Chapter 133 Warning
Lou Xiao'e worked at the Five Star Hotel for a day, and when she saw that the time was five or six in the afternoon, she wanted to go home and find He Fan as if grass had grown in her heart.

It was as if she was in love, and she longed to see He Fan very much. Thinking of the madness of last night, Lou Xiao'e unconsciously felt hot all over, but she couldn't stay in the office any longer.

He took his bag, locked the office, greeted his driver, and came to the parking lot downstairs.

The driver was about to help Lou Xiaoe open the car door, when suddenly a person jumped out from the side, causing Lou Xiaoe to scream in shock. The driver was also a veteran who was specially recruited by He Fan, and he had already grabbed the inexplicable guy in front of him.

The driver, Master Zhou, looked at this tall and burly man, and thought it was such a powerful face, but when he grabbed it in his hand and felt it, he realized that it was the same guy, "Boy, be honest!"

"Ah, it hurts! Lou Xiao'e, let him let me go!"

Hearing the guy in front of her call out her name, Lou Xiao'e took a careful look at it, only to realize that it was Xu Damao.

"It turned out to be you bastard, it really didn't take much effort to find nowhere!

Master Zhou, greet some security guards and clean up this guy!
Then find a larger trash can and stuff it head-down! "Lou Xiaoe said with a sneer when she saw the guy who disgusted her the most.

"Okay! Mr. Lou! Just watch!" Master Zhou said excitedly when he heard Lou Xiao'e's order, "Hey, come here a few people!"

The security guards on the side hurried over, looking at the security guards in front of him, Master Zhou smiled and said, "Boss Lou said, give this guy a good beating!
Then stuff it upside down in the trash can!
Remember, it must be head down!Do you understand? "

When the security guards heard Master Zhou's order, they excitedly said in unison, "Understood, Master Zhou!"

Master Zhou directly handed Xu Damao, who was trembling all over in his hand, to the security guards, and drove Lou Xiao'e out of the parking lot.

"No! Lou Xiao'e, you can't treat me like this!
Don't." Xu Damao was handed over to the security guards by Master Zhou like a chicken, and he yelled at Lou Xiao'e in fear.

It wasn't until the first punch landed on his face that Xu Damao realized what it meant to seek his own death.

It didn't take long for him to feel emotional, the fists like rainstorm kept falling on his body, Xu Damao felt that his whole body was in pain to the point of falling apart.

It wasn't until he became dizzy and was stuffed into a smelly trash can by the security guards that Xu Damao felt himself calm down.

At this moment, Xu Damao was actually thankful that the trash can protected him.
"Qin Huairu! You're bullying me! See how I deal with you, you will definitely regret it!" Xu Damao shouted, venting the regret in his heart.

People are so strange, Xu Damao saw that Lou Xiaoe was not easy to mess with, so he could only point the finger at Qin Huairu, the instigator. After all, Qin Huairu was easier to bully than Lou Xiaoe.

Qin Huairu never dreamed that he instigated Xu Damao to harass Lou Xiaoe.

Lou Xiao'e actually didn't pay any attention to this inexplicable ex-husband Xu Damao, but directly had Xu Damao beat him up.

What Qin Huairu didn't expect was that Xu Damao didn't dare to provoke Lou Xiaoe anymore, and didn't even have the guts to hate Lou Xiaoe. Instead, he turned all his anger on Qin Huairu.

If Qin Huairu thought that he would get himself burned, he wondered if he would regret his own cleverness.

Back in the courtyard, seeing He Fan just put the food on the table, he smiled and said, "The three of you don't wait for me, so you can eat by yourself!"

Seeing Lou Xiaoe, the two children quickly said happily, "Auntie, I'm so happy to see you!"

Lou Xiao'e was very happy when she heard the words of the two children, and she quickly said with a smile, "The two little ones are the best, and I know that I am happy to see my aunt! I really did not hurt you two in vain!"

Seeing that there was something in Lou Xiaoe's words, He Fan said angrily, "Who knew you would come back for dinner, if you came back every day, I would definitely cook your meals!

Besides, the three of us just started, and you came back, it's not too late! "

"Silly Zhu, guess who I met today?" Lou Xiaoe suddenly said to He Fan with a mysterious expression.

"Who?" He Fan asked suspiciously while serving Lou Xiao'e's meal when he heard Lou Xiao'e's words.

After receiving the meal handed over by He Fan, Lou Xiaoe explained with a smile, "I met Qin Huairu and Xiao Dang at the entrance of the Five Star Hotel in the morning, and they came to find trouble!

After get off work in the afternoon, I ran into Xu Damao, who was beaten up by the security guards, and then stuffed into the trash can!

Haha, I did a lot of things today, right? "

He Fan sneered when he heard Lou Xiaoe's explanation, and said disdainfully, "Obviously, Qin Huairu knows what Xiao Dang thinks and supports it!
As for Xu Damao in the afternoon, he must have been provoked by Qin Huairu.

Xu Damao has lost a lot of money in business recently, so he must have come to you for alms! "

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!" Hearing He Fan's analysis, Lou Xiao'e thought for a while, and then said in agreement.

"I really don't understand, how could Qin Huairu personally push his daughter into the pit of fire?!

Is money so important to her? "Then thinking of Qin Huairu and Xiao Dang, Lou Xiaoe said with incredible emotion.

