Self-cultivation of the Siheyuan God of War

Chapter 132 Lou Xiaoe vs. Qin Huairu

Chapter 132 Lou Xiaoe vs. Qin Huairu
Before meeting Tan Xuemei, He Fan really yearned to meet her.

But after seeing her and getting along with her for a few days, He Fan felt that Tan Xuemei was really very self-righteous.

I don't know if it's because I have successfully recognized my father Tan Qiufeng in this life, and there is no heart disease. He Fan feels that Tan Xuemei is more excessive than in the original drama.

The last incident of going to the toilet at night was actually to scare them, so as to avoid the incident of encountering wolves in the wilderness last night.

Unexpectedly, it was because of her self-assertion, coupled with Wu Yansheng's connivance and support, that they finally encountered the evil wolf!

No matter how beautiful a woman is, if she is too self-righteous, it is difficult to be liked.

For the current He Fan, since he already has Zhong Hui, there is no need to praise Tan Xuemei's stinky feet anymore.

After figuring it out, He Fan felt that there was nothing to worry about.

Seeing that there is nothing to do in Saihanba World, I decided to go back to the courtyard world.

Appearing at the courtyard world's home again, seeing the two children still sound asleep, He Fan smiled happily and fell asleep peacefully.

Early in the morning, He Fan was woken up by two little guys.

Son He Xu saw his father opened his eyes, and said in a childish voice, "Dad, get up quickly! The sun is going to hit the butt!"

"Haha, is that right? Is it hot for Dad to touch your butt?" He Fan said with a smile when he heard his son's childish words.

Feeling his father rubbing his little butt, He Xu laughed happily.

After going crazy on the bed with the two children for a while, I remembered Lou Xiao'e next door.

After coming to the next door, I realized that Lou Xiao'e had left.

He Fan happily thought that Lou Xiao'e is the best employee!I made her full last night, and went to work consciously early in the morning.

With two children, I went to the street and had some breakfast before returning home.

In fact, He Fan also wants to take the child out to play, but he really can't take care of it by himself, so it's safer to stay at home.

Xiao Dang followed her grandma Jia Zhang's personality and admitted her death, saying that she wanted to trouble He Fan and ask for an explanation, and she was really waiting to block He Fan at the five-star hotel.

When Lou Xiao'e came to work, she saw Qin Huairu and her daughter Xiaodang catting beside the Five Star Hotel, so she knew that the top-notch mother and daughter were still unwilling, and they must have come to ask for an explanation.

Thinking of this, Lou Xiaoe smiled and walked up to say hello, "Isn't this Qin Huairu? Why are you and Xiaodang here?"

Qin Huairu looked at Lou Xiao'e who was still radiant in front of her with a face of surprise, widened her eyes and said in disbelief, "You are Lou Xiao'e?"

"Yes, it's me! You don't have to be so surprised to meet your old neighbors!" Lou Xiao'e said with a smile when she saw Qin Huairu's surprised expression.

Seeing his mother's surprise, Xiao Dang quickly explained to his mother, "Aunt Lou is now the vice president of the Five Star Group! I'm not usually in the capital, so I forgot to tell you!"

"Who are you?" Lou Xiao'e asked knowingly when she saw the two people in front of her.

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's question, Xiaodang showed an angry expression again and said, "Where is Silly Zhu? You let him out! Why should I be fired? He wants to give me an explanation!"

Hearing Xiao Dang's disrespect for calling He Fan by his first name, Lou Xiao'e sneered and said to Qin Huairu, "Qin Huairu, this is your family's tutor!

As a junior, just call the elders by their nicknames?It's too uneducated! "

"Xiao Dang! How do you talk! Call me Uncle Silly! A child like you can call him Silly Zhu!" Qin Huairu heard Lou Xiao'e's sarcasm, and quickly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly reprimanded Xiao Dang for his fake appearance.

Hearing Qin Huairu's reprimand, before Xiao Dang had time to express his opinion, Lou Xiao'e sneered and said, "I wonder why Xiao Dang is so rude!
It turns out that the roots are still on you, a mother!

