Chapter 135 Persuasion
"Yan Xiangli, it's a rare opportunity for us to be roommates alone in the same room, right?" He Fan said with a smile to Yan Xiangli who was on the other side while lying on the bed in the cellar.

Yan Xiangli, who was still in shock, was still thinking about the day's affairs, when he heard He Fan's question suddenly, he responded with some doubts, "Yes! Director Feng! It's quite rare!"

Hearing the coping in Yan Xiangli's words, He Fan smiled, but didn't pay attention, and then continued, "Take it easy, I just thought that you will be transferred soon, and this period of time may be the last time in our lives. Time to spend together! Don’t you feel that life is amazing?”

Yan Xiangli didn't care about dealing with He Fan who was in the same room at first, but he didn't expect to hear He Fan's words suddenly, which immediately aroused his interest.

Seeing that Yan Xiangli was finally interested in talking, He Fan continued, "In a few decades, when you get old, will you suddenly think of Saihanba?

Thinking of Saihanba, will you regret it?

In Saihanba, what did you leave behind?What did you get? "

"I" heard He Fan's repeated questions, and Yan Xiangli was completely stunned for a moment.

"When you get old, you won't regret it later, I don't know!
But I clearly know that during your time in Saihanba, what you left behind was the harm to Ji Xiurong, and what you got was the hatred and disgust from everyone in the advance team. Seeing Yan Xiangli's confused look, He Fan continued to analyze and said.

"Let's put it another way, after leaving Saihanba, you will also enter other new units, and you also need to get along with new colleagues!

For leaders and colleagues, do they like you who want nothing but Wu Yansheng? Seeing Yan Xiangli lost in thought and reflecting on his actions in Saihanba, He Fan continued.

Yan Xiangli, who was in deep thought just now, heard what He Fan said, and said with some difficulty, "Director Feng, don't compare me with a villain like Wu Yansheng, okay? You are insulting me!"

"Hehe, you look down on a hypocrite like Wu Yansheng, and despise his behavior!
But in a unit, the best mess is often a hypocrite like Wu Yansheng, and the leader prefers a villain like Wu Yansheng!

A small person like Wu Yansheng also understands the needs of colleagues better, and can speak and act in the hearts of colleagues and leaders.

Because of this kind of goods, there are desires and pursuits!
Wu Yansheng wanted to catch up with Qin Xuemei, and wanted to gain rich experience in the Saihanba Forest Farm as a springboard for advancement!
But what about you, you have no desires or desires, just like an eminent monk in meditation, which colleague will accept you, and which leader will appreciate you?
In your heart, Saihanba Forest Farm is like a place where you stop and rest during your life journey, and you are too lazy to look at it even more!
This kind of thinking of yours is very serious!Could turn the rest of your life into a tragedy! "

Hearing He Fan's analysis, Yan Xiangli was really at a loss and wanted to refute, but isn't he the kind of person He Fan said?

Seeing that Yan Xiangli finally reacted, He Fan sighed and explained with a smile, "Today I forced you to tell me about your departure in advance, and what I said to you here tonight is not meddling. , It's not that I'm good at being a teacher!

It just makes you wonder where you went wrong?

After thinking about it, it's best to sincerely apologize to Ji Xiurong and all the colleagues in the advance team!
Even if you don't apologize, I hope you can learn from the lessons you learned in Saihanba when you arrive at the new unit!

Be able to get along well with colleagues and leaders, and work hard! "

One night, after talking so much by himself, He Fan smiled when he saw Yan Xiangli who finally started to reflect, and then drank a glass of water, ignored Yan Xiangli next to him, and fell asleep directly.

Everyone has met once, and it is already very good that I can do this step.

As for whether Yan Xiangli can figure it out, it is really his own business.

Ji Xiurong returned to the girls' dormitory, and stayed on her bed in a daze, and didn't eat or drink when it was meal time!
Seeing Ji Xiurong's situation, Qin Xuemei felt very uncomfortable, thinking of the ruthless Yan Xiangli, she said angrily, "I really can't see that Yan Xiangli is such a villain!

How good Ji Xiurong is to him, he doesn't know how to cherish it at all!
I think Yan Xiangli is a complete bastard! "

"Actually, I feel Director Feng is right, emotional matters cannot be forced!
Yan Xiangli said what was in his heart, it was good that he and Ji Xiurong could get together and part ways! "Meng Yue heard Tan Xuemei defending Ji Xiurong, she thought about it and said.

Hearing Meng Yue's words, Ji Xiurong said with a forced smile, "Meng Yue is right, since Yan Xiangli doesn't like me, it's better for everyone to make it clear earlier!"

"Looking at today's situation, Director Feng must have known what Yan Xiangli was thinking.

Do you still remember that when the work was first assigned, Director Feng reminded Ji Xiurong and Yan Xiangli that it could only be a working relationship and not to be mixed with personal feelings! ? "Tan Xuemei heard He Fan mentioned by Meng Yue, thought about it, and then analyzed.

Hearing Qin Xuemei's analysis, Meng Yue agreed with it very much, and then said in surprise, "What Xuemei said! Director Feng must have known all this a long time ago. I suspect that the reason why Yan Xiangli is willing to say it today may be Feng Zhang. long forced!
Now that I think about it, our Director Feng is getting more and more mysterious! "

Hearing Tan Xuemei and Meng Yue's words, Ji Xiurong was in great pain and said sadly, "Director Feng reminded me long ago not to have emotional entanglements with Yan Xiangli, and I didn't know how to blame him for many things!
Thinking about it now, I'm really sorry for him! "

Shen Mengyin, one of the four girls, heard the conversation of Qin Xuemei and the three of them, and joined in curiously, "When I was at Nanjing Forestry University, I heard that Director Feng was an associate professor of the Northern Forestry University, and he was also an associate professor of the Forestry Department. The youngest genius expert.

He must have known a lot of people and would know a lot of things.

Things like Yan Xiangli's mobilization of work relationships, that is, to hide from us, the leaders above must know about it! "

When Meng Yue heard Shen Mengyin's words, she agreed, "Shen Mengyin is right! It is very likely that Yan Xiangli didn't plan to stay in Saihanba from the beginning, and he might be trying to find a way to mobilize his work relationship at that time!"

"Speaking of this mysterious Director Feng, why do I feel that since we college students went to the dam, he seems to be not very welcome!
Is it true that, as Wu Yansheng said, he wants to drive us college students away, and he alone has the final say in Saihanba Forest Farm? ! "Qin Xuemei remembered what Wu Yansheng said to herself, and suddenly said to the other three girls.

Hearing what Tan Xuemei said, Meng Yue felt very inconceivable, and then said suspiciously, "Director Feng does not interfere with our usual work, nor does he stop him in any way, does he seem to want to drive us away?

I feel more like he is used to being alone and not used to being with us! "

Hearing Meng Yue's words, Tan Xuemei realized that she was thinking too much, and said with a smile, "Meng Yue is right! It's me who overcomplicated things!"

"I don't think you are overcomplicated, but you are influenced by Wu Yansheng!" Meng Yue heard Tan Xuemei's words, and Ji Xiurong looked at each other, and said to Tan Xuemei with a smile and a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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