"Qin Huairu only has Bang Geng in his eyes. As for Xiao Dang and Huai Hua, he can't say he doesn't love him, but for the sake of Bang Geng, they can all be sacrificed!
In fact, it's not just Qin Huai who has this kind of thinking, don't many original families have this way of thinking?
Not surprising at all! "Hearing Lou Xiaoe's emotion towards Qin Huairu's family, He Fan was very disapproving, and then said with a smile.

"Don't talk about their shit, let's eat quickly!
Haha, if I don’t eat it, my precious sons and daughters will eat it up! He Fan suddenly said with a smile to Lou Xiaoe who was thinking.

When the two children heard their father's words, they also said happily, "The food made by my father is so delicious!

You and aunt talk more, we eat ours!You don't have to worry about it! "

"Haha, silly Zhu! You two children are too spooky!
For stuttering, this kind of idea can be thought of! "Lou Xiao'e laughed in surprise when she heard what the two children said.

After dinner, He Fan went to wash the dishes, and Lou Xiaoe coaxed the two children to sleep.

When He Fan came out of the kitchen, he was surprised to find that both children had fallen asleep.

"Okay! It's only before seven o'clock, and the children have been put to sleep by you?" He Fan said, looking at Lou Xiaoe in front of him in surprise.

"Look at what you said, I have also raised children, and I still have some experience!" Lou Xiao'e said disapprovingly when she heard He Fan's exclamation.

I saw Lou Xiao'e holding He Fan and chewing on it. After a while, the two separated out of breath. He Fan said quickly, "I'm going to take a bath first!"

When Lou Xiaoe heard that He Fan was going to take a bath, she stopped her and said, "I don't want to! I can't wait! I've been thinking about you all day!"

He Fan smiled when he heard Lou Xiao'e's words, and then said jokingly, "This can't be done!
Think about it during work hours!

You didn't do your job well, it seems that you are going to be punished! "

One hundred thousand words are omitted below.
It is said that women in their 40s are like wolves and tigers. If He Fan's physical fitness has not been blessed, they may not be able to bear it.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e who fell into a deep sleep, he carried her to her own room again, before He Fan went back to sleep.

Saihanba World.

The time for afforestation is getting closer, and everyone in the advance team is getting more and more hurried. In order to choose a good time, He Fan often visits various weather observation points.

Seeing Yan Xiangli who was also recording data, He Fan was surprised that he didn't see his little follower Ji Xiurong. Seeing the rare opportunity, He Fan couldn't help reminding, "Yan Xiangli, I heard that you will be transferred from Saihanba soon? "

Hearing He Fan's sudden question, which was a secret he tried to hide, Yan Xiangli's eyes widened in surprise, and he denied it with tongue-tied words, "It's nothing. Nothing!"

Seeing Yan Xiangli's appearance, He Fan couldn't help being happy, and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous! What I'm telling you today is not to hinder your future!

It's just to remind you to take care of Ji Xiurong's matter before you leave! "

Hearing He Fan's reminder, Yan Xiangli said in a daze, "Ah? I have nothing to do with Ji Xiurong!"

Hearing that Yan Xiangli was still vehemently denying it, He Fan sneered and said contemptuously, "You don't even believe what you say, do you?

When assigning work, I specifically emphasized that you teach Ji Xiurong the weather, and Ji Xiurong helps you tidy up the house and do the laundry, don't get involved with personal feelings!

But I really don't understand, what on earth are you thinking, that you are still emotionally entangled with Ji Xiurong! "

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli's face gradually turned pale. Seeing Yan Xiangli's expression, He Fan continued to sneer and said, "You can do whatever you want! I won't ask any questions!
But before you leave, you must make it clear to Ji Xiurong!

If Ji Xiurong can't accept it like a crazy woman after you leave, I will definitely make you regret it! "

"You know what I used to do!
I still know the few leaders, unless you go to the ends of the earth and leave no trace, otherwise I will definitely have the ability to make you regret it! "

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli knew that the other party had this ability, but he asked incomprehensibly, "I don't think Director Feng has a good relationship with Ji Xiurong!
There's really no need to target me like this! "

"I don't need it, and I really don't want to interfere with you!
But your behavior is too low, a very simple matter, but you make it so disgusting!
If you don't give her an explanation, I won't see it!
That's all I have to say!As for how to choose, it is up to you! Seeing Yan Xiangli's shameless appearance, He Fan didn't bother to talk to him anymore, just finished speaking and left.

Looking at the back of He Fan leaving, Yan Xiangli had mixed feelings in his heart. In fact, he didn't like Ji Xiurong at all, and he didn't want to stay in Saihanba.

But for Ji Xiurong's confession to him, he didn't dare to refuse, because he was worried that after rejecting Ji Xiurong, no one would take care of his life.

It's just that I didn't expect that the deputy director would always pay attention to his behavior.

His mother tried to transfer him away from Saihanba with various connections. Yan Xiangli thought it was a secret, but it turned out that the deputy field director in front of him knew it all along.

The ridiculous thing is that I still think that I am very secretive like a monkey.

In fact, He Fan is not a nosy person, but in the original drama, Yan Xiangli secretly left Saihanba without saying hello to anyone. Ji Xiurong, who was waiting to get married, couldn't accept it for a while, and almost went crazy. It is unnecessary!
It's just one more simple thing, just refuse it directly, just worrying that Ji Xiurong won't tidy up the housework and wash clothes for herself, so she hides everything and becomes a "slut", it's really unnecessary!

(End of this chapter)

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