What silly uncle?It's better to be called a fool!
Your family is really strange!

Not even He Yuzhu and Uncle He!It's as if our boss owes your family the same! "

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's sarcasm, Qin Huairu's face was rather ugly. Xiao Dang saw his mother deflated, and said angrily to Lou Xiaoe in front of him, "I love to be called Shazhu, what is my freedom, and what does it have to do with you!"

"Xiao Dang, why are you talking to your Aunt Lou! Apologize to your Aunt Lou!" Hearing Xiao Dang's impolite words, Qin Huai reprimanded her.

"No! I can't bear it!
Qin Huairu, I always thought you were a smart person in the courtyard. You, a mother, should be clear about what Xiao Dang is thinking!
But in this world, how can there be so many rich sons and gentlemen? Don't wait until your daughter is eaten and wiped away, then you will have no tears to cry! "Lou Xiao'e hastily stopped Qin Huairu from letting Xiaodang apologize, and then sneered at Qin Huairu unceremoniously.

"There are so many liars out there now, if you put on a suit and tie, and talk about Gang Pu, you really think you are a big boss?!

wake up!The dismissal of the gangster is entirely for your own good, please don't bite Lu Dongbin for not knowing good people! "After Lou Xiaoe finished speaking, she turned around and left directly.

"Mom! This Lou Xiao'e is too much! No wonder my uncle divorced her!" Hearing Lou Xiao'e's exposure, Xiao Dang was surprisingly angry and said bitterly.

Hearing the bitterness in her daughter's words, and thinking of Lou Xiaoe's attitude of understanding everything, Qin Huairu suddenly felt very tired, and said helplessly to her daughter Xiaodang, "Stop talking nonsense, come home with me quickly, don't come here again It's embarrassing!"

When encountering Qin Huairu, Lou Xiao'e didn't take it to heart, and soon forgot all about it.

Now that I am in charge of such a large company, with so many jobs every day, how can I have the spare time to take care of these inexplicable people like them.

Unconsciously, Lou Xiao'e thought of what happened last night. If she had known that Shazhu was so powerful, she should have posted it cheekily.

Before Ah Hong went to film, what she said to herself, she knew in her heart that it was Ah Hong who saw how pitiful she was alone, but at that time, her heart was really moved.

After getting along for so many years, I found that there are more and more shining points in Shazhu, and the more I regret it.

Knowing that what Ah Hong said was all lies, Lou Xiao'e still found Shazhu unconsciously.

At my own age, I no longer expect to have a marriage contract with Sha Zhu, as long as I can let Sha Zhu care for me occasionally, I will be very satisfied.

Now that I think about it, being a silly woman is indeed my best destination.

Lou Xiao'e's words just now were not only harsh to Xiao Dang, Qin Huairu was also very unbearable, as uncomfortable as being stripped naked by others!

How could she, as a mother, not know about her daughter Xiaodang's thoughts, but Qin Huairu actually supported her in her heart.

As for the liar in Lou Xiaoe's mouth, she didn't care.

Because when eating, and when biting the mouth, there is no risk.

Compared with being able to marry into a wealthy family, the risk of encountering a liar is indeed something the Jia family can bear.

The two mother and daughter went back to the courtyard in high spirits, and saw Xu Damao. Thinking of Xu Damao's difficulties in recent days, Qin Huairu's heart moved, and he smiled at Xu Damao and said, "Xu Damao, I heard that your ex-wife is well-off!

They are all the vice presidents of the Five Star Group. You have such a difficult life now, why don't you ask your ex-wife to support you! "

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, he didn't talk to Xu Damao any more, but took his daughter Xiaodang back home, leaving Xu Damao alone in the wind.
Xiao Dang followed behind his mother, gave Qin Huairu a thumbs up, and whispered in admiration, "Mom is still amazing!

If my uncle doesn't trouble Lou Xiaoe, he will feel uncomfortable; if my uncle troubles Lou Xiaoe, then Lou Xiaoe will feel uncomfortable!

Haha, no matter which of them suffers, we are all happy! "

(End of this chapter)

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