Chapter 134 Conflict
Yan Xiangli returned to the new camp with a distraught look. When Ji Xiurong saw it, she hurried over and asked concerned, "Yan Xiangli, what's wrong with you? Didn't you feel fine when you went out?"

Looking at Ji Xiurong in front of him and hearing her question, Yan Xiangli was really very complicated at the moment, but when he thought of He Fan's warning to him, Yan Xiangli said to Ji Xiurong with a wry smile, "I'm fine, I'm fine too! My mother wrote, there is something I want to tell you?"

When Ji Xiurong heard Yan Xiangli's words, she thought she was going to propose to her, so she said shyly, "What's the matter, tell me!"

Seeing Ji Xiurong's nympho expression, she knew she had misunderstood again, Yan Xiangli could only stammer, "I'm leaving!"

"What? I didn't hear clearly. Say it again!" Hearing what Yan Xiangli said, Ji Xiurong, who was still a nympho just now, said with her eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing Ji Xiurong's surprised expression, Yan Xiangli thought of He Fan's warning again, and could only say ruthlessly, "I said I'm leaving! I'm leaving Saihanba! My mother transferred me back to Xichuan through her relationship! "

"But you're gone, what should I do? Aren't we going to get married?" Ji Xiurong heard the same words again, and questioned Yan Xiangli unacceptably.

"I'm sorry! I never promised to marry you. You have always been talking to yourself! The two of us are not suitable!" Since Yan Xiangli had spoken out, he simply told Ji Xiurong what was in his heart.

Hearing Yan Xiangli's words, Ji Xiurong looked blankly at Yan Xiangli, who suddenly looked strange, and asked hysterically, "Why didn't you say it then? Why did you say it now?"

Hearing Ji Xiurong's hysterical roar, Yan Xiangli took a few steps back in fear, and said tongue-tiedly, "Ji Xiurong, don't get excited!
I'm leaving, of course I have to make it clear to you!
Thank you for liking me, but we are really not suitable!
You will definitely meet someone better than me! "

Hearing Ji Xiurong's roar, the rest of the advance team ran over. Dakui looked at Ji Xiurong nervously and asked, "Ji Xiurong, did Yan Xiangli bully you! See if I don't beat him to death!"

After finishing speaking, Na Da Kui was about to hit Yan Xiangli, Zhao Tianshan at the side quickly stopped him and said, "N Da Kui, what do you want to do?
If you want to beat Yan Xiangli, you must beat me, Zhao Tianshan, first! "

"Huh! Today my Da Kui insisted on hitting Yan Xiangli, and I will hit anyone who stops me!" Da Kui was not at all afraid of Zhao Tianshan's obstruction, and once again showed the demeanor of a tough guy with integrity.

Seeing that Dakui and Zhao Tianshan were about to make a move, He Fan who heard the movement hurried over and said sharply to Dakui, "Dakui, I think you dare! Do you want to be fired?"

"Captain Feng, I'm not afraid of you firing me! Today Yan Xiangli bullied Ji Xiurong, my Da Kui will definitely beat Yan Xiangli!" Na Da Kui said without hesitation when he saw He Fan's appearance.

"Then Da Kui, have you figured out the situation?
Just want to do it indiscriminately?
What else do you do besides hitting people? He Fan said helplessly, having a very headache for that Dakui's human head and pig's brain.

"Yan Xiangli, everyone is here today, tell us all about yourself!" He Fan said to the frightened Yan Xiangli.

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli gritted his teeth and said hesitantly, "I told Ji Xiurong that I'm going to be transferred!
Then she couldn't accept it, and then Da Kui misunderstood me for bullying Ji Xiurong! "

"Captain Feng, look! I didn't wrong him!

This boy Yan Xiangli admitted it himself, he just wanted to give up from beginning to end, and even argued that he wasn't bullying Ji Xiurong! "When Dakui heard Yan Xiangli's words, he became even more angry, and then said to He Fan.

"I understand, this is a private matter between Yan Xiangli and Ji Xiurong!

Why do you meddle?Which onion are you? He Fan looked at the unreasonable Na Kui in front of him, and said sarcastically.

"I..." Na Dakui felt very dissatisfied with He Fan's irony, so he was about to retort.

"Shut up!" He Fan was not used to Da Kui, seeing that he was still a bully who didn't know what to do, he yelled directly.

"Ji Xiurong, Yan Xiangli and your personal affairs, we shouldn't have been involved!
But you guys are making such a fuss!

Now let me ask you, how are you going to deal with this matter? "He Fan asked Ji Xiurong directly after scolding Na Dakui for being an idiot.

When Ji Xiurong heard He Fan's question, she woke up from her daze, looked at He Fan and other colleagues in front of her, and said with a forced smile, "Because of my personal affairs, I have caused trouble for everyone!
I'm fine, I'm fine too!

Then Da Kui, stop making trouble!
Since Yan Xiangli is leaving, let him go!

We Chengde women can pick it up and put it down! "

Hearing Ji Xiurong's words, Meng Yue and Tan Xuemei knew that her heart was hurting at this time, so they hurried back and said comfortingly to Ji Xiurong, "If you think about it, it's because Yan Xiangli doesn't know how to cherish, and sometimes he regrets it!"

