Chapter 136
Saihanba has finally ushered in the season of afforestation. Every college student on the dam is eager to try, as if as long as they are planted, they will all survive and receive various honorable commendations.

In order to perform well, Wu Yansheng, who was almost disabled, went around on horseback after a few days of recuperation, and tried his best to teach the workers how to plant trees.

It may be the natural blessing of being a college student, and after this injury, he is no longer as arrogant as in the original drama. Wu Yansheng's performance has successfully gained everyone's goodwill and admiration.

The forest farm supports college students a lot. He Fan's group only has 25 temporary workers and staff he knows well, and the rest are assigned to the second group of college students.

It seems that in the Saihanba Forest Farm, both Yu Zhenglai and Qu He have great hopes for this group of college students.

If the college students are successful, they can overthrow He Fan's very difficult full-light seedling cultivation, and can quickly start the construction of mechanical forest farms.

For some people's thoughts, He Fan is really powerless.

The head belongs to someone else, so I really can't control how I think.

After more than ten days of intensive work, all the saplings were finally planted.

Just wait three months for the test results.

However, He Fan's full-light seedling cultivation has long been successful, and five forest farm workers are still left behind in the old camp to take care of the newly planted saplings. He Fan left Saihanba again and returned to the capital.

He Fan didn't want to wait three months in Saihanba, and if he had time, he would spend time with his children. Wouldn't it be better?

Tan Xuemei looked at the back of He Fan leaving, feeling very uncomfortable.

Originally, during this afforestation work, I found many problems, and wanted to find He Fan to ask for advice, but I didn't expect He Fan to ask for leave and return to the capital.

Seeing Tan Xuemei's disappointed expression, Wu Yansheng, who was standing next to him, felt a little apprehensive, and said deliberately to provoke discord, "I don't think Mr. Feng's thoughts are on planting trees. They just planted them here, so he was busy asking for leave and leaving." up!
I think he wants to leave Saihanba even more than Yan Xiangli! "

Hearing what Wu Yansheng said, Tan Xuemei actually agreed with it, but she said, "Don't talk nonsense, no matter what, he is our leader!

Besides, he overcame technical difficulties and made it possible to plant trees in Saihanba!We have to respect! "

Hearing Qin Xuemei's words, Wu Yansheng said dismissively, "That's because at that time, we college students hadn't gone to the dam, so our afforestation will definitely succeed this time!

At that time, let's see how he still brags about his so-called full-light seedling cultivation!

Three months later, when his tricks are exposed, let's see if he still has the face to stay in the Saihanba Forest Farm! "

Back in the capital, seeing Zhong Hui and his mother, He Fan excitedly picked up his three-year-old son Feng Hai.

He Fan kissed his son Feng Hai with his slightly stubbled mouth, making Feng Hai laugh out loud.

Feng Hai, who had some biological relationship with He Fan just now, soon became intimate with the father in front of him.

No matter where He Fan went, the little guy followed behind, fearing that his father who suddenly appeared would suddenly disappear again.

At night, Zhong Hui managed to coax Feng Hai to sleep, and the rest of the time was Zhong Hui and He Fan's two-person world.

"Why do you have time to come back?" Zhong Hui asked softly, lying on He Fan's chest.

"After finishing the work at hand, I think I have enough time, so I will come back to see you!

Now how can I say that I am also a deputy director, and there are not many people who really need me! He Fan explained with a smile after hearing Zhong Hui's question.

"But if you come back from leave so often, will your colleagues have any objections?" Zhong Hui asked with a smile after hearing He Fan's explanation.

"If you have any comments, please keep them! I will come back again when winter comes!

I don't want to have nothing to do there, just suffer there! Thinking of the next plan, He Fan smiled and said to Zhong Hui in his arms.

The courtyard world.

Looking at Lou Xiao'e in front of her, she completely brought herself into the role of the hostess.

In the evening, after get off work, he went back to the courtyard for dinner, put the children to bed after dinner, and then served He Fan desperately.

To be honest, He Fan's life is really good these days.

Although Lou Xiaoe is in her 40s, she is still at an enthusiastic age, and she is more mature than Ah Hong, which made He Fan feel a different feeling.

"My Mr. Lou, Ah Hong called back and said that she will be back tomorrow, you can't do this anymore!" Looking at Lou Xiao'e who was still struggling with his life, He Fan said helplessly.

"It's okay! Ah Hong agreed, she's back, let's go together." Lou Xiao'e heard He Fan's words, but she didn't take it seriously, but said inarticulately.

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's crazy suggestion, He Fan didn't even have to think about it, he would not agree, and then refused, "Lou Xiaoe, your idea is impossible to realize!

I wouldn't do it anyway!

Ah Hong, if she knows it, she knows it, and I will never mess around in front of her! "

Hearing He Fan's refusal, Lou Xiao'e knew that He Fan disliked her proposal, so she said, "Then spend more time with me today!"

Banggeng's recent days are really comfortable, following You Fengxia in a certain province in the northwest every day, eating and drinking non-stop, and finally won the five-star hotel project.

In order to be more realistic, You Fengxia still registered her and Bang Geng's household registrations on Hong Kong Island in advance, and it took a lot of effort to get the Hong Kong Island ID card.

When Bang Geng saw his Hong Kong Island legal ID card, he was so excited that he almost jumped up, and suddenly felt that he was a real Hong Kong businessman Jia Shao, not a small thief in Beijing, Bang Geng!

A tiger head galloped, slowly drove into the alley, and slowly stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

The third master came out in surprise, and just as he was guessing who the big shot was, he saw Bang wearing a suit, black sunglasses on his face, and a pair of black leather shoes getting out of the Mercedes-Benz.

"Oh! Bang Geng, you have made a fortune!" The third master looked at Bang Geng in surprise and said in disbelief.

"Yes! Third Master! I recently made some money on Hong Kong Island!

This is not going to invest in the mainland!
I won't tell you anymore, I'll go home and see my mom and my grandma first! "Bang saw the surprised expression of the third master, and said with a proud smile.

Looking at Bang Geng's back, Third Master Yan Banggui was filled with shock.

Is Hong Kong Island really full of gold?
Sha Zhu made his fortune on Hong Kong Island, and now even Bang Geng has also made his fortune on Hong Kong Island!

This world is too incredible!
The third mother heard the movement, and when she came out, she could only see a handsome figure and a car parked at the gate, then she looked at the stunned third master curiously and asked, "Old Yan, who is this? Such a magnificent figure !"

Hearing the question from the third mother, the third master finally woke up from the shock, and then exaggeratedly said, "You would never have imagined that it is a stick!

The son of Qin Huairu in the middle court is even better! "

Hearing what the third master said, the third mother was also surprised, and sighed in her mouth, "So fast, Bang Geng actually got rich?
You don't even ask what kind of business he does, can you bring us a copy! "

Hearing what the third mother said, the third master Yan Banggui patted his thigh angrily and said, "Hey, I've been calculating all my life, and I actually forgot such an important thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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