Yansheng's injuries were not serious, how could the punishment be so severe! "

"Seriously? Where is it not serious for your unrepentant freedom and laxity?

Didn't you have rules and regulations when you were in school?
Are you guys at school and free to go out at night?
Then why were you able to follow the rules when you were in school?
But when they arrived at Saihanba, how could they act recklessly like this? "For the self-righteous Tan Xuemei, He Fan really didn't like it at all, and then continued to question him bluntly.

"What's the matter? Do you look down on our Saihanba Forest Farm and think we are just a grassroots team?
You college students are able to come to Saihanba, is it a pity and alms for us?
All our forest farms should be grateful to you, and then let you run amok? "

He Fan's every question was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of these college students.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized how much they had gone too far.

Seeing the college students lower their heads in shame, He Fan would not naively think that they would correct themselves, they would never, they would only think that they are the real favored ones.

Now that they have just been reprimanded by He Fan, they will only be honest for a while, and soon they will act recklessly again. It is difficult for them to be changed, and He Fan is too lazy to change.

Only when their own heads are broken, will they really grow.

Meng Yue was also one of the protagonists of yesterday's incident. She was also very ashamed of He Fan's reprimand, and then apologized and said, "Director Feng, don't be angry! We know we were wrong!

But really don't fire us!
Please help us find a way! "

"Now I don't have any hope for whether you really know your mistakes!
I don't care anymore!

The only way now is to hide this matter and not report it to the forest farm!Just pretend it never happened! "For Meng Yue's request and apology, He Fan would not take it seriously, so he directly stated the method.

Hearing He Fan's proposal, both Qin Xuemei and Meng Yue glanced at each other, and Meng Yue said pleasantly, "That's right! If we don't report it, we'll be fine! Director Feng has a solution!"

"The biggest problem now is whether Wu Yansheng agrees or not!
If he has no objection, then deal with it like this!
Anyway, his injury is not serious, and he will be fine after a period of recovery! Seeing that everyone had no objections, and thinking of Wu Yansheng, He Fan then said.

Hearing He Fan's words, Tan Xuemei said happily, "Wu Yansheng is fine! He didn't want to report it, after all, he was involved in what happened last night!"

"Okay, let's do it this way! Everyone, just pretend that this has never happened before!" He Fan said after hearing Tan Xuemei's explanation.

Hearing He Fan's words, everyone looked at each other, they all agreed with this method, and then they all said in unison, "We got it, Director Feng!"

After solving this mess, He Fan thought about the tree planting a week later. Since everyone can't talk about one piece, there is no need to get involved, and then continued, "I am going to propose to the forestry farm to divide our Saihanba advance team into two groups. , I was the only one in the first group, responsible for the afforestation of all-light seedlings!

The second group is all of you, responsible for the afforestation work of shading seedlings, we will not interfere with each other!
You are all responsible for your own affairs!

If something like last night happens again, you can deal with it yourself! "

Hearing He Fan's words, the college students' eyes widened in surprise, and Meng Yue said in disbelief, "Ah? How can this work! You can't do so many things by yourself!
And what would we do without your leadership! ? "

"Full light seedling cultivation has been proven successful, as long as there are workers, there is nothing to be busy about!

And you are different, you all have your own opinions and your own way of doing things, so I don't need to participate too much!
I don’t think you will abide by the rules and regulations I have made for you, but for you to break!

That being the case, I will not interfere with your actions! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing Meng Yue's words and thinking of their behavior.

Hearing He Fan's words, everyone present knew that He Fan was completely chilled, so they felt really ashamed.

Knowing that the shading seedlings of these people will not succeed, there is no need for me to get involved, as long as I do my own full-light seedling cultivation!
Being able to get rid of their big troubles really feels a lot easier.

Looking at He Fan who left, the college students were completely dumbfounded. Judging from what He Fan said just now, they were planning to stop asking about their affairs.

Seeing He Fan leaving, Zhang Fulin's eyes moved, he ran out quickly, caught up with He Fan and said, "Director Feng, can I go to your group?"

He Fan felt strange when he heard Zhang Fulin's words. He wondered if he felt that he was no harm to him, so he wanted to lean on his side.

He Fan said with a smile, "You should stay in the new camp! These college students need you more!

When the afforestation starts in a few days, I will have many workers on my side, so you don't have to worry about my side!

Still, thank you for your kindness!Let's go back! "

Hearing He Fan's refusal, Zhang Fulin felt very complicated when he saw the back of him leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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