"Na Kui, you heard that!
This is just a private matter between Yan Xiangli and Ji Xiurong, they can handle it themselves, there is no need for your big Kui to worry about it here!
If you dare to touch Yan Xiangli with a finger, I, Feng Cheng, will definitely hand you over to the field department, and then you will be expelled directly! "Hearing Ji Xiurong's words, he knew that she was holding on, but He Fan thought that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and the sooner it is resolved, the sooner it ends.

"Let me reiterate here that Saihanba is free to come and go, and if anyone wants to leave like Yan Xiangli in the future, we will not stop him!

But you must say hello in advance, if you leave without saying goodbye, don't blame me, Feng Cheng, for being rude!
Now that things are like this, Yan Xiangli is no longer suitable for living in the new camp, follow me to the old camp!

When your order arrives, you can leave Saihanba! Seeing that the advance team was all there, He Fan said loudly.

"Ji Xiurong, emotional matters are very troublesome, we must pay attention to the pleasing relationship between two people, we can't force it!
Since we can't be husband and wife, we can still be friends!Hope you want to open up a bit!
Yan Xiangli's ability to explain the real situation and thoughts to you actually proves that he respects you very much!

If he really left without saying goodbye, wouldn't you be more uncomfortable? ! "He Fan looked at Ji Xiurong with a strong face and a smile in front of him, and felt that it was hard to understand a woman who had committed a nympho. It's only been a few days together, do you have such deep feelings?
Hearing He Fan's words, Ji Xiurong said with a forced smile, "I know, Director Feng!
Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. It is good for me to know that it is not suitable earlier! "

After hearing what Ji Xiurong said, He Fan didn't bother to care whether it was true or not, and said helplessly, "It's good that you can figure it out!

Alright, let's go, everyone!
Let's all get busy with our work! "

"Yan Xiangli, what are you still doing?
Pack up your things and follow me to the old camp! "Looking at the dumbfounded Yan Xiangli, He Fan urged him angrily.

Hearing He Fan's urging, Yan Xiangli came to his senses and hurried back to the boys' dormitory to pack his things.

Soon, Yan Xiangli was seen walking out of the boys' dormitory with big bags and small bags.

Everyone in the advance team was angry at Yan Xiangli's ruthlessness, and they were unwilling to step forward to help.

As for He Fan also wanted to teach Yan Xiangli a lesson, he naturally wouldn't reach out to help.

Seeing Yan Xiangli struggling, Zhao Tianshan finally couldn't bear it, so he ran over to take the luggage from Yan Xiangli's hand.

Seeing Zhao Tianshan stepping forward to help him, Yan Xiangli said with a forced smile, "Thank you Captain Zhao!"

"Hmph!" Although Zhao Tianshan helped carry the luggage, he didn't have any good looks towards Yan Xiangli.

Seeing Zhao Tianshan and his colleagues' attitude towards him, Yan Xiangli was very embarrassed at this time.

Seeing Yan Xiangli who was following him, He Fan said angrily, "Now you know why I forced you to speak out now!
If you really leave quietly like you planned at the beginning, Ji Xiurong will definitely be mad at you!
Invisibly, you will also hurt everyone in the advance team! "

Hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and said with a wry smile, "I really didn't expect that Ji Xiurong would have such a big reaction!
If I had known this would happen, I would never have provoked her! "

Zhao Tianshan, who heard the conversation between He Fan and Yan Xiangli, knew that He Fan had known all this a long time ago, and asked He Fan suspiciously, "Director Feng, you already knew that this kid was leaving?"

"Yes! Remember what I said when I first met college students and assigned them jobs?

I just directly reminded Ji Xiurong and Yan Xiangli not to get involved with personal feelings!
I didn't expect them to become emotionally entangled!

Are you angry? He Fan said helplessly after hearing Zhao Tianshan's question.

"Then you forced Yan Xiangli to propose it today?" Zhao Tianshan widened his eyes in surprise when he heard He Fan's explanation, and then asked.

"That's right! Yan Xiangli, this kid, left without saying goodbye at first!

With Ji Xiurong's reaction today, if Yan Xiangli really left without saying goodbye, Ji Xiurong might really go crazy! He Fan explained angrily when he heard Zhao Tianshan's question again.

Hearing He Fan's explanation, Zhao Tianshan looked at Yan Xiangli in front of him angrily, and said angrily, "Yan Xiangli, don't say that Da Kui wants to beat you up, I want to beat you up now!
Get your luggage yourself!
If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have helped you! "

After speaking, he dropped his luggage on the sandy ground, then turned and left.

Looking at Zhao Tianshan who left, He Fan said with a wry smile, "Hey, you Zhao Tianshan!
Even if you send the Buddha to the Buddha, you will not send it to the West!
Do you dislike the heavy luggage, do it on purpose! "

Then he turned his head to look at Yan Xiangli who was stunned aside, and said angrily, "Why are you still standing there! Let's carry it together!"

"Okay! Okay!" After hearing He Fan's words, Yan Xiangli came to